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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hide and sneeze (M/Dr.Frank) - (2 Parts)


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Title: Hide and sneeze

Author: Prisma

Fandom: Rocky Horror picture show

Disclaimer: I dont own Rocky horror Richard O'Brian does

Summary: Frank is sick just before the annual Transylvanian convention and tries to hide it.

Notes. So here is my fan fiction on rocky . I really love rocky horror and I hope you like it. I really hope this will inspire some people to write other fan fics about Rocky as I have been waitng NINE( Count em) years for someone to write me a fic.

I love feed back. That's it I guess. Enjoy!

It was the day before the annual Transylvania connection. Columbia had spent the night in Franks room where they had made love until dawn

" good morning"

Frank greeted Colombia with a small kiss on the cheek .Columbia giggled Franks spirits were always much improved when the date of the convention was near.

" good morning to you"

Columbia returned the gesture with a full passionate kiss on the lips. She pulled away and sighed blissfully.

"So whats on the agenda today? Columbia asked coming back to reality. Frank had plans to go shopping for a new outfit. Columbia asked if she could come along and frank agreed. I mean she could always could carry his packages.

It was a gorgeous winters day. There was freshly fallen snow everywhere and the sun was shining brightly. It was just breath taking. Freezing and cold but beautiful just the same. Columbia got dressed in her warmest clothes , a parka, mittens ,boots, earmuffs plus a hat. The works!

When she saw Frank her jaw dropped : Frank stood there in a corset , a g- string , stockings ,platform shoes......and ...that....was ....it! "Frank where is your coat or your boots?"

"well a coat just wouldn't go with this outfit and boots would be simply atrocious!"

"what about your cape?" She protested.

" It's at the dry cleaners. Riff is to retrieve it for me for the convention tomorrow"

" But it's the coldest day of the whole year. You'll catch pneumonia!" Frank just rolled his eyes " Are we going?"

They arrived at their desired location. It took Columbia a while to realized that frank was usually quiet. I mean here they were in Frank's favourite boutique but Frank didn't seem to be enjoying himself at all.

" What's wrong?"


" Frankie your shivering" Columbia touched him gently

" I told you nothing is wrong....I'm just a little cold" he said quietly " It seems as if I am not in the mood to go shopping after all" He glared at Columbia as if to dare her to say ' I told you so'

"let go home then" She said simply

When they arrived home Franks teeth were chattering and he was shivering even more visibly

"Are you ok?" Columbia asked

"Y- yes f - f - fine" He stuttered. She eyed him skeptically "I'll get us some hot chocolate" Frank could only nod. He headed toward the Zen Room But Frank was obviously not fine even after drinking the hot coco he was still shaking. Columbia brought down a blanket from upstairs and draped it around his shoulders. She lit a fire in the fire place. After awhile he started to feel warm again and the day went on ,Frank resuming his usual dominant disposition.

After a long day of work preparing for the convention Columbia spent the night in Franks bed again. She didn't' get much sleep that night though due to his tossing and turning all night. She tried moving more to her side of the bed but it was no use Frank still manged to kick her every few moments. She didn't dare wake him up so she just dealt with it as best as she could. At about 4am she finally fell asleep. At around 6am Frank awoke. He obviously hadn't slept well. Every muscle seemed to ache and when he rose to go to the bathroom he almost fell over from a violent dizzy spell. Luckily he grabbed the bed post for support

He entered the bathroom and turned on the light. He suddenly felt an itch in the back of his nose. He rubbed his nose which only seem to irritated it more and soon the itch developed into a tickling sensation.. He sniffed lightly , tentatively. And then it snuck up on him. All at once he inhaled deeply. He took a large intake of breath , his eyes squinting shut.


He grabbed wildly for the tissues and snatched one out of the box just in time for another "KEHchEOww!!!!" He sneezed loudly.

He peeked from behind the door to see if he had woken Columbia. She moaned and stirred but did not wake up

Frank noticed with dismay that in addition to his body aches his head throbbed horribly. Frank placed his hand at his temple. Rubbing it softly. He winced in pain. "Ow" He breathed.

Columbia's prediction had come true. Frank Hated being wrong but even more then that he hated being sick

Edited by Lynne
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Hahahaha! You've pretty much tapped into yet another of my perversions here :drool:. I am absolutely loving this. Can't wait for more of the wrongness.

