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Society for the Protection of Hermione Granger - (2 Parts)


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Enjoy! Feedback and suggestions for new fics/scenarios are always welcome!!

Hermione carefully crossed out another line on the parchment. It was nearly midnight and she was still awake, sitting at the kitchen table, drafting another copy of the treatise on Elfish Welfare for work. Ron had gone to bed nearly an hour ago, leaving her alone downstairs to work. They’d been married almost five months now, and it was still thrilling and strange to be able to climb into bed at night beside him.

Except, tonight, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to get to bed anytime soon. The ink lines blurred a little as she stared at the paper. She’d felt a bit off all day and now that she was beginning to tire, she felt herself growing weaker. Her nose ran a little down her lip and she sniffed wetly, sighing in frustration. She didn’t need to get sick now! It was already a busy week and getting sick was just going to put her behind.

Her breath caught in her throat as a tickle grew in her nose. She pressed an ink-stained hand to it and sneezed delicately, “estschoo!” Waving her wand, she sent a fresh handkerchief flying across the house from her pocketbook in the front hallway. She unfolded the soft linen cloth, careful not to get ink on its lace edges, and blew her nose with a soft, wet honk.

The pressure in her sinuses made the room spin for a moment. She put a hand to her forehead, resting her elbows on the table. She felt warm. Maybe it was better to go up to bed now and finish the paper in the morning. Leaving the parchment and ink sitting out, she gathered up her handkerchief and went upstairs to the bedroom.

She slipped inside, the tip of her wand casting a gentle glow as she made her way over to her closet, careful not to wake Ron. She found her nightgown and grabbed it, heading back out to the bathroom, where she set her wand on the counter and changed into her pajamas. The thin cotton nightdress clung to her curves and she smiled at herself in the mirror. Ron had told her once that it was his favorite thing she owned. She didn’t understand how a simple white nightshirt made her sexy, but he liked it and it made her feel good. Shaking out her hair, she shivered a little. The house was warm, but she felt a little feverish and goose-bumps prickled up her bare arms. She grabbed her handkerchief as she felt another sneeze build up.

“Hetschoo!” she sneezed loudly into the cloth. Her throat burned and she coughed a few times into her fist. Moaning weakly, she turned off the bathroom light and stumbled to the bedroom, eager to get some rest.

She crept inside and curled up under the sheets next to Ron, setting the alarm clock for an early hour so she’d have time to finish her paper. Breathing congestedly through her nose, she finally fell into a fitful sleep.

When she woke to the alarm, she didn’t feel as if she’d slept at all. She waved her wand, turning the alarm off, and then doubled over, coughing. Her nose was blocked solid and she could barely catch her breath. Ron rolled over sleepily beside her and opened his eyes.

“You sound bloody awful,” he mumbled. He sided over and wrapped his arms around her waist from his lounging position in bed.

“I need to go get some work done…ehh….etschoo!”

She sneezed delicately at the end of her sentence, not reaching her hankie in time and sending the sneezing spraying across the room.

“You’re not going to work,” said Ron, now more awake and sitting up. He tugged on Hermione’s hand and she lay back down beside him in defeat.

“You’re too warm,” he said, rubbing his hand across her neck. “And you can barely breathe. Today isn’t a day for politics.”

“I promised I’d have the treaty in,” she said breathlessly, leaning into his touch and trying to ignore the pounding in her sinuses.

“Well, they’ll have to wait,” he said. He pulled her so she lay against him, her head resting on his chest. She coughed harshly, her breath hot against his tee-shirt.

“Shh,” he soothed, rubbing her back.

“Ron,” she protested, trying to sit up. “I have to! I said that it’d be done by…hehh….heatschoo!”

She sneezed wetly, turning away just in time. She sniffed heavily and sighed.

“Just let me go downstairs and write it,” she said. “I’ll owl it in and then I’ll come back to bed.”

“Okay,” he said, helping her sit up. “I’ll make you some tea while you work.”

He gathered Hermione’s dressing gown from the closet and helped her put it on.

