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Now or Neverland- Once Upon a Time- Jefferson/Killian Jones (M)


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When I first started watching OUAT, I was really drawn to the dark and emotional character of Jefferson, and always kind of wished he would make a return to the plot later down the track!

So with this in the back of my mind whilst re-watching the gang’s escapades in Neverland in S3 (my favourite storyline biggrin.png), I had this urge to bring Jefferson together in an adventure with Killian Jones, who I also have a huge soft-spot for!

Given in the series Killian is extremely wise about Neverland and has obviously dealt with Peter Pan before, I thought I might explore one of these earlier occasions and introduce him to Jefferson… in a hurty-comforty kind of way. smile.png

Now or Neverland

Once Upon a Time

Jefferson / Killian Jones (M)


Part I of 2

Killian came round to a gentle swaying and a pounding headache, the blur of jungle green above him gradually separating into a canopy of unfriendly leaves. Dizzyingly, he sat upright, the small movement causing his suspended strangler-fig cage to swing a little faster, the vines that secured it creaking under the Captain’s weight.

“What… what the blazes!” he shouted, the rest of his senses catching up in alarm. Spinning around wildly, he saw leaves and more leaves, a cacophony of thick jungle and oozing sound, the shrieks of macaws, monkeys, insects and who-knows-what-else clawing at his ears. Even the air was suffocatingly moist, the heat dripping down his cheeks and creeping under his collar.

He rushed against the side of the woven branch cage in a single blast of effort, and a split second too late, felt the cross-ties give way easily to the force. His stomach spiked with vertigo as the thin saplings sprang enthusiastically apart, and he lurched forward towards a sizable drop. Desperately grabbing for a branch behind him as he plummeted through the gap, his body fell in sickening slowness until his weight finally pulled hard against the fierce grip. He had anticipated the jolt, what he hadn’t expected was the excruciating stab of pain just below his ribs, and he cried out in agony.

Swinging by his good hand and forcing his eyes back open, he kicked his legs, swinging his torso closer to the cage. Bracing himself, he swung the hook that served as his left hand to the latticed branch floor, secured a hold and used his right hand to pull himself back into the makeshift contraption. A prison that he was now wishing was a little better at keeping him… prisoner.

Panting, he pulled himself as far away from the gaping breach as space would allow, then tucked his knees to his chest and clutched his abdomen, groaning all the while. Peeling aside his waistcoat, his black linen shirt glistened heavily. The wound underneath was no scratch, nor did he remember receiving it.

“Are you quite finished?”

Jerking his head up in surprise, Killian quickly reminded himself to refrain from sudden movements, as the cage tilted lazily forwards and towards the absent side. Looking slowly to his left instead, he saw a branch structure much the same as his own, camouflaged in the tangle of vines that hung from the sweltering canopy.

Inside, he met unfamiliar eyes- slightly red-rimmed and surrounded by black shadow, they looked back with an eerie calmness… and perhaps a glint of incredulity.

“The Lost Boys make these for fun, you know. Not function”, the man continued pointedly. “But don’t worry, they’ll be back for you soon enough. They want you for something. Which believe me, is better than it sounds. Well, it’s better than waiting.” His eyes looked sad then, above his attempted smile.

Killian’s returned smile was just as forced, his eyes watering as the jungle tipped back and forth. “I’m-”

“Killian Jones. Yes- or Captain Hook, as he says. He talks about you.”

Killian returned the stranger’s gaze darkly. There was no need to ask who he was. Retrieving his hip flask, the pirate released the cap with his teeth and swallowed heavily, then offered the carafe out through the branches for his companion to reach.

The other man hesitated, then seemed to remember that he had just seen Killian drink from the same vessel, and accepted. “Thank you. And call me Jefferson. I won’t bother with my own nickname, it tends not to go so well in introductions. But now I won’t have you at a disadvantage, at least.”

Killian managed a hoarse chuckle then, for in Neverland, no matter who you were or who you were with, you were always at a disadvantage. The tickle that had been sitting at the back of his throat flared up at the light vibration, and Killian raised the crook of his arm to catch an unexpected fit of coughing which sounded almost as painful as it felt.

Recovering his breath, he found himself again caught off-guard as the slow wetness that had been gathering in his sinus suddenly pricked into a sting, and he jerked forward, sneezing a throaty “Hekch’eeggchthhhh!” against his hand.

