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sneezing snot. love it? hate it?

Guest luv-a-sneeze

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Wow, this is an old thread :innocent: Snot...not so much, I'm not really a fan. I like hearing/watching people blow their nose, but I don't want to see the actual snot xD I don't mind it in moderation...it can be really cute when someone makes a mess and gets all embarrassed over it, I don't mind seeing it (a little bit :D) then, but generally no, I'd really rather not. It also depends on the person though; if it's someone I find particularly unattractive, or someone I don't like, or someone significantly older than me (I hate it when 50+yo people sneeze near me >.<) then it will disgust me >.< And no getting it on me :wub: Spray, however...:lol: I love it, the more the better! xD

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Snot is kinda gross, IMO. If people have to blow their nose, or sneeze really messily, that's fine, but actually seeing snot is kind of a turn off for me.

Spray on the other hand, is generally a beautiful thing. :yes:

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I'm going with the 'heard but not seen' brigade on this one. The helplessness/loss of control and embarrassment factors of someone sneezing and making a mess are quite appealing, as is someone having to ask for a tissue...but I would rather not see snot as I'm just not into the yucky stuff at all. I do like spray though..just not too much of it! For my part, my sneezes can get quite wet and messy during hayfever season and I have to blow my nose often (again not something I like doing much, but has to be done). When it's bad and I'm having frequent sneezing fits, I try and sneeze into a hanky as much as possible so it doesn't make a mess everywhere, as I don't like it very much when it does. I like watching others sneeze into hankies or tissues too, but rarely ever get to see it.

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My sentiments towards the matter are volatile; I usually don't like snots, but in some instances, I do get aroused by strong wet sneezes augmented by thick snot trails. So it's kind of random for me :yes:

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I love wetness, but don't actually like to see the snot. It's good for me when they cover it in their hands or something.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sneeze spray, snot, running nose...

I find these as blissful as the sneeze itself, although the real thing for me is a nice, tortured buildup. If you look at my stories you'll notice.

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Messy snotty sneezes are hot. :drool: The more helpless the sneezer against the power of the sneeze, the better. Including whatever wetness comes along with it.

Yeah, I'm that much a sneeze-whore. :bleh:

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For me, if its natural, spontaneous and accidental, it can be erotic.

However, if its forced, contrived and deliberate, it just seems ugly.

Edited by haymaker
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I must admit, (visual) messiness has started to grow on me quite a lot this past year. So far it's only hot in fiction, though. I still prefer spit and tears infront of snot any day.

Edited by VoOs
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i have to say i hate it i like the sound of the sneeze and how many times they sneeze especially if they have a fit but what comes is not something that appeals to me if it happens it happens but its not something that gets me excited.

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It really depends on the person. Also, like haymaker, I would want any messiness to be accidental and natural.

From the right person in the right context, YES!

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Messy snotty sneezes are hot. :D The more helpless the sneezer against the power of the sneeze, the better. Including whatever wetness comes along with it.

Yeah, I'm that much a sneeze-whore. :yes:

Yeah, me too. :D

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Guest Kenneth
For me, if its natural, spontaneous and accidental, it can be erotic.

However, if its forced, contrived and deliberate, it just seems ugly.

Same for me, but in the past months I found that I like snotty sneezes much than before.. I don't know why.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I love spray, but I'm a bit iffy on snot. I really don't like seeing it sneezed out, or hanging out of someone's nose, and the idea of the sneezer having to hold their hands over their faces while they run for/ask for a tissue is kind of unappealing. However, if it's a messy sneeze into a tissue, I think I can totally deal with that. :rolleyes:

And wet-sounding sneezes can be incredibly sexy... but for me, there's a point of wetness beyond which sneezes become a bit too gross. :laugh:

Edited by Raining Strawberry
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I do like messy sneezes, actualy I like them quite much... And I've allways liked. Messy sneezes :P I think it a little strange that I/anyone like/s snot, how can you explain why someone likes it..?

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The more I think about it, the more I realize it doesn't disgust me. At all. I can't say it would necessarily be an added attraction, but it's sort of cute, you know? Adds to the helplessness and vulnerability and all that. I guess I don't mind it.

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I love spray, but I'm a bit iffy on snot. I really don't like seeing it sneezed out, or hanging out of someone's nose, and the idea of the sneezer having to hold their hands over their faces while they run for/ask for a tissue is kind of unappealing. However, if it's a messy sneeze into a tissue, I think I can totally deal with that. :P

And wet-sounding sneezes can be incredibly sexy... but for me, there's a point of wetness beyond which sneezes become a bit too gross. :D

I totally agree on all you said. :D

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