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Twilight's Frost (part 3 up..kinda short) - (3 Parts)


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ok, this is a Zelda fic im working on with Dragondust, which is our first fic....centered on the characters Link and Midna, set during the game Twilight Princess. im writting Midna's part, and Dragondust is writting Link's....and basically the fic is about Link with a cold. :wacko: enjoy!

It was a brisk and windy day at Ordon Village. Business was conducted almost as usual, but given that Hyrule Castle town was still under the veil of Twilight, things were not entirely the same as usual. Sera had been having trouble with sales, so she had resigned herself to looking after her cat for the most part, which seriously annoyed her husband. In the meantime, everyone else was just enjoying life as they always did. That is, most of them. Link was a lot less active than usual. The weather was not being nice to him...Ilia seemed to notice this, so she went an extra mile every day to be nice to him. He had already freed Kakariko from the Twilight, but for now the danger seemed to have ebbed a bit. So he spent his time here, helping with chores and doing the herding work as usual.

Yet he always had a new companion with him, a small twili imp named midna. she usually found ways to pass time by nagging him about the ever-spreading twilight, and poking at him to do things to help her in his world. The tiny imp enjoyed accompanying him wherever he went, although she missed being back in the realm of twilight. Yet Link meant something to her...it seemed the more time she spent with the warrior the more attached to him she became. Besides...she wasnt that familiar with many of the people link associated with in the small town either, so she had no problem with staying by his side all the time.

Midna was a strange creature...he had first met here when he assumed his Twilight form, a wolf...she helped him escape, and for that, he was grateful. Midna wasn't to hard too get along with. It seemed she had her own reasons for helping him, which Link could not fully understand or comprehend...she seemed to keep those types of things to herself. Their quest for the Fused Shadows was on hiatus for the time being, as he enjoyed (at least to the largest possible extent) his time home. He felt sick, thugh...which brought things down quite a bit.

Midna had noticed Link wasnt his usual self lately, and didnt have as much energy as he normally did. She watched him carefully for a bit, since she wasnt quite sure what was wrong with him. The sky was starting to fill with silver grey clouds, and the air was starting to get cooler as she spent time with him outside in the village. She floated down next to his shoulder as he walked and then sat down by the edge of the stream. "Hey, whats been the matter with you, lately? You've been acting strange the past few days..." She said as she pulled on his ear a bit.

"Sick. I think." Link replied. The air in front of him seemed to be hazy, but he knew it was just his condition getting to him. He stared at the water for a while, sniffling and looking miserable. Great time to be sick, he thought. The world was being consumed by Twilight and he was freaking SICK in the middle of all of it. "mmm....hhhiiHSH!! *sniff* blech. I hate this." Link said, somewhat annoyed. His green cap fell down on his face, which he roughly pushed back. Maybe some training or something would get him back in a better mood, get his blood pumping. Maybe. These low temperatures weren't exactly ideal, but he could find a way around it. He had a lantern, so maybe a fire would help him out. Midna couldn't exactly tell what he was thinking, as he absentmindedly tossed stones.

She giggled a bit when his hat fell in his face as he sneezed, and kept watching him as he threw stones into the lake. "Awe...thats too bad...isnt it? Maybe you should rest for a few days..I wouldnt wait too long though...who would handle the twilight if you werent fighting it?" Midna gave him a questioning look as she poked his cheek hard, and then smirked at him cutely. The lake was starting to freeze a bit at the edge, and as Midna was watching it flow calmly by, she noticed a snowflake falling in front of her face. She looked up at the sky to see that more and more were slowly starting to fall like little white feathers of ice. "Well, if you ARE sick you might as well be inside somewhere.....wouldnt want to get worse, would you, my little elf?" She told him as a snow flake fell on his nose.

"nnn..IISSHH!!..mm *sniff* no, I guess not. But if I DO stay inside, that lazy Fado is gonna have to tend to the goat herding all by himself, and I KNOW he isn't up to that. *sniff* bluh. A nice fire and some soup would be nice, though..." said Link, looking at his little treehouse fondly. It was nice and warm in there, too. All his errands and things could wait, for now. But just in case, he would have his sword and shield ready at all times, in case the Twili beasts came after him or the village.