Jefferson’s expression lingered, troubled, and Killian made a gesture that bordered on a slow shake of the head as he pinched his fingers over his nose, brows quivering painfully in expectation.

HAch’eechkchhhh! ….EHHtchhhhh!”

Whilst the wound in his side burned afresh at each exertion, Killian kept his hand clenched in place a few seconds longer, managing to quell a fourth.

“Ugh… excuse me” he managed thickly, his head throbbing. He saw Jefferson holding something in the gap between them, first assuming it was his flask being returned, then seeing a folded handkerchief instead. It had seen better days, but then again so had he. With the jungle swimming around him, Killian accepted the offering.

“Thanks” he mumbled loosely, crumpling it under his nose.

“Making friends, boys?”

The two captives snapped towards the unexpected voice, which made Pan laugh. He leaned casually against the frame of Killian’s broken cage, light-hearted and light-footed, not one of them had noticed him alight on the tenuous structure.

“Thought you were going to give us quite the show earlier” Pan smiled languidly at Killian, almost amused. “A bit of a flying act… though I wouldn’t want to see how it ended.”

Pan leaned himself back through the opening to mime a fall, causing the branches to shudder. Whilst Killian winced at each movement searing through his abdomen, he also couldn’t help noticing a tiny vial on a leather cord had slipped into view from under the boy’s scarf. Pixie dust.

Steeling himself towards a plan, Killian gingerly manoeuvred himself into a crouching position, his movements clearly favouring his left side.

“Aaaah yes” Pan mused, eyes fixing to the poorly concealed injury. “You did get into a nasty scrap with the boys whilst getting into the cage. I’m not surprised you don’t remember. It was a club to the head that finally settled you down.”

So, that explains the headache. Killian felt sore all over now, the adrenaline from his earlier outburst completely drained away. He felt himself shivering despite the humidity.

“Don’t worry, you got in a few good punches too” Pan added with a note of cheeriness, throwing a grin at Jefferson, who had slunk back into himself, his untamed glare ever more intense. Pan regarded this reaction with curiosity.

Seeing the smallest of chances, Killian suddenly lunged towards the boy, teeth clenched as the wound smarted from the effort. Pan blinked, almost surprised, and where Killian had almost closed his hand around the vial, there was now an empty space. Pan was sitting cross-legged on top of the cage, shaking his head indulgently.

“Same old pirate, same old tricks”

Killian slumped back down, exhausted and defeated. He coughed heavily, and it was not till he dragged his gaze back up that he saw Jefferson had leapt to his feat, his mouth set in fierce determination as if prepared to… help him? They locked eyes between the branches once more, Jefferson’s gaze becoming frighteningly severe.

Pan observed, considering. “It wouldn’t have worked you know” he said, slowly twisting Killian back to his attention. “The pixie dust. Using it to make you fly. It only works if you have imagination. It only works if you believe.”

“It matters not” Killian spat, suddenly rousing. “I have the whole crew of the Jolly Roger awaiting my return, when I don’t rejoin them at sundown-”

“Then they’ll rush to your rescue? They’ll loyally lay themselves at my feet, in the hope of saving you? No. I don’t think so. And, guess what, Laddie?”

Pan leaned down, softly. “Neither do you.”

Laughing, the boy sprang to his feet, whipping the vial of pixie dust from around his neck and throwing it down to Killian’s lap, carefree.

“Take it, it’s all yours. Even if you do believe in fairies, it won’t work”. Pan smiled fiercely, his eyes alight. “Because you don’t believe in yourself”.

Turning away, Killian picked up the vial. The particles that had glistened with light around Pan’s neck now appeared as dull as sand against his hard-worn palm. His throat grew ever drier and he looked to his ally in dismay. With hope fading to desperation, Jefferson had stilled, haunted.

“Now” Pan announced, sliding a bone knife from his belt. “I think you boys have both had enough rest.” He held the knife to the tight cord of vines that suspended both cages, slicing down.

“Time for play.”


The drumming and dancing ran into the night, the echo of Pan’s unholy piping spurring the Lost Boys into ever more frenzied leaping around their bonfire. With the hoods of their capes pulled low around their faces, the boys looked almost indistinguishable, shadows among shadows.

