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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Longest Day - (6 Parts)


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rlygny, this is just wonderful! I'm sorry that there won't be more coming; I'll just have to "write" it myself in my imagination.


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I read all the parts yesterday and finished the last one today.

When I first saw it was about Snape I almost skipped it, as it really is a hard job to write anything about him and keep the character right.

I'm very glad I didn't, because you really did a great job with this, and I enjoyed every minute of it!

This is so well written and the character is so RIGHT. A real pleasure.

I look forward to reading more things from you. ;)

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Thank you everyone! I'm so pleased to know you're reading and enjoying my story! *is pleased*

To The Sneezster: There is definitely more on the way! I have two additional chapters written and another outlined, but before I can finish them, I have two languishing WIPs and a collaboration piece to complete. The next update might take a while...

And Wilytox, thank you so much! I always appreciate hearing feedback about my characterization of Snape. I write Snape fic because I've found so few that I enjoy reading. Writers tend to either understand his character or miss the mark completely; it's nice to know which side I fall on. ;)

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Yum! Thannks for the update! ;):unsure:

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  • 1 month later...

An update, at long last. First I had to finish my contribution to a story collaboration (which, incidentally, won a Dobby Award at harrypotterfanfiction.com *golf clap* No sneezing in it, though.) Then I had a rabid plot bunny munch on my leg and I've written a nearly-completed Snily sneeze fic as a result. I'm also trying like mad to finish a long-neglected WIP at fanfiction.net, but this particular little story won't seem to leave me alone. There are two more sections after this; eventually the female protagonist ends up with the cold and Snape betrays his complete inability to act nurturing. Go figure. I hope you enjoy...please let me know if you do. I crave the attention.

Same old disclaimer. I own nothing. My favorite Potions Master is a sick and vulnerable one. I'll take good care of him.

"Of course there are other ways," she said, her mind quickly running through the possibilities. "A stretcher?"

"Only if I were unconscious," he said.

"Which you nearly are," she reminded him. "I could levitate you."

He didn't bother replying, lifting his head only long enough to give her a withering glance.

"Or not," she said. "Rollerskates? I did get top marks in Transfiguration."

"If you could be quiet and give me a moment to rest, we'll walk back."

She cleared the snow from where he was sitting and attempted a warming charm which did little to alleviate his near-constant shivering.

"Would you please stop fluttering around?" he asked through clenched teeth.

She stood as close to him as she could, doing her best to shield him from the brisk wind without adding further to his irritation. She was so intent on standing guard she only noticed it was snowing when she saw the first soft flakes beginning to collect on his cloak.

"Severus?" she said. "We should start back now."

He looked up at her, appearing a bit dazed as he squinted at her through the veil of falling snow. She hated to disturb him. Even in the short time he had been sitting down, some color had returned to his face, but it was beginning to snow steadily and visibility would soon worsen - best to get him inside as quickly as possible.

"Come on," she said, extending a hand to him. "Up you get."

Without a word, he grasped her hand and struggled to his feet, needing to lean against her as they began to make their way towards the castle. It was hard going with the wind against them, whipping snow into their faces. There were several moments when he faltered and she was afraid he wouldn't be able to continue, but each time he gathered his inner resources and kept going. The walk was becoming increasingly difficult for him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as their pace began to slow.

When they finally reached the main entrance, she peered cautiously into the hall to ensure there were no students lurking about. It was Saturday and bitterly cold in the castle and it was predictably deserted. She motioned him inside and as the heavy doors closed behind them, shutting out the howling wind, he slumped against the wall, eyes closed.

"We're almost there," she prodded gently. She knew if he didn't keep moving, he would end up puddled in a heap on the floor. He nodded and pushed himself away, stumbling slightly as they made their way towards the stairs leading to their dungeon rooms.

Once inside the room, she helped him shrug out of his cloak. She attempted to hang it up, but its sodden heavy weight caused it to slide from the hook to the floor. She didn't bother picking it up, all of her attention focused on him. She guided him to his chair, quickly had a fire burning and summoned a towel and a blanket from the next room. As he waited, he was sitting uncomfortably at the edge of the seat, curled tightly into himself, taking no notice of anything happening around him. Shudders were coursing through his body, his hair was straggling damply against his face and he looked as miserable as she could ever remember seeing him.

