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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Perfume Department


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I rated this story PG-13 for mentions of arousal. If this is the sort of thing that should be 18+, then moderators feel free to change it.

This story changes points of view a few times. The points of view of he main character are in blue, and the points of view of the salesman are in green.

Now on to the story, enjoy. :twisted:


Cara groaned softly to herself as she entered the department store. She did like this store, at least the clothing department. It was always hard for her to find outfits that fit her short stature properly and also went well with her dark hair and pale complexion, but this store had a great selection and she could usually find something that she was willing to wear.

The reason for groaning as she entered the store was that the way the place was set up, she had to go through the perfume department to get to the clothing department. Cara was allergic to most perfumes, but she found she could usually get through this department without more than a slightly itchy nose and watery eyes if she walked quickly enough.

As Cara approached the perfume department, she quickened her pace. A good thing too, because her nose started to tickle almost immediately. The smells of the various fragrances in this department seemed stronger today than usual. When she was halfway through the department, she was almost certain she was going to sneeze. She sniffled and rubbed at her nose even though she knew full well it wasn’t going to help one bit. She started to take barely audible hitching breaths, her eyes half closed waiting for the sneeze to come. Then all of a sudden the tickle faded at the last second. Cara sighed in frustration, she really hated getting false starts. Once she felt the tickle in her nose, she wanted nothing more than to sneeze and keep sneezing until the irritation was relieved. She rubbed at her nose again and continued making her way out of the department.

Unnoticed by Cara, a salesman behind one of the perfume counters was watching her utterly captivated. He had always found sneezing an incredible turn on and couldn’t believe his luck when this beautiful woman paused in front of his counter and started to struggle with the need to sneeze. He became so excited watching her build up, and the frustration she seemed to feel as the tickle backed off was almost as good as if she had actually sneezed. He was glad for once to stay behind the counter. He could keep a straight face, but the way his body was reacting would surely betray him.

He watched her as she continued to make her way out of the department. She was nearly out when she paused again. Her back was to him, but he could see from her movements that she was taking those hitching breaths as her need to sneeze built up again. After a few moments she seemed to relax, it seemed that she had another false start. She then exited the perfume department and entered the clothing department. He wondered what had her poor nose so irritated. Could she possibly be allergic to perfume? Well there was only one way to find out, and he knew that she’d have to come back his way in order to leave the store.

Cara couldn’t believe she’d had another false start. The tickle had been so strong, but her nose was being stubborn. Feeling annoyed, she sniffled and exited the department. The clothes shopping went without incident. Her nose still tickled a bit and she rubbed at it every now and then, but the feeling wasn’t enough to build back up to sneeze strength. After about an hour, she finished picking out the clothes she wanted, paid for them, and started making her way toward the front of the store to leave. As Cara entered the perfume department again, the tickle in her nose grew quickly. She was certain she wouldn’t be able to make it through this department again without sneezing.

Her hands were full with shopping bags, so she couldn’t rub at her nose. She just kept sniffling in the attempt to keep the tickles at bay. When she was halfway through the perfume department, a cheerful looking salesman behind one of the counters said to her, “Hello, would you like to sample our new perfume, Floral Sunrise?” Before she could say anything, he raised the bottle and sprayed a fine mist of sweet, flowery smelling perfume in front of her.

The strong scent instantly made Cara’s poor nose fill with intense tickles. It really pissed her off when fragrance salespeople did this. For all they knew, she could have an anaphylactic shock reaction to the perfume. The fact that she didn’t have as serious a reaction as that was beside the point. Her eyes began to fill with allergic tears as she felt a sneeze, or more likely a fit of sneezes, start to build up. The salesman looked at her expectantly waiting for her to respond. She tried to answer through hitching breaths, “It’s….. heh hehhhhh….. very nice, but it’s gonna…… hehhhh hehhhhh hehhhhhh…… make me….. hehhhhhhhhhh……… sneeze.”

The salesman muttered an apology that didn’t sound at all sincere. At this point, Cara normally would’ve dropped her bags and started sneezing into a tissue, or into her hands if she didn’t have one handy. This time she thought she’d teach the salesman a lesson. She held on to her bags, and she started to sneeze completely uncovered directly onto him, “Hehhhh-shhhhooo! Hehhhhh-shhhhhhoooo! Hehhhhh-shhhhhhhooooo! Hehhhhhhh-shhhhhoooooo!” Each forceful sneeze covered the salesman in a fine spray, not unlike that which he had produced from the perfume bottle. “Hehhhhhh-shhhhoooo! Hehhhhhh-shhhhhooooo! Hehhhhh-shhhhhhoooo! Hehhhh-shhhhhoooo! Hehhhh-shhhooooo! Hehhhhhhhhhhhh-shhhhhhhhhhooooooo!”

That last powerful sneeze seemed to end the fit. The salesman looked stunned and barely managed to utter a blessing. Well she guessed she couldn’t blame him, it wouldn’t be the first time she got shocked looks from people after one of her sneezing fits. The salesman handed her some tissues from behind the counter. Cara set her bags down, took the tissues and blew her nose wetly several times while glaring at him. She then gathered up her things and hurried out of the perfume department, sneezing a few more times as she left the store.

The salesman couldn’t believe what had just happened to him. He was sure that was the most erotic moment of his life. After the woman had left he took some more tissues out of the box and cleaned himself up the best he could. When his shift was over, he made his way back to the security guard’s station and asked for a copy of that day’s security tape of his perfume counter.

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Oh WOW! That is so hot! :twisted:

I love how you used two different points of view. Made it seem more intimate.

Edited by JellyBelly
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Glad you liked it. I even had to stop writing in the middle to take care of some things. :twisted: That usually doesn't happen to me with stories that I write myself. ;)

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I leave home for a few days and a whole new crop of female stories grows! That was great!

I think I love you right now.

*Loves you*


Once again, I can't stress how great that was!

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Glad you all liked it, I might do another story someday with the same character.

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Cara, or the perfume salesman? I liked 'em both: Cara for obvious reasons, the salesman because he has the power to make women sneeze. I'm sure I'd pick that if a genie showed up and offered me a superpower.

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Cara, or the perfume salesman? I liked 'em both: Cara for obvious reasons, the salesman because he has the power to make women sneeze. I'm sure I'd pick that if a genie showed up and offered me a superpower.

Well I was just thinking Cara, but I'll consider doing the salesman too, maybe another story with both of them, who knows.

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