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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Am i being paranoid?

Guest Forsaken

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Guest Forsaken

Well, im usualy extremely, well, paranoid about EVERYTHING..and well, i just wondered if anyone else like, doesant add the forum to favorites, and avoids having any records of being there on the computer?

I delete my cookies and history after being on, EVERY time...ami the only one that does this?

Even tho im the only person that uses my computer :nohappy:

Im just, scared that someone could find out :lol:

Ah, and i wasnt sure if this belonged here or in Off-Topic...

Edited by Akutenshi
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I have a laptop and a main computer and live with my fam. Very rarely do I go on the main computer, but if I do I try not to go on here, but sometimes I do and yes, I delete history and the cookies. Hell, I delete everything.

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Oh, I do the exact same thing! I DEFINITELY do not have this in my favorites and I go through the same process of deleting all my files/history. Ooooh yeah. You're not alone. Way better to be safe than sorry.

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I never deleted my cookies or anything, but back when I first discovered online sneeze fetish sites waaaaay back in 1997, I felt a little self-conscious about my (now ex) husband "monitoring" my activities, even though this is MY computer! :dead:

I don't care now because I'm one of those "annoying tellers" that you will learn about as you spend more time here. :lol:

However, I know a LOT of people share your concern, so you are definitely not alone! :nohappy:

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I'm not so protective on my own computer - but it'a just me & DW, and she knows anyway, so no bother there. We have seperate logins also, so no need to chaneg once the kids start using it.

No smaterial at all on my office laptop. (Well, the recent AMG fanfic I wrote was started on it, but it was moved off before I got to the good part!)

Other than that, I just prefer to maintain my anonimty online. No pics, not too much personal info. I'd never put a picture of myself in my profile! Kudos to those who do - I love being able to put a face to the name/handle... but I'll never do it! I jsut know someone with a big mouth would recognize me! :laugh:

Edited by Niceguy
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I keep cookies around. I kill history and temporary files, though. Heh, that's mainly because I don't like the history dropping down every time I type something up in the address bar! :laugh:

Not many people around here know how to use my computer anyway.... :laugh:

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I used to be way paranoid about someone else seeing my favs or history but that's when I was using my parents' computer. :notworthy:

Now, I have my own computer and don't care. If someone sees the history or the favorites, then it's probably my S/O checking stuff online and happened across it, or a friend who happened across it and "whoops, that's strange" but wouldn't bother me. I don't have any friends who would actively search for incriminating (not that this is incriminating :cryhappy: ) material or the like, but if i found someone doing so, I can just kick them out of my house.

So, no I am not paranoid anymore, simply because it is MY computer in MY own space. :whistle:

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I delete history but i don't delete cookies because I'm lazy. :wacko: I definitely do not have it favorited though. I also make sure that Windows Media Player or any other programs do not keep the history of last files used. And I delete files after I've downloaded/played them :)

My parents both use this computer but they are not so computer savvy to figure out what I do online. So I am not as paranoid as I possibly could be.

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I used to delete cookies and all that jazz! Now my computer is being crap and freezes when I do anything.

I have my favourites marked into a folder with my name on it and change the names of the links.

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I have a link in my favorites to this place, but it's called "beseen." The link has been called beseen ever since the old days when that was the forum we used. I believe it was run by Bondi? I'm getting forgetful in my old age. :yes: Anyway, when we moved here I changed the link, but not the link text. So far, beseen has not been intriguing enough for anyone to click on in the rare times that someone else uses my computer. I guess I'm safe!

Although I do clear my history and delete cookies when I know people will be using my computer for extended periods of time. I'm not ashamed of having this fetish, but I still don't think it's anyone's business what quirky things turn me on unless they're taking me to bed.

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I dont know how to delete cookies. I should learn how to do that.lol. Eh, what could happen though? Someone asks me what the site is about, i'll just simply tell them i like sneezing. no harm done.

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I'm very cautious about leaving a digital trail, if I think there's any chance of anyone else using the computer. If it's just me and the boyfriend, though, I don't worry about it.

But the last thing I want is my mother to come visit, decide to check her email, and then start asking questions. She is very nosy about my personal life.

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I'm paranoid about the forum too. I always delete history and saved info after i log on to the forum because i don't want anyone finding this stuff.

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