Edited by Jenova
Link to comment

Aww... :shocking: I love these two... This is sweet! Take the bag off your head, dragondust, you can't write more like that! :dribble:

Oh dear. I hope he doesn't need to fight while sneezing... :shifty:

Link to comment

ok, here's the second bit that me and dragondust have just finished. hope you like it! :omg:

(part 2)

Midna kept watching the snow fall lightly into the lake as a soft breeze picked up. "Ah..don't worry about him..he should be able to handle it for one day, shouldn't he? Besides...he's the one who should be responsible for doing that anyway. And what's more, you have the twilight to worry about fighting off..wouldn't you say that that's more important anyway?" She looked over at him and waited to see what he would do next, as she leaned back a bit in midair, allowing the cool snow to fall on her face.

"The Twilight..." Link thought aloud. What did she know about the Twilight? Was there something else to fear from it? The people affected by it...were basically lost souls, until he came along. But what else was Twilight capable of? What kind of perversions could it etch into the brain of another person? He didn't know...but honestly, he felt better working with Midna, her resolve was something to be admired. "Yeah, I guess you're right," he admitted. "I've got a lot of work to do! Maybe I should get some training done before I sleep tonight." He got up and started to walk back towards his house but was interrupted by a crawling feeling in the back of his throat.

Link rubbed his nose, as the sensation made its way there. He hitched once, a barely audible "ehh" and covered his mouth with his right hand. He turned and sneezed once, "Hii-IISHH!!" and sniffled miserably. Stupid cold...he then proceeded to go into a bout of coughing which prompted him to lean down and grab some snow and swallow it. It felt real good going down his throat, easing the soreness that had only started to bother him. He sighed in relief, and started to walk back to his little tree house to retrieve his sword.

Midna drifted along next to Link as they walked through the village to get back to his place. When they reached the short pathway that cut through the woods, she noticed that the ground was starting to accumulate a small layer of dusty snow. "You gonna go inside and get some rest now? I honestly don't see why you insist on pushing yourself, which is only gonna make you feel worse, ya know." She told him as she flew by his side.

"I wasn't planning on resting just yet," Link replied. "I was going to practice my swordplay a little, and maybe take Epona out for a little bit." He thought a little training woud be good for him, maybe make him feel a little better. Afterwards, he would go inside and get some sleep. He was contemplating having a bite to eat as well when Ilia came up to him from the pathway to the rest of the village and waved. "Hi. I heard you were feeling a little under the weather, so I brought you something..." and she held out out a pie. "It's pumpkin! I hope you like it." Link couldn't help smiling.

Midna put a tiny hand on Link's shoulder as she watched the girl. "who's this? you never told me you had a girlfreind..." She said while she smirked at Link who was starting to turn a bit pink.

Link ignored her, instead thanking Ilia, taking the pie, and leaning back against his treehouse. After Ilia left, Link gave Midna a sharp look and said "She's my friend, okay? And be quiet around her, if anyone finds out there's a Twili in the village, I don't imagine they'd take well to it."

"You worry too much you know that? She's never seen a twili before so i doubt she'd recognize one either. Now can we go inside? It's freezing out here..."Midna started shivering a bit as she held onto Link's arm for a second to try and warm herself up.

"Just be careful okay?" Link said softly. I don't want you getting h-ehh..hh-IISHHuh!! *sniff* hurt...or anything." He took the pie and put it under his arm as he made his way up, and quickly went inside once he reached the entrance, Midna following. He set the pie down and climbed up to where his bed was, and lay back on the bed. He sighed, and took his cap off. It was nice being warm...he'd changed his mind about training, that could wait. For now, rest. He had to get over being sick, and what better way to do that then relaxing and getting lots of sleep? His cold interrupted him, as another sneeze started to well up. He covered his mouth again, letting out a short "Hehsshh!!" followed by another, louder "hhh-hh-eh-HHSSHHih!!" which jolted him forward a bit. "Mm...*sniff*"

As Midna went inside, she looked around the interior of his house. She had been there a few times before, since she was spending so much time with him lately..and she didn't want to leave him anytime soon either. She looked over at Link as he kept sneezing all over himself and sighed a bit. "Will you get in bed already? The sooner you get over this cold the better...and the sooner we'll be able to take the throne away from Zant." Midna flew over to him, and sat on his bed to watch him for a minute.

