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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It's that time of year (m)

Guest _sarah

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Guest _sarah

I'm in a band with some of my best friends. We've played music together for a long time, and now that summer is here and school is out we've been jamming more that usual. I've had quite a few nice little encounters the last few days.

One of my friends sneezes at bright sunlight, so now that summer is upon us I've been getting the most adorible little sneezes from him. He always stifles, but sneezes openly, if that makes any sense. He tilts his head way back, stares up at the sun, then sneezes straight down with hardly any sound, but great faces. He always jokes about it and talks about how good it feels afterwards, so thats always a plus. For anyone who wants to try to put a visual with this, he's 21, tall, hispanic and overly skinny.

Another member of the band has hayfever, and lately his medication hasn't been working so well. Yesterday in the car he sneezed 8 times, 2 sets of 4. He sneezes very deep but very sudden with no build up like CHH! CHH! with a very brief pause inbetween.

Another small observation that I've had is now that I'm older (22), people tend to say "bless you" and "excuse me" more often, which I just absolutely love. I guess there are good reasons to grow up. :wink:

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Oooo.... Thank you so much for the obs, Sarah. I used to be in a band, and I absolutely loved it. I miss the good obs you can get during practices. Sounds like fun. :) Please keep us up-to-date!


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