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Sneeze Fetish Forum

101 Drabbles! (Glee, American Horror Story, Teen Wolf, One Direction, RENT, Spring Awakening, House of Anubis, Being Human US)


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Howdy everyone! Well the 101 drabble challenge thing has been around for ages, and I've contemplated doing it for a while (like 3 years lol), and I've finally made up my mind to do it. BEAR IN MIND I MIGHT POTENTIALLY GET REALLY BUSY/FORGET ABOUT THIS AND NOT UPDATE FOR A VERY LONG TIME. Y'all know how I can get. c:

Also bear in mind that I usually write male sneezes, but will definitely write female too! Feel free to make any requests! So the fandoms I'm going to include (if I ever get to writing this much!) will tentatively be: Glee (special emphasis on Jyder/Karley), AHS (all seasons, mostly Evan), Teen Wolf (almost exclusively Sterek), One Direction, RENT, Spring Awakening, House of Anubis (It's a kid's show but hey! Cute boys = drabbles), and Being Human US.

1 - Kink | 2 - Science Fiction | 3 - Frightened | 4 - Fake | 5 - Pencil | 6 - Squint | 7 - Misplaced | 8 – Joy | 9 - Touched | 10 – Cough | 11 – Hot/Cold | 12 – Sin | 13 – Care | 14 – Frail | 15 – The End | 16 – Three | 17 – Never | 18 – Midnight | 19 – Promise | 20 – Fight | 21 – Pollen | 22 – Embarrassment | 23 – Alcohol | 24 – Mask | 25 – Mistake | 26 – Suspicion | 27 – Disagreement | 28 – Assignment | 29 – Purple | 30 – June | 31 – Calculating | 32 – Fall | 33 – Cry | 34 – Relief | 35 – Breath | 36 – Miserable | 37 – Chocolate | 38 – Violent | 39 – Muffle | 40 – Swift | 41 – Run | 42 – Poison | 43 – Contagion | 44 – Tissue | 45 – Sore | 46 – Enraptured | 47 – Wary | 48 – Pathetic | 49 – Sweat | 50 – Gentle | 51 – Milk | 52 – Ravenous | 53 – Blanket | 54 – Needles | 55 - Sports | 56 - Ruin | 57 - Lovely | 58 - Hospital | 59 - Annoying | 60 - Mother | 61 - Bike | 62 - Idiot | 63 - Puppy | 64 - Control | 65 - Unfair | 66 - Similarities | 67 - Raincoat | 68 - Worship | 69 - Attitude | 70 - Fuck | 71 - Confession | 72 - Floor | 73 - Remedy | 74 - Don’t | 75 - Ego | 76 - Heartless | 77 - Lullaby | 78 - Secret | 79 - Shut Up | 80 - Music | 81 - Grunge | 82 - Solitude | 83 - Magic | 84 - Dirty | 85 - City | 86 - Teacher | 87 - Sky | 88 - Hypocrite | 89 - Tattoo | 90 - Money | 91 - Childhood | 92 - Goodbye | 93 - Victory | 94 - Weather | 95 - Photo | 96 - Rage | 97 - Internet | 98 - Fashion | 99 - Favor | 100 - Lazy | 101 - Airplane

01. "Institutionalized Cruelty"

Fandom: Glee

Characters/Pairings: Ryder Lynn/Jake Puckerman (Established, S5)

Prompt: Sports

"Holy hell." Jake dropped his Xbox controller and ran over to his boyfriend in the doorway, holding his shivering frame and guiding him into the room. "You're drenched. What happened?" Ryder sniffled thickly in response.

"F-football practice," he said through chattering teeth. "Beiste made us run five miles in the rain. Sam was my partner. 'S got a fucking cold and- Hehh'GSCHThuhh!"

"Bless you," Jake said with a bitten frown. "Guess he's not the only one. Come on, let's go get you changed." He pulled his grateful boyfriend towards his room, grumbling over his shoulder. "Fucking outdoor sports."