Edited by Mistress Quickly
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Hi Ok Thank you high on lullabies but I still dont know to update the topic in title bar.

Here is the next part


Frank sniffled. He glanced In the mirror and the sight he saw, to the say the least, did not please him. His eyes were red and puffy and there were dark circles beneath. His hair was dishevelled and uncombed his nose too was red and running slightly at the moment. He sniffed a few more times , grabbed some more tissues and tried to blow his nose as quietly as possible. Frank cringed he hated blowing his nose and found it quite undignified. He causally tossed the tissues in the garbage and left the bathroom to find Columbia sitting up in bed.

Frank swallowed he was going to have to speak and made a silent plea his voice didn't betray him " Good morning" he said hoarsely trying to sound cheerful. Columbia watched him a look of concern washed over her features. She sighed "Frankie you sound awful"

"Excuse me?" Frank said with as much attitude as he could muster despite the fact that he felt like hell. He coughed and cleared his throat and realized that it along everything else felt scratchy and irritated

"it's clear your sick"

"Its clear your out of your mind. I feel perfectly fine Columbia. Now if I have your permission I am going back to sleep"

Columbia knew he was lying . She could plainly see Frank was sick. It was written all over his fever dazed eyes and flushed cheeks. Frank crawled into bed beside Columbia and she and could actually feel the heat of his temperature radiating off his body. " Don't you have things to do? The convention is tonight"

Frank's mind desperately searched for an excuse to explain his uncharacteristic behaviour.

"That is exactly why I must get my beauty rest" He said finally. Frank had resolved to make sure no one found out he was sick. Columbia agreed he should get rest ( though not for aesthetic purposes)and left the room.

Frank was glad for some time alone. He honestly did not feel up to company but he truly did want to attend the convention. He decided he would sleep for a few hours and prayed he would be feeling better when he woke up

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to change the title of your post, simply edit the original post. If you still can't edit the title, you'll have to ask one of the staff to do it for you.

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  • 4 years later...

Ok this is for hails and LocaLocaBoka. You guys inspire ME.

So this was written way back in the 90s so I was much younger then. Just sayin! Anyway...................

Part 3

It was not easy but after wrapping his forzen body in blankets and laying there miserably for god knows how long he slipped into slumber land. When he awoke a few hours later he found himself socked in perspiration. Almost immediately he threw back the covers only to find he was shivering uncontrollably without them. His face felt hot and his ears were ringing slightly. He coughed and noted that his headache had worsened much like his sore throat. All desire to go the convention had left in that moment! All Frank wanted to do know was to curl up into a ball and sleep off his cold. Despite this though he had not forgotten his resolution : If he were to sleep all day and hiss the convention everyone would know he was sick. Frank groaned and very carefully got up from his bed. He went into the bathroom and looked in the medicine cabinet. "Shit!" Frank swore under his breath. They were all out of cold medicine. Frank sighed and realized he would have to grin and bare it. He grabbed a tissue blew his nose nosily and went upstairs to the lab. There he saw Columbia , Magenta and Riff Raff. They all stopped and stared at him wide eyed in disbelief. They had never seen Frank so ungroomed. "What are you all staring at?" Frank questioned menacingly.

"Nothing." They all said in perfect unison.

"Good! Now we have much to do today , so get to work!" Frank demanded. Magenta went to the kitchen to prepare the feast for that night. Riff grabbed a broom and began sweeping the floor. Columbia and Frank hung decorations.

During the day whenever Frank had to cough , sneeze blow his nose or had any other symptom that reveal his true condition he duked into another room. As the day wore on he felt worse and worse. He ached all over and was overwhelming exhausted and weak. When all the chores were done for the day Frank went to his bedroom to get ready. He entered his bedroom and crossed to his Enormous walk in closet. There was absolutely nothing that wasn't revealing. Frank felt chilled all over but finally he settled on a wine coloured corset with matching accessories accented in black crystals. This included long opera length gloves which would at least keep his arms warm.

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*claps and jumps in the air like a three year old girl who just got a huge portion of ice cream*

Yay, part three! I have read the first two parts before, didn't reply because my mother entered the room. :lol:

Thank you million times. *blows you a kiss*

P.S. You said Magenta went to prepare the feast? I don't know why, but your stories always make me hungry...

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AAAAHH!! Thank you! Thank you thank you!! Oh, you've made my day! This is so beautiful! Ohhhh...:drools:

Love, :heart: H

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