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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sweetcakes (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Sera/Female Adaar, F/F)


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Title: Sweetcakes

Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Pairing: Sera/Female Adaar

Warnings: None, really - maybe for innuendo and a little mess if that's not your thing?

Summary: Sera's allergies are getting the better of her in the Emerald Graves. Adaar is perhaps enjoying it more than she should.

Notes: There's more to this story (though it's not finished), but I can't post it here since it's of an adult nature. Maybe once I'm able to post on the Adult Stories/Obs/Art board ;)


Sera frigging hated nature.

Sure, some of it was pretty and colourful (usually the bits of it that were poisonous and wanted to kill you), but the rest was just... green. All serene and tranquil and verdant and other fancy words meaning boring. The kind of thing that elfy elves like His Prissy Baldness probably creamed their breeches over. Not to mention –


- it made her sneeze like crazy.

Wiping her streaming nose on her sleeve, Sera made her way through the last stretch of forest to go before they reached the Inquisition camp. A day of wandering through all this greenness had put her in a particularly foul mood, and she kicked at a cluster of elfroots (hah, there's a joke, thought Sera; an elf allergic to elfroot) growing out of a tree stump. Her foot met solid wood, and she cursed. “Frig!

A pair of strong, leather- and steel-clad arms wrapped around her from behind. For someone so damned big, Inquisitor Adaar could be downright sneaky when she wanted.

“Something the matter, sweetcakes?” Adaar murmured into one pointed ear. Despite herself, Sera shivered, feeling a flush of heat run through her. Andraste's tits, but Adaar's voice did things to her. Terrible pet names and all.

Sera turned in Adaar's arms, and slipped her hands beneath the big qunari's leather jerkin and soft cotton shirt. “You calling me sodding sweetcakes, that's what's the matter, you big lummox,” she grumbled, though the words had no bite to them. Adaar seemed impervious to insults, in any case; she laughed at herself as easily as she did at others. It was one of the things Sera loved most about her.

“No good?” Adaar pouted. “Honey-muffin, then? Cutie-pie? Sugartits?”

“I'll sugartits you,” Sera said forcefully, squeezing Adaar's breasts for emphasis. Hmmm... sugar had potential.

“Is that a promise?” Adaar grinned, a too-wide, predatory grin that sent another shiver down Sera's spine. Sometimes, she found it all too easy to believe that Adaar's people could be related to dragons.

She leaned upwards with a grin to match Adaar's, standing on the very tips of her toes, hands still inside the Inquisitor's leather waistcoat. “You bet your aa... aaaa... aaaiiit'SHOOO!!” An explosive sneeze rocked her entire body, and she would have fallen were it not for Adaar's tight embrace. Which had grown even tighter all of a sudden.

Sera groaned, rubbing her nose with one hand, the other still firmly cupping Adaar's breast. Her girlfriend (was that what they were? Girlfriends? All these months and Sera still couldn't find a better word for it) tilted her head downwards, a strange, almost hungry look in her eyes.

Then, with unexpected tenderness, she kissed Sera gently right on the tip of her sore, red nose. And moved away.

“C'mon, Sniffles,” Adaar said cheerfully, striding ahead on those gloriously long legs of hers. “Let's head back to camp.”

“Like we weren't doing that already, yeah?” Sera called out after her. “And don't call me Sniffles!


Hope you enjoy! And if anyone wants to talk Dragon Age, fetish-related or otherwise, with me - feel free! :)

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Definitely sounds like these two should take this to the adult board... :D

Welcome to the forum :)

Thanks! :D

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I don't know this fandom at all but I still enjoyed this, and the sneeze spelling! :doublethumbsup:

Thank you! I'm glad it could be enjoyed without knowledge of the fandom :')

Ooohh my gosh, this is so good and so sweet :'D You write them wonderfully and Sera's sneeze is perfect.

Aaah, thanks so much! :D Haha, I imagine Sera doesn't hold back at all when it comes to sneezing... after all, she doesn't for anything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Since you mentioned discussion... I'm curious to see if you have any sneezing 'headcanons' for characters other than Sera, or just for the different races in general, since I'd imagine Qunari, Elves, and Dwarves would all have different types of sneezes and maybe even different customs related to sneezing. What do you think?

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quote name="Subsiss" post="732740" timestamp="1448170168"]Since you mentioned discussion... I'm curious to see if you have any sneezing 'headcanons' for characters other than Sera, or just for the different races in general, since I'd imagine Qunari, Elves, and Dwarves would all have different types of sneezes and maybe even different customs related to sneezing. What do you think?

