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D Gray Man Fic


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I don't know if anyone here has watched D Gray Man, but I've just seen a few episodes, and dear Allen is just begging for some sneezy torture :twisted: Oh well. Lenalee's there as a consolation, so anyway...

I don't own D Gray Man :cry:

Lenalee gave a contented sigh as she strolled through the empty corridor. It was rare to have a quiet, peaceful day when one was an exorcist working for the Black Order. Today, however, seemed to be an exception. No akuma to hunt down. No problems from the Millenium Earl or the Noah’s. Not even one of her brother Komui’s giant robots wreaking havoc (although, come to think of it, she had seen him sneaking around a lot lately. Hopefully he wasn’t planning on building another Komurin). The dark-haired exorcist smiled peacefully. A nice, quiet day.

Of course, it was too good to last.

The sound of frantic footsteps and terrified whimpering caught her attention. A few seconds later, Allen Walker skidded round the corner, panting, his face bearing an expression of pure terror. Lenalee frowned slightly. Allen was meant to be away on a mission. He must have just returned. Judging by the water dripping from his clothes, he hadn’t had much time to dry off after being in the rain outside. The white-haired boy continued his frantic sprint, acknowledging Lenalee with a mere nod. Well, that was strange. Allen was always so polite. She grabbed his sleeve as he hurried by.

“Allen! What’s wrong?” She asked. Up close, she could see that Allen was pale, shivering and sniffling.

“Lenalee!” His frightened grey eyes fixed on her, pleadingly. “It’s Komui. On the mission, I hurt my arm. It’s nothing bad,” he held up his red anti-akuma arm, revealing that the wound in question was little more than a deep scratch. “But he still wants to fix it! Can you hide me? He has the drill, and… and…” He broke off, his nose twitching slightly. His eyes teared up as he rubbed at it frantically, but to no avail. He drew a deep breath and hastily pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.

“Hih-tshuu! Ih-shuu! Hih-shuu!”

“Bless you.” Said Lenalee as Allen turned away, apologising and giving his nose a quick blow. She couldn’t help but smile inwardly. Allen sneezed exactly as she imagined he would; quiet, polite and adorable. “You have a cold, don’t you?” She reached out and rested a hand on his forehead, and his cheeks turned a shade of pink that had nothing to do with fever. Before he could reply, the sound of more footsteps and the buzzing of a drill became audible. Komui was approaching. Lenalee grabbed Allen’s hand and dragged him towards a broom closet.

“Quick! I’ll hide you if you’ll promise to go straight to bed once he’s gone. Got it?”

“Yes! Thanks, Lenalee!”

The two exorcists huddled into the closet, each very aware of the other’s closeness, as well as the approaching footsteps. The buzzing of the drill ceased as Komui slowed, finding that his patient had escaped. In the closet, Allen found that his nose had begun to run profusely. He sniffled, and the sound was a great deal louder than he had hoped. Lenalee swung around sharply and elbowed him in the ribs, a finger pressed to her lips. Allen nodded apologetically, and turned to the door again, waiting. He hoped Komui would give up soon. He was beginning to shiver badly, and could feel the beginning of a headache. After a few moments, his nose began to drip again, but he fought the temptation to sniff. Feeling an increasing wetness against his upper lip, he fumbled again for his handkerchief. As he did so, his elbow collided with a mop, which fell forward. Lenalee gasped silently and grabbed it before it could make a sound, but in doing so, she shook loose a great deal of dust right into poor Allen’s face.

Allen felt the effects immediately. A vague tickle had been lingering in the back of his nose since he had dived into the cupboard, but up until now he had ignored it. Now, however, the cloud of dust which he had just inhaled intensified the tickle drastically. He breathed through his mouth. When that didn’t work, he held his breath. He scrubbed frantically at his nose, and only succeeded in worsening the situation. It was no good. Once he needed to sneeze, there was no stopping it. And right now, Allen knew he was on the edge of a fit. His small, slightly snubbed nose crinkled and tears clung to his lashes. Finally giving up, he gave a convulsive gasp as the sneeze took control.

“Hah… Hahh… HKTCH!” At the last moment, he felt a pair of dainty, cool fingers pinch his nose shut. The resultant sneeze was stifled and painful, but mercifully, silent. The tickle refused to abate. Through teary eyes, Allen saw Lenalee still pinching his nose, pointing at the door and mouthing the words “Still there!”. His abused nose burned, and he felt another sneeze coming. His face burning with unimaginable embarrassment, he tried to pull away. Lenalee, however, seemed to have guessed that his sneezing wasn’t going to die down. Keeping her fingers clamped over his nose, she took his handkerchief from him and, with astounding speed, removed her fingers and pressed the wad of cloth over his nose and mouth, effectively blocking off all air.

Allen sneezed and sneezed, his body jerking with each spasm. Each sneeze was stifled into complete silence by the handkerchief which Lenalee kept clamped over his face. His nose stung and the ache in his head was becoming unbearable, but finally, the sneezes ceased. He pulled away from Lenalee, taking the now sodden handkerchief from her. He wanted nothing more than to crawl away and die in mortification when he saw her wipe her hand on her coat. Rather than looking offended or repulsed, however, Lenalee took a clean handkerchief from her own pocket and pressed in into his hand. Apparently mistaking his blush for a sign of fever, she pressed a hand to his forehead and frowned.

Outside, they could still hear Komui looking for Allen. Surely he would give up soon? His voice drifted through the corridor.