“No use in you getting sicker going around half-dressed,” he said, as he searched for her slippers. He settled on a thick pair of Mrs. Weasley’s homemade socks and pulled them on Hermione’s feet.

“Alright,” he said, pulling her into a hug. “Let’s go.”

They went downstairs together, and Hermione sat at the table, bathed in early morning light.

“Earl Grey or Herbal?” Ron asked, opening the pantry and scanning the tea tins.

“Herbal,” Hermione replied, wiping her running nose. “With honey.”

“I’ll owl out for some Pepper-Up,” said Ron, putting the kettle on. “We don’t have any. I used the last when I had that headache.”

Hermione replied with a feminine “atschoo!” as she lifted her quill just in time to prevent an ink-stain.

Ron looked over at her sympathetically.

“You sound awful,” he repeated.

“Ron, I need to write this,” she said congestedly. “If you let me be for an hour, I’ll be fine.”

He went back to fixing the tea. Hermione stared at the parchment, trying to concentrate. Her chest felt tight and she turned, suppressing a few coughs into the crook of her arm. The exertion from the coughs made her nose run and she sniffled wetly, dabbing at her noise with the hankie. The area around the base of her nostrils was quickly becoming irritated and her handkerchief was rapidly getting wet with congestion. She performed a cleaning spell on it and continued to wipe. She could barely get a sentence written without a cough or sneeze in between.

Ron set a cup of tea down beside her and kissed the top of her head.

“I’ll be in the den if you need me,” he said.

She sniffed and nodded.

She could hear the soft sound of the wireless playing coming from the living room and Ron’s gentle humming along with it. She concentrated back on her paper. What did that 1832 legislation say about Elfish rights again? She flipped through her notebook. A wave of dizziness washed over her, and she leaned her head heavily on one palm. She felt feverish and sluggish. Her nose tickled wildly and she clamped her handkerchief to her face once again, covering a fit of wet, spraying sneezes.

“Etschoo! Atschoo! Hetschoo! Hehhh….Hetschoo! Hetcshooooo!”

Her nose was now streaming freely and she wiped at it again. It burned angry red and she winced as she tried to blow it. Her chest ached and she coughed hoarsely.

Ron came out from the den and grabbed her quill.

“Alright,” he said. “That’s that. You need to be in bed.”

“Ron,” she groaned. “I need to finish this.

“Nope,” he said. “Forget Elvish Welfare. I’m from SPOHG. Society for the Protection of Hermione Granger, and I say you are off to bed.”

She didn’t protest. Instead, she leaned heavily into her husband as he helped her back upstairs.

“Stay with me?” she asked, as he pulled down the sheets for her to climb in. Ron obliged and tucked himself under the quilts with her. He wrapped his arms around her and slowly rubbed circles across her back until her breathing became even and she lay, snoring slightly with congestion, in his arms.

He kissed her forehead and slipped out from beside her in bed, going downstairs to write a letter to her office. He knew they wouldn’t be mad. If Hermione the workaholic didn’t feel well enough to come in, it must be serious. With the letter sent, he pulled out another piece of parchment and addressed it to his mother.

“Mum,” it read. “One, could you write your recipe for chicken soup down? And two, is it easy enough for me to manage?”

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omg!!! this was like the cutest thing ever! :)

SPOHG! thats just a great idea! and Ron owling his mum at the end! *priceless*

i loved every inch of this!! GREAT JOB!!!

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That is so cool. How do I "owl" something?

Does it have to be at night..................cos.....y' know.....owls don't go out during the day. :):innocent:

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This is beautiful! :cheers: (sniff) This has potential for a second part. You should write one... but if you don't want to, I'll gladly write one. I always wanted to write a Hermione fic. My Sergio Garcia ficlet looks like crap compared to your writing, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

great story!! I love hermione stories! :( And yes very cute too. Any thoughts about continuing it or writing another Hermione Granger story? I know some of us would enjoy it. Again, very nice story. I like the hanky use. And the sneezes...very nice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Society for the Protection of Hermione Granger- Part 2

By Dusty15

PART ONE CAN BE FOUND HERE: http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/in...showtopic=28511

When Hermione woke again, it was already beginning to get dark outside again. She sat up with a jolt, her heart racing. The treaty! She hadn’t finished it!

