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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Jasmine, Bless you! :drool:

Thank you. :lmfao:

I sneezed one more time yesterday afternoon. So here I am at this point beginning day three of doing this...................

05/14/07 - #4

05/15/07 - #5

None so far today. :)

I stand corrected. First one just hit about 3 minutes ago. :drool:

#2 @ 2:15pm.

Edited by Jasmine
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  • Lamborghini


  • atchoum


  • Sneesee


  • ringsfan02


He he he, you're not surprised, Lamborghini? :laugh: Anyway, I had an almost yesterday, and another one this morning, but no actual sneeze yet. So, I still haven't sneezed naturally since November of 2006. ;)

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I’ve been travelling in May, so I haven’t been able to visit the forum, but I did promise Lamborghini I’d participate (the more there are the better !), so here we go.

In fact, I’ve often noticed that when I travel… I don’t sneeze. Most of the days with 0 are days when I was travelling all the time. Don’t know why this inhibits, but it must.

1, 2, 3 May : no sneezes

4 May : one triple

5 May: two singles

6 May :0

7 May : two singles

8 May : 1 single

9 May : 1 single

10 May : 1 single, one quadruple

11 May : 1 single

12 May : 1 single

13 May : 2 singles

14 May : 2 singles and a double

15 May : 1 triple

16 May : (so far) two singles and one triple

26 in all, so you are at least 10 ahead!

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You are right Atchoum! The more, the merrier! :(

May 16: 1 sneeze.

S S F: 37


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May 17 two singles

May 18 two singles

30 so far this month. Still trailing behind. Who is actually in the lead, Jasmine or Lamborghini ?

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I am not too sure atchoum.

May 19: 2 sneezes.

May 20: 4 sneezes.

S S F: 47 sneezes

47 sneezes. Sneesee, how many centuries do you think it will take you to sneeze 47 times? :)


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May 21: Sadly, I didn't sneeze today. :( The weather was bad today, therefore there was no sun.


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May 22: 1 sneeze.

The weather was still bad today, but I sneezed inside the house, without looking at the sun or any light! I get those sneezes 4 or 5 times a year. :unsure:

S S F: 48


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May 19: 2 sneezes.

May 20: 4 sneezes.


Btw, does 2 sneezes/ 4 sneezes mean a double and a quadruple or 2 or 4 singles (or other multiples)?

19 May 1 single

20 May 1 single (photic !)

21 May 1 single (getting boring)

22 May 2 singles and one quadruple (in a meeting)

23 May 1 double and 1 single so far

so 42 sneezes. Lamborghini still way ahead... and Jasmine ?

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Atchoum, most of my sneezes are single. :yuck:

May 23: 3 sneezes.

S S F: 51


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Wow, you aure are having a sneezy May, aren't you, Lamborghini?

Yeah, I'm still 0 for May (and all of 2007, too). Although, I've had one that's been brewing and threatening all week long. Maybe it'll happen before May is over. -_-

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Uhm....yeah. Good luck with that Sneesee! :P

Yee of little faith. Let's stay positive and hopeful. Come on little sneese-tease in that cute nose of hers. Start gettin down to business! *crosses fingers and toes* :wheels:

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Uhm....yeah. Good luck with that Sneesee! :clapping:

Yee of little faith. Let's stay positive and hopeful. Come on little sneese-tease in that cute nose of hers. Start gettin down to business! *crosses fingers and toes* :drool:

You know, I'd probably buy that Aston Martin I always wanted before Sneesee sneezes! :eek:


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May 25: 2 sneezes.

May 26: 3 sneezes.

S S F: 58 sneezes


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Uhm....yeah. Good luck with that Sneesee! :lol:

Yee of little faith. Let's stay positive and hopeful. Come on little sneese-tease in that cute nose of hers. Start gettin down to business! *crosses fingers and toes* :lol:

You know, I'd probably buy that Aston Martin I always wanted before Sneesee sneezes! :lol:


Hey now! I've already had three almost sneezes today! It could totally happen before May is over. Just you wait and see. :innocent: Or, maybe you should go and test drive that Aston Martin. :lol:

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May 27: 1 sneeze.

May 28: 2 sneezes.

May 29: 2 sneezes.

S S F: 63


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May 27: 1 sneeze.

May 28: 2 sneezes.

May 29: 2 sneezes.

S S F: 63


OK, here are mine :

24 May 1 single

25 May 1 single (sun!)

26 May 1 single (sun again!)

27 May 1 single, 1 triple

28 May 2 singles

29 May 1 single, 1 double, 1 quadruple

30 May 1 single

31 May 1 single (so far)

That's 60 so far this month. I've almost caught up with Lamborghini - we'll settle the score at the end of the month - in about 5 hours here.

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I've almost caught up with Lamborghini - we'll settle the score at the end of the month

Ha! Don't even think about it!

May 30: 2 sneezes.

May 31: 2 sneezes.

Month of May: 67 sneezes. Not Bad! Beat that Atchoum! :laugh:


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I got one more sneeze in at 22.00 last night, so that's 61 for May. OK, Lamborghini, you've beaten me.

For someone who sneezes mostly singles, it's a big score. If you look at our daily scores, I only (almost) caught up because there was the odd triple or quadruple.

Challenge you (and everyone else) to June: I"ve already got 2 singles for today (1st June) and with any luck I could have hayfever (unfair advantage ?)

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I got one more sneeze in at 22.00 last night, so that's 61 for May. OK, Lamborghini, you've beaten me.

For someone who sneezes mostly singles, it's a big score. If you look at our daily scores, I only (almost) caught up because there was the odd triple or quadruple.

Challenge you (and everyone else) to June: I"ve already got 2 singles for today (1st June) and with any luck I could have hayfever (unfair advantage ?)

Nah! That's not an unfair aadvantage. It is spring in the U.S too I think, so Jasmine's allergies are also acting up, I think. But so far Atchoum, we are tied...

June 1: 2 sneezes.


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