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Suspicious Concern - Death Note oneshot


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Title: Suspicious Concern

Author: Dove

Fandom/Original: Death Note (Yotsuba/handcuff arc)

Disclaimer: I don't own or make money from these characters. Written for my personal enjoyment only.

Rating: 14+ for mentions of death

Summary: Matsuda's clumsiness causes L to expose an embarrassing ailment to his first ever friend and main murder suspect.

Authors Notes: In honor of the release of the new L:Change The World live action movie, as well as the finale of the English dub series I decided to try my best at writing a Death Note fetish fanfiction. I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, run on sentences and OOC-ness. I haven't written anything fictional since I graduated college 6 years ago. There might be spoilers for anyone who hasn't watched up to episode 25. Of course this fic takes place during the Yotsuba/handcuff arc. I mean, c'mon, the 2 boys connected 24/7 while in the middle of a heated investigation, the fluff and UST just writes itself! :wacko:

I dedicate this story to Shiny Bug, who's fanfic inspired the idea behind this one.

Also a note to people who are not familiar with the fandom - L is the main character's name, Ryuzaki is his alias that he uses with the Kira Task Force. If you you interested in getting more information on the storyline, there is a pretty good article on Wikipedia. Enjoy!



The sound of the door slamming open against the adjacent wall reverberated throughout the room. Every member of the task force save for L jumped and turned towards the sound. A very red faced, disheveled Matsuda Touta stood in their line of sight.

"I'm sorry, I'm late again! My apologies!" Matsuda bowed as low as he could get while still stumbling towards his desk.

"Matsuda-san," L said while biting down on his thumb and staring at his laptop's screen. "This is the second time in 2 days that you've been late. Is there any particular reason behind your tardiness?"

"Ahh, Ryuzaki, I'm so sorry!" Matsuda yelled, "I just bought this new alarm clock you see, and yesterday I hit the snooze and it didn't turn back on, but this morning I had the volume too low!" Matsuda chuckled nervously as everyone shook their heads.

L reached for another Hello Panda cookie and examined it closely, still refusing to look at the tardy detective. "Matsuda-san, I understand that being on the Kira task force is a huge responsibility, so if you are unable-"

"Not at all Ryuzaki, I'm very dedicated to catching Kira!" Matsuda ran over to L's desk nearly tripping over the chain that connected the detective to his main suspect, 18 year old Yagami Light. "I've just been having trouble with the new alarm, I swear I won't be late again!"

L looked up at the dark haired man with large eyes. "Very well Matsuda-san, please return to your desk and we will begin the-" L cut himself short when a strong fragrance suddenly hit him. "What is that smell?" he asked, sniffing and tilting his head to the side.

The other task force members were already sniffing the air, glancing side to side as if they could pinpoint the smell by sight. Aizawa sighed.

"It doesn't take a genius like Ryuzaki or Light to realize that its Matsuda," he grumbled. "Ugh, what did you do Matsuda, dump an entire bottle of cologne on yourself? That's disgusting!" Aizawa fanned the air around him in order to exaggerate his point.

"Oh...yeah...I was in such a hurry when I realized I was late I started to put some on, but the top flew off and I accidentally poured it all over myself!" Matsuda said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't have time to clean myself off unfortunately..."

Aizawa started screaming something about cleanliness and responsibility while Chief Yagami and Mogi tried to ignore the stench and continue reading the reports of Kira's killings from the day before. Light shook his head and also tried to turn back to his work, but quickly became distracted by the insomniac detective sitting beside him. L had tensed, his head dipped even lower than normal on top of his raised knees. To any outside viewer, this simple act would have gone overlooked, but after a full month of being chained to the man Light had come to notice his rare showings of emotion.

In the midst of the chaos, L was experiencing an internal turmoil - Matsuda's cologne overdose was affecting him past the point of pure annoyance.