Leaning against a monstrous tangle of tree roots at the edge of Pan’s camp, Killian and Jefferson had been permitted to watch the midnight revelry. Or join them, Pan had said. But Killian could barely see more than dark shapes against a burning background, his legs trembled violently each time he tried to stand, his breath came quickly, shallow and never enough. His wound had settled into a unabated throbbing, flooding his body with fever.

“Drink this.”

Jefferson had turned to him, finally, after almost an hour spent crouched over what looked like a collection of battered tin saucepans. He was holding a hollowed-out coconut shell filled with discoloured, torrid water.

“I’m ‘right, mate” Killian replied weakly, quickly patting his flask of rum.

Barely concealing a roll of his eyes, Jefferson placed his hand on the pirate’s drooping shoulder, holding the unappealing liquid a little closer and trying a new tack.

“It’s a tea. I’m rather good at making tea, if you must know. Kind of a past… hobby. Apologies for the lack of sugar and milk, but one must make do.” His smokey eyes had softened into something more encouraging.

Considering humouring his companion, Killian made a little more effort to inspect the makeshift teacup, but hurriedly turned aside, grimacing in desperation.

Excu- HeKCH’eechthhhh!HA-AHktchhhhuh!”

Doubled over, he groaned and clenched his side. The force that had thrown him violently downwards had done nothing to help the ache. “…Excuse me.”

“No need” Jefferson smiled kindly, pressing the coconut shell back into the Captain’s palm.

Killian sighed and lifted the cup in a shaky salute, unable to raise a worthy protest.

“Bottoms up”

Draining the contents, he swallowed painfully, the liquid immediately ablaze in his chest. Eyes streaming, any words of exclamation Killian had in mind dissolved into agonised spluttering and a pointed glare, which Jefferson met with an unhelpful grin. When the coughs didn’t subside, Killian found himself gently pushing Jefferson to a more suitable distance with his hand, keeping the crook of his arm firmly in place.

“S-sorry” he managed, then drew his brow together sharply, quickly returning the sleeve to his face.


Bless you.” Jefferson offered, then returned his hand to Killian’s shoulder, worried the man would injure himself further whilst pitching forward with each uncontrollable release.


The sound echoed wetly in Killian’s arm, and he turned away to collect himself. “Ugh, thank you. Next time, I’ll stick to English Breakfast if you don’t mind.”

Jefferson nodded thoughtfully, collecting the coconut shell from where it had landed. “Yes, Dreamshade leaves are certainly more potent. But also medicinal, which is what you need-”

Killian grabbed him abruptly, the pirate’s strength flooding back to him in alarm. “Dreamshade? The poisonous, hallucinogenic, demon-weed that Pan and his followers lace their knives with? The forsaken, noxious-"

“Yes” Jefferson shook himself free of the grip with a huff. “And you should count yourself lucky the blade that gave you that scrape wasn’t, or else we wouldn’t be having this conversation. It’s the thorn sap that carries the poison, the leaves have highly antibiotic properties. And I well know how to identify a hallucinogenic leaf from a healing one”, he gestured to a small pile of leaves that had obviously been discarded from the brew.

Killian managed to relax into half a smile, panic fading in the wake of being clearly impressed. “Apologies, mate. That seems like a rare skill you have.”

“An essential one, where I’m from.” Jefferson’s eyes darkened and he closed them for a moment, almost painfully. Then, just as quickly, the tortured look was gone and Jefferson smiled at his companion, forgiving. “Let’s just say, if your travels ever take you to Wonderland, I’d advise you to refrain from sampling the local produce.”

Raising an eyebrow, Killian leaned forward and found he could sit without the aid of the tree. “I’ll take your word for it. Though right now, I’d settle for my travels just taking me off this accursed island.”

“Perhaps they can. Perhaps we still have a way.” Jefferson said carefully, almost tremblingly, and some of the intensity Killian had first glimpsed seemed to be rekindled. “I’m trapped here because… I came to save someone. My daughter, Grace, was taken by Pan’s shadow. I travelled between realms to find her, and I know she’s still here. I know she’s still alive.”

Killian tried to look as if he believed it too, his heart sinking. “Aye, I’m sorry, mate. Have you… seen her here? Do you know where we can find her?”

Jefferson waved away the uncertain attempt at hope in an instant, reaching for Killian's wrist with a grip that was so reassuring that the pirate felt ashamed at his doubt.

