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I'm not used to sharing my writing publicly yet so...be gentle. :D

Jordan awoke to his girlfriend of two years gently rubbing his arm and

calling to him softly. “Jordan? Baby, it’s time to get up. You’ll be late.” The 23-year-old groaned and rolled over, facing a drowsy-looking Amy.

“Good morning, Sunshine.” She whispered, her voice a little scratchy. “Mornin’,” He mumbled back. Amy snuggled closer to Jordan and coughed softly into her fist, giving a little sniffle afterwards.

“Mmm,” He sighed contentedly, enjoying the soft touch of her skin against his. Jordan tenderly brushed Amy’s dirty blond hair away from her face and smiled down at her.

“You are so beautiful.” He whispered, causing the girl’s cheeks to flush slightly.

“Why thank you baby. You’re not so bad yourself.” Jordan was leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead when he caught a glimpse of her nose crinkling slightly at the bridge. His breath caught in his throat as Amy squeezed her hazel eyes shut and drew in a breath.

“ Huh…heishoo! Oh, excuse me.”

“Bless you.” The words barely escaped Jordan’s lips before another sneeze captured Amy’s helpless nose.

“Ehhshh!” She sniffled and blushed, looking away. Jordan had never mentioned his fetish to anyone, and so Amy was always embarrassed by her sneezes, completely unaware of the effect they had on her boyfriend.

“Bless you again.” He kisses the tip of her nose and smiled, chasing away Amy’s embarrassment.


“You feel okay, baby?” He asked her, hoping the eagerness he felt wasn’t too obvious in his voice.

“Actually, I think I’m getting a cold. I don’t feel all that well, sweetie.”

“Aww. Is there anything I can do for you?” Amy shook her head and coughed a few times.

“I’m alright here. But you’d better get moving or you’ll be late for work.” Jordan glanced at the clock.

“Are you sure?” He stared into her honey eyes and searched them.

“I’m sure, sweetheart.”

“Okay. I’ll be back around 6:00 then.” He stood up reluctantly, and laid a kiss softly on her lips before getting himself dressed and asking one last time if she was alright.

“Jordan, sweetie, I’m okay. Promise. I’m going to get some sleep now. Have a good day at work.”

“I love you. See you when I get back.”

“Love you too.” She murmured before drifting off.

When Jordan returned home that evening, Amy was sleeping soundly with the covers pushed to one side of the bed. He smiled and came to cover her back up. Jordan softly kissed her forehead and found it to be warmer than normal. He was a little concerned, so he went to get the thermometer just in case.

“Amy? Amy, I need you to wake up, sweetheart.” Amy murmured something and rolled over, facing Jordan but keeping her eyes closed.

“C’mon baby, I want to take your temperature.” She eventually opened her eyes and sat up, pausing to sneeze twice to the side.

“Hehshh! Etchh!”

“Bless you.” Jordan fought to keep his excitement under control and placed his focus on Amy’s health. “Now, open up.” He gently placed the thermometer under her tongue and waited patiently for the beep. When it was finished, Jordan looked worried and placed a hand on her forehead.

“What? What’s the matter?” She asked timidly.

“It says you’ve got a fever of 39.5 Celsius. (103.1 Fahrenheit).”

“Oh. I suppose you’d better start taking care of me then.” She teased him while rubbing her index finger delicately under her pinkish nostrils.

“One step ahead of you. I’ve already started some tea, and while I was out I got some more Advil.” Jordan didn’t want his girlfriend to suffer, but he made a mental note to conveniently leave any medicine that would lessen her sneezes on the shelf at the drug store.

“Oh, you’re making tea for me? I was only teasing you, you know.”

“No way. You get the whole caring treatment. Tea and all.” Jordan smiled and kissed her cheek sweetly. Then he gave her some Advil and she asked him if he would stay with her until she fell asleep. The couple lay in bed together under the covers, Jordan’s arm around his girlfriend until her breathing became regular and even and he knew she was asleep. He then turned the television on low and stayed by her side should she wake and need something. A few times Jordan caught himself simply watching her sleep, admiring the way her lashes curled softly against her cheek.

After a few minutes he noticed Amy’s breathing becoming irregular. He glanced over and watched, entranced, as her nostrils flared delicately and she pulled up one hand to rub underneath them in an irritated manner. Apparently, her nose was still tickly, because she pressed her nose into the pillow and stifled her sneezes against it.

“Hmmph! Hh…Hmphh! Mmmph! Heh…HMMPH!” She opened her eyes and sat up slowly, looking slightly dazed. She sniffled and blushed, casting her eyes downward.

