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Obs on a Crowded Train (F)

Guest timber

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Guest timber

This observation happened just over two weeks ago and it is one I will never forget. I stepped on board a train at an underground station in the city at about 5pm. Because it was rush hour, a huge crowd of people entered the carriage with me. More people embarked at the next stop, and suddenly it was so crowded it was impossible to move. At this stage I was standing in the centre of the carriage, facing sideways towards the train doors.

That's when I noticed the woman standing less than a foot away, right in front of me, facing towards the front of the train. Looking over the shoulder of a man with a moustache, I could clearly see her face. She was quite attractive, in her early 20s with long brown hair, and a small red nose. She looked pretty miserable and obviously had a cold. Then a strange expression came over her face, which seemed to say 'I think I'm going to sneeze' and 'oh shit, please not now' at the same time. She could either have chosen to bring her hand to her face, probably elbowing a couple of people in the ribs in the process, or to take a risk and wait. She chose the latter option, and struggled valiantly not to sneeze for about thirty seconds while I watched intently.

Finally, she succeeded, and the expression faded. While I was a little disappointed, I admired her courage. But suddenly, a much greater sneeze urge took control of her, and before she could do anything about it, two very loud sneezes exploded forth in the space of a second - "AAAaaa-CHHHHH! hhhh-AAAaaa-CHHHHH!", spraying all over a bald guy's head. This took her and everybody else by surprise, especially the bald guy, but she was not done yet. Now with her hand firmly across her mouth (and a couple of people to her right now with sore ribs), she continued - "hhhh-SHHMP...hhh-aSHHHMPH...hhh....hhh......AAAA-CHHHHHHHH!" That last one, possibly a high E flat, was enormous and would have bent her double, had she not bumped simultaneously into the people standing in front of and behind her.

It seemed that whatever was irritating her nose had now been blown to Kingdom Come, as that giant sneeze was her last. She was extremely apologetic afterwards, and her nose was now no redder than the rest of her face. As for me, I was just thankful I had grabbed a copy of the trashy tabloid they were handing out at the station. Strategically positioned, it saved the moustache man from a very nasty surprise.

Timber :shock:

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I woulda liked to have been the bald guy :wink: Nice obs!

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Wow! Quite the train of thought there, lol. Thanks for sharing your very well-written obs. And welcome to the community too. Great to have you on board.

Take care,


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