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Array of Sneeze Drawings


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Oh! A Christina strip! I've never seen her without a scowl on her face or an evil smirk. She actually looks kinda cute. I like how she really didn't have a reaction to our bad boys of sneezing's proposition, but mention Caity's name, and she flies off the handle. I wonder if they'll ever get along. Maybe Christina is a little jealous of Caity.

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Hey it's Christina! I like this new twist. :blushing: Am definitely wondering now what will happen next time Christina and Caity cross paths...

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Thank you so far for the comments. :laugh: I will go more in depth with responses back to you all when the next update comes. :lol: Until then, I love sending these comments off. Next update, they (the artist) will respond to you personally. :) I'll explain what that means later, so if you got something to say, say it now. :wub:

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Something to say? I'd just like to thank the artist for making these for us, and he is extremely kind :drool: I'd also like to thank him again for making me that one comic ;3

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I'd also like to thank the artist for taking the time out to contributing so much to our little community. Where do you get your inspiration to draw? Do you have any other comics out? Oh! And how did you come up with Tyler? He's really funny in an awkward way. Is he based off a real person?

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Thank you for everything!! You've put a lot of time into drawing comics for us-- I mean, a lot of time. And they have been compelling and fun from the start. :yes: Thank you for contributing so much to our community! :P

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Ooh, well if the artist is personally responding...thank you SO MUCH for drawing this comic for us! It's incredible :yes: The style of the art is perfect for the comic too, and I've really enjoyed watching your style get progressively neater and more consistent, and the different angles and perspectives being included; travelling with the artist (in a way xD) through their evolving style is always interesting. I didn't start reading this until a good chunk of the way into it, but I'm really glad I have and I'm always on tenterhooks waiting for the next update!

Thanks again for everything; you're a very skilled comic artist and it's extremely generous of you to be sharing your work with us in this special comic :P

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Okay, I sent the link to the replies, and should have an update, with the responses back by this weekend. Thank you. Have a nice Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

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These responses are by the artist, not me. :) Artist responses to your comments in italics. Some did not get answered to directly, and some answered to more then once.

:lmfao: at Leo's last line, assuming it's meant to be I instead of A there xD Christina's expression in the second to last panel is awesome :P It's interesting that Caity isn't included; maybe Christina's going to go storm off and demand to know about her "modelling" now? :lol: Nice update anyway :)

You caught a error. Thanks for noticing. Oddly enough, I don't catch everything. I guess it could be said as in "A: Fear Angry Women. B: Etc, etc, etc. Anyways, thank you for the kind constructive comment. I love seeing what people have to say. I always look at other comics that have these huge cult followings, with people commenting about little secrets they found, or character pairings, or whatever else they talk about. So I love it when I see glimpses of that. Thank you Kiwifruit. By the way, Kiwi's are a wonderful fruit.

Oh! A Christina strip! I've never seen her without a scowl on her face or an evil smirk. She actually looks kinda cute. I like how she really didn't have a reaction to our bad boys of sneezing's proposition, but mention Caity's name, and she flies off the handle. I wonder if they'll ever get along. Maybe Christina is a little jealous of Caity.

As you will see in the next few comics, Caity sort of takes the sideline while I decide to dig up more on the lives of people around her. They need to be brought back in a bit, so we know what they are up too. They don't just disappear into nothing, they have lives too. Christina is a very interesting character, and she looks nice without the scowl (or you might like that). I hope to go more into her character with the series.

Hey it's Christina! I like this new twist. :innocent: Am definitely wondering now what will happen next time Christina and Caity cross paths...

You'll be one of the first to know when a new episode comes out. Thank you for the loyal comments update after update. Good things in store for those who comment well. There is a difference between a comment, and good comment. But I am thankful for anything and everything.

Something to say? I'd just like to thank the artist for making these for us, and he is extremely kind :) I'd also like to thank him again for making me that one comic ;3

With your permission, maybe Fhazie can be seen again in the comic. Just contact Smiles or me about that.

I'd also like to thank the artist for taking the time out to contributing so much to our little community. Where do you get your inspiration to draw? Do you have any other comics out? Oh! And how did you come up with Tyler? He's really funny in an awkward way. Is he based off a real person?

No community is too little to be ignored. Heck, a community of two is bigger then just one of me. I've enjoyed drawing since I was young, and have always loved to do it. Like anyone else though, sometimes artists draw for selfish needs, such as getting comments. Wow, now it feels like I am doing this just for comments? No, no. I thoroughly enjoy drawing, and love making other people happy. Of course there is a line on what I will and will not draw. I try to keep my comics with good morales, and family friendly. You will not find cussing, gore, or nudity in any of my work. That is past the line. As for other comics of mine, without going into too much detail, yes. I got a ton. A nice handful right now being distributed throughout the net, and world . . . via online. Some handed out in papers, and others through bulletins. To see all my comics, with their info, you can quickly learn about then here. Of course you can comment on them on my official website if it interests you enough.