Oh boy I sure do. :D I've a few headcanons for some of the DA ladies - copypasting my comment from the Character Headcanons thread since I'm on mobile right now and linking is hard:

Cassandra: As mentioned in a banter with Blackwall, Cassandra has seasonal allergies. She stifles whenever she's able, but it makes her nose even ticklier, and after a few stifles she can't help letting loose with a huge roar of a sneeze. "Ht-chff! Ht-chff! Hh-hht-chff! HNNK'h-HAAAAASHOOO!!

Josephine: Dust allergies, maybe? Josie sneezes very daintily, and no doubt always has a cute embroidered handerchief on hand. She sneezes in doubles - "Hssshu! Aishuuu!"

Vivienne: Probably never lets anyone see her sneeze, ever; if she must sneeze in public, she stifles, with a delicate "Hsh!" and acts as though nothing ever happened. No allergies, but she's prone to sneezing when she's had a few glasses of wine; she's always careful not to overindulge at social events for that reason.

Leliana: I like to imagine she's allergic to animal dander, which is one reason why she's so fond of the hairless nugs. The Warden's mabari hound was a constant source of sneezes for her, until Wynne gave her a herbal remedy.

Sneezes in multiples, with gasping, breathy buildups. "Ahhh... haaa... haae'tCHOOO! Hiiii...iiiih...i'SHOOO! K'shOOOO!"

Merrill: No allergies, but prone to colds. Sneezes one at a time, with occasional multiples. Blesses herself (and others when they sneeze, too). Says "By the Dread Wolf!" after particularly strong sneezes. "Ha-cHOOO! Eeeaaa-CHOOOOO!" *sniffle* "Oh dear..."

Isabela: Is obnoxiously healthy and doesn't sneeze often, but when she gets sick she's completely miserable. Sneezes dramatically, with lots of hitching and an explosive finish - "hH'nn... heee... hEEEAAAATCHOOO!"

As for racial differences... that's an interesting thought! I imagine qunari typically have big, powerful sneezes. Elves and humans probably have their own sets of superstitions about sneezing (like saying "Maker bless you" so the sneezer's soul doesn't go flying out of their body when they sneeze, that kind of thing :lol:).

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Since you mentioned discussion... I'm curious to see if you have any sneezing 'headcanons' for characters other than Sera, or just for the different races in general, since I'd imagine Qunari, Elves, and Dwarves would all have different types of sneezes and maybe even different customs related to sneezing. What do you think?

Yikes.... my original reply got a bit messed up since I was browsing on my phone at the time :sweat:

But anyway: I've a few headcanons for some of the DA ladies - copypasting my comment from the Character Headcanons thread since I'm on mobile right now and linking is hard:

Cassandra: As mentioned in a banter with Blackwall, Cassandra has seasonal allergies. She stifles whenever she's able, but it makes her nose even ticklier, and after a few stifles she can't help letting loose with a huge roar of a sneeze. "Ht-chff! Ht-chff! Hh-hht-chff! HNNK'h-HAAAAASHOOO!!

Josephine: Dust allergies, maybe? Josie sneezes very daintily, and no doubt always has a cute embroidered handerchief on hand. She sneezes in doubles - "Hssshu! Aishuuu!"

Vivienne: Probably never lets anyone see her sneeze, ever; if she must sneeze in public, she stifles, with a delicate "Hsh!" and acts as though nothing ever happened. No allergies, but she's prone to sneezing when she's had a few glasses of wine; she's always careful not to overindulge at social events for that reason.

Leliana: I like to imagine she's allergic to animal dander, which is one reason why she's so fond of the hairless nugs. The Warden's mabari hound was a constant source of sneezes for her, until Wynne gave her a herbal remedy.

Sneezes in multiples, with gasping, breathy buildups. "Ahhh... haaa... haae'tCHOOO! Hiiii...iiiih...i'SHOOO! K'shOOOO!"

Merrill: No allergies, but prone to colds. Sneezes one at a time, with occasional multiples. Blesses herself (and others when they sneeze, too). Says "By the Dread Wolf!" after particularly strong sneezes. "Ha-cHOOO! Eeeaaa-CHOOOOO!" *sniffle* "Oh dear..."

Isabela: Is obnoxiously healthy and doesn't sneeze often, but when she gets sick she's completely miserable. Sneezes dramatically, with lots of hitching and an explosive finish - "hH'nn... heee... hEEEAAAATCHOOO!"

As for racial differences... that's an interesting thought! I imagine qunari typically have big, powerful sneezes. Elves and humans probably have their own sets of superstitions about sneezing (like saying "Maker bless you" so the sneezer's soul doesn't go flying out of their body when they sneeze, that kind of thing :lol:).

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