“Allen? Where did you go? I have to fix your arm! It won’t hurt, I promise!”

Allen shivered and wiped his nose with the fresh handkerchief. He frowned. Lenalee’s idea of forcing him to stifle may have silenced his sneezes, but it had trapped the irritants inside his already tender nose. He could have ignored the tickle, albeit with some difficulty, had it not been for one thing: the handkerchief Lenalee had given him was perfumed. His nose had taken enough torture. He couldn’t fight it this time.

Lenalee heard a quiet whimper from Allen, and turned to find him in the last stages of pre-sneeze torture. His eyes were squeezed shut and watering. His mouth had gone slack. His reddened nostrils quivered. Her mind raced. Allen was sick, and in no condition to endure Komui’s surgery. She needed to silence him quickly. Unsure of what else to do, she leaned towards him and pressed her lips to his.

All thought of sneezing vanished from Allen’s mind. He went blank, lost in the feeling of Lenalee’s lips on his. His temperature soared, and it had nothing to do with his cold. Lenalee’s hand brushed his cheek, then traced the pentacle-shaped curse scar over his eye, making it tingle pleasantly. From there, she moved on to comb her fingers through his hair, while her other hand pressed into his chest, against his pounding heart.

Lenalee wanted to stay like this forever, but Komui’s receding footsteps reminded her why they were here in the first place. Allen needed to get to bed, and soon. And after all, she thought, grinning, there was no reason she couldn’t go with him. Purely as a nurse, of course.

Pulling away reluctantly, she found Allen gazing at her in a mixture of shock and adoration, looking vulnerable and adorable. Unable to resist, she leaned in again and kissed him, this time very gently on his poor tortured nose.

Bad move. The gentle touch reminded Allen of why she had kissed him in the first place. And this time, there was no time for anything to be done.

“HAH-TCHUU!” He’d never sneezed so loudly in his life. He stumbled forward into Lenalee, clutching her for support.

“HEH-TSHUU!” He lurched forward again, accidentally pulling her jacket askew.

“HAHH… HAA-ESHUUU!!” The pair of them fell into a pile of cleaning supplies, Allen landing roughly on top of Lenalee. The resultant cloud of dust made him sneeze even louder and harder, completely helpless as he ruined any chance they may have had of escaping detection.

The door jerked open. Komui stared down at the scene before him. Allen and his dear sister Lenalee. Together. In a broom closet. Lenalee’s jacket half pulled off. Allen holding her down, his face flushed and sweaty. Komui’s over-exaggerated brotherly instincts rose. All thoughts of fixing Allen vanished, replaced by a savage desire to maim and destroy him instead.

Allen Walker was going to die.

Lenalee dragged Allen to his feet and shoved the still sneezing exorcist past Komui.

“Run, Allen! Run!” She shrieked. And run Allen did, with Komui hot on his tail, murderous screams ringing in the air.


Lenalee sighed as she ran after the pair. Komui apparently needed a kick to the head, and Allen needed to be tucked away in his bed. She grinned evilly.

His or hers. Whichever came first!

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Omigosh... whimpering and twitchiness and - and handkerchiefs and :omg:

Allen felt the effects immediately. A vague tickle had been lingering in the back of his nose since he had dived into the cupboard, but up until now he had ignored it. Now, however, the cloud of dust which he had just inhaled intensified the tickle drastically. He breathed through his mouth. When that didn’t work, he held his breath. He scrubbed frantically at his nose, and only succeeded in worsening the situation. It was no good. Once he needed to sneeze, there was no stopping it. And right now, Allen knew he was on the edge of a fit. His small, slightly snubbed nose crinkled and tears clung to his lashes. Finally giving up, he gave a convulsive gasp as the sneeze took control.

That's just so... :twisted: gah, I fail at words! :boom: And at the end? With the progressive loudness? Oh. My. God.


R.I.P. Mew

Cause of death: overdose of wrong

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Aww that was so cute! I haven't had a chance to read D Gray Man yet, but your story was wonderful all the same! :)

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Allen Walker was going to die.

Lenalee dragged Allen to his feet and shoved the still sneezing exorcist past Komui.

“Run, Allen! Run!” She shrieked. And run Allen did, with Komui hot on his tail, murderous screams ringing in the air.


Lenalee sighed as she ran after the pair. Komui apparently needed a kick to the head, and Allen needed to be tucked away in his bed. She grinned evilly.

His or hers. Whichever came first!

hahaha! That end was actually my favorite part :notworthy: Aaaaah I can just picture it! Go Allen Go!

A sneezy Allen is just sooo yummy! I'd also love a sneezy Kanda or Lavi too :drool:

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  • 7 months later...

OMG this is SOOOO amazing!!! ive read it tons of times before actually becoming a member. ^^ did you recently edit it? the kiss part?

the way you portray the characters is so cute and perfect!! i finished the whole anime :P

but you. are. amazing. PLZ more??? :P

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I read this before but I didn't realize I had forgotten to comment! This was so cute and what's not to love about Allen sneezing while hiding. Excellent job.

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  • 10 months later...

This story is the reason I started reading D.Gray-Man! Not to mention, it's too cute! Can't than you enough for writing, D.Gray-Man is my favorite series now. Mmm, so good to read this again... :evilmage:

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I don't know this fandom, but people trying desperately not to sneeze and even being helped by others to keep from sneezing, and then sneezing anyway in the end, all the more massively for having fought it? So hot! :boom:

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  • 5 years later...

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