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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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I live in NYC, so I frequently utilize taxicabs as transportation. More often than not, I get to ride in a taxi alone; but today was different. I usually HATE riding with strangers, but I didn't mind at all on this particular occasion.

I was sitting next to this beautiful woman. She had long blond hair, silky tan skin, and bright green eyes that flashed in the April dusk. She was decked out in business-type clothing; a black blazer and a black skirt with black high heels. She was around 5'3'' or 5'4'' and 110lbs....BEAUTIFUL girl....and 25 or 26 years old.

She started talking to me, and things only got better from there.

"Where are you headed?" she inquired with a gazillion dollar smile.

"Greenwich Village. Yourself?"

"Oh, that's where I'm going, too!" she beamed, seemingly excited over the fact that we had something in common. "I have to go to this schindig for my work."

"Oh yeah?" I said, smiling back. "Is that a good thing, or a boring thing?"

"Oh, it's a good thing. I'm really excited, actually. I am a publicity agent, and apparently my work's party is going to have a really famous celebrity....." she trailed off and took a few shallow breaths, her cherry lips parted in suspense. Her hand waved over her face, and her eyelids flickered. She tilted her head back, and then forward again, catching the most delicate and feminine sneeze I have ever heard in the entirety of my life. "t-chooey!"

"Bless you," I said, smiling a familiar smile.

"Th-th-th...oh...thank----," she stammered. It was obvious she was trying to thank me for my emphatic bless you, but she needed to sneeze some more. A few moments of intense buildup later, the woman sneezed again, "t-choo! t-choo! t-choo! t-choo!t-chooey! oh. excuse me!" She sniffed heavily, and massaged her nose with the pointer finger and thumb of her right hand.

"Bless you again," I said, still smiling. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm okay---allergies, you know?" She sniffled some more.

"Do you need a tissue?" I asked with concern.

"Yes, but I don't have any," she sniffled, rubbing her beautiful nose some more.

I retrieved a packet of kleenex from my briefcase, the night in shining armor that I am, and handed it to her. "Here you go."

"Oh..thank you!" She got the sneezy look again, and quickly took out a tissue, burying her nose in it. "t-choo! t-choo! t-chooooooey! oh! ahhh----choo! t-shoooo!"

"Bless you once more," I said with an immense smile. "Are you sure you are all right?"

"Y---yes," she managed to say. The sneezy look returned. "t-shoooo! shooo! shoooo!" She then began to stifle them, and her sneezes were barely audible. "kkkmmmf! kkkkkmffff! ohhh!"

"Bless you!" I said yet again. This was driving me crazy. "How much are you going to sneeze."

She rubbed her nose intensely with the palm of her hand, her eyes closed. "Oh...I think that's it! Thank God!"

Her attack was over, and although I was saddened to see it end, I was ecstatic over the fact that it happened at all. She did sneeze once more before we got off in Greenwich Village, though. I let her keep the packet of kleenex. :lol:

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:x Grr! Damn, I think I know where I'm moving once I get up enough cash for my own place!!!

I long for an experience like that. Or maybe to encounter a fellow fetishist in that sort of scenario... could be fun! :wink:

Great obs.

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Colin, afterward did you check to see if you had died before you stepped into the cab? :) Great experience, man!


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i suppose all of the sneezy excitement obstructed me from adding a little tidbit of information. I didn't think you guys would care...but I DID get her number....and her name...Nikki... :)

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