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Sneeze Fetish Forum

One of my old sneezing while hiding stories (F)


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The worst was over, or so they thought. Matt was successful in freeing Molly from the cell were she had been kept captive even though she still wore the handcuffs that had been placed on her. They slowly tried to make there way back to the entrance were freedom awaited them. Suddenly they heard voices that seamed to becoming from all around them. Quickly they ducked into the first open door they could find and found themselves in some kind of dressing room.

“Is there somebody out there Sonyas voice shouted as the sound of running water came to an end. Matt took Molly by the forearm and quietly led her to a large makeup table. He motioned to her to get under it and she gave a nod in reply. There wasn’t alot of room under the table for the two of them but they made do. Right then they heard the womans voice again. “I’m so sick of those creeps always trying to sneak in hear and catch me in the shower” Matt and Molly were suddenly froze as the chair that was infront of the table was pulled out and the woman took her seat. The chair shuffled back in and the womans knees showed threw the thick bath robe she had on. The two sat there perfectly quite as the woman continued to talk to herself as she began to apply her makeup “I swear one of these days I have to have a lock put on that door” she said as she powdered her face. As she did this a small cloud of the powder she was applying began to float down below the table and Molly’s nose quickly inhaled a good portion of it. Her eyes quickly widened with the reality of what she just did. She began to crinkle her nose up wiggling it around trying to suppress the tickle the powder was causing. She thought to her self “If I only didn’t have these handcuffs on I could itch my nose before I have to” and thats when it hit her, the thing she dreaded most of all “sneeze”. The fear came over her like a wave “no not a sneeze, not now”. She tried to free her hands from the cuffs but it was no use. It was at this point that Matt looked over he could tell instantly by the expression on her face what was happening. He mouthed “no don’t sneeze” as Molly looked back helplessly. Right then the woman changed her position shifting her legs to one side as her robe fell open. Both Matt and Molly noticed her bare chest but it was Molly's nose that quickly pick up on the sweet smell of the womans perfume coming from her cleavage. This was the last thing she needed as her nose went crazy with the new smell. Molly’s eyes began to tear as her nostrils flared. Matt knew he had to act fast. He carefully raised his hand so as not to even touch the womans bare leg and placed it gently against the underside of Molly’s nose allowing her nostrils to flatten out on to his out stretched finger. The underside of her nose was moist as he slowly ran his finger back and forth across Molly’s poor nose. This felt like heaven to her as she rocket her head side to side to assist him with the itch. She could feel the sneeze beginning to back down a little and she breathed a sigh of relief .

Matt slowly began to remove his finger from under Molly’s nose when she sniffled. The sniffle was loader than she had expected and they both froze once again in fear. Sonya sat in her chair perfectly still, had she done it Molly wondered, had her sniffle given them away?. It was then that she could feel it beginning again. The tickle started in the back of her nose but quickly moved it’s way forward. It felt like a hundred little feathers tickling the soft inner side walls of her nostrils . She could feel her eyes begin to tear and flutter as she once again began to squirm her hand around desperate to free them if only to itch her nose. She could feel her chest beginning to expand , take in air as her breathing became labored. She thought to her self “o’h no not now not a snaa, snee, sneeze!” Even the sound of the word in her own head spread a wave of fear over her. She knew there was no way she would be able to stifle this sneeze it had grown to powerful. Aaahh, the first sound caught Matt by surprise he looked over only to see Molly caught in her pre sneeze expression. Her eyes looked heavy lidded as a single tear ran down her cheek. Her nostrils were flaring uncontrollably and the corners of her mouth drooped down. He quickly returned his finger to the underside of her nose and tried once again to suppress her sneeze but this time it was to far along. Molly let out another hitching breath AAAHH. Matt tried sliding his fingers down each side of her nose as if to pet it in an attempt to calm the sneeze but it only continued to build Aauugh AAhhh. Molly’s eyes closed and her mouth fell open Matt knew this was it and as a last act of desperation he pinched her nostrils closed. Molly’s eye’s sprang open mostly from the surprise and for a minute it seamed they were safe. They could hear Sonya above them return to her task as Matt breathed a sigh of relief as he released the grip on Molly’s nose. But the sneeze would not back down. Molly’s eye’s teared up one last time before they closed as the sneeze began to form AAAHHH, AEEEHH, EEEYYY, AAAAAHHHHH, AACHOOOOO! the sneeze was so loud that it echoed in the room and Sonya jumped from her chair and quickly looked under the table “There you are”.

The End :blushing: !

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The end?? Does she throw them back in their cell? Have them executed? Let them sweet-talk her into letting them go? Who is she, and who are they, and why are they in her room?

Well never mind, I don't often come up with in-depth scenarios for my fics either. Usually I do as little as possible to get them to a stage where they can sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze.

I do love SWH, though it often puts me in the uncomfortable position of roting against a coming sneeze. In this one, though, I wasn't so sure. A naked woman who's so hot that she keeps having Peeping Toms sneaking into her room? I kind of had the feeling she and Molly would confess their fetishes to each other and give good old Matt a night to remember. Hmm--Maybe I'll write a fic like that some day.

Happy Six Hundredth!

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The end?? Does she throw them back in their cell? Have them executed? Let them sweet-talk her into letting them go? Who is she, and who are they, and why are they in her room?

Well never mind, I don't often come up with in-depth scenarios for my fics either. Usually I do as little as possible to get them to a stage where they can sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze and sneeze.

I do love SWH, though it often puts me in the uncomfortable position of roting against a coming sneeze. In this one, though, I wasn't so sure. A naked woman who's so hot that she keeps having Peeping Toms sneaking into her room? I kind of had the feeling she and Molly would confess their fetishes to each other and give good old Matt a night to remember. Hmm--Maybe I'll write a fic like that some day.

Happy Six Hundredth!

I'm sorry it wasn't more indepth with the details :mf_dribble: . I wrote this as per request to another member and kind of jumped right into the good stuff :mf_chefsp: as you can see.

As for the charactor of Sonya, she has been in acouple of my other stories :wheels: . If your interested in a comic of her to see what she looks like I would be happy to send it to you :omg2:

Edited by Daphine
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I'm sorry it wasn't more indepth with the details :mf_dribble: . I wrote this as per request to another member and kind of jumped right into the good stuff :mf_chefsp: as you can see.

As for the charactor of Sonya, she has been in acouple of my other stories :wheels: . If your interested in a comic of her to see what she looks like I would be happy to send it to you :omg2:

No need to apologize, I enjoyed it just the same. It's just that there's something about SWH that gets me really involved in the ploteven though it's just there to give the characters an excuse to sneeze--the way I like it in every other fic.

I'd like to see that comic, thanks.

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