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When It Rains It Meows - (5 Parts)


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*is glomped*

Psh, you know I'm not nearly as awesome as you. =D

May I pet the little troublemaking pile of kittyfur?

Edited by kittentissues
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Psh.... no way hon, you are by far the awesomer!!!

and of course you may pet the troublemaker... he is a darling isn't he?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

wow... it really has been forever since i worked on this... i hope to be able to finish it soon...

part 5: Cupid's Revenge

Were he not so concerned with how adorable Greta looked with the faintest flush creeping across her cheeks, Cloud might have noticed the small red terror creeping steadily closer. Were Greta not so concerned with how adorable Cloud looked with the pepper forming a new smattering of pale freckles across his nose, she might have noticed how the kitten sunk his tiny claws into the towel hanging from the drawer. Either of them might have noticed the kitten slinking across the cabinet, or crouching down with a soft, yet immensely terrifying growl, had they not been so concerned with each other. Unfortunately, the forces governing the success of this date had quite a sense of humor, and weren't done yet, so neither of them saw a thing, until Reno perched on the very edge of the cabinet, prepared to spring at the opportune moment.

In her obliviousness, Greta turned once more to the pot of sauce, and with only a few lingering tingles, managed to survey the damage with only a soft "Hitchu!" "Bless," Cloud chuckled, stepping closer to peer over into it. There was enough of the filmy black powder coating the sauce to make it close to inedible, but perhaps it could be skimmed off. After all, it hand't been stirred into the pot. Some tiny spark of hope lit in Greta's eyes as she began to plan a mission of her own. Operation: Date Salvage.

She looked up at Cloud with the faintest hint of that hope shining forth, and he smiled, reaching out to brush off a last lingering dust. "I'm sure we'll make..." his statement and gesture were both cut short by a flying bundle of evil hellbent on his personal destruction. Reno landed on him, claws bared and flailing, scratching a path up his arm and over to his chest. A perfectly sculpted chest that just happened to NOT be protected by leather. As those kitty-claws sunk in, he yelped and backed up reflexively, setting into motion something almost too comical to be believed.

His sensitive nostrils, already aggravated, began to flare, and he clamped a hand over them. His other hand tried desperately to fend off his minute attacker without harming it. And somehow, in the midst of a rising fit, both his elbows managed to remove the problem of too much pepper in the sauce.

"Ngtch! Nktch! Ngtx!" The soft stifles were almost completely disguised by the splashing of sauce, the clattering of the pan as it hit the floor and the furious wails of the kitten as it lost its grip and was deposited unceremoniously into the mess.

Reno darted off, trailing hot marinara sauce throughout the house, with Greta chasing after him, while Cloud clutched at the nearest roll of paper towels, hoping to find some way of staving off the rest of the fit. All in all, it was turning out to be a great night.

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Ooh, chui, this is fabulous!! Forever certainly produced a very well written update :P Keep it up!! :D

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Awesomeness, chui! I reread the whole thing, of course, and loved it all over again. You do such great work. ;) Keep it up, hon, and we shall shower you with appreciation and chocolate sauce! (which is, I believe in my biased opinion, better than marinara)

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chui - your writing as always is such a pleasure to read. i love the way you add sneezing to the story line without it seeming like its the only reason for the story. stifled male sneezes = ;) thanks so much for keeping up this little saga!

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:lol: awww.... thank you all so much... im glad you are enjoying it! i'll get right on that next part <_<
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  • 6 months later...

Glad you linked to this one, chui! Love, love love!!! Like I said somewhere else, I don't know these boys...but they're hot. :hug: And the writing is superb!

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I am definitely enjoying how they are both plagued with sneezy noses, and am really looking forward to them coming together to ... ahem ... comfort each other. :drool:

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:drool: :drool: :D:wub:

Rescue, Zane: :dead: thank you! :cryhappy:

Nic, they are both from the Final Fantasy VII game/saga. I totally adore the games and the movie, and of course all the yummyness that some incredibly talented writers like Aku and DojiChick/FlyingNinja come up with! (if you like *my* writing, you simply HAVE to see Doji's. she knocks FFVII waaaaaaay out of the fetishy-hot-ballpark!)

Star, there shall DEFINITELY be coming together... just as soon as i sit on my muse long enough to make him talk!

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  • 1 month later...

SOOOOOO GOOD! I haven't read this in a while so I decided to read both parts Raining cats and kittens and when it rains it meows. and OMG! I forgot how good this was! :innocent: I love :D it! I so hope there's more. :twisted::D I love sneezy Cloud! :hug: whahahahahaha!!!! lol. anyway....... :rolleyes: thanks so much for the AMAZING stories! :laugh:

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