“No, and no. But I’ll tell you why I know she’s alive. She’s alive because we’re alive. Peter Pan lives for games, and this is him giving us a sporting chance. Don’t you see? He gave you the pixie dust. He let us join his camp, knowing Dreamshade grows here in abundance, and that I have the skill to make use of it. And now, he gives us a chance to escape.” Jefferson gestured around him to the flickering fire pit, now empty. Some time in between their whispered conversation, the Lost Boys and their leader had vanished back into the jungle.

Killian scrambled to his feet, astounded. Jefferson was at his side, energy prickling the air between them.

Fumbling for the vial of pixie dust now adorning his own neck, Killian still found it lacklustre in his hand. “But… Pan said it’s useless without belief. What if I can’t get it to work?”

“It doesn’t matter” Jefferson strode forward, forgetting to let go of Killian’s wrist. “Because if we find Grace… when we find Grace… you won’t have to.”


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Oh my god, I'm enthralled. You know you managed to pick two of my favorite three characters and pit them against the villain I hated the most. You write them very IC, this is going to be an exciting read if you have any more. If not, then just that was super amaze!! Thank you for sharing!! <3 :wub:

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Wow!!! I've only seen the 1st episode of this show, but this story is really really cool and very well written! Both of them are so intriguing, and Killian is so adorable!! Can't wait for more!

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THIS IS AMAZING! YOU NEED TO CONTINUE! I love love this! I couldn't imagine these 2 characters together but now- my god this is perfect and everyone is really in character! I also like how the story is developing a plot- and your writing... JUST AMAZINGESS!

Edited by Melody
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Okay, time for the finale of this little episode! smile.png This took a much more action-adventure-y direction than I expected, but hey, it’s Once Upon a Time, so I can get away with it, right? heh.gif And a big huge thank you all for your super-kind words, they were just so lovely to read! happy%20crying.GIF

Oh my god, I'm enthralled. You know you managed to pick two of my favorite three characters and pit them against the villain I hated the most. You write them very IC, this is going to be an exciting read if you have any more. If not, then just that was super amaze!! Thank you for sharing!! <3 wub.png

YAY! Thank you so so much for your sweet comment! hug.gif I am very much the same- these two are right at the top in terms of faves, and Peter Pan just gave me the absolute chills, he was so calm yet unpredictable. I am so glad you found the characters in-keeping, that is my absolute #1 priority!!

Wow!!! I've only seen the 1st episode of this show, but this story is really really cool and very well written! Both of them are so intriguing, and Killian is so adorable!! Can't wait for more!

Thank you SO much, it is honestly incredibly flattering that you chose to read given you haven’t met them yet in the series (but many feels ahead when you doooo! wub.png). I am very very happy you are enjoying… gah, Killian gets me every time! heart.gif

THIS IS AMAZING! YOU NEED TO CONTINUE! I love love this! I couldn't imagine these 2 characters together but now- my god this is perfect and everyone is really in character! I also like how the story is developing a plot- and your writing... JUST AMAZINGESS!

AWW, gosh your comment is so adorable, thank you!! blush.png It is just so awesome to hear that this pairing surprised you (in a good way!!) I was a bit worried I was making it a bit TOO plot-driven, so the encouragement is much appreciated! hug.gif

Now or Neverland

Part 2 of 2

Jefferson led the charge into the shadowed jungle, headstrong. Killian had to jog to keep up, his fever quietly lingering beneath stern determination.

“Is this… is this a path?” he wheezed, bending over in a feigned inspection of the ground whilst catching his breath.

“Not a path… but a trail. Someone was walking his way. Someone who wanted to be found.”

Jefferson pointed to two strangler fig saplings, which appeared to be bent to the side. “The tracks end here though…this is the last one.”

On closer inspection, Killian saw the branches had in fact been artfully tied together into a bow. The delicate flourish struck him as sadly out of place in the lonely jungle. Jefferson had purposefully turned away. “She used to always do that in our garden” he said finally, with difficulty.

Killian reached to put his hand on the man’s shoulder but felt suddenly light-headed, the congestion in his sinus swelling into a vicious irritation. Quickly pulling the collar of his shirt up to muffle the outburst, Killian managed a hopelessly repentant look as he resigned himself to the indiscretions of his nose.


Killian held his breath and fought to restrain the urge, letting his shirt fall wetly against his neck and desperately fishing for the handkerchief he had been given earlier, sniffing dangerously. Finally clamping it over his nose, he doubted there’d be much respite for the almost-spent little cloth.


