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Sneeze Fetish Forum

just a little advice and a question please...


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Ok, I didn't know where to put this topic so if it's in the wrong place they can be kind and move it for me.... :pooh:

I, like almost everyone here, have a sneeze fetish, but I also have another fetish not related to sneezing. I want to tell someone what it is, but I'm to scared, embarressed and all the above. Like I said it's not related to sneezing but it is a bodily function. It's not farting, pooping, peeing, belching, coughing (not sure if that could count as related to sneezing), stomach growling or hiccuping. I haven't told anyone what it is and want to tell someone, I want to scream at the top of my longs, yes I know I'm wierd... but would you guys hate me if I told yous what it is... This forum helped me get over my fear of my sneeze fetish, now I need some help with this one. Another problem is I'm to nervous to say what it is... :( but with help I might be able to come around to saying it.

And a question, do any of you have another turn on that is a bodily function but not related to sneezing? Just wondering if I'm alone or not :skull2:

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To answer the very last question, yes.

As for the rest, I'm sure no one would get all up in your grill if you were to post it, but (and I'm just thinking aloud here) if you wanted to build up the courage to do it, or maybe get a feel for the reaction, you could try telling a few select members here who you feel more comfortable with, then see if that satiates you, or if you still want to tell everyone, or whatever.

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well GS, look at it this way:

most of us think this fetish is wierd to other people that don't know about it, But you have to look at the fact we have what would be considered an odd fetish.

If it's something that is out of the norm, no one {here} is going to think bad of you for saying it :(

Just to give you an example, even though it isn't a bodily function, my other main turn on is for female body hair. For some, they think it's gross, disgusting, i have gay tendancies, etc. just because shaving/ waxing is such a popular thing nowadays.

So i would like to say that your fetish can't be THAT bad :skull2:

Edited by King_of_the_ruins
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Can we try to guess what it is if you're too shy to admit it?

Anyway, I'm sure it can't be that bad, though if you don't want to say what it is, that's understandable. :(

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But my point (ZOMG Fifi has POINT!? Yes, xe does, and it's sharp and shiny) is that if you hang around and get to know people, this forum may just do the same thing for you. :( And hey, whenever you decide you are comfortable sharing your other fetish? We'll be happy to listen.

exactly :skull2:

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Thanks Fifi and Otaku. I'm still shy about it, though. I wish I had your courage Fifi :pooh:

Aw, thanks. :knifed: I didn't always have the courage I have now though. :doc: Hell, I still don't normally think of myself as having all that much courage. But at leats fifty percent of the courage I DO have? I got right here on this forum. I swear, no where else in my life have I been made to feel so completely comfortable with myself and proud of myself simply for being who I am. This forum is one of two places I discovered in the past four years that finally made me realize that I wasn't disgusting, and horrible, and unlikable. That, in fact, there were quite a few people out there who thought I was pretty damn cool. :devil2: Who would've thunk? XD I certainly didn't!

But my point (ZOMG Fifi has POINT!? Yes, xe does, and it's sharp and shiny) is that if you hang around and get to know people, this forum may just do the same thing for you. :( And hey, whenever you decide you are comfortable sharing your other fetish? We'll be happy to listen.

I'm one of the people who think your really cool, I thought since I first read some of your posts :skull2:

Can we try to guess what it is if you're too shy to admit it?

Anyway, I'm sure it can't be that bad, though if you don't want to say what it is, that's understandable. :censored:

If yous guess it I will tell you, and that would be helpful to me, it's nothing bad. I'm very shy about this, just like I am my sneeze fetish, but I've told people about sneeze fetish before, at first I told people about it because I didn't know what it was, and I asked some people why I always "feel funny" when people sneeze. Biggest mistake I made was asking my father, I don't want to say what happened when I did *shivvers, and panics when thinking about it* I was little and didn't understand...

