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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Almost a work ob (f)


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So anyway, there is a blonde intern about 23 in my office a few days a week this summer. Anyway, she was pretty sniffly today, she has been most days that she has been working. I don't think she has allergies because one day she mentioned the pollen flying around saying that must be tough for people with allergies. Then another day she mentioned that maybe she was getting a cold. So anyway today its just the two of us sitting in this room and she says, "I need to sneeze." And she starts rubbing her nose. Anyway, she is very attractive and we've hung out socially but she has a boyfriend, so i'm not going to be getting any. So she is rubbing her nose and then no sneeze came. I almost asked if it got stuck but I guess I wasn't really willing to take the conversation that far. Then she left for the day about 10 minutes later so I don't know if the sneeze ever came. Oh well, I'm bound to see one sooner or later. You know what's its like though when a really attractive girl hasn't sneezed yet in your prescence and your really curious what it will sound/look like? It's like thinking you won the lottery but realizing that you only won like another free lottery ticket, lol.

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Anyway, she is very attractive and we've hung out socially but she has a boyfriend, so i'm not going to be getting any

Any what? :D

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Rats! You all beat me to it. I'm no language snob, but "getting any"? Come on! Show some respect to the fairer (and sneezier -- see Am. Shep's post in the general forum) sex.

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haha i know bubbles. i didn't know my posts had to conform to everyone's political and moral correctness. besides as far as the fetish goes for me, if i'm not attracted at some level to the sneezer then the fetish never enters the picture.

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Aw, come on....give the guy a break. Or should we all be deathly blunt in our posts from now on?

"So, I was having SEX the other day..." :D

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Jack violated no rules, so there is nothing wrong with the post, and Wrigley was just joking. Would be no fun to read the board if we were all blunt and serious, now would it?

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Y'all have to go easy on cole slaw. It has enough of a bad rap as it is!

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Me? Participate in a weird thread? Never, lol!

Take care,


P.S. If not cole slaw, how about a Caesar Salad, ma tres chere tma?

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sure1 I like Caeser salads, Zed.:)

btw- I have absolutely no idea how this got So off-track :lol: , and I would comment on the orginal ob.- but as female sneezing isn't my particular cup of tea.... :wink: :)

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