L had bad allergies for the majority of his life. Of course being the world's greatest detective and most brilliant deductive mind allowed for several lifestyle perks such as hypoallergenic sheets (when he decided to sleep in a real bed), well ventilated spacey work areas and rarely having to interact with people and environments that weren't to his standards. The Kira case had changed this however, for the first time ever he had allowed his face to be shown to his coworkers, putting his life on the line for the sake of justice.

He considered his allergies to be a nuisance and embarrassment. It wasn't that the Brilliant L would never have shows of weakness and vulnerability around people he considered his subordinates, in fact he used human emotion to his advantage in his investigations. It went beyond that. He had an irrational fear of sneezing around people. He even felt anxious when having a sneezing fit around Watari, his oldest and closest companion. He tried to remain unreadable, an enigma, and when he gave in to his allergies he felt helpless and insecure, a feeling that frustrated his perfect mind.

'Damn,' he thought silently to himself, pulling his knees closer to his body. 'I haven't been affected by this allergy for so long I had almost forgotten I was afflicted. My nose is tickling horribly, there's a 50% chance that this will lead to an embarrassing sneezing fit. 60%...63% - The percentage is rising the longer I sit here. Perhaps I can decrease this possibility if I regulate my breathing.' He tried narrowing the air through his nostrils and mouth, focusing his attention on his breathing pattern and not the teen aged murder suspect who was staring intently at him trying to figure out what was wrong.

'Good, that helps a bit. The chance of an allergic fit has reduced to 40%, but that tickle is still there.' Freeing up the hand not cuffed around the wrist, he pinched his nose discreetly and rubbed gently. Clearing his throat softly he started to reach for a new report when Matsuda decided to take that opportunity to jump for the television remote.

"Hey guys, Sakura TV is broadcasting that new Kira special, we should watch and see if he decides to kill live on the air again!" Matsuda reached in between L and Light to grab the remote, bringing his stifling cologne scent with him. The reaction was instant in L's already tickly nostrils.

'70%...78%...94% -' Holding his breath he jumped from his perch, legs flailing. "Light-kun, please come with me," he quickly mumbled, dragging the taut chained youth behind him, rushing on bare feet to the nearest restroom. "Hey- Ryuzaki!" Light said, trying to get the man to slow down so he could at least get his footing. As the door shut behind them, the remainder of the group turned to stare at Matsuda who simply shrugged and chuckled awkwardly.

L had purposely organized his building in a way that there were men and women's bathrooms, despite the fact that there were only men on the Kira task force. There were several reasons behind this strategy, but his main reasoning was if privacy was necessary he knew with 100% certainty that the well mannered men on this team would never set foot in those bathrooms despite all logical reasoning.

When Light realized what direction they were headed, his deductive mind seemed to put 2 and 2 together. "I knew it!" Light yelled suddenly. "I knew that with all of that sugar that you eat you were going to make yourself sick. Well, Ryuzaki, don't expect me to hold your hair while you're busy throwing up all that cake from this morning. I told you it was too early for cake!" Light continued his chastising, pausing only briefly when he realized they were going into the women's bathroom, his modesty taking over for the briefest of moments.

However when they finally reached their destination, L didn't run to a toilet stall like Light had assumed, but instead hung his head over the nearest sink, one hand holding himself in place, the other apparently pinching his nose shut. Light frowned, confused at his current situation. "Ryuzaki...whats wrong? Are you-" he was cut off when L's breath began to hitch in a frantic fashion.

"Ahh--huh--huhHUH," the detective knew that it was useless trying to stop it, and throwing pride aside he let go of his nose and let the tickle overcome him.

"Huh-uh...Ah-ACHII! HuhACHI! CHH!KCH! ....ahh....huh-HUHCHH!" L rubbed furiously at his nose which was burning with an allergic tickle. "HECHH!" he sneezed uncovered towards the sink covering the side of his face with his hand. He didn't want Light to see him in such a helpless state. "*Sniff* CHOO! ahh-ahh...HUH-CHHI!" The more he sneezed, the worse the tickle seemed to get. Light could do nothing but stare openly, shocked at how forceful L's sneezes were compared to his regular monotone vocal pattern.