Jefferson had spun about-face at the first, and stood feeling rather useless while realisation dawned on him. “Jones… forgive me, I hadn’t thought to mediate my pace. I’d rather we reach my daughter and make it out of here intact.”

Killian used his hook to vigorously wave away this comment whilst still holding the handkerchief firmly in place.

“Seconded, but really, I’m fine.” he added, though the muffled, stuffy tone did nothing to aid his cause, nor did the cough that followed.

Jefferson found himself approaching the man, gently at first as dark eyes watched him over the despairing material, then more decisively, he placed a single arm around the Captain’s body and held him with certainty. Crumpling the handkerchief away, Killian found himself drawing his own hand down, slowly returning the embrace.

Jefferson exhaled, stepping back, his hand trailing at his companion’s side. “Thank you. For coming with me. For believing in this.”

Killian hesitated, on the edge of a thought, then shook his head. “We need to keep moving. Pan may like a game, but I’ll wager he likes a time limit too. And…” he froze, his eyes fixed over Jefferson’s shoulder “I think our path continues after all.”

Killian pointed ahead to a small blue stone, illuminating what had been an unnoticeable track leading onwards.

Jefferson frowned. “Moonstones. Yes… there is a way forward.”

With a quick glace at the stars to note their position, Killian nodded and jogged ahead. “There’s another further on. And… another! We’ll be springing the brig by sunrise at this rate.”

“Jones, wait.” Jefferson hesitated, suspicion clouding his judgement. “Jones!” The pirate was disappearing into the jungle with haste, and Jefferson set furiously after him. “Killian! Listen, there’s something you need to know about moon-” Jefferson tripped and fell face-first into the spongy undergrowth.

“-stones” he finished, spitting out a clod of moss and looking up at his companion’s calm, incredulous face.

“Yes?” Killian prompted, then added “If you are, quite finished, that is?”

Jefferson allowed himself to groan into a laugh. “Just that they… can lead you astray”.

The pirate reached his right hand down and offered it to his slightly dishevelled companion, who clasped it and allowed himself to be helped to his feet. “Thank you. Glad to see you won’t need a rescue too.”

“Glad to see I was going to get one. Quite a… zealous one.” Killian winked, then sniffled, his face falling. “Nhhm… sorry… here we go agai… hetttchhhhhh!” He had turned his head to the side, but managed to get his sleeve up for the second. “Hetg-HTCHthhhhh!”

“Bless you” Jefferson tried a scowl, still brushing sticky leaves and twigs from his clothing.

HUpstchHHHHhh-nh …Huh-HUatchhh!”

Bless you. It might be time for more of that tea.”

“No time for tea parties” Killian answered too quickly, suppressing a shudder. “Once we find your daughter… Jefferson?”

The man was slowly walking ahead, peeling back layer after layer of carnivorous-looking ferns and revealing a bright clearing of manicured foliage. Killian followed, stepping out in wonder. Moonstones formed a spiralling pattern in amongst miniature flowerbeds, leading to a neat little cabin in the centre of the oasis. Standing at the front door expectantly was a tall, pale figure in a white dress, eyes wide with astonishment.

Killian dared a second of hope “Is that-”

“No” Jefferson answered tensely. “That’s not Grace. That, if my eyes are not deceiving me, is Wendy. Wendy Darling.”

“Jefferson…” the call was soft over the twinkling garden. “I thought they had let you go… Is it really you?”

The question was almost directed at herself, as if she never expected to see another person again. Yet, as Jefferson took a step forwards, her dreamy disbelief evaporated and dread took hold. “Wait, don’t come any closer!”

There was something in the strength of her warning that stopped Killian in his tracks. “Mate, listen, how do you know this lass? We can’t trust anything we see here.”

Jefferson seemed not to have heard him, or took no heed regardless. The moonstones flickering in his eyes, the man suddenly leapt towards the figure without hesitation, his long strides covering the distance to the cabin easily.

“Jefferson, NO!” she screamed, before Pan appeared behind her in the doorway, smiling reflexively.

“Very good, boys. Glad you could make it. Though I won’t say you weren’t a little late.” Pan directed this last word at Jefferson, observing his sudden halt and the tremble it elicited.

“This wasn’t fair play, Pan!” Killian bellowed across the clearing, suddenly incensed. “Your game was rigged. You knew we’d never find Grace.”

