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Array of Sneeze Drawings


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Sternuto: Glad your fantasy came true. :group:

Raining Strawberry: All coming together now. Look in the background when on top of the mountain in the episode "Hike." Looks like a see a Space Needle and Puget Sound. :bleh: Also in "The Cold," we see "KING Transit" which could be a play on the county Seattle, Washington is in. King County. In this episode, Caity and Tyler go to Spokane, which is also in Washington. Could they be in Washington State? The only thing that seems to be against that is the name on a sign seen in the episode, "Mugged." The police station says West Hill Precinct. I don't know the northwest too much, but I don't think that is a real area in Seattle.

Kiwifruit: Yep, she is not wearing anything it appears. Nothing shows of course, because it is supposed to be able to be read by anyone. Yeah, she just causes most of her own troubles. Hee hee!

The Artistic Paws: Best given.

Pseudosneeze: We have not seen Caity sneeze this much snot in awhile. Not since she was sick of course. But she does spray a lot in almost every sneeze. She is a full force sneezer, usually clinching her teeth.

Zneeze: Thanks for the comment.


Bit of news. The next two episodes after this will both be shown in the next update, because they are both short episodes. They are only one page, and were episodes the artist was not originally going to include in the series. So they are sort of special in a sense.

This part of the episode is sort of different. We see a different kind of relationship between Tyler and Caity not yet explored. When you spend a long extended period of time around someone. Also Caity has a new unfound allergy?

EPISODE 39: CRUISING COUNTRY Parts 3 and 4 of 4.



Caity: 275 (+8)

Sadie: 54 (-)

Christina: 23 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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Awww, what a cute update :hug: The dynamics between them are interesting...I quite like it :bleh: I love how close they are! Also, the last panel of the first page is adorable :group:

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That's more like it. I do enjoy Caity and Tyler's chemistry. Clever idea with the clothing allergy.

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Aww! :) So cute! I loooved Tyler's face at the end lol :laugh:

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Got to make this quick. After this update, we will get "good quality updates again" according to the artist. The two short episodes you are about to see were originally not going to be released. They were half way made, which is why they are only a page long. The artist said to me they have two episodes they didn't give me, and I said send them. :winkkiss: So these were not going to be released for some reason or another. ;D Hope you enjoy them. Next update, the story plot thickens greatly.


40. Stop The Dog: Parts 1 of 1


41. Got the Time?: Parts 1 of 1.


Caity: 280 (+5)

Sadie: 60 (+6)

Christina: 23 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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Hmm, I like her hair in the second page! Also love the failed attempt to stop Sadie sneezing, as someone trying to stop someone else from sneezing = HOT! :winkkiss: Especially if it fails xD

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Aaahhhh now I'm going to have to go back through the episodes to find all of the Washington State references!!! :lol:

Anyway, loved these last few episodes, as usual. :D I love it when the artist comes up with something new for Caity to be allergic to, in this case being her shirt. Haha, neurotic Tyler! :laugh: And I agree with Kiwi, trying to stop someone else from sneezing is super hot. :)

I'm going to be away for the next few weeks... can't wait to do catchup on the new episodes when I return!!

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I liked these two eps, very creative :( I felt pretty bad for Caity in the second :c

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I will be gone awhile so I am giving you this episode before I got for about a week. Look forward to the comments when I return to send back to you know who. This episode according to the artist is "back to reality." So this furthers the storyline we have been getting sucked into. Also told that season 2 will end here soon, and end the series until season 3. From what I can see of the next few episodes, you guys are going to love them. The series gets deeper into developments! I see Christina in the future, Fhazie, and more . . . is Tyler . . . .wow, no way. :bounce: Have a good week, and look forward to returning!


This episode to me was good, and really sweet to Caity. :drool: Made me all fuzzy inside. Aww. Be prepared to aww. You can almost feel her congestion in this as well. ;D

EPISODE 42: Dreaming Parts 1 and 2 of 2.



Caity: 288 (+8)

Sadie: 60 (-)

Christina: 23 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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I did indeed awww :bounce: Poor Caity; lucky for us that she DOES suffer from her allergies though! :drool: The first panel of the second page is super cute :drool:

Have fun where ever it is you're off to for a week!

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Poor Caity! I found that episode to be so adorable <3 definitely one of my favorites.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Okay, here is the next episode! Sorry for the long delay, but I've been gone and busy, so I have not been able to share them. I don't have much to respond to for this past update, but thanks for posting. One funny thing from the previous episode no one noticed was that the news channel Caity was watching was called "KCHEW" ;D


This episode carries on the storyline and adds some drama to the already crazy Caity-Christina stoyrline! Enjoy!



Caity: 298 (+10) Nearing 300 sneezes!

Sadie: 60 (-)

Christina: 27 (+4)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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Ooooooh that's evil. Really,really evil. I definitely like these two parts. I dunno why she's doing it. . .I can't wait to see more.

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Oh man, that is TERRIBLE >.< Filming her for what is essentially porn without her consent. Ugh. Poor Caity :cryhappy: Christina is horrible >.<

btw: I noticed the name of the channel :hug: Just didn't comment on it lol. Still, doesn't beat the duct tape channel. I mean, really? Duct tape!?? xD

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Just wanna say, I just read through the whole comic series, and it was really just great! I really, really enjoyed it! And I gotta say, I love the "butt shots" where we see her bend over with her sneezes. Anyway, just wanted to say, great job to the artist and thanks SO much! I don't know how everybody else feels about this, but if you're still sharing opinions with the artist... more sadie would be nice (I love how messy her sneezes are!) and... possibly some male sneezing? I know some people are turned off by that, so maybe not... anyway, GREAT JOB!!!! and thanks so much!

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Lucian - What we see is all I know about this plot line right now! I want to see more! We don't see this plot line enough!

Kiwifruit - Nothing beats duct tape! Is Christina bad, or Leo? Hmmmm. :)

The Artistic Paws - Thank you.

Pseudosneeze - I wonder how much money they make?

Zneeze - Would you call yourself a fan of Christina? :heart: The official number one fan? :laugh:

Mr. Ticklynoses - Don't believe I've seen you before, so I thank you greatly for reading the whole series and posting a nice comment! Anything you write the artist can see, and I am sure they plan accordingly. :) Thank you so much. Caity's rump thanks you too. :bleh:


Okay, here is the next new episode for the week. Last week some talked about not seeing Sadie so much, but guess what, she is back. You might remember the cat from a long time ago, the cat is back too. The cat's name is Mars, named by "The Artistic Paws." He is a male kitty. :) Peopel also say they have noticed that Sadie is a strong messy sneezer, so yeah, be prepared for some of that too. Messier then we've seen from Caity at least. Enjoy this latest with Sadie.



Caity: 298 (-)

Sadie: 67 (+7)

Christina: 27 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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