"Huh...ahh...ahhAHH...Ahh..." the sneeze was stuck, causing the detective's eyes to tear up. He raised his head up, trying to look at the flourescent bulbs above the mirror to will the sneeze out of his clogged nostrils. He only managed to open his eyes to 10% of their normal size before the sneeze caused his head to jerk downwards. "HUH-CHHA!" That last sneeze seemed to do the trick, for now at least, and the tickle backed off enough for him to take a deep breath through his stuffy nose.

"Light-kun," L said while clearing his throat, sounding congested. "Will you please hand me a napkin." Light wordlessly handed him several sheets from the nearest stack of paper towels, causing the chain to clink loudly in the large, empty bathroom. L grasped it between his thumb and index fingers. "Thank you," he said quietly, blowing his nose as gently as he could trying not to stir up another tickle.

It had been a while since he had experienced this. The last allergy attack he had suffered was a year or so before the Kira case when he had come in contact with a piece of evidence at the scene of a crime in the form of the victim's long haired cat. He had sent a proxy to the scene first, but the man had failed to mention any pets in his report. L had cursed his subordinate to hell before asking Watari to go and get him enough tissues to last the entire day, since taking any sort of pills would reduce his deductive abilities by at least 40%.

"Ryu...zaki, are you okay?" Light managed to ask through his shock. He had never witnessed this kind of emotion from the older man, aside from his reaction to the second Kira's video revealing the existance of Shinigami. Even then he had simply screamed, fallen and then recomposed himself. Now the detective was standing in front of a sink, tears streaming down his face and sniffling miserably into a paper towel. The tousled detective peered at him through teary eyes. "I'm perfectly fine Light-kun, thank you for your concern," he managed to say before taken over by another small fit. "Heh-chh! KCCH! EH-KCH!"

"You're obviously not okay, Ryuzaki! I've never heard you sneeze like that before, I think I would have noticed it in all the time we've been chained together!" Light blinked, finally realizing the real reason behind his sudden ailment. "You're allergic to Matsuda's cologne, aren't you? That's what set this whole thing off." It was a statement more than it was a question.

"...You might be correct in that assumption Light-kun." L admitted. "I suppose given the evidence, and if we take Occam's Razor into consideration..."

"Well, if that is the case, why did we have to come all of the way into the women's bathroom just for you to sneeze?" Light asked irately.

The dark haired man glanced up again at Light, the napkins still pressed against the bottom of his nose. "Is that whats bothering you? Light-kun is embarrassed about being in the girl's bathroom? Because I can guarantee 100% that there are no girls in this building."

"ARGH! That's not the point!" Light yelled.

"Light-k...aCHHI! *sniff* Light-kun yells too much," L said before blowing his nose again, tossing most of the used paper towels into the trash can. "Will Light-kun please hand me some more napkins before he goes off on another pointless tangent?"

"Pointless? I'm concerned Ryuzaki!" Light yelled.

L blinked and turned to his suspect. "...Light-kun is concerned about my well being?"

Light put an uncuffed hand on L's shoulder. "Of course Ryuzaki, that's what friends do for each other, isn't it? What kind of friend would I be if I didn't care about your health?" Light tried his question again. "Why did we have to leave the investigation room so suddenly? I understand that Matsuda-san's cologne was bothering you, but did you really have to pull us both out so violently? Its not like its not socially acceptable to sneeze in front of other people, its a basic bodily function. Its not like you to be shy about such things." Light leaned forward slightly. "You're not embarrassed about it, are you?"

