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Sneeze Fetish Forum

another self obs

Guest hazelkeating

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Guest hazelkeating

Thanks for the welcome messages :) I have it programmed into my brain to cover with my hand when I'm in public but not when I'm at home. I almost always sneeze with only a few seconds warning so I don't have time to stifle even if I wanted to. I got put off stifling by a friend I had at school who always held her nose when she sneezed which can't have been good for her.

Two days ago I was on the bus to work sitting on the lower deck next to an open window. The bus slowed down as a car in front was waiting to turn. My nose started to feel strange for a few seconds which I didn't think anything of right away but in a few more seconds I realised I was going to sneeze and did my standard fairly loud single covered with one hand. I saw someone sitting in the seat in front of me turn round to see what the noise had been. Just after I sneezed the bus started to move again and I saw two men cutting the grass verge at the side of the road so I think a flying blade of grass must have landed in just the right place.

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You are wonderful with detail. I can see that blade of grass sailing over to insinuate itself with (in?) you, and trigger the sneeze. Now I'm trying to imagine the sound of that sneeze.

Thanks :!:


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