“Wrong again, Captain.” Pan sang back. “You have found her. She’s been here the whole time, with Wendy.” He gestured to the young woman before him, who was now trembling uncontrollably. “Come see for yourself.”

“Jefferson” Killian hissed, frantic now. “It’s another trap. Make a break for it while you can!”

“No, it’s not.” Jefferson’s voice was heavy. “If he says she’s up there, she is. And even if this has all been for nothing…” He turned back to his companion at the edge of the jungle, which now seemed miles away. “Even if I’ve failed, I won’t let one more moment pass without seeing my daughter.”

And without even a second glance, Jefferson followed Pan steadfast into the cabin, which for all it’s delicate trimmings now looked like a gaping cave of untold horror.

“Oh… Bloody hell…” Killian muttered, then sprinted after him as fast as his legs would allow.


Pan sat on a window ledge inside the cabin, letting his long legs swing gently back and forth as he looked from one despairing man to the other.

“Well?” demanded Killian, casing a furtive glance at his surrounds, trying to determine of anything in the neat little hideout might be of any use should they come to blows.

“The picnic plates are a fairly good option” Pan said, amused, as he read the pirate’s expression with ease. Pulling a small reed pipe from his belt, he placed it carefully at his lips and blew ever so softly. The melody that came forth was as obscure as it was lingering, and Killian felt his skin prickle, uneasy.

In answer to the call, Wendy stepped carefully back into the room, the dark circles under her ghostly eyes now distinct in the warmer candlelight. This time she was accompanied by a second, less haunted figure.


Delighted, the girl rushed forward and into Jefferson’s outstretched arms. Abandoning all that surrounded him but his daughter, Jefferson felt he could barely breathe, even though it was he that clenched her smaller frame most fiercely. He pressed his head into her shoulder and gave a small gasp, which gave way to a heavier one, before he found he couldn’t rightly pull away for fear he would lose himself completely.

“Papa… it’s okay, I’ve been having such fun here with Wendy… really” she trailed off, confused.

Slowly releasing the embrace and standing to his full height, Jefferson found himself dizzy, almost delirious. She was unharmed. Joyful even. The relief was overwhelming. He was grateful when he felt Killian’s steadying grip on his arm, but remained speechless, hiding his trembling mouth behind a fist and blinking vehemently.

“Let Grace go, Pan.” Killian said quietly. “You’ve had your fun. Now let her go. With us.”

Pan slid lightly from the windowsill like smoke curling over a spit.

“Of course she can go” he returned. His voice had a deeper resonance now, and there was a calm stillness in his eyes that made Killian wonder if he was in fact talking to a young boy at all. “She could always go. The question is, whether she wanted to. Whether she wanted to return to someone who left her alone. Because that’s the thing, Laddie…”

Pan slid towards Jefferson, barely skimming the floor. “…the only way my shadow could find her… find any of them… is if they were already lost.”

At this, the last thread of composure keeping Jefferson on his feet unravelled, and he crumpled his face into both hands, breath shuddering into a sob. He barely even felt Killian’s arms enfolding him until they were there, unwavering. Holding on with quivering abandon, Jefferson realised too late that his streaming eyes were clenched against his companion’s shoulder, the wetness already glistening on the dark fabric. Jerking back abruptly, he felt Killian’s hand gently touch the nape of his neck in response, drawing him close regardless.

“Papa…?” came a uncertain voice, and Jefferson looked up blurrily, sniffling wetly and trying to frame a slightly less-shaky smile. “I’m… I’m not lost any more. You came back.”

At this, Jefferson managed to choke out a congested laugh and pressed his cuff under his nose, quickly ducking behind Killian’s shoulder to avail himself of the rest of his sleeve when he realised that wouldn’t be enough.

Killian knelt down and held his hand out in introduction to Grace, giving the father a much needed moment of discretion.

“What is that?” Grace asked pointedly, pointing to a small, green glow emanating from under Killian’s shirt. Wonderingly, Jefferson slowly looked up too, then met the Captain’s eyes in astonishment.

Too late, an equal measure of dismay appeared in Pan’s, which turned to a snarl. He grabbed Wendy’s arm viciously, desperate not to lose all his playthings in one night.

“Go now! Go!” Wendy urged, her fear replaced by fresh determination.

