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Sneeze Fetish Forum

WHY WHY WHY ... do disgusting people


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That is what came into my mind when I was in the supermarket.

Somewhere behind me I heard a loud, deep, messy sneeze. WOW.

I really wanted to see the 'owner'. Well, mmmm ...

I was rather disappointed when it turned out to be a rather old man, really dirty, no doubt an alcoholic, ...

It has happened to me before ...

Could it be that a 'wonderful' sneeze to me is a disgusting one to a non-fetishist ?


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This is the reason why I do not often seek out the sneezer when I hear a sneeze that tickles my fancy. I'd rather just imagine what they look like. :proud:

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This is the reason why I do not often seek out the sneezer when I hear a sneeze that tickles my fancy. I'd rather just imagine what they look like. :proud:

I have to admit, even though I tend to be a "sneeze-stalker," this is fun to do. A lot of times, I cannot seek out the person who sneezed, so I create what they looked like inside my head. And yes, I do hate it when I see who it was that sneezed, and am somewhat disappointed by them. So, I know what you mean.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wish I knew! I feel stooged when this ugly guy at school had a decent sneeze.

I was like YUCK for the rest of the day!

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Yeah I hate when that happens. A lot of older less-attractive ladies seem to have nice sneezes... totally bad :drool:

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WHY WHY WHY ... do disgusting people, often have WONDERFUL sneezes ??

Cuz life can just be that cruel at times. :drool::drool::o

Edited by Dawnie
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That is what came into my mind when I was in the supermarket.

Somewhere behind me I heard a loud, deep, messy sneeze. WOW.

I really wanted to see the 'owner'. Well, mmmm ...

I was rather disappointed when it turned out to be a rather old man, really dirty, no doubt an alcoholic, ...

It has happened to me before ...

Could it be that a 'wonderful' sneeze to me is a disgusting one to a non-fetishist ?


:o and you didnt come up and introduce yourself to me?? THANKS ALOT! :drool:


Edited by Sternuto
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I've had the same luck lately. The ONLY huge fit that I've seen.... someone that I was like "ICK!!!!!!!!!!" And it was tragic because I felt both grossed out and incredibly shallow at the same time.

Could I see a CUTE guy sneeze- even one sneeze??? no. :drool:

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Funny I saw this post, because this just happend to me this past Saturday.......It's been a while since I have been lucky enough to see a good fit I'm talking 4-5 sneeze minimum anyway, but this past Saturday changed that only problem her sneezes were great, but she was not so great....LOL...I'll keep this short because it borders on belonging in the Obs section.

I was leaving the boardwalk around 4:30pm pushing my good friends 2 year old son in the stroller when I hear a loud, wet, waist bending AAAHHHRRRRAAASHHHEEEWW from directly in front of me, being only about 15 feet behind her & her friend I knew exactly were that sweet sound came from....only problem...the producer wasnt so sweet, and she was walking directly in the same direction I was and I got to witness 6 more of the incredible sneezes spaced about 15 seconds apart from a not so incredibly attractive person......on top of that between sneezes between sneezes 3 & 4 she sniffed a very very wet sniff said a few choice words I wont repeat (guess she's not to fond of her sneezing fits) then commented to her friend how she hoped she could stop sneezing soon.....and get this how the last sneeze "got snot all over her hand".........man after that I was thinking she started to get a bit better looking......LOL

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:blushing: and you didnt come up and introduce yourself to me?? THANKS ALOT! :blink:


I am so sorry about that, dear ! :laugh:

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That is what came into my mind when I was in the supermarket.

Somewhere behind me I heard a loud, deep, messy sneeze. WOW.

I really wanted to see the 'owner'. Well, mmmm ...

I was rather disappointed when it turned out to be a rather old man, really dirty, no doubt an alcoholic, ...

It has happened to me before ...

Could it be that a 'wonderful' sneeze to me is a disgusting one to a non-fetishist ?


:laugh: and you didnt come up and introduce yourself to me?? THANKS ALOT! :blink:


You bum :) you have a sexy sneeze AND you're hot :blushing:

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That is what came into my mind when I was in the supermarket.

Somewhere behind me I heard a loud, deep, messy sneeze. WOW.

I really wanted to see the 'owner'. Well, mmmm ...

I was rather disappointed when it turned out to be a rather old man, really dirty, no doubt an alcoholic, ...

It has happened to me before ...

Could it be that a 'wonderful' sneeze to me is a disgusting one to a non-fetishist ?


:blushing: and you didnt come up and introduce yourself to me?? THANKS ALOT! :blink:



too funny!

but yea...I know this older lady almost 60...she has the HOTTEST sneezing fits!!!! And everytime I see it is her sneezing im like...DAMNIT! WHY!!!??

So I am really better served hearing it from another room and not really knowing who it is in a case like that...

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I've actually never had this issue. I always look for the sneezer, but usually I am happy with what I see. There are some occasional incidents that get on my nerves though.

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That is what came into my mind when I was in the supermarket.

Somewhere behind me I heard a loud, deep, messy sneeze. WOW.

I really wanted to see the 'owner'. Well, mmmm ...

I was rather disappointed when it turned out to be a rather old man, really dirty, no doubt an alcoholic, ...

It has happened to me before ...

Could it be that a 'wonderful' sneeze to me is a disgusting one to a non-fetishist ?


:yes: and you didnt come up and introduce yourself to me?? THANKS ALOT! :yes:



too funny!

but yea...I know this older lady almost 60...she has the HOTTEST sneezing fits!!!! And everytime I see it is her sneezing im like...DAMNIT! WHY!!!??

So I am really better served hearing it from another room and not really knowing who it is in a case like that...

Delurking to counter this statement. My ex-partner (who I have posted about before) has what I believe to be an absoloutely gorgeous sneeze......and she's now 63. :yes: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....even when it comes to this fetish and many others.

The lady that allabs witnessed above; her looks wouldn't have bothered me in the slightest. It is only his opinion that she wasn't exactly a princess. It sounds like her sneeze would have sent me into erotica-overload. :yes: Possibly given me a heart attack.

My point is that age and looks shouldn't be a factor. And if they are a factor to one individual, then that is up to them alone.

Edited by Mr Sneezy
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That makes sense Mr. Sneezy... and for some people there doesn't need to be a physical attraction to be able to enjoy a person's sneezes even if visual.

However... for some people there does- but as you said- beauty and attractiveness is Definately in the eye of the beholder. The guys that I've seen that I went "Errrrr..... NOT" may have been someone else's idea of attractive.

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