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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Life can be tough with the fetish !!! (f)


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This is probably my first proper obs for the forum but I had to tell someone !!

This morning,driving into work I was waiting at a set of traffic lights when I saw a lady (about early thirties I guess) standing on the corner not necessarily waiting for the lights, pull a large red handkerchief from her jeans pocket and prepare it for, what seemed likely from her wonderful facial expression, a great sneeze.

Well the damn lights changed and I had to pull away, all I noticed in my rear-view mirror was that she did not cross the road when the lights gave her the opportunity, she just stood there still awaiting the sneeze. Well having a thing about girls sneezing into hankies I had to get more obs. There was a roundabout about a quarter mile up the road so I used it to turn around and approched the lights from the other direction. Of course they were green but as I passed I saw her sneeze three times into the handkerchief - wonderful !!

I wanted to park but can you find a place when you need one !! So reversing down a side street and turning I approached again from my original direction. This time I was luckier and had at least thirty seconds when I was able to stop at the lights on red. I saw one more sneeze and then her obviously blowing hard. As I had to pull way so .. oh no ! more sneezes were on the way. The roundabout was used again and I approached the lights once more ... this time she was there unfolding a yellowish coloured handkerchief with one hand whilst she smotherd another sneeze with her other hand... the end of the, presumably well used, red hankie could be seen sticking out of her jeans pocket.. she was having a bad hay fever attack... My side street was again used and as I was about to leave it saw a car behind me pull out from the side.. what an opportunity..

I parked and strolled towards the lights and as I did so she was still standing there sneezing ... I saw her sneeze once more into the yellow hankie as suddenly a black car pulled up, the door opened, she picked up her bag and entered, still holding the handkerchief around her red nose and ... DROVE AWAY. I was stunned ... I had some good obs but what further potential lost ... curses .. LIFE CAN TOUGH... don't you agree ?

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