Lastly, Tyler is not based off any one person. I just thought it would be fun to have some like-able, yet high strung dude be paired with a girl who was prone to germs. Being high strung and disliking germs don't seem to mix as I've noticed. Awkward seems to be the new "in thing" now days, thanks to shows like, "The Office." So if you can appreciate that from Tyler, all the better.

Haha! This is great! Thanks so much for taking the time to make this! :)

Thank you for being around to reading them.

Thank you for everything!! You've put a lot of time into drawing comics for us-- I mean, a lot of time. And they have been compelling and fun from the start. :yes: Thank you for contributing so much to our community! :D

Much obliged. Thank you for being a loyal commenter from the beginning. It will not go un-awarded. Maybe some more comics can help.

Ooh, well if the artist is personally responding...thank you SO MUCH for drawing this comic for us! It's incredible :D The style of the art is perfect for the comic too, and I've really enjoyed watching your style get progressively neater and more consistent, and the different angles and perspectives being included; travelling with the artist (in a way xD) through their evolving style is always interesting. I didn't start reading this until a good chunk of the way into it, but I'm really glad I have and I'm always on tenterhooks waiting for the next update!

Thanks again for everything; you're a very skilled comic artist and it's extremely generous of you to be sharing your work with us in this special comic :D

Thank you for the generous well made response. I will be the first to say my art style is not exactly clean, or perfect, because I know I got weird shapes, half drawn lines, and hand written text, but I am glad people can understand it. One thing about me, is I love stuff with a deep story line. This comic's story line and depth is very shallow compared to other stuff I will do. I like depth so much as to have fictional towns, companies, characters backstories, and families. I also know some comics are not meant to have that much depth, and most people will overlook that depth. But a few will appreciate that depth, and look deeper into it, always wanting more answers.

So I always wonder what is too much depth for a series like Caity and Sadie? Do the people of this community want the series just for one reason, and will the quickly turn away if it strays away from what they want? It's a tough question, and the best answer I can get is by the response received whenever a new episode is released. If a certain episode does not get as many responses, it usually means it was not as well liked. Or so that is what I have been lead to believe. So I try to make things for both groups to like. Those who want depth, and those who could care less. They can look over it anyway.

Thank you for the compliments.

Below is a overall comment to everyone from the artist.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their continued support. There is too much of a good thing, and with that, I will quickly say this series will not last forever, you all know that, I know that. So as a heads up for the future, I will end the series when it is popular, not when it is fading. But who knows, I might come up with something else for you all. Another question is, why do I make this comic for a community such as your own? Simply because I enjoy too. I've known Smiles and have respected them for stuff they have done for me before, so this is partially my favor back, to thanking them. But along the way, I realized how much fun I am having drawing Caity, Sadie, and Tyler. I might not understand the whole appeal that some of you enjoy, but I do enjoy the characters, and their personalities. I enjoy thinking of new adventures, and more fun things to do. I also throw a little contraversy in from time to time. I've learned to greatly enjoy them, and have learned a lot about you as a community, and how you are more then just names behind a computer screen. You are all real human beings, with likes, dislikes, and feelings, and I thank you for your time reading these comments.

I try to make the series interactive, unique, and with memorable moments and characters. They are deeper then just names. They got backstories. Also try to make the information readily available to you, the information seeker. As you know, all the Caity and Sadie Episodes, as well as special content, character bios, color photos, and fun details can be found on the Caity and Sadie Wiki.

As for others, I have received requests by email, and it might seem I am slow to respond, and it is true, I am. So sorry for that, but if you have placed an order with me, I will get to it. I wont break my word, you got my word on that. ;) Thank you again, and see you soon.


Sadie and Tyler fans, this comic is all yours!

EPISODE 37: Sadie's Bath. Parts 1 and 2 of 2.



Sneezes past update/ Total in series.

Caity: 250 (-)

Sadie: 54 (+9)

Christina: 23 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

Caity and Sadie Central!

Hope you all enjoyed this special update, with responses from the artist. See you next time guys, and Happy Fathers Day!

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Awww, poor Sadie! xD This made me giggle, and even though animal sneezes put me off in general, I still love the ones in this comic :) Tyler's sooo funny with his germophobia! The faces he makes in this update are too funny xD Fantastic job as always!

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Poor dog! I kind of want to hug her right now!

And Tyler! Oh my GOD, Tyler! I'm cracking up as I type this XD

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I don't like animal sneezes, but the Sadie strips can be funny. Tyler doesn't interact with the dog all that much. Nice to see.

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Thank you for the comments this week! :rolleyes: Hope you enjoy this next comic!


Who would you want to see more of in the comic? It can be anyone, from Caity, to Tyler, Christina, Justin, or maybe someone completely new? Let me know! :laugh:


Caity has some really long buildups here! I don't think I've ever seen them this long before she explodes into a sneeze!