I will tell yous if you guess it, so go ahead and guess! Thanks for the idea Bondi :bounce:

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Nobody will hate you if you share your other fetish -- we're all here because we have an unusual turn-on in common, and so while we may not all share your other fetish, we will certainly empathize and accept. I would suggest that if there is someone on the board whom you trust, you PM that person and discuss it in private. That might make you feel safer, and give you a bit of practice in "telling."

Personally, I have a mild yawning fetish, probably because the buildup/release is similar to sneezing.

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aww honey! :( its ok to be nervous about telling people. and once again, i cant speak for the forum as a whole, but i wouldn't mind one bit if you decided to tell us about something not related to sneezing. im sure many of us here have multiple fetishes, and not all of them can be related to sneezing. i have at least one other, that has absolutely nothing to do with the nose or sneezing...i go gaga over forearms...just seeing a nice set of arms is the same for me as having someone stifle a sneeze on me...

i do think the others have a really good suggestion though, about picking one or a few people you trust, and telling them about it first, just to see how it feels to you. it never hurts to start small, and take it one step at a time. good luck with whatever you decide, and i hope that you enjoy sharing this with people one day. :skull2:

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In an answer to your very last question, I also have a fetish that is related to a body function that is not related to sneezing. (Although I can put IT and sneezing together for some very interesting results)

I only just recently looked it up, and found out it is NOT at all common-in fact it didn't even have a forum like this one for it. In fact, outside of a bunch of videos made in Japan it doesn't seem to exist at all. Not sure what that says about me, except that I'm different (and proud of it)! :)

The turn on in regards to it can be equally high as sneezing for me. I never talked about it on the forum simply because this is a sneezing forum. And nobody ever asked. I won't say what it is right now because this is GS-Coyote's topic and not mine. But if anybody asked me, I'd probably tell them.

Don't fear anyone here. Nobody here is really judgemental or rude and if anybody tried there's a good few "guardian angels" :twisted: who will swoop in and stop them being mean!

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As someone suggested, you can tell a few people you trust. I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm open to hear about your other fetish and will not betray your trust in any way. So if you want to tell me, just send me a message.

Yes, I have another fetish that is not related to this one.

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I will tell yous if you guess it, so go ahead and guess! Thanks for the idea Bondi :wheels:

I was going to guess yawning, since that wasn't on the list of bodily functions you don't have a fetish for. :rolleyes:

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Guest Leonard Fairbanks

I have another fetish as well that is not related to sneezing or any other bodily function, but it doesn't do me any good if I don't think about both it AND sneezing...so it's kinda difficult to find a forum for it lol.

You're not weird at all. How many other ppl have posted, including me, saying they have another fetish? You're not alone. I don't think any of us are.

Hope it helps. :wheels:

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I will tell yous if you guess it, so go ahead and guess! Thanks for the idea Bondi :twisted:

I was going to guess yawning, since that wasn't on the list of bodily functions you don't have a fetish for. :lol:

You got it :blushing: It's yawning :blush: It's not as strong as sneezing but it's still a strong fetish... :unsure: *runs away and hides*

In an answer to your very last question, I also have a fetish that is related to a body function that is not related to sneezing. (Although I can put IT and sneezing together for some very interesting results)

I only just recently looked it up, and found out it is NOT at all common-in fact it didn't even have a forum like this one for it. In fact, outside of a bunch of videos made in Japan it doesn't seem to exist at all. Not sure what that says about me, except that I'm different (and proud of it)! :laughing:

The turn on in regards to it can be equally high as sneezing for me. I never talked about it on the forum simply because this is a sneezing forum. And nobody ever asked. I won't say what it is right now because this is GS-Coyote's topic and not mine. But if anybody asked me, I'd probably tell them.

Don't fear anyone here. Nobody here is really judgemental or rude and if anybody tried there's a good few "guardian angels" :blink: who will swoop in and stop them being mean!

