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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Driving Observation (F)


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Most of my observations are about people my age, but this person is older so I figured I would put it here. Female sneezes aren't my bag, but I know some of you will enjoy it more. I had to search my brain for this one because I usually don't remember them, haha.

My friend Ashley's older sister Sydney dropped us off at movie theatre last weekend. Sydney is going to be junior in college next year, so she's probably like 20. She's got long dark hair and dark eyes. That's about all I can tell you about her. Go ahead and paint your own other features.

Anyways, she's driving and Ashley and I are sitting in the back talking. All the sudden I hear a "Ha...CHEW" from Sydney. The "ha" is rather small and the "chew" is more forceful. Ashley and I kept talking when I heard, "Ha...ChEW....ha..ha....Ha....CHEW.....*sniff sniff*.........ha...haha....Haaaa.....CHEEEEEEEEEEEW!....ahhhhhh.....*sniff sniff*.....*sniff*". Ashley and I both blessed her at the same time and she just said "Thanks...I felt so sneezy there for a while. I have no idea WHAT that was."

And that was the end of it. We went on talking and there were no more sneezes from Sydney. A few sniffles, but that's all. Hope you enjoyed this.

Happy Sneezing :)

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