She stood in front of him and began gently toweling off his hair. Even the heavy cloak and hood hadn't prevented the wind from blowing snow directly down his collar and his hair was soaked. He didn't protest, instead resting his head wearily against her stomach as she reached around to dry the longer sections at the nape of his neck. Without warning, he gripped her tightly around the waist, bracing himself against her as he began to cough. As the harsh coughing fit continued unabated, she could do nothing but trail her fingers along his back gently, trying to comfort him, wincing at the harsh rattling sound of his breathing.

As the paroxysm passed, she eased herself down into the chair next to him, where he had collapsed against one wing of the chair. She took a handkerchief from her pocket and gently cleaned his face. He made a movement as if to prevent her, but hadn't the strength to

"I'm sorry," he said weakly, when she had finished. He was unable to meet her eyes and she wasn't sure if the flush on his cheeks was from fever or embarrassment..

"Don't be silly," she said, kissing him on the forehead. His skin was hot and dry and the touch of her lips provoked an answering deep shudder.

"I don't know what to do for you," she said, unable to keep the worry from her voice. "How can I make you feel better?"

He had no answer for her. He only sighed and nestled his head against her shoulder, his eyes already heavy-lidded..

She edged farther into the depths of the chair, settling him next to her and drawing the blanket up to cover them both. She sat quietly, listening to his breathing deepen and slow, until finally she drifted off as well.


"What do you think you're doing?"

She heard the irritated query nearby, and half-awakened, momentarily disoriented until she recognized his dark eyes glaring at her from a distance of just a few inches. He extricated himself irritably and then stood too quickly, staggering against a nearby table.

"What were you thinking?" he grumbled after he regained his balance. "Both of us squeezed into a chair next to the fire and covered with a blanket." He ran his hands through his hair from front to back and made a noise of disgust. "I'm drenched," he complained, narrowing his eyes at her.

She sat still for a moment, trying to gather her muddled thoughts. His fever must have broken while they slept. She consulted the clock on the mantelpiece. It had been nearly three hours since they had returned. No wonder she felt so stiff and achy...and cranky. She was suddenly fed up with his tetchiness and foul temper and was in no mood to try to defend her actions. Why exactly was he blaming her? She had dealt with his irritability through the entire course of his illness, he had refused to listen to her and had now made himself worse thanks to sheer stubborness. It wasn't her fault at all. She remained tight-lipped and silent as she gathered the blanket and lowered the fire.

"I suppose I should go clean up," he said, his expression petulant as he watched her move about the room briskly, anger giving her renewed energy.

"I don't care what you do," she told him with uncharacteristic spite. She regretted it immediately, especially when she recognized the faint flicker of hurt that crossed his face, but she was feeling stubborn enough to not let him off the hook just yet.

"Very well," he said, crossing to the lavatory. "Do let me know when you decide you can be civil again."

"Don't hold your breath, Severus," she muttered as he shut the door firmly, very much upon his dignity. She was feeling uncomfortably warm and sweaty herself and decided she would change robes. Maybe it would improve her disposition, although that seemed a long shot at the moment.


He emerged after his shower appearing a bit chastened and even made a half-hearted attempt at an apology but she ignored him. The steamy water had apparently improved his symptoms and his disposition, but she wasn't in the mood to forgive him just yet. They passed the rest of the afternoon in a tense silence. She would glance over occasionally to find him staring at her, an uncertain look on his face, but still she said nothing. She didn't know why she was being so hard on him but couldn't bring herself to unbend enough to speak to him.

Later, as they sat at the supper table together, she noted that the positive effects of his shower had long since dissipated. He sat slumped, supporting his head with one hand as he picked at his meal with the other. His face appeared white and strained when she chanced a look at him, and a racking cough would seize him at intervals, leaving him a bit breathless whenever it passed.

He finally gave up the pretense of eating and rose without a word, heading towards the small davenport across the room. He was sitting with his back to her, writing with his head bent low over the desktop. She often teased him about his apparent need for glasses, but she knew he leaned close to his work out of a need to concentrate utterly and shut out any distractions. She smiled to herself, feeling a sudden surge of affection for him as she took in his appearance: As a concession to comfort, he was wearing his favorite, if slightly moth-eaten sweater, his most comfortable trousers and a pair of thick, woolen socks. She was curious about what he was working on - he wasn't muttering to himself, so he obviously wasn't marking student essays -but she knew better than to approach him while he was so preoccupied.

