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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Coz Obs(F)


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My cousin Laura has a perfect nose ill try and get a pic up for that but anyway im always watching her to sneeze and she has done many a time ill post this like an ongoing story:

Today this was she had the snifflies(and when she has a cold she sneezes about 50 times) so i knew i cold was coming on and also i knew she would sneeze well she didnt for ages plenty of blowing sniffing and pre-sneeze expressions(because of false build ups) but in the end i realised I and only I could make the sneeze come out so(this is sneeky) i made this paper cartoon(where you flip the pages) and i showed it to her and as i was flipping i purposly caught her in the nostril with the edge of the paper(not a brill idea but...) after about 3 seconds the build up started and Ha-chich-oo that was a new one(sound wise) it was only 1 sneeze but when i post a pick youll find it better

By the way can someone tell me how to post pics online

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If you start a Yahoo! or MSN Group, you can post pics in a folder on the site. Really easy to do. You just select them from your hard drive and upload them to the Group site.

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