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Not during MY lecture! (f)


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He lectures in a kilt? I don't suppose he enters playing the bagpipes and has bright red hair and a beard...?

LOL, he would eat you ALIVE for that stereotype, dear Count! :hug: While Scotland does have the highest concentration of redheaded people in the world, it is not the predominant hair color. McCrazy has black hair and is clean-shaven. :)

Yes but you can only tell if he's a true Scot by finding out what he wears under his kilt. And if he's truly Aberdonian he will also be able to answer the question "Fit like?

We do all play the bagpipes though.

Oh poiub, does this mean you're Scottish????????

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Yes but you can only tell if he's a true Scot by finding out what he wears under his kilt. And if he's truly Aberdonian he will also be able to answer the question "Fit like?

Don't you mean....what he DOESN'T wear under his kilt? :snorkle: He informed us rather brashly that he is "traditional in all ways" and that we could "deduce what that meant" for ourselves. :nohappy:

As for "Fit like," yes....he asks me that ANY time I see him around campus. I tend to answer with cheesy Americanisms such as "Oh, I'm just fine and dandy!" just to watch him roll his eyes and laugh. :lol:

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Yes but you can only tell if he's a true Scot by finding out what he wears under his kilt. And if he's truly Aberdonian he will also be able to answer the question "Fit like?

Don't you mean....what he DOESN'T wear under his kilt? :laugh: He informed us rather brashly that he is "traditional in all ways" and that we could "deduce what that meant" for ourselves. :lol:

As for "Fit like," yes....he asks me that ANY time I see him around campus. I tend to answer with cheesy Americanisms such as "Oh, I'm just fine and dandy!" just to watch him roll his eyes and laugh. :holiday:

Damn it you're so cool! :bleh:

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Those of you who saw the Duder show on YouTube may remember the character Zev Abrams declaring that after the third consecutive sneeze, according to Abrams' Law, there is no requirement to continue blessing and it goes into the realm of asking if they need a tissue etc.

Maybe a twelve step program for compulsive blessers could be initiated by Aku and her prof. I've seen some of these people on the bus and they really can't help themselves, maybe even more than the sneezers. :winkkiss:

I agree. Sometimes I just bless after the first and last sneeze, if it's a 3-5 sneeze fit. Any more than that though, is a little obsessive and/or overly polite to continue blessing the person.

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We do all play the bagpipes though.

Oh poiub, does this mean you're Scottish????????


I don't feel so lonely now......... :drool:

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