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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Another one of my old Scooby Doo fanfic's


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I must be getting braver in my old age :wacko: , I desided to post another one of my Scooby Doo fanfic's :D .

I hope you enjoy it :dribble: .

Scooby Doo and Shaggy knew that they had to act fast! Sonya and her agents were hot on there trail. The two of them had entered into another section of the creepy old museum and quickly noticed that there wasn’t any exist. “Like wow Scoob were trapped” Shaggy exclaimed. They both looked around the large room quickly trying to find a place to hide. The room was set up as an Egyptian display with a large sarcophagus sitting against the far back wall. On eather side of the old coffin there sat statues that looked liked sphinx’s except these guardians look far more like canines than lions. They sat on large rock chairs with there hind feet resting comfortably in front of them on large stools. Shaggy quickly formed his plan having Scooby Doo take the place of one of the Egyptian guards while he hid behind a curtain that made up the back drop for the display.

Hiding behind the curtain Shaggy stood behind his old pal Scooby Doo reminding him of the importance of his staying perfectly still while all along Scooby trembled like a leaf with fear. “Like stop shaking Scooby Doo, they will see you for sure” “rile ry” Scooby Doo explained through chattering teeth. Right then Sonya entered the room followed by two of her fellow agents. “You two check out that other room while I take a look in hear” she ordered “report back to me if you find anything”. The two agents saluted and left the room as Sonya started her search. “Come here doggy”, “come out come out were ever you are” Sonya called out. Scooby Doo stiffened up in the chair trying hard to keep his quivering at bay. Suddenly he looked up and noticed that the headdress he had put on to look like the other sphinx had a large pink feather sticking out of the top and all of his shaking had caused it to bend and droop forward. Scooby Doo looked on in horror as the large feather kept bending and drooping coming closer and closer, finally resting against the tip of his large black nose. The feather softly brushed and stroked against his nose, gently tickling his large nostrils as it swayed from side to side. Scooby could feel feather particles flouting up his nose accompanied by the strong smell of dust! A sneezy tickle began to form in the far back of Scooby’s nose and he could feel his eye’s begin to well up with tears. Suddenly he found himself totally consumed by one and only one thought “ I rink I’m going to reeze!” “Ro no rot a ree, ree reeze!” he thought knowing full well that one of his powerful sneezes would surely alert Sonya and her agents to his and Shaggy’s hiding place.

Scooby bit down hard trying desperately to fend off the growing sneeze. He looked cross eyed down his snout at his nose that was now beginning to twitch in response to the feathers gentle tickles. His vision became fuzzy as his eye’s filled with tears. As he blinked a new wave of terror came over him as he felt his own tears run down his cheeks. Scooby Doo knew that if she saw his tears it would surely give him away but that thought quickly vanished as he felt his need to sneeze growing stronger. His large nostrils began to fill and in fear of making the same mistake again he quietly tried to sniffle. He watched nervously as Sonya was alerted to the sound of his sniffing but it was then that he realized what a mistake he had made as his large nose was suddenly overwhelmed by the new wave of allergens flooding his nostrils. Scooby could feel the sneeze building stronger. He tried to keep his gaze fixed on Sonya as she continued to search the room but his eye lids grew heavy. The sneeze was growing stronger with each passing second. Suddenly he noticed Sonya turn and start to head for the exit. If he could just hold on a little longer maybe, but right then a light gust of wind caused the feather to brush past his flaring nostrils. A small piece of the quill broke loss and floated up his nose. It gently brushed along the soft sides of his nostril causing his need to sneeze to become unbearable. “RRRAAAA!” Scooby’s breath hitched once. Sonya stopped in the doorway with her back still turned away from him, a slight smile formed on her face. Shaggy started to whisper to Scooby Doo again begging him to keep quite “o’h no Scoob!, what ever you do don’t sneeze!”. Scooby fought to keep his eye’s open and his sneeze undercontrol but it had grown to strong for him to fight anymore. “RRRRAAAA, RRRRRAAAAAAA!”. His nostrils flared wide open as his eye’s closed tight. “RRRRREEEEEE, RRRAAARRRRRAAAAAAA, RRRAAAACHOOOOOOOO!”.

The giant sneeze exploded out echoing through out the large room. Sonya turned and re enterd the room as Scooby Doo tried to compose himself. “Well I would know that sneeze anywhere” Sonya said with a chuckle. She watched as the large pink feather that had once adorned the helmet Scooby Doo had placed on his head now flouted through the air doing summersaults until landed on the ground just a few feet away from her. She bent over and picked it up and then continued towards the statues “I just wonder ware he could be hiding” she said with a smile stopping right infront of Scooby Doo. “I wonder if he is hiding somewhere around here” she said as she softly ran the feather up and down the palm of her hand. “Well only one way to find out” she said with a menacing grin. She then took the feather and began to run it up and down the soul of Scooby Doo’s foot that was outstretched before him. Scooby bit down hard as a ticklish sensation shot through him. “Tickle tickle tickle!” Sonya said with a smile as she ran the feather over his foot. Scooby could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his tale that was hidden by the curtain behind him began to franticly wag from side to side.

Scooby Doo's tail began to kick up the thick layer of dust that lined the floor we Shaggy was hiding. Scooby could feel sweat beginning to bead up on his forehead from the ticklish torture to his hind feet, while all along Shaggy could feel the dust flouting up his nose he quickly stuck his index finger under his nose slightly lifting it up. His eye’s teared up as he felt his own breath begin to hitch. “Like o’h no” he thought “I think it’s my turn to sneeze”. He aggressively ran his finger back and forth across the underside of his nose but it did little subside his need to sneeze. “AAAHHH” his breath hitched again, loader this time. It was enough to divert Sonya’s attention from the torture she was putting poor Scooby through. She stopped her tickling and listened to the sound coming from behind the curtain. Shaggy tried to plug his nose with his thumb and index finger but all that did was to trap the dust that was already up his nose. His eye’s grew heavy as they streamed tears down his cheeks. “AAH AAAHHH!” Sonya quickly pulled back the curtain to reveal Shaggy helplessly caught in his pre sneeze posture “AAAhhh AAAHHHH AAACHOOOOO!” Shaggy’s own sneeze exploded out and he and Scooby were recaptured by Sonya and her agents. As they were carted off Shaggy could hear Scooby Doo say “guzuntite Raggy!”. “Thank you old buddy and I’m sorry”..

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It can't end there; Sonya hasn't sneezed!

I think as time goes on I'm appreciateing Scooby more [ although I still find his speech impediment unnerving]

Excellent details and s while h.

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