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Sneeze Fetish Forum

coming out (m)

Guest E.T.

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...another thrilling story of admission and acceptance...

so i'm living in this weird communal work situation now, in an old barn in new hampshire where _everyone_ is allergic to something ... the sneezes abound, from the girl who's allergic to a mold in the barn and gets very thick sounding sneeze fits of five or more every few weeks, to the guy allergic to pollen, on work days when we're splitting and moving wood outside for hours and hours -- to the girl allergic to our dog, etc. sneezing haven. lovely.

enter ed, whom i've adored for years and had an intermittent ongoing fling with for as long. enter ed for the first extended period of time -- a full three months this time, as opposed to two-week periods before. flirtation, that awkward period of uncertainty, is followed by consummation, first sex, bed-sharing, etc. and sneezing.

he sneezes exactly three times every day, in different patterns and at different times but there are always three sneezes to be counted on. they come out "hup-CHAA" and are so nonchalant, but accompanied by beautiful physicalization -- if it's but one sneeze at a time, he varies between cupping his hands around his whole face or, if he's outside, suddenly turning, his body all straight lines, and leaning away, sneezing freely into space. when he's sneezing in multiples it's hands over the face, bending at the waist and even crouching into a full-on squat.

it's lovely.

it didn't take long for my fetish to become blindingly apparent, and he totally gets a kick out of it. it's awesome when we're alone (which, in this situation, is almost never when not sleeping) and also great when we're, say, in the car with five other people.

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Beautiful obs - well written - fluid yet sharp

but accompanied by beautiful physicalization -- if it's but one sneeze at a time, he varies between cupping his hands around his whole face or, if he's outside, suddenly turning, his body all straight lines,

fabulous use of the language as art! Sculpting he sneezes...

Be well


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