She cleared the table and then settled herself near the fire with a cup of tea and a book. The silence in the room was punctuated by the scratching of the quill against parchment and his occasional sniffling, which was growing more regular, and to her ears, more irritating. Just when she was about to ask him to please blow his nose, he sneezed suddenly and leaped backwards from the desk, trying to avoid the spreading dark puddle of ink from the overturned inkwell. She heard him murmur a cleansing charm and her eyebrows shot up in surprise when nothing happened. The ink began to drip off the edge of the desk and she set her book aside and came to stand behind him. He gave her a rather irritated glance over his shoulder and tried again, this time staggering a bit from the effort of casting the cleansing spell. Without a word to her, he stalked into their bed chamber, stumbling into the door frame on his way.

After she had cleaned most of the mess and tucked his writing things back into the drawer, she heard a low, guttural moan from the darkened chamber and she rushed in to find him sitting on the edge of the bed, his head clutched in his hands. He looked up at her haggardly at she approached him.

"Headache?" she asked softly.

He nodded, unable to speak. She had seen this happen once before, following another unusually taxing day when his strength had been completely depleted. He had described the resultant symptoms as akin to a wicked hangover, except at that time he hadn't been fighting off a virus simultaneously. He must feel considerably worse, but there was little she could do other than ensure he had absolute quiet and a cool, dark room in which to recover. She extinguished the candle on the bedside table and lowered the flames in the grate.

"Lie back," she told him, supporting him around the shoulders and helping ease him down. She placed her hand alongside his cheek, which was cool and slightly clammy. He no longer had a fever; he just needed to rest. His hand came up to grasp hers and she stiffened slightly in surprise.

"So you're speaking to me now?" he asked.

"Only because you're nearly unconscious."

Despite his obvious discomfort, he laughed quietly and said, "One of the many reasons why I love y--" but his sentence was interrupted as he inhaled sharply and pulled his hands from her grasp, cupping them over his mouth and nose to catch a half-stifled, congested-sounding sneeze. His head fell back to the pillow and he sighed wearily.

He almost never spoke of his feelings for her, not even in a perfunctory manner, and this was as close to an outright declaration as she had heard in years; further proof of how low his defenses were at the moment.

"Tsk," she chided. "Why don't you try to sleep before you say something you'll end up regretting?"

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YAY! Another chapter. Great update. I'm kind of sad that this story will be ending shortly, but I am curious about the Snily fic that you mentioned. Any chance of seeing that posted?

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YAY! Another chapter. Great update. I'm kind of sad that this story will be ending shortly, but I am curious about the Snily fic that you mentioned. Any chance of seeing that posted?

Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying the story! Nothing motivates me to write quite as much as a little feedback. To be honest, I'm hesitant to post the Snily fic I've been working on; I'm finding that interest in the HP fandom is beginning to wane. When it's completed, I will most likely post it at my writing journal and I'll give you the link, if you'd like. Thanks for asking!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

oooh... now this was wonderful... she's being a bit feisty with him now... *what i wouldnt give to be able to curl up in a chair by the fire with Snape*

i really do love your writing style....

and of course, i would love to read the Snily fic too!!!! :twisted:

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Thanks for letting me know you're enjoying the story! Nothing motivates me to write quite as much as a little feedback. To be honest, I'm hesitant to post the Snily fic I've been working on; I'm finding that interest in the HP fandom is beginning to wane. When it's completed, I will most likely post it at my writing journal and I'll give you the link, if you'd like. Thanks for asking!!

Do you really think the HP fandom is beginning to wane? I'm not so sure about that. In fact, ffnet is still going pretty strong. However, you'll notice that the hype will pick up when the new movie comes out (eventually).

Anyways, I just read parts of your Snily fic on the yahoo group, and I thought that it was very good. I would have replied to your post there, but unfortunatly, my membership has been pending for a while. And, until the powers that be accept me, I can not post.

Keep up the good work!