Killian could feel the vial almost buzzing with energy now, the air simmering around him, and he quickly fixed a hold on Jefferson with his arm, Jefferson clutching Grace’s hand from the opposite side.

Knuckles turning to white as his grip on Wendy tightened, Pan sneered at his captive. “And what makes you imagine they can leave? What makes you think you can stop me?”

But Wendy Darling was resolute, her hands trembling but her eyes focused and undoubting. “Because of what you always told me, Peter. We can do anything we believe we can.”

And with that, she twisted free and threw herself at the boy who wouldn’t grow up, pinning him to the ground as Killian felt his feet leave the floor, Jefferson and Grace onside.

“Take my hand, lass!” Killian shouted as they passed the struggling pair, throwing his free hand well within Wendy’s reach. As if sensing his intention, the pixie dust slowed them for a second, and Killian lingered, arm outstretched as far as he could reach.

She hesitated, looking at him longingly, then shook her head. “No. There’s someone here I still need to find. Someone who once came back… for me.”

And she was gone, a fading glimmer in the darkness as the father, daughter and pirate tumbled out the open window and into the sky. And whilst Killian’s heart soared almost as high as his companions, a shadow of regret followed him back down to the Jolly Roger. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this wouldn’t be the last of his encounters with Peter Pan, but for now, for himself, for them… he quietly allowed the world to slip back into his imagination.


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**standing applause** Oh my god the end was so emotional i misted up. I love it. Also like the entire first 2/3 were adorable af. Oh man. Thank you again for sharing, and well done!!

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HOLY COW dude! This is so so so good! I would read it even without the sneezes! I'll seriously have to start watching this show -- Peter being a villain is just too cool!

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This was great! I usually prefer allergy fics but I love Hook so much and this was so darn adorable and the plot was really exciting as well.

I see you're pretty new to the forum and if you're interested I just though I'd let you know that I wrote a Hook allergy fic several months back before Season 4 aired. It's supposed to take place between season 3 and 4, but because of how season 4 started I feel like it should really take place between episodes 3 and 4 of season 4. There aren't any spoilers though for season 4 except for some weird details that turned out to be entirely coincidence. Anyway if you're interested you can search for it, the title is Too Many Movie References.

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**standing applause** Oh my god the end was so emotional i misted up. I love it. Also like the entire first 2/3 were adorable af. Oh man. Thank you again for sharing, and well done!!

Dude, thank you so much!! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed and it just kind of makes me go all happy and silly hearing such a compliment! blush.pngheart.gif

HOLY COW dude! This is so so so good! I would read it even without the sneezes! I'll seriously have to start watching this show -- Peter being a villain is just too cool!

Gosh, thank you!! I honestly appreciate your comment so much, and am even more super-happy to hear you enjoyed my plot regardless of our special interest!! whistling.gifhug.gif

This was great! I usually prefer allergy fics but I love Hook so much and this was so darn adorable and the plot was really exciting as well.

I see you're pretty new to the forum and if you're interested I just though I'd let you know that I wrote a Hook allergy fic several months back before Season 4 aired. It's supposed to take place between season 3 and 4, but because of how season 4 started I feel like it should really take place between episodes 3 and 4 of season 4. There aren't any spoilers though for season 4 except for some weird details that turned out to be entirely coincidence. Anyway if you're interested you can search for it, the title is Too Many Movie References.

Wheeee, thank you! So happy to share the Hook love, this devilishly handsome pirate just gets me every time! wub.png

I'm so glad you mentioned your story too as I hadn't come across it, and I'm actually a big fan of Captain Swan as well! Have already read the first 2 parts and am very much enjoying! Poor baby... looks like he might have got off lightly with what I dealt him compared to what you had in store... hehe, can't wait.... biggrin.png

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Thanks for checking my story out! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. And yeah it's odd that most of the time I'm not one for sick fics, and usually only read them if I love the characters, and yet I have this tendency to write allergies so severe that the character might as well be extremely ill. Hook is going to suffer a lot before he's out of the woods :twisted:

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My gosh, you're good.

Not my fandom, but I'm still gonna pile in because otherwise I'm just going to sit here while my admiration ferments into jealousy, and we can't have that, can we?

To repeat myself: you're so, so good.

There are too many passages I liked in here for me to quote them all- including all of the Jefferson-Jones interactions because so good. But here's a few because I can't help myself.

The tickle that had been sitting at the back of his throat flared up at the light vibration, and Killian raised the crook of his arm to catch an unexpected fit of coughing which sounded almost as painful as it felt.