EPISODE 38: Workout Time (Parts 1 and 2 of 2.)



Caity: 262 (+12)

Sadie: 54 (-)

Christina: 23 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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Wow, this is just getting better and better. Great artwork; I love the sneezes in that last one! ^_^ And oh my god Tyler... :blushing: he's gone completely psychotic! Especially in the last episode with Sadie. Bahahaha hilarious.

To answer your question, Smiles2us-- I think that the dynamic between Caity and Christina is funny. I can't wait to see what happens the next time they meet, since Christina just found out that Caity almost became a sneezing model! And their pepper fight was great. :cryhappy: Love Tyler as well.

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HAHA! Tyler! Oh man, he's just too funny! I still absolutely LOVE the facial expressions in the comic too, they're all fantastic :D

I'd love to see Tyler some more, he's just the best, though we see him often as it is! :( Caity is great, maybe another cast member or two eventually would be nice as well; though if it keeps going just as it is I'd still be happy! Some more of Christina and Justin would be interesting, I'd like to see what happens next with them :(

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I really enjoyed this strip. Tyler is hilarious as always. I love the way he and Caity interact. Seeing more of Christina and Caity would be nice. I've always hoped they could get over their long time rivalry. And I wanna say seeing more Tyler and Caity would be good too, just because I want to see if they ever end up at least trying to be more than friends.

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New favorite episode :lol: Freaking LOVED Tyler's expression in the last frame of part one... and pretty much Tyler in general. "Hello! This is a side of you I don't see very much!" :lmfao: Loved it. I love his obsession with duct tape too xD All that being said, Caity is still very nice too :bleh::lol: Love the angle of her first sneeze xD Kudos to the artist!

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TO EVERYONE: Sorry, I did not notice that part of the last panels text was cut out. Incase you wanted to know, Tyler said, "Yeah . . . . duct tape channel time!"

RAINING STRAWBERRY: Two Tyler comics in a row! We never really get comics based around him, but he sure is fun to watch!

KIWIFRUIT: Facial expressions are my favorite part! Tyler has never sneezed, and if we saw him more, there might be little to no sneezing. ;D People would have to like him for his germaphobic nature. ;D

LUCIAN: I think we are being left in the dark with Caity and Christina for a reason. Everyone wants to see what happens, but no new episodes are coming out with it yet! Tyler and Caity have a odd relationship actually. I wonder how they met?

THE ARTISTIC PAWS: Happy to hear! I think Tyler needs a Facebook fan page. ;D Ha ha!

ZNEEZE: New fav? Wow! Impressive! His expression in that scene was really crazy, I agree. I liked it.

Question (Answer Questions, Earn points!)

This updates question is, what do you think Caity's best attribute is? Example, her personality, physical appearance, maybe her eyes, or hair, or something else. It can be anything honestly. Just blabber if you have too. :lmfao:

You read right, I will be keeping track now personally. Answer questions, earn points to possibly win some personalized art and stuff. Key word: Possibly. ^_^ I'll see what happens.


Here is a four part episode! This one as noted by the artist to me says "lacks in the drawing and detail department." Take that as you will everyone. The next two parts will come in the next update. There is a new extreme, and wild factor to this episode! I liked it, and whatever the artist said for me to tell you, I disagree! Hee hee! Not as many sneezes though, but stay tuned.

EPISODE 39: Cruising Country : Parts 1 and 2 of 4.



Caity: 267 (+5)

Sadie: 54 (-)

Christina: 23 (-)

Other Females: 9 (-)

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I like the episode where Caity 'back sneezed' her way into the boy! Been a fantasy of mine for decades! ^_^

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^_^ Bahahahaaaaa oh my god that one was great. I saw some news angles that I haven't seen before! And it was very animated, what with Caity slipping on the floor. And Tyler... jeez, I don't think I'll ever get tired of him. :laugh:

And wait... Spokane??! :lmfao: Did I mention that I'm from Seattle??

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LMAO! xD Oh, poor Caity! :lmfao: She's such a disaster half the time, it's so funny to watch :laugh: But...woah...is she NAKED in the last panel? In front of Tyler? Oh dear, what that must be doing to the poor guy's brain, especially since he seems to *like* her as it is :) Amusing update anyway!

Hmmm...I do like her personality, she's always very honest and forthright but she has a cute element of shyness about her (often caused from sneezing embarrassment :lol:) that I like. I also like how she's just a fairly average girl too, not a supermodel type with huge boobs and legs for miles and so on; it makes the comic more appealing and makes it easy to relate to her. She seems like a nice girl; if she was real I'd have no hesitation about trying to be friends! (Though having a friend who continually sneezed would get kind of awkward after a while...^_^)

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Dear GOD, this might as well be considered one of my greatest fears! I totally sympathize with her ^^;

That got me cracking up again~! So funny C: Give the artist my best~

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