She swung her legs out of bed and stood up. Swaying on the spot, she clutched the edge of the mattress for support and doubled over, coughing. Footsteps thundered down the hall and Ron poked his head in the door.

“What are you doing out of bed?” he asked, rushing to her side.

“The treaty,” she gasped between coughs. “I was going to finish it after my nap and then…”

“I owled them already,” Ron soothed. “Your boss said it can wait until next week.”

Hermione leaned against him heavily, sighing in relief.

“I’m sorry,” she said wearily. “I just woke up and the last thing I remembered was you lying here with me and I didn’t think they knew.”

“I took care of it,” Ron said, pulling the blankets on the bed down and helping Hermione back under the sheets. He piled the pillows behind her so she was propped up.

“You’re amazing,” she said, giving him a little smile. “I’m sorry I fretted about it.”

“Well, you’re usually the one looking out for me,” Ron said, kissing her forehead. “Oy, you’re warm.”

He sat on the edge of the bed and smoothed back her hair. She sniffed heavily and sneezed a delicate “Hehhh-etschoo!” into the crook of her arm. Ron retrieved her handkerchief from the bedside table and carefully dabbed at her running nose.

“Your nose looks so sore,” he said sympathetically.

Hermione nodded, wincing as he wiped the angry red nostrils.

“The Pepper-Up arrived, but it looks like you need something stronger,” he said. “How about you take a dose and I’ll go get some more medicines?”

“Okay,” she said hoarsely. “I’m a bit hungry. Could you grab some curry takeaway or something?”

“I’ve got something better,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.

“You cooked?!” she exclaimed.

Ron shrugged.

“Well, no. I thought about it. But I got something. I’ll bring it up when I get back.”

He left her with steaming ears after a dose of Pepper-Up had been administered. Kissing her on the cheek, he turned on the spot and Apparated to Diagon Alley.

The Apothecary on Dragon Street was relatively empty except for a red-eyed, sniffling young man at the counter who was waiting on an allergy tonic. As Ron approached, he recognized the man as Oliver Wood, the former Gryffindor Quiddich captain.

“Cheers, Oliver,” he said as sided up to the counter,

“Ron!” Oliver exclaimed, turning to shake the other man’s hand. “Good to see you, mate.”

He turned away, his mouth hanging open for a moment, and he sneezed a spraying “Atchhh-choooo!” into his shoulder.

“Sorry!” he said with a great sniff. “Bloody allergies are driving me nuts. Ran out of tonic for them this morning.”

“I was going to say,” Ron exclaimed. “I never saw you this bad out on the pitch.”

“Ay,” Oliver said. “Usually I have them under control. Thank goodness for the wonders of potions. Speaking of, what brings you here?”

“Hermione’s a bit under the weather,” Ron explained. “She’s got a ruddy awful cold.”

“Aww,” Oliver said. “Send her my love. She’s a good girl. You’re a lucky man, Weasley.”

Ron smiled.

“I am. Any recommendations for a good cold potion? I’m rubbish with things like this.”

“The ‘Harring’s Heal-All Balm’ did wonders for a bad chest cold I had last winter,” Oliver said. “You can put it on your nose and lips if they’re dry, or on your chest to help you breathe.”

“Brilliant,” said Ron. “That’s just what I’m looking for.”

He purchased the balm, some ‘No-Sneeze, No-Wheeze’ potion, and, on a whim inspired by wanted to pamper Hermione, some lavender bath oil and a fresh silk handkerchief.

He shook hands with Oliver, wishing him well, and then Apparated home.

Down in the kitchen, he re-heated a pot of his mum’s soup she’d sent over upon receiving Ron’s request for her recipe.

“Nothing beats the real thing,” her note read. “Don’t waste time cooking your own, and spend time with Hermione instead. All my love, Mum.”