L considered this for a moment. Light had a good point, he had hurried out of the room in a rude and forceful manner. "I suppose in a way I am a bit embarrassed by my allergic fits. Although it is a socially acceptable and excusable bodily function, it would also be inappropriate for me to exhibit such weakness in front of the other members of the task force. I feel so..." he paused his speech. 'Was I really about to admit my weakness to him? He might be Kira for god sakes, the last thing I need is an exploit for him to work off of. ...Wait, what am I saying? Isn't that what I've been doing all along? Provoking him with displays of emotion? Even if he is Kira, there's no harm in him knowing of my allergy. But its also none of his business how much it bothers me. And anyways-'

"Ah-AhCHI!" A sudden sneeze broke him out of his thoughts. Picking up a slightly used napkin he blew his nose again and broke into a small fit of coughing. Light sighed and began rubbing gentle circles over the older man's hunched back. This action relaxed L, but at the same time made him continue wondering what Light's intentions were. 'He can't possibly think that this friendly gesture will convince me that he isn't Kira...it does feel quite nice though...' L quieted his thoughts and concentrated on the soothing hand touching his aching back. He counted the number of clockwise and counterclockwise rotations, coming up with mathematical equations with each full circle. His nose began to tickle again. He started to raise the used napkin up to his face and close his eyes in preparation when he felt Light's hand leave his back.

"Ahh...huh...HUH-HUH!" Just as he felt the sneeze reach its peak, he felt Light press a fresh, folded paper towel against his nose and mouth. Mortified by this action, L quickly snatched it away from Light's hands and bent away from the younger man. "HuhCHII! ACHHO! KSCH! huh...HUHCHI!" He blew his nose, face blushing brightly. When he had composed himself he turned back to the brunette.

"What did you do that for?!" L yelled a little more forcefully than he had wanted. Light blushed and looked away. "I was only trying to help...sorry." L watched the young man for any signs of lying. 'He's not giving away any tells. Is he actually concerned about me? Kira would never...No, this boy is a master of manipulation. But why can't I read him? This ailment must be reducing my deductive abilities.'

"Well...thank you for your help Light-kun. I apologize for yelling, you took me by surprise." L cleared his throat again and dabbed his nose with the napkin. The dark haired man leaned back over the sink suddenly feeling weakened by this whole ordeal. 'Admitting this weakness will not hurt our circumstances.' he thought to himself, 'Perhaps if I open up to him a bit he will let something slip about his knowledge of Kira. ...Am I doing this because of the investigation? Do I really need his affection? I feel so tired...'

L wiped his eyes and turned to his chained suspect. "Would Light-kun mind helping me sit down?" he asked meekly.

Light blinked at his friend's sudden change in attitude. "Sure, Ryuzaki." He reached out for L's hand and carefully helped the man into his crouching position against the bathroom wall. Grabbing a stack of paper towels, he followed L onto the floor, sitting in a more normal fashion.

"Thank you Li..Light-kun," L said sniffling and holding back another sneeze. "I know that we are chained together and therefore you are forced to witness this display against your will, it must be quite uncomfortable for you. I apologize."

Light put his hand back on the detective's shoulder and handed him a fresh napkin. "Its not a big deal Ryuzaki."

"But it is, Light-kun. It is...huh..ahhHUHKSH!" L sniffled and wiped his nose. "Your assumption was correct when you stated that this is an embarrassment for me. I feel quite vulnerable and exposed when I am sneezing. Although it is only for a split second at a time I am not in control of myself. My brain turns off. As a person who was raised with my natural ability to be in control of every situation, it can be very frustrating."

Light took a moment to consider this. He himself had never experienced a severe sneezing fit. While he understood the medical definition of a sneeze, he rarely sneezed even when he was sick with a cold or flu.

"I think I understand what you're saying, Ryuzaki. However, having never experienced it myself, I can't honestly say that I know exactly what you're feeling. But even though you are the top rated detective in the world, you have flaws, you need to accept that you're human. No one can be a God."

L continued to stare at the floor. "Not a God...No one, Light-kun? Not even Kira?"