Recovering his breath, he found himself again caught off-guard as the slow wetness that had been gathering in his sinus suddenly pricked into a sting,

This. This was beautiful sensory description. Way to capture an irritation.

“Take it, it’s all yours. Even if you do believe in fairies, it won’t work”. Pan smiled fiercely, his eyes alight. “Because you don’t believe in yourself”.

Ooooh, nice (by which I of course mean ouch my heart, but still).

Killian reached to put his hand on the man’s shoulder but felt suddenly light-headed, the congestion in his sinus swelling into a vicious irritation. Quickly pulling the collar of his shirt up to muffle the outburst, Killian managed a hopelessly repentant look as he resigned himself to the indiscretions of his nose.

Again, nnf.That whole first sentence made my stomach do little jumps.

Pan slid towards Jefferson, barely skimming the floor. “…the only way my shadow could find her… find any of them… is if they were already lost.”

At this, the last thread of composure keeping Jefferson on his feet unravelled, and he crumpled his face into both hands, breath shuddering into a sob. He barely even felt Killian’s arms enfolding him until they were there, unwavering. Holding on with quivering abandon, Jefferson realised too late that his streaming eyes were clenched against his companion’s shoulder, the wetness already glistening on the dark fabric. Jerking back abruptly, he felt Killian’s hand gently touch the nape of his neck in response, drawing him close regardless.

Well, that kind of thing just shouldn't be allowed (But I love it...oops).

Also Wendyyyyyy.... I feel like I need to know everything about her immediately because she is my new hero. She was the only character in here (other than Grace) who I didn't even know existed in this show, so nicely done for entrapping my interest forever.

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My gosh, you're good.

Oh man, I really cannot tell you how much reading your whole comment just made my day! blush.png Thank you soooooo much!! hug.gif

Not my fandom, but I'm still gonna pile in because otherwise I'm just going to sit here while my admiration ferments into jealousy, and we can't have that, can we?

Hahaha and you totally cracked me up with this!!! laugh.png

So, about WENDY- I was absolutely a fan of ‘dark Pan’, but when Wendy was introduced (and her backstory… as if this series wasn’t already bursting with epic backstories!), I was hooked! (no pun intended!) So I’m very glad to hear I did her the tiniest bit of justice here... Seriously, so happy you liked! biggrin.png

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  • 5 months later...

I'm in love with this! A sick Killian, hnnng yes ^-^ thank you so much for sharing!

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This is so good. The way you write, its like it could actually fit right into an episode of the show. I wish I could say more but I can't think of words to do it justice!

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I'm in love with this! A sick Killian, hnnng yes ^-^ thank you so much for sharing!

Aw, thank you! I'm so happy to hear you liked! laugh.gif Killian is my absolute fave in this show, I was always so glad he became part of the main cast! (we totally need to go back to wild-dark-magical-awesome Neverland though!!... I am just... crossing my fingers...)

This is so good. The way you write, its like it could actually fit right into an episode of the show. I wish I could say more but I can't think of words to do it justice!

Thank you so much! OUAT is full of such splashy-dramatic-action fun (which I love) that I feel I can get away with a bit of outlandish slapsticky plot and cheesy one-liners! So yay, thank you for that, I so appreciate it! biggrin.png

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  • 10 months later...

Being in the process of finally watching season three, this was... well... so right. xD Hook is... addictive. ;) Love how you took all his best traits and an unexpected but lovely pairing. :D You do spoil us. ;)  

Lovely story! :D 

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/8/2016 at 7:23 AM, TheCakeIsAlive said:

Being in the process of finally watching season three, this was... well... so right. xD Hook is... addictive. ;) Love how you took all his best traits and an unexpected but lovely pairing. :D You do spoil us. ;)  

Lovely story! :D 

Oh my gosh, thank you so so much and apologies for the super super late reply! It was such a lovely (and completely wonderful!) surprise to see you read and liked this when I logged in just now, and honestly brightened my whole day! :D :heart: AGH he is my favourite, so gung-tally-ho when it comes to being charming, I definitely hold Hook responsible for selling me on this series! :sweatdrop: I am so happy you enjoyed (and caught up on my fave season, hearing this is already tempting me on a rewatch...^^) and really thank you again, I appreciate it and am smiling a lot right now! :wub:

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