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Anyone had a nose job?


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Anyone here had a nose job? I know you're not supposed to sneeze while recovering, with the bandages on etc? Anyone have any experiences with this? Trying not to sneeze, etc?

Has anyone who's had a nose job experienced any difference in their sneezing/general nose habits post nose job from pre nose job? Like, a nose that was previously larger and has been reduced substantially? Or a bump removed, or cartilage adjusted or whatever? If any change affects the internal structure of the nasal passages, it could be possible that people may experience differences, right?

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Anyone here had a nose job? I know you're not supposed to sneeze while recovering, with the bandages on etc? Anyone have any experiences with this? Trying not to sneeze, etc?

Sounds like the makings of a great sneeze fic. :rolleyes:

Has anyone who's had a nose job experienced any difference in their sneezing/general nose habits post nose job from pre nose job? Like, a nose that was previously larger and has been reduced substantially? Or a bump removed, or cartilage adjusted or whatever? If any change affects the internal structure of the nasal passages, it could be possible that people may experience differences, right?

This is a good question. I've got a bit of a bump on the bridge of my nose. For most of my life growing up I thought I wanted a nose job. Kids can sure be cruel. However, nearly two years into finding this forum and embracing this fetish, I've learned to like my nose. <_<

Edited by Jasmine
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I had some reconstructive work done on my nose, for functional rather than aesthetic reasons, and I can tell you that the recovery was horrible . . . it's true that you're supposed to avoid sneezing, but you feel like you have to sneeze continually, and your nose is packed full of gauze, and you can't sniffle or anything, so it's the most grotesque sensation imaginable. I didn't notice any difference in my sneezing patterns or style after the surgery, however.

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