02. "A Perfect Form of Torture"

Fandom: Teen Wolf

Characters/Pairings: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski (Established again! Also can cat!allergy Derek please just be canon already? Kind of stolen from beatlelover22 in that sense, but I just love cat!allergy Derek so much.)

Prompt: Calculating

"This has to be the most hilarious thing that's ever happened. Like, ever." Stiles had to bite back laughter at the cat who was intently staring at Derek. "A werewolf who's allergic to cats. I mean come on!"

A congested "Shut the fuck up" was all Derek had the energy to muster before his breath hitched. "Eh'tshghh!"

"Oh, come on. It's just for the weekend. And look at that little face," Stiles cooed, lazily scratching the cat's head. Derek could have sworn she was glaring at him.

"It's like she's calculating precisely how t-to -Huhh'shghhttt!...torture me."

03. "My 5'8 Savior"

Fandom: Glee again!

Characters/Pairings: Kitty Wilde/Marley Rose (told you I would write female too!) (Newly established, S5)

Prompt: Alcohol (Who doesn't love some underage drinking?)

"Kitty, watch your step!" Marley shrieked, pulling her girlfriend away from oncoming traffic. "You're so wasted," she said with a nervous chuckle.

"You had more than me," Kitty slurred as she stumbled down the sidewalk in Marley's arms, smirking up at her. "You had five shots. I had three."

"Yeah, but I'm tall and don't have a low tolerance," Marley reminded, albeit with a small burp. Kitty suddenly stopped short, breath hitching. Marley tugged at her arm and continued her spiel. "Five shots won't make me lose brain function-"

"Hh-tchhew! Khh-tchiew! Tschhh!

"...or do that."

Edited by Renny
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What? Another drabble already? Honestly I wasn't expecting to write one this soon either, but I just needed to get this one scratched out!

1 - Kink | 2 - Science Fiction | 3 - Frightened | 4 - Fake | 5 - Pencil | 6 - Squint | 7 - Misplaced | 8 – Joy | 9 - Touched | 10 – Cough | 11 – Hot/Cold | 12 – Sin | 13 – Care | 14 – Frail | 15 – The End | 16 – Three | 17 – Never | 18 – Midnight | 19 – Promise | 20 – Fight | 21 – Pollen | 22 – Embarrassment | 23 – Alcohol | 24 – Mask | 25 – Mistake | 26 – Suspicion | 27 – Disagreement | 28 – Assignment | 29 – Purple | 30 – June | 31 – Calculating | 32 – Fall | 33 – Cry | 34 – Relief | 35 – Breath | 36 – Miserable | 37 – Chocolate | 38 – Violent | 39 – Muffle | 40 – Swift | 41 – Run | 42 – Poison | 43 – Contagion | 44 – Tissue | 45 – Sore | 46 – Enraptured | 47 – Wary | 48 – Pathetic | 49 – Sweat | 50 – Gentle | 51 – Milk | 52 – Ravenous | 53 – Blanket | 54 – Needles | 55 - Sports | 56 - Ruin | 57 - Lovely | 58 - Hospital | 59 - Annoying | 60 - Mother | 61 - Bike | 62 - Idiot | 63 - Puppy | 64 - Control | 65 - Unfair | 66 - Similarities | 67 - Raincoat | 68 - Worship | 69 - Attitude | 70 - Fuck | 71 - Confession | 72 - Floor | 73 - Remedy | 74 - Don’t | 75 - Ego | 76 - Heartless | 77 - Lullaby | 78 - Secret | 79 - Shut Up | 80 - Music | 81 - Grunge | 82 - Solitude | 83 - Magic | 84 - Dirty | 85 - City | 86 - Teacher | 87 - Sky | 88 - Hypocrite | 89 - Tattoo | 90 - Money | 91 - Childhood | 92 - Goodbye | 93 - Victory | 94 - Weather | 95 - Photo | 96 - Rage | 97 - Internet | 98 - Fashion | 99 - Favor | 100 - Lazy | 101 - Airplane

04. "Angry Ballerina"

Fandom: Glee

Characters/Pairings: Jake Puckerman/Ryder Lynn

Prompt: Frail

"I am not a lightweight," Jake slurred, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like a petulant child.