Link nodded slowly, getting under the covers and laying his head against the pillow. "Goodnight then" he said drowsily. He slowly drifted away as his fatigue washed over him and pretty soon, he was asleep. Midna looked at him for a moment before joining him.


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Guest No More Lies

AW. Very sweet 'fic there, you two. I approve. :yes: I haven't played Twilight Princess yet, but I can't imagine Link is much different than he is in the other games. Cute as a button, that one. :D

Link to comment

Bravisimo, this was well written (as if that is not evident). I applaud you both, you took a well loved character and gave us another reason to love him :(. You also have me thinking about writing stories again, which, to get my lazy self to write a story is a notable feat . Jenova, and Dragondust, keep writing, I look forward to the next part/bit of fiction you two cook up.

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Guest Capt. Dread
ok, this is a Zelda fic im working on with Dragondust, which is our first fic....centered on the characters Link and Midna, set during the game Twilight Princess. im writting Midna's part, and Dragondust is writting Link's....and basically the fic is about Link with a cold. :laugh: enjoy!

It was a brisk and windy day at Ordon Village. Business was conducted almost as usual, but given that Hyrule Castle town was still under the veil of Twilight, things were not entirely the same as usual. Sera had been having trouble with sales, so she had resigned herself to looking after her cat for the most part, which seriously annoyed her husband. In the meantime, everyone else was just enjoying life as they always did. That is, most of them. Link was a lot less active than usual. The weather was not being nice to him...Ilia seemed to notice this, so she went an extra mile every day to be nice to him. He had already freed Kakariko from the Twilight, but for now the danger seemed to have ebbed a bit. So he spent his time here, helping with chores and doing the herding work as usual.

Yet he always had a new companion with him, a small twili imp named midna. she usually found ways to pass time by nagging him about the ever-spreading twilight, and poking at him to do things to help her in his world. The tiny imp enjoyed accompanying him wherever he went, although she missed being back in the realm of twilight. Yet Link meant something to her...it seemed the more time she spent with the warrior the more attached to him she became. Besides...she wasnt that familiar with many of the people link associated with in the small town either, so she had no problem with staying by his side all the time.

Midna was a strange creature...he had first met here when he assumed his Twilight form, a wolf...she helped him escape, and for that, he was grateful. Midna wasn't to hard too get along with. It seemed she had her own reasons for helping him, which Link could not fully understand or comprehend...she seemed to keep those types of things to herself. Their quest for the Fused Shadows was on hiatus for the time being, as he enjoyed (at least to the largest possible extent) his time home. He felt sick, thugh...which brought things down quite a bit.

Midna had noticed Link wasnt his usual self lately, and didnt have as much energy as he normally did. She watched him carefully for a bit, since she wasnt quite sure what was wrong with him. The sky was starting to fill with silver grey clouds, and the air was starting to get cooler as she spent time with him outside in the village. She floated down next to his shoulder as he walked and then sat down by the edge of the stream. "Hey, whats been the matter with you, lately? You've been acting strange the past few days..." She said as she pulled on his ear a bit.

"Sick. I think." Link replied. The air in front of him seemed to be hazy, but he knew it was just his condition getting to him. He stared at the water for a while, sniffling and looking miserable. Great time to be sick, he thought. The world was being consumed by Twilight and he was freaking SICK in the middle of all of it. "mmm....hhhiiHSH!! *sniff* blech. I hate this." Link said, somewhat annoyed. His green cap fell down on his face, which he roughly pushed back. Maybe some training or something would get him back in a better mood, get his blood pumping. Maybe. These low temperatures weren't exactly ideal, but he could find a way around it. He had a lantern, so maybe a fire would help him out. Midna couldn't exactly tell what he was thinking, as he absentmindedly tossed stones.