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Do you really think the HP fandom is beginning to wane? I'm not so sure about that. In fact, ffnet is still going pretty strong. However, you'll notice that the hype will pick up when the new movie comes out (eventually).

I really think it is, and I base that in part on what's happening at Perfect Imagination. I've been an accredited beta reader for over two years and just recently P.I. expanded its services to include other fandoms because the HP requests were beginning to taper off. I beta read in the HP fandom exclusively and I've gone from having writers on a waiting list to receiving a new assignment maybe every two or three months. It could be that former HP fans are maturing and the younger fan fic writers are more into Twilight or anime, I don't know. But you're right, there may be an upsurge next summer when the next movie comes out and there will always be a core group of diehard HP fans....like me. :-D

Anyways, I just read parts of your Snily fic on the yahoo group, and I thought that it was very good. I would have replied to your post there, but unfortunatly, my membership has been pending for a while. And, until the powers that be accept me, I can not post.

Oh, I'm so pleased you read the Snily fic! I'll be posting more of it tonight and I hope you enjoy the next chapters. Thanks for letting me know!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ohhhh. This is fantastic! I rarely read het Snape fic (I'm more of a Snarry girl, myself :chickawow: ) but this has been absolutely wonderful.

I love, love, loved it. The quality of the narrative was fabulous, as was the characterization (Snape is spot on and the woman's personality, while not specific enough to definitely indicate any certain character (though I have my guess :blink: ), is consistent and interesting.) Thanks so much for posting this! I can't wait for the next chapter.

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Ohhhh. This is fantastic! I rarely read het Snape fic (I'm more of a Snarry girl, myself :laugh: ) but this has been absolutely wonderful.

I love, love, loved it. The quality of the narrative was fabulous, as was the characterization (Snape is spot on and the woman's personality, while not specific enough to definitely indicate any certain character (though I have my guess :lmfao: ), is consistent and interesting.) Thanks so much for posting this! I can't wait for the next chapter.

Megan, thank you so much for letting me know you've enjoyed it so far! I love getting feedback on my stories! *happy dance* You've made my weekend! I'm so happy a Snarry fan likes my het fic. That's awesome.

I had honestly forgotten about this story because I'm waist deep in two other fics at the moment, but now I may have to dust off the next chapter and figure out where it's going. :yes:

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  • 6 months later...

OMG this is fucking FANTASTIC. I never saw it before (lurking spell and all) but really...!

You write a MOST delightfully in-character Snape here, mmmmmmm. :) And I'm always such a sucker for hurt/comfort stories, especially with a bit of conflict worked in as you have so skilfully done... Plus, your female character is wonderful. She deals with poor Severus so sensibly. They are a lovely lovely snarky-ass pair :)

Just wanted to tell you that I utterly enjoyed reading this beautiful story! :)

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  • 3 months later...

1) I know I'm a year late.

2) I love this story and can't wait to read more.

3) I know this won't make much sense, but you write him the way I imagine James Madison would be. (This is a compliment... an odd one, but a compliment)

Unicornpearlz (also known as ~dragonpearlz on fanfiction.net)

Disclaimer: These brilliant characters are not mine; I just like to take them out and play with them occasionally. I'll be gentle.

Summmary: When Snape comes down with a cold, it promises to be a long day for everyone.

Authors Notes: Just a few comments before you scroll down to read: (1) I do not write traditional sneeze fics and I do not phonetically spell out any sneezing that occurs. We all find different types of sneezes attractive, so feel free to use your imagination. (2) My stories involve caretaking and H/C, so don't expect huge, random fits that aren't applicable to the story. (3) This is NOT my first story, so feel free to rip me to shreds; I can take it.

This story is very AU, set well after the events of Deathly Hallows. The OC is left deliberately vague. Feel free to imagine any canon character in her place, or put yourself in there, if you prefer! ;) Both his cold and his level of snarkiness progress in later chapters; this is only the beginning.

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  • 5 years later...

I know that this is incredibly old and that the last reply was six years ago, but...wow. This was incredible. You are a beautiful writer. Snape was completely in character, and the OC was wonderfully (as somebody already put it) unobtrusive and didn't sound forced or annoying. Great job!!!!!!!!!!

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