L was not entirely surprised by the fist that came flying at his face. He blocked it with the side of his arm, but the hit was so hard that it caused him to fall backwards onto his rear end, pulling Light down with him via the chain.

"Damn it Ryuzaki! Why must everything always lead back to Kira? Is this just another one of your traps? Lead me to believe that you're opening up in hopes that I will admit my guilt? How many times do I need to say it? I'm not Kira!!" Light screamed holding L down on the ground.

L was about to respond when his nose became irritated by his labored breathing. "Light-kun, I...ahh...going to...HUH-ahh!" Light let go of the detective, giving him room to twist his body into the fetal position, nose pressed against the sleeve of his white shirt. He stifled three quick sneezes into his sleeve. Whimpering softly, he pulled his knees against his chest, appearing very childlike and sick. Light immediately felt a pang of guilt for having accosted the older man when he knew he was feeling poorly.

Grabbing a clean paper towel he crouched down next to L. Folding it in half, he reached towards L's face, wiping the tears off of his cheeks. L kept his eyes shut, acting like a child throwing a tantrum. Light brought the napkin to L's nose, wiping the irritated area as delicately as he could. Holding it gently against the older detective's nostrils, he quietly said, "Blow." L's eyes flew open.


"L," he said, cutting off whatever excuse the man was about to give him, and using his real name instead of his alias. He said again, "Blow."

L faltered a moment, unsure of how to go about this. Watari had helped him blow his nose when he was a child, so it was not an unfamiliar feeling. 'He'd be willing to go so far...' Closing his eyes, he took in a breath and blew his nose into the tissue that Light was holding. Light expertly handled the tissue, releasing and putting pressure on each nostril until he was satisfied the task was complete. Tossing the used napkin into the trash, he took a clean one and wiped L's nose clean.

"Does that feel better?" he asked.

L only nodded, eyes open in genuine shock from Light's show of affection.

"I have a younger sister you know, I'm well versed in taking care of sick children," Light said with a smirk on his face.

"I'll have you know Light-kun that despite my appearance I am actually several years older than you."

Light laughed. "I figured as much." He held out a hand, helping L back up into his crouching position against the wall.

Light reached out and rubbed L's shoulders trying to relieve some of the pressure. "It is very interesting to see you like this, Ryuzaki. Even in your most vulnerable state you're still thinking about the case." He brought his head down to level eyes with the sniffling detective. "I'm not going to give up on you or Kira. When we catch him, it will be together."

L bit down on his thumb and regarded his suspect carefully. "...Yes, that's true Light-kun. I am also hoping that we will be able to prove your innocence. You're the first friend I've ever had. I...oh...ahh-HUHCHI!" L sneezed sharply into his sleeve while Light laughed quietly and handed him a new tissue and pushed the man's jet black hair out of his eyes.

"Bless you, Ryuzaki," Light said, in accented English. A light blush crossed his face that L found to be very endearing.

"An English sentiment, thank you, Light-kun," L replied, sniffling softly.

Light smirked as he finished straightening the older man's hair. "You sound like you're feeling a little bit better now."

"Yes, the tickle in my nose has decreased by 76% and the congestion has decreased by 65%. I should be better shortly, then we can return to the investigation and hopefully finish the morning briefing."

"But Ryuzaki, Matsuda-san and his odor will still be present in the room."

"...Ahh, I suppose you are correct. This is quite the predicament, what does Light-kun suggest we do?"

"Well, you can either suck it up and finish out the day sneezing your head off, or you can have Watari-san send Matsuda-san home and ventilate the room."

"The latter seems to be the best way of going about this, at least then we'll be able to get some work done with the remainder of the day. I feel we've wasted enough time already." L pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Watari with his index finger.

