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huge sneezing fit --bar obs-m


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Sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time. At least, that's what I was thinking at work the other night. I was standing at the service bar, chatting w/one of the bar regulars, Matt, who was sitting in the seat right next to my service area while I waited for the bartender to put up my drinks. Although Matt works as a real estate agent, he's built more like a linebacker. He's about 6'3" tall, with dark brown hair and goatee, and very intense dark brown eyes. He was turned around in his seat, back against the bar, talking with me and two other friends, a girl and a guy, when his voice got that distinctive sound of an oncoming sneeze. After several moments of massive indrawn breaths, he let loose with a huge "HUH...ESSSHHH!" that nearly launched him out of his seat. The girl took a cautious step backwards and offered him an incredulous "Bless you!!" but Matt couldn't answer as another sneeze was building up. It seemed like every huge breath that he drew only fueled the need to sneeze and after an incredible buildup, he gave another equally explosive sneeze. His other friend smirked and said, "You didn't hurt yourself, did you?" Matt flipped him off, rather distractedly, while another sneeze began to build up. He grabbed a handful of cocktail napkins and muffled another massive "HUH-EPPPHHH!" When he recovered enough, he grumbled something about someone who was wearing too much perfume. (He wasn't kidding. There was a girl a couple of seats down who must have marinated overnight in her perfume. But I have to admit, I was enjoying the show!) He continued to sneeze at regular intervals for a pretty long time, attracting the attention some of the other customers. But, if there's 2 things I know about Matt from waiting on him over the years it's (a) he doesn't care what other people think about him. and (:) very few things will keep him from his beer!! The bartender finally came over and said to him, "Um, maybe you might want to go outside for a couple of minutes and get some fresh air." What a spoilsport!!

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and the end of the story ? Faint sounds of sneezing from afar?

But even if there is no actual end... we can always hope there will be a sequal ! I take it that this was the first time you had seen him sneeze.

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Yes, Atchoum, you are correct. I've been working at this particular bar for over 10 years, and this was the first time I ever saw Matt sneeze. Definately hope for a sequel, though. The girl with the heavy perfume is also a regular. (Those of us who work there nicknamed her 'Poison Peggy'!) She's provoked similiar reactions in the past, but none to this extent.

As for the bar where I work--it has always been a great place for some pretty amazing obs. I'll do my best to share them if interested. Although, everytime I start to post, I am usually overwhelmed with 'stage fright.' (pretty dumb, huh? Especially since everyone here is always so nice and accepting!)

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Please definitely keep posting. You painted the scene so clearly. Maybe you could find out what perfume Poison Peggy wears and stock up!


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