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Lady Marianne drew the big blanket around herself more closely. She then drew a little neare to the blazing firewhere her white cotton nightgown hung onits line, long and dripping. This garment was soaked, as indeed was the poor Lady Mariannes french riding cloak which she had thrown over her when shehad begun her night ride across the moor.

Suddenly she shivered, extending her little feet that peeped from the blankets confines toward the fire. She had never once thought it was going to rain, and yet only half way over the moor the heavens had opened, drenching the poor girl to the skin. To add to that , her horse had bolted, leaving the girlunhurtbut very frightened out on the moor.It had rained and rained. Lady Marianne hadmanaged to somehow stagger along the rough path, barefoot, her white nightgown threatening to trip herat every step, til she saw the light from this cottage. The young farmer couldnt believe it when this delightful vision appeared at his door after frantic knocking. Seeing this beautiful blonde haired , blue eyed lady on the doorstep, shivering profusely,and so thinly clad, heimmediately escorted her inside.

Now those lovely blue eyes glinted in the firelight as the girls damp tresses hung over the edge of her blanket. She glanced over at her rescuer. He looked kind, thoughtful and was quite handsome, in a rugged way. Feeling perhaps a little vulnerable, she gave a little shiver and drew herself closer.

"Mummy will be furious I got so wet", she said,"and so far from home"

He admired her delicatewhite leg stretching from out the blanket but his attention was suddenly rivetted by what happened next for suddenly Lady Marianne gave a sudden and very beautiful and quite loud female sneeze. Those pretty blue eyes screwed shut and her lips pouted as her nostrils flared and that lovely blonde head shot forwardin a beautiful , yet pitiful explosion.

"A --TISH--OOO!" , she sneezed, "Now Im catching a cold!!"

He looked at her anxiously , but his eyes could not help but betray a trace of tenderness for her.

Abruptly the spell between these two young strangers was broken by another sneeze from Lady Marianne,which rippled the blanket round her with an exquisite violence.


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Very nice!  Write more!!! :yes:

Thanks sneesee, im glad im not on my own! will try and do more of it. Iwish that i could find my own personal Lady Marianne!!Id love the story tobe made into a video or dvd!! love poetmus xxxx

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"Are my things dry yet?", she asked , giving a slight shiver and raising her lovely blue eyes.

He reached out and felt the damp cotton of her now gently steaming nightgown. The sensual thrill of the touch of the fabric which had been so intimately close to the body of this lovely girl went through him like electricity.

"No,be a while yet, lady", he said eventually.

"Oh dear" said Lady Marianne, before sneezing again.


"You poor lady", he said, "Wait there", "Keep warm", and with that, he left the room.

Alone by the fire, Lady Marianne shivered and sighed. Oh , how silly she had been,

riding alone on a night like this. And now she had caught a cold!!!

She wondered about her rescuer. He had seemed thoughtful, albeit a little nervous

in her prescence. She looked towards the flickering flames and sneezed once more


Whilst Lady Marianne was thinking, the young man was upstairs and was busy making up a bed for the girl in the small attic room.As he placed extra blankets on the bed , that lovely face swept through his mind. He placed a hot water bottle in the bed as carefully as if he handled a holy relic. He smoothed back the counterpane and went downstairs.


The girl sneezed as he reached the door. Suddenly his feelings for her overwhelmed him and he stepped across the room to the suffering lady by the fire, and with one hand he was wiping her little red nose on his handkerchief, whilst his other was arm was around her blanketed shoulders,gentle, but firm.

He knew now that no matter what happened, all that he wanted to do now was to look after this lovely lady, to show her tenderness. Her beauty demanded nothing less.

He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her soft lips whilst his hand gently stroked her damp blonde hair

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