"Watari, this is...ahh...one se..ahhCHOO!" L sneezed uncovered towards the floor, nearly dropping his phone which was suspended between two fingers. Light reached out quickly and grabbed his shoulders to help the detective steady himself. L nodded his thanks and continued his conversation. "Please excuse me Watari. I'm afraid Matsuda-san's scent has caused me to undergo a small allergic reaction. I'm going to have to ask you to ventilate the room and please ask Matsuda-san to ...huhKSH! *sniff* My apologies. Ask Matsuda-san to please go home and shower himself of that retched stench before he sets foot in my investigation room again....Yes, thank you Watari." He hung up and cleared his throat leaning into Light's arms that were still suspended across his shoulders.

"Watari is going to take care of things. He suggested we stay here until he has finished his task. While I agree that we should not go near Matsuda-san, there is no cake here, so I propose we go to the kitchen. My sneezes have become less frequent, and I'm craving strawberry cheesecake. If that is agreeable with you Light-kun?" L tilted his head slightly and stuck a thumb against his bottom lip. Light smiled at his senior's childish quirk. Holding tight to L, he helped the older man to his feet.

"Of course Ryuzaki, if you feel up to it." L frowned and rubbed the underside of his nose with his sleeve. "Light-kun, I will never be too ill for cake."


Are Seinfeld references out of date yet? :) *Dodges flying fruit* The ending feels a bit rushed to me, but if I felt like I was getting a bit too OOC. I hope you enjoyed this (long) oneshot. If you find any typos, please let me know so I can fix them. Thank you for reading!

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I love this series♥

You'll laugh, but I liked the percentages of sneezing...that is sooo 'L-like' (haha I made up a word)

It was a cute fic I liked it very much, 100% (haha)

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Aww, it was just a oneshot?!

This was so adorable! I just watched L: Change the WorLd as well, and this made me love him more than I already do! Thank you so much for writing this! I hope you do more L torture in the future!

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Guest Hana-chan


Lovely story.

I am a HUGE fan of deathnote, and you seemed to capture their personalities perfectly.

Heehee.... This sounds like so many of the fanfiction based RPs I do, in which L has allergies >.<

Too bad it's a oneshot!

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I'm so glad that you guys all liked it! Thank you to Hana-chan, Natsuhiboshi, lalaland, reggie1, mkool000 and kestrel for being my first reviewers ever!

This was just a one shot that I doubt I could continue, but I hope to write more L torture in the future. As much as I love Light's character, I'm an L fangirl deep down. Funny how we wish the most miserable situations on the ones we love the most. :)

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Awwww allergic L!!!! *drools!!* You're amazing!! I love it! I love how he's somewhat embarrassed and Light has to be there no matter what because of the hand cuffs :stretcher: great situation! Thank you for sharing it!

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WATASHI WA KIRA DESUUUU! Sorry, omg, I love this series soooo much. XD

:wub: Oh my GOD! This was FANTASTIC!!!

Such wonderful writing and I really love the explination with L's allergies and being all embarassed, awwww! :) Hehe, Maaaatsuda~ I can so see all of this happening. You did a great job and now I save it to my computer and read it about a thousand times. :stretcher:

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Haha, Kisa, your reply made me laugh out loud. Poor Matsu, although he's a clumsy fool, hes one of the most important members of the team/plot. Maybe I should try some Matsu wrongness...he'd probably be overdramatic and use it as a way to get out of work or something.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who loves the percentage spouting insomniac in a state of wrongness. I love you guys! Thank you for all of your wonderful comments, they make glad that I posted the story. I was blushing the whole time I was copy/pasting it into the forum thinking that people would make fun of me for it for some reason. Ugh, fetish axiety can be tough. ;)

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Nyahaha! Matsuda wrongness would make me cry of happy in my pants. :lol: Heck, just about any DN character would make me happy! ('Cept for maybe Ryuuk... but we already got that. PLEH. *smack How to Read 13 viciously!*) A friend of mine posted a picture from an artbook with sneezing L, which is here, dunno if you saw, but it's cute and on topic? XD And I had to pull it up to giggle at after reading of course. But then that pic makes me mad because

it always makes me re-think that L would have totally caught cold in *that* episode had he went on.

