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Sneeze Fetish Forum

my boyfriends sneezingattack

Guest Loki

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Hi there,

I haven´t posted for quite a long time, but nevertheless lurked around of course. But last weekend something happend and I have to share that cause it was so incredible!

My boyfriend (I already told about him – he´s about 1,80m, shaved head, blue eyes – very, very cute, and he knows about my fetish) normally only has single or double sneezes.

On friday (it was the day after my birthday, so a friend came over and we sat and drank a little (well a little more...)

After she had left he sneezed and I blessed him and felt sorry that I didn´t see that one and he sneezed again (damn, again didn´t see it) but anyway I felt aroused and went over to him and hugged him and we kissed. Our lips were still together when he suddenly had to breath in – and sneezed right over my shoulder! He said sorry, but I said you know I don´t mind :D

Actually that was only the beginning cause then he had to sneeze many times – I was so excited so I forgot to count, but at least 10 or 15 times. In between he sometimes rubbed his nose and tried to make it go away because he became a little annoyed – but it didn´t help at all. Before each sneeze there was a very fine build-up (and I did see them all from then on cause I still had my arms around him – and wouldn´t let go :wink: ) and he had to bend over almost to his knees.

Well I was so horny afterwards that we had a little fun afterwards... Wow! What a late birthdaypresent!

A long obs (sorry) but I hope you like it. Take care!

Ups, almost forgotten: He told me that he has these sneezingattacks when he had drunk a little to much. Do anyone of you also know something about such a thing? Never heard of that before

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Very interesting observ ation - thank you!

Yes, it is not uncommon for some people to have sneezing fits after drinking. The alcohol is supposed to dilate blood vessels, including those in the nose, which leads to sneezing. I know at least a couple of people it happens to, including the father of a friend of mine, and he is said to have had it all his life. Another French sneeze freak reckons that late nights in bars are the best places to observe sneezing, as the alcohol seems to get to many people's noses to a greater or lesser extent. But you are lucky to have this in your boyfriend - and thanks for sharing !

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thanks for your reply. Thats really interesting.

Also it came to my mind that (of course when I was in Amsterdam - otherwise it´s illegal :wink: ) I recognized that also smoking hash makes some people sneeze very much. There was for once the friend I was there with and also a girl, which was very cute. She had to sneeze all the time we sat there and tried to stiffle most of them, but couldn´t stop... Surely that´s also something with the blood vessels.

Well, well, always something to learn.



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And probably the smoke particles don't help either Loki. In fact most "hay fever" in cities is not caused by pollen, but by diesel fumes, which spew out grains that are about the same size and shape as pollen grains. Ah the things you learn when you spend time in the medical section of a Uni library reading up on allergenics. Now if only I'd spent as much time in the religion section (the social anthropology section on folklore and mythology also drew my attention away from my subject at times! :wink: :D )

thanks for your reply. Thats really interesting.  

Also it came to my mind that (of course when I was in Amsterdam - otherwise it´s illegal  :wink: ) I recognized that also smoking hash makes some people sneeze very much. There was for once the friend I was there with and also a girl, which was very cute. She had to sneeze all the time we sat there and tried to stiffle most of them, but couldn´t stop... Surely that´s also something with the blood vessels.

Well, well, always something to learn.



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