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Sneeze Fetish Forum

male obs


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A while back - I had posted about a fabulous buddy of mine "Kale" who came over when I had a cold and sat with me and every once in a whle handed me tissues. It was erotic to me to be taken care of so sweetly.

Well...Kale was over just shortly after dinner tonight and was coughing and sniffling a bit. Ladies, Kale is hot. He is about six feet, thin but not too thin and has an incredible physique. He has green eyes that are lashed with black lashes and wears his hair cut close high and tight - it is like black velvet. A real cutie in the old school Tom Cruise sort of way.

Anyhow there has been this maddening summer cold going round that has been giving everyone an annoying dry cough for like three weeks after. So he says to me "I think I caught it Kat - the plague". He was standing by the kitchen sink whilst I washed the dinner dishes and I laughed at him and offered to make him some tea. He nodded and then I saw one of the most adorable the pre sneeze expressions cross over his face and he ran to the back slider and sneezed "Huuuurrrasshhhhooooo! Atttchooo!" out the back door. He was holding onto the door frame when he sneezed outside into the rain.

I said - "Whoa, babe bless" and then I laughed so so hard because I have never seen anyone run like that to not sneeze near me before. He was laughing as well and then I told him he did not have to do that and he said yes he did as this was the worst cold he ever remembers catching and there was no way he wanted me to get it, but he had to have some TLC. He had not left the house in two days. For a physical guy like Kale that is a rarity.

So I made the tea (lemon zinger, with fresh lemons and honey and sat with him a bit. I have tons of herbal remedies and he was so adorable to want to try them. My husband thought it was great as for once he did not have to be my guinea pig - but I swear by a few of my concotions. Kale left a little bit ago, reluctant but I think he needed sleep more than my company and though it would have been nice to witness a few more of those massive sneezes - well there are times when compassion overrules all else.

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Thank you so much for that wonderful obs! *grins* That sounds like a TLC session I'd love to help out on. I'm always torn because I don't like people feeling bad, but it's so delicious to witness obs like that.


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Guest marnie

What an observation! I too at times feel torn about my enjoyment when someone really doesn't feel well. I love taking care of people--so the nurturing side of me kicks in. Sounds like you were able to do both, Kitty.


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