“Bless you! How’s that poor nose of your doing?” Jordan asked, kissing it softly and handing her a tissue. Amy blew several times, very wetly but softly. The blowing seemed to trigger a few more sneezes, this time allowing Jordan a chance to admire her face as she prepared to rid herself of the tickle. Amy’s eyebrows drew up into a look of mixed concentration and desire to sneeze. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut and her mouth hung open slightly. The girl’s nostrils quivered, the edges looking pink now. She placed a finger underneath her nose in an attempt to hold back the sneezes, but they were far too powerful for her. There was nothing she could do to stop them and they eventually overpowered her.

“Huh….huh…Heshoo! Eshoo! Heh….Etchh! Huhshhoo!” Jordan was so hypnotized by her beauty that he couldn’t help but reach out and gently stroke her hair. Amy was too wrapped up in her sneezing to even notice. “Eshhh! Heptchew! Eshoo! Heh…HEISHHH” The last one was so strong Amy nearly sneezed herself off the bed, bending at the waist, hair tumbling into her face. Jordan was speechless by the time she had finished with her fit. His breath was taken away by the sight of one he cared for so deeply completely overtaken by her sneezes. He could barely manage a ‘bless you’ while he tried to pry his eyes from her.

“Ugh, thanks. This cold is making muh…my nose ti- tickle so much…Eshoo!” She sniffed a few times and plopped her head back onto the pillow, closing her eyes. Jordan leaned over and softly stroked her cheek with his index and middle fingers, comforting Amy. Her eyes flicked up to his and they smiled at each other before Jordan gently rose from the bed, fetching two mugs of warm tea.

“Thank you, baby. Mmm, it tastes good.” Amy sighed contentedly and leant against Jordan, allowing him to set both mugs on the bedside table before wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

“Thank you for taking such good care of me.” She whispered.

“My pleasure.” He replied softly, caressing her hair.

“I love you, Jordan.” She said to him, slowly starting to fall asleep in his arms.

“I love you too, Amy. More than you know.” He murmured close to her ear. Jordan thought about revealing his fetish, but just as he went to take a breath to speak, he realized Amy had already drifted off to sleep. He smiled and kissed the top of her head, laying her back under the covers. Amy smiled in her sleep and snuggled closer to him. Shortly after Amy was sound asleep, Jordan joined her and they slept in each other’s arms through the night.

The next day Amy awoke feeling a little better than she had the day before. Jordan, however, seemed to have caught her cold. He woke the next morning feeling sniffly and zapped of energy. It seemed it was Amy’s turn to care for him, and she was more that ready to repay him for yesterday. They spent most of the day asleep or lying next to each other, enjoying the sound of the other’s heartbeat.

During one of these quiet moments, Jordan gathered his courage and told Amy about his fetish for sneezing. She was remarkably accepting, and asked only a few questions to better understand just what he found so erotic about her sneezes. Jordan was grateful for Amy’s positive reaction and brought her close to wrap her in a giant bear hug. Jordan felt so close with Amy as of this moment; he was actually on the edge of tears.

“I love you.” He whispered, his voice weak with emotion. Jordan had never meant the three words more than he had at that moment. Amy smiled and held him tighter, for although she couldn’t feel just how relieved Jordan was, she could feel his love for her and that was all she needed to know.

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Holy frak that was good! One of the best stories I've seen recently.

Note: I have decided to preserve my title as a Battlestar Galactica nerd and say 'frak' instead of fuck.

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Nice little story. You've got a gift, I beleive. :bleh:

One bit of constructive criticism... If I may....

WAY too much "Sweety", "Shmoopie", "Darling", "Honey", "Sweetheart", lovey dovey talk. :bleh:

Do couples really talk like that? :nohappy:

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Nice little story. You've got a gift, I beleive. :drool:

One bit of constructive criticism... If I may....

WAY too much "Sweety", "Shmoopie", "Darling", "Honey", "Sweetheart", lovey dovey talk. :drool:

Do couples really talk like that? :twisted:

I was in a sappy romantic-type mood when I wrote this. Sue me. :bleh:

Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! :drool:

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Very sweet, I loved it. My boyfriend and I talk like that, so it was a bit bittersweet for me, because he's away right now and I haven't seen him for a while. but very good for all that. I'm curious though, as to what will happen now that she knows.... :wheels:

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yeah that was excellent! i think from the look of your positive feedback, you'd better get writing us another! lol!

hehe, I'm working on it! :lol:

Thanks again for all your kind words, everyone. It means a lot to me. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, a story I like !

I enjoy stories about a woman getting sick and her boyfriend taking care of her. It's soo cute and sweet. If you have any others like that, please share it :laugh: I can't seem to find these on the Internet :bleh:

Good job ! :bleh:

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I am of course, late as always to respond to stuff like this.

Here is a simple sentence to wrap up my thoughts on this:



The end.

Its great, keep writing.


Who is slightly miffed by the use of the word "baby" in this...

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