:) Dangit.

Well, sweetie. I know just what you mean about the posting anxiety, but you are just fantastic with writing and hope you feel more relaxed with it. I'm surely bouncing on my seat to see more from you. :heart:;)

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This was fantastic! Your allergic L was adorable! I hope you write some more lovely stories and post them here. ;)

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Hah! I know right! *Throws her copy of How To Read 13 out the window*. Ryuk has to ruin everything for us :\

I know what you mean about that scene too. If you go to fanfiction.net and search for Desideratum by Serria, its a Death Note fanfic that takes place after that scene where L gets sick. Theres 2 sneezes in it, and he ends up sick in bed for several days. Aside from the obvious though, its really worth the read.

Thank you for the kind words daystar and chancy, I'm glad you liked it. :D

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I love Death Note! Great job on this and you really captured everyone's personalities perfectly! *hopes there's more to come*

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Ahh, this was fabulous! I haven't been able to go on this forum for a while now, since my laptop's been dead, and this was a wonderful thing to come back to! I'd been hoping someone would write DN fic here for ages. The whole thing was so well-written, I can very well imagine L being embarrassed about loss of control and weakness. Conversely, I can easily imagine him being blatant and disgusting about it. This was very well-written, good job!

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oooh...this was soo yummy!

:o ive never seen DeathNote, but i think i must now... *runs off into the night to find it*

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I'm so glad that you guys all liked it! Thank you to Hana-chan, Natsuhiboshi, lalaland, reggie1, mkool000 and kestrel for being my first reviewers ever!

This was just a one shot that I doubt I could continue, but I hope to write more L torture in the future. As much as I love Light's character, I'm an L fangirl deep down. Funny how we wish the most miserable situations on the ones we love the most. :twisted:

More DN fics? :blushing::drool: YESSSS ><

I love L, too! (who doesn't?)

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Kyaaaaaa! That was adorable! Since I got into this forum I didn't think I'd be able to read fics about characters I respect because I thought it would be too embarrassing, especially when it's caused by allergies, because I just find that really embarrassing, but I'm REALLY glad I gave this fic a try because I loved it! I love the L and Raito interactions! Those two are so cute together, whether it's in a romantic relationship or as friends! (though I'll admit I hold a slight preference to the first ~<3) You've also inspired me to try finishing the Death Note Fic I started before I became too embarrassed to use characters I liked :) . All in all wonderful fic and by the way, I see you're validating so, welcome to the forum! I know I haven't been here much longer than you, so I'm not really in a position to welcome you into the forum, but I will anyway!

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Thank you DaBigOne, Natto, Chui and PetalsAndThorns! I'm glad you guys all liked it. :D

Yeah, I never really posted much before, I'm more of a lurker. You know, one of those annoying ones who never contribute and leech off of the good hard working members of the forum. :blink:

I've actually started another fic...this one focuses mainly on B (character from the novel) and L but it includes L, B, Matt and Mello in a state of wrongness. I don't know if it will turn out any good, but if it does I'll post it.

Thanks again to everyone for commenting, it really makes me feel special. :lol:

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Guest Hana-chan


All the orphanage kids together...

I officially love you.


But seriously, thank you so much for this fic and ones in the future!!!


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  • 5 weeks later...

BWAHAHAHA, Light is SUCH a nag, and Matsuda is to blame for all! :D Brilliant.

And all the sweetness and arguing and all. :lol: Man, you make me want to re-watch this. These boys are soooo cute! Awwwwwwwww for eternity. :blushing: I really need to find something warm and fluffy to cuddle now.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 years later...

I know this is 11 years late but I absolutely LOVED THIS! L is so adorable, and Light caretaking? YES, just YES. Thank you so much for this!

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