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I wonder if my friend has the fetish

Guest ilovelamp2

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Guest ilovelamp2

A friend of mine showed me a video he made of himself sneezing once and said "I never knew what I looked like when I sneezed" and showed it to me. I'm wondering if he's got a fetish too now. Or if he found out about me somehow?!

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I'll tell you what I tell everyone else who has posted this topic. :hug:

We as sneeze lovers tend to see the world through "Fetish Tinted Glasses." What I mean is this:

We see things in certain ways because we have a sneezing fetish. The average person DOES NOT think about sneezing the way we do, nor are they interested in it. We often see signs and things that really aren't there because hey, we have a SNEEZING FETISH. We look for those things. However, 99.9% of the time, those things are not there.

Your friend probably just thought it was comical. He hasn't found you out. It's not as easy to "figure out" as most people think. He was probably just bored when he made that video.

Trust me, I've outright told a LOT OF PEOPLE about my fetish (because I don't give a damn who knows) and I was SURE I was giving off clues and signs and not a SINGLE ONE ever had ANY IDEA about my fetish.

I'm pretty sure your friend doesn't have the fetish and that he hasn't found you out. :lol:


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Maybe your friend is like people who video their sneezes on youtube and mark them as comedy?

Some people are just curious, it could apply to anything. I agree with Aku, we DO have those rather tinted fetish glasses sometimes.

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Wouldn't it be nice if he did? But, I'm sure he doesn't,like Aku said. In fact, lots of people who DON'T have the fetish, have made videos of themselves sneezing, and put them up on youtube and myspace and stuff, because they think it's funny. And I've heard lots of people around me talk about their own sneezing, in an amusing way, but they also don't have the fetish.

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It sounds to me, that your friend found out about your fetish and likes you or something, although I do see through those "fetish goggles" so, I dont know :winkkiss:

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There's a ton of people on youtube and myspace who've made videos of themselves sneezing, and we KNOW they don't have the fetish. Don't get too excited about your friend's video.

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A friend of mine showed me a video he made of himself sneezing once and said "I never knew what I looked like when I sneezed" and showed it to me. I'm wondering if he's got a fetish too now. Or if he found out about me somehow?!

Why is the theme from "The Twilight Zone" suddenly running through my head? :laugh:

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Guest G Sneeze

This almost ties into one of the posts I made. o.O I'm wondering too if the person I'm RPing with is almost enticing it, or something. I'll be darned if it comes even close.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys.....those people don't have the fetish. Really. Example:

Chui can have entire auditoriums full of people look at her funny when she sneezes and I assure you, those people don't have our fetish.

Just because someone talks about sneezing, looks at you when you sneeze or even makes a video of themself it does not mean they have the fetish. As I mentioned before, you're probably just thinking like a sneeze fetishist. :)

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Of course. I mean, I've had people "catch" the fetish from me (no, I STILL don't understand how that happened! :lmfao:), but I've only met one person that openly admitted having a sneezing fetish to me. I told her first and she made a face like :angry: and blurted out, "it's a FETISH!?!? I have it! I HAVE IT, TOO!" :lol:

That was pretty damned funny, I must admit. However, if I ever DID suspect something, I'm one of those people who will point-blank ask.

"Say, you don't have a thing for sneezing, do you? Because I do!" :hug:

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