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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Obs in the pub


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I don't often post obs.

In fact, I think I've only done it once.

It's not that I'm idle; I'm just busy!

I had to tell y'all (thanks for the addition to my accent, Piper!) about a couple of recent obs in pubs here in the old home town.

About a month or so ago myself and Fever were sat with some friends on the patio in a local pub listening to a blues band.

One of our friends girlfiend (still with me?) had brought a friend with her whom we hadn't met before.

She was a rather slight shy girl with wavey shoulder length light brown hair.

during the evening she let out a loud sneeze.

HA SHOO...!!

She was sitting behind me and to me right so I didn't get any warning.

The a sneeze made me jump out of my skin.

Then she said "It's my hay fever."

And then she brought her right hand to her face.

She seemed to be pointing to her face and, particulalry, her nose.

The gesture seemed to be sasying, "See!" as her mouth began to open and her breath began to hitch.

The impening sneeze, however went away but she kept her hand in the same positon with the bottom ledge of her hand facing downwards.

Again, her eyes closed and her mouth sagged open but she stil lfailed to do a second sneeze.

Then, last night we were in another loacl pub with a view to watching another blues band.

Two couples sat down at one of the tables and one of the girls immediately stared to seeeze.

It was real real full blown sneezing fit.

The most amazing thing was that, not only were the build - ups long and spectacular but they were toatlly un-covered!

She must have sneezed about fifteen times!

She only covered up when she actually sneezed.

The were really loud sneezes too.

HA..SHOO...!! HA. CTHOO...!

She also threw in some stifles in bewteen the loud sneezes.

HA... SHOO..!! HA.. HMPFF.. !! HA.. SHOO...!

The thing that I found particulay attractive about this fit was that she tried to carry on the conversation she was having with the other girl in their group while still sneezing.

We couldn't help but look at her because she was directly in our line of vision.

We were however, unnerved by the fact that she kept looking at us and smiling as she sneezed.

I was wondering it our fetish was getting obvious and that she was finding our watching her sneezing amusing.

The things beacme more compliacted when my mum rang me on my mobile.

While I was talking to my mum, the sneezy lady engaged Fever in conversatiion.

She said to her, "Don't you recognise me?"

It turned out that she was the same sneezy lady we'd sat with in the other pub I mentioned earlier but we didn't recomgnise her beacuse last night she had her hair tied back!

It was quite a ight for sneezing as the singer/guitarist in the band was suffering too.

I'm afraid that I don't do male obs though. Sorry!

The drummer in the band is woman, though and she seemed to be suffering as well .

Fever eaxlaimed to me, "The drummer's at it now as well!"

I didn't see her sneeze though. I'll have to ask Fever of she saw her sneeze when she wakes.


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Wow! Thanks for sharing those obs, hilsbilly! I love it when someone in the throes of a massive sneezing fit still tries to talk in between achoos!

Take care,


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