Balancing the bag of potions and the bowl of soup, he made his way back upstairs and into the bedroom.

“One bowl of Weasley family chicken soup and one bag of healing products, courtesy of yours truly,” he announced, setting the bundles down on the nightstand.

“You’re a dear,” Hermione said, taking the bowl from him. “Or should I say, your mum is a dear.”

He chuckled and passed her a napkin.

“Careful, it’s hot.”

She sipped the soup delicately as he sat at her side.

“I got some bath balm,” he said, reaching into the bag and retrieving the bottle. “Do you want a hot bath? It might help your congestion.”

She smiled warmly.

“Oh Ron, that’d be lovely.”

“Righto then,” he said. “Stay here and finish your soup, and I’ll draw the bath.”

He left her in bed and went to the bathroom, fiddling with the taps until he found the perfect temperature. Letting the basin fill, he drizzled a bit of the lavender oil into the running water and soon the room was filled with a gentle, fragrant scent.

Hermione reached the door just as he stood to go fetch her.

“Excellent timing,” he said, taking her hand and leading her inside, shutting the door behind them to prevent the steam from escaping. He brushed a hand across her cheek, pushing away a stray hair. She snuggled against him and he kissed the top of her head.

“Will you join me?” she asked, gesturing to the bath.

“Sure,” he said, unbuckling his trousers and letting them drop to the floor. Once he stood in just his pants, he reached for her nightshirt and pulled it over her head. Kicking off his shorts, he climbed into the tub and reached for Hermione, helping her settle in with him. They both lay back in the warm water, her sitting between his legs and leaning back against his chest. He stroked her damp hair and cradled her head.

She sneezed softly a few times, the spray mixing with the steamy air and disappearing. Ron scooped up some warm water and ran it along her neck, massaging at her muscles and willing her to relax. She coughed heavily into a fit, her chest constricting and trembling, her petite breasts quivering under the water.

Ron reached for the bag of supplies he’d brought along to the bathroom and retrieved the “No-Sneeze, No-Wheeze” balm. Scooping a bit into one hand, he massaged it on to the top of Hermione’s chest where it peeped out above the water line. Quickly, a thick menthol vapor rose and her breathing evened a little. She collapsed heavily against him, her eyes weary with fever. Rolling over in the tub, she curled up on her side and rested her cheek on his chest. He rubbed circles on her back, murmuring softly.

The lavender and menthol were doing their job. She soon became relaxed and her breathing was finally calm.

“You should get back to bed before the water cools and you catch a chill,” he said, shifting her body so he could get out of the tub. “Let me dry off and I’ll get you next.”

Once he had his clothes back on, he held out a towel for Hermione and wrapped her in it, holding her close and performing drying charms to aid the process. Once she was warm and dry again, he helped her back into her nightgown and back into bed.

With the top of her nightgown unbuttoned, he rubbed more balm onto her chest and a little around her flaming red nostrils. The new silk hankie took over in dabbing and soothing her nose as she sneezed a few more harsh sneezes “estchoo! Astschoo!

“Ron,” she said miserably, her nose running down her lip. “Stay with me?”

His heart ached for her. He nodded and climbed into bed beside her.

“Of course,” he said, reaching out and pulling her close. She nestled into his chest and soon fell fast asleep as he stroked her hair.

When they both woke again, it was late in the evening. The balm seemed to have done the trick, as Hermione’s cold was much improved.

“Your hair smells like lavender,” Ron commented as they lay in bed, relaxing.

“Thanks to that wonderful bath,” she said, kissing his cheek.


“I’ve got an idea!” she said, tugging playfully at Ron’s ear. “What about another bath? Now that I’m more awake?”

Ron grinned.

“I think that sounds like a good idea, indeed!”

Edited by Dusty15
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ooh this is so cute! i was hoping you'd write another part to it, and you never cease to amaze!

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  • 16 years later...

D’awww. Love this!!! Hoping for a part three, but no pressure! And adding Oliver Wood was a great touch, too!!

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