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Sneeze Fetish Forum

And on the 8th day, God created pepper, and it was good..(F)


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Hello folks, just wanted to share a story with everyone who is interested. It involves a real life experience of mine with a pretty blonde girl named Alicia. She was 18, I was 23 and we worked together in gourmet food shop/deli in NJ. I was the assistant manager back then, and she was fairly new. Alicia was a 5'7 blonde haired, green eyed sweetheart with a wonderful ability to make you laugh. As a "rookie" to the business, one of her jobs was to refill the tables with napkins, sugar packets, and of course... salt and pepper. The nice thing about being a gourmet shop was the abundant use of white pepper which has a much greater tendency to float in the air due to it being finely ground. Of course, being a fetishist led to much enjoyment during the times when she would fill up the shakers with a large can of white pepper, complaining half-heartedly all the while about her soon to come sneezing fits. Sure enough, by the third table, Alicia would sniffle, rub her nose, and tell me that she felt it starting up. She would freeze in place, waving her hand in front of her face, and just let them come upon her. She had a lovely pre-sneeze look, the kind that makes a woman look like she was pondering some puzzling question as her eyebrows rose, forehead wrinkled, and eyes widened. Next would come the soft inhalation through her quivering lips. Head tilted back, nostrils flaring, she would let out the most amazing "Hee-Chewww" in a rapid succession of 3-5 sneezes. This was always followed by her hand on her chest, redfaced "Wow. that felt good." Alas, she did not work more than a few months at the shop, must have been all those sneezes that wore her out!! Anyway, for some reason I thought of her while eating lunch at Subway, just thought I would share......


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Gotta love Pepperview! (i.e. instead of Pay Per View - Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Thanks for sharing and take care,


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Guest scottchoo

I had s similar experience one with a blonde name Kris. we worked in the kitchen of a hospital. and she would refill the pepper and sneeze in fitd every time.

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