Kiwikitty, what's your other fetish, I'm curious? :innocent:

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Yippeee! Well, I spend most of the day yawning, so perhaps I'm a yawn-fetishist's dream; doubt it , though. I quite like yawns, especially from a nice attractive person, but I think that's because it is a bit like sneezing; the mouth uncontrollllably opening, and above all the nostrils flaring; indeed I think they sometimes flare more with a yawn than a sneeze; anyway , you get the same wrinkling and sometimes the little patches of white above the nostrils....yummy.

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Yippeee! Well, I spend most of the day yawning, so perhaps I'm a yawn-fetishist's dream; doubt it , though. I quite like yawns, especially from a nice attractive person, but I think that's because it is a bit like sneezing; the mouth uncontrollllably opening, and above all the nostrils flaring; indeed I think they sometimes flare more with a yawn than a sneeze; anyway , you get the same wrinkling and sometimes the little patches of white above the nostrils....yummy.

:blush: I know exactly what your talking about :blink: *digs hole and burries herself*

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Hey, no reason to dig hole and bury self . . . as I mentioned in my comment to you, I also find yawning somewhat erotic, though not nearly as much so as sneezing -- however, I find it appealing for the same kinds of reasons that I find sneezing to be appealing.

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Hey, that's a cool fetish! I never really thought about that one before. I think it's really cute when a tired guy does that because, you know, it's that whole vulnerability/nurturing thing.

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hey... don't feel bad- honestly I think that is cute. Hey... one of the things that I really like about my avatar (and I was debating between that pic and the pic Just before) is that it Is a yawn *which was cute*- but... with frozen frame- looks *just* like something else :D- and no altering needed. lol!! :lol:

I have this thing with cute guys getting embarrassed or blushing, guys with glasses and doing certain things with their glasses that are cute, and guys interacting really well with young kids- MELT!!! Besides this- I'm a total Brit/Aussie accent (some types) fan :blushing::rofl:. I used to be Really embarrassed to say it- especially the last one- because I was afraid that any UK person would think that I was Really odd. But.. I've gotten over it a little and now I know that the ones that know me *know* that I'm odd- but :rofl: me anyway. lol!!

:rofl: I'm glad that you told us. and it's ok to still feel uncomfortable. But honestly- I think that this group is a very open and accepting group and if you *want* to talk about the fact that you like that especially in conjuction with the other that is fine. :rofl:

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Yawning, huh? I think that's a really cute fetish. :rofl: Even though yawning doesn't really turn me on, I find it very adorable when a guys do it. It makes them look so vulnerable :blushing:

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Yawning, huh? I think that's a really cute fetish. :blushing: Even though yawning doesn't really turn me on, I find it very adorable when a guys do it. It makes them look so vulnerable :lol:

You got to love the vulnerablity :wub::D:laugh: I love the vulnerablity of both my fetishes, of course sneezing is stronger, not by much.. *gets lost in a daydream*~ok back to planet earth~ I'm glad you think it's a cute fetish.. makes me feel better about having it :D

Although, I hate it when I sneeze and won't do that in public or at all, but love it when a hot guy sneezes. I can yawn myself and won't get turned on by myself doing it, but I can actually yawn myself and not have a problem with it, like I do if I sneeze, it's wierd...

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(I'm sorry... I can't resist...)

So... would the perfect guy for you would be one that finds you really boring?

But seriously, that's no different/wierder/whatever than sneezing. Probably less so - at least I don't think anyone would ever find it distgusting.

Edited by Niceguy
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(I'm sorry... I can't resist...)

So... would the perfect guy for you would be one that finds you really boring?

But seriously, that's no different/wierder/whatever than sneezing. Probably less so - at least I don't think anyone would ever find it distgusting.

Yeah, they won't think it's gross... and no the perfect guy for me wouldn't be one that finds me really boring :lmao: lol and I think there is weirder out there than sneezing... like my friend has a laughing fetish, a also heard of a fetish for drooling :omg: but that one is pretty rare :D

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I'm inclined to agree with the others that yawning would probably seen as less weird or unappealing than sneezing to most non-fetishists.

I also agree that yawning is quite sexy. We've all got impeccable taste, clearly.

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