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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Adorable Male Obs


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I was in the pub a couple of days ago and saw the most adorable thing. I only saw this guy sneezing a couple of times but after he had finished he rubbed one of his eyes and mumbled, "Why can't I stop sneezing?" more to himself than to his mates. He then pulled his hoody tight against him and looked all lost and helpless and it just made me melt! (God I can be so predictable sometimes!)

B :)

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Oooh!! You are so lucky!! He sounds so adorable... :) That is why I always carry tissues on me... so I have the option (though I'm not sure I'd take it, cuz I'm shy) to introduce myself and offer a Kleenex. Thank you for relaying the obs to us. :)

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I love those adorable guys too!!! I find that even large noses can make a guy look kind of goofy and sweet and helpless!

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