"You do freaking ballet and you practically live off of salad. You're a lightweight," Ryder corrected, eyeing the Maximum Strength Robitussin on the bedside table. He pulled Jake closer to him and observed his boyfriend's wandering, distant eyes. "You're already starting to get loopy."

"Am not!" Jake croaked, still ridiculously slurring his words. "I feel totally stable. I'm not even dihhhh."

"Not even what?" Ryder teased, a playful smirk playing at his lips.

"Dihh'GHSHHTTT! HAHH'GTSHhuhhh!...whoa."

Edited by Renny
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"You're already starting to get loopy."

"Am not!" Jake croaked, still ridiculously slurring his words. "I feel totally stable. I'm not even dihhhh."

"Not even what?" Ryder teased, a playful smirk playing at his lips.

"Dihh'GHSHHTTT! HAHH'GTSHhuhhh!...whoa."

Can I just say that this is probably the cutest thing I've read in, like, forever. OMG, so cute. wub.png

Marvelous drabbles, Renny! I can't wait to read more! smile.png (Also I am supersupersuper excited for some AHS drabbles ohmygods I love that show. :heart:)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Thanks greetingsfromboston and VividBubbles! I do try. wink.png

(Also I am supersupersuper excited for some AHS drabbles ohmygods I love that show. heart.gif)

Oh! Well, in that case...

1 - Kink | 2 - Science Fiction | 3 - Frightened | 4 - Fake | 5 - Pencil | 6 - Squint | 7 - Misplaced | 8 – Joy | 9 - Touched | 10 – Cough | 11 – Hot/Cold | 12 – Sin | 13 – Care | 14 – Frail | 15 – The End | 16 – Three | 17 – Never | 18 – Midnight | 19 – Promise | 20 – Fight | 21 – Pollen | 22 – Embarrassment | 23 – Alcohol | 24 – Mask | 25 – Mistake | 26 – Suspicion | 27 – Disagreement | 28 – Assignment | 29 – Purple | 30 – June | 31 – Calculating | 32 – Fall | 33 – Cry | 34 – Relief | 35 – Breath | 36 – Miserable | 37 – Chocolate | 38 – Violent | 39 – Muffle | 40 – Swift | 41 – Run | 42 – Poison | 43 – Contagion | 44 – Tissue | 45 – Sore | 46 – Enraptured | 47 – Wary | 48 – Pathetic | 49 – Sweat | 50 – Gentle | 51 – Milk | 52 – Ravenous | 53 – Blanket | 54 – Needles | 55 - Sports | 56 - Ruin | 57 - Lovely | 58 - Hospital | 59 - Annoying | 60 - Mother | 61 - Bike | 62 - Idiot | 63 - Puppy | 64 - Control | 65 - Unfair | 66 - Similarities | 67 - Raincoat | 68 - Worship | 69 - Attitude | 70 - Fuck | 71 - Confession | 72 - Floor | 73 - Remedy | 74 - Don’t | 75 - Ego | 76 - Heartless | 77 - Lullaby | 78 - Secret | 79 - Shut Up | 80 - Music | 81 - Grunge | 82 - Solitude | 83 - Magic | 84 - Dirty | 85 - City | 86 - Teacher | 87 - Sky | 88 - Hypocrite | 89 - Tattoo | 90 - Money | 91 - Childhood | 92 - Goodbye | 93 - Victory | 94 - Weather | 95 - Photo | 96 - Rage | 97 - Internet | 98 - Fashion | 99 - Favor | 100 - Lazy | 101 - Airplane

05. "Wanna see what else I can do?"

Fandom: American Horror Story: Murder House (Takes place just after Violet finds out she's a ghost in Smoldering Children)

Characters/Pairings: Tate Langdon/Violet Harmon (Headcanon involved. These two will always have a special place in my heart. </3 )

Prompt: Grunge

"Sorry about those two. They've been annoying the shit out of me since I came here. I'll scare 'em off for...Hehh'tchUHhhh!"

"Bless you," Violet said out of instinct