She giggled a bit when his hat fell in his face as he sneezed, and kept watching him as he threw stones into the lake. "Awe...thats too bad...isnt it? Maybe you should rest for a few days..I wouldnt wait too long though...who would handle the twilight if you werent fighting it?" Midna gave him a questioning look as she poked his cheek hard, and then smirked at him cutely. The lake was starting to freeze a bit at the edge, and as Midna was watching it flow calmly by, she noticed a snowflake falling in front of her face. She looked up at the sky to see that more and more were slowly starting to fall like little white feathers of ice. "Well, if you ARE sick you might as well be inside somewhere.....wouldnt want to get worse, would you, my little elf?" She told him as a snow flake fell on his nose.

"nnn..IISSHH!!..mm *sniff* no, I guess not. But if I DO stay inside, that lazy Fado is gonna have to tend to the goat herding all by himself, and I KNOW he isn't up to that. *sniff* bluh. A nice fire and some soup would be nice, though..." said Link, looking at his little treehouse fondly. It was nice and warm in there, too. All his errands and things could wait, for now. But just in case, he would have his sword and shield ready at all times, in case the Twili beasts came after him or the village.


Very nice :P

Link to comment
:laugh: thanks for all the great comments you guys! we both really appreciate them! and we'll be posting more soon...we're working on the next bit right now...but im pretty sure it wont be up till after monday though..sorry about the kinda long wait...well, glad you all like it so far! :P
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
She looked over at Link as he kept sneezing all over himself and sighed a bit.

I love that line I can just picture poor adorable Link > :drool: <

I never actually played those games (I suck at videogames) but I always used to watch my brother play them.

Please continue the story!

Link to comment

ok, this isnt as much as the other sections, but its still something...we havent worked on this in a while..so let us know if you want more ok? hope you enjoy the next bit! :(

Link woke from his little nap feeling refreshed and considerably less miserable than he had been. Midna wasn't around, but he looked outside his window and saw that it was night out. Maybe she liked the night almost as much as Twilight...she certainly wouldn't have as much trouble blending in. He got up from his bed, making his way for the door. A sudden sneeze stopped him, a loud "Hih-SSSHuh!!" that snapped his head forward. Okay, still not completely well... he took his sword with him, intending to train just a bit now that he was rested.

Midna sat on the ledge outside of the door to Link's house as she watched the snow fall. The ground was now covered in a few inches of the light, icy powder, which shimmered softly as scarce light reflected off of it. she turned around when she thought she heard Link inside, and wondered what he was doing. not thinking much of it, midna turned back around to relax a bit more in the cool night air.

"It's been a while since I've seen a snowy night like this one," Link thought aloud, leaning against the doorway. He sat with Midna, laying his sword down behind him. He sniffed. "Last time, though, I wasn't sick...mm. What are you up to?"

She turned around to face Link as she saw him leaning in the doorway, something she didnt really expect so suddenly. "What do you mean? Nothing...im just trying to get some rest..the cold doesn't really bother me..i like it." Midna looked out into the forest to see that everything was covered in i velvet white coating. 'what a nice place...wish i could stay as long as i can...but what'll i do when im done helping Link out?' The twili imp sat there thinking about that for a while as a few snow flakes fell in her face. Afterwards she brushed them off carelessly and looked back over to Link.

"I was thinking I'd train a little bit, since I'm not really all that tired, and feeling a little better." he said. Coincidentally, right after he said that, another sneeze started to make it's way up his throat and burn his nose. "Ehh..." - he turned away and cupped his hands over his mouth - "SShhhih!! *snif*" mm, that felt better. He grinned sheepishly at Midna, then hopped on down with his sword.

Midna sighed at him softly as she looked back at him in the shadows. The snow was slowing down a bit as the moon started to break through the blanket of clouds. A soft breeze flowed through the air, and she followed Link down to the ground. She walked with him through the path in the woods and into the village, as the aura in the air darkened slowly the further they went..she knew something was going to happen not too far from then.


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  • 5 years later...

AHHHHH!!! Twilight Princess is my FAVORITE LYKE OMG!!!


Even if this story is deserted, just wanted to thank you for making my life complete XD

Link to comment

This is.... No words like I have this game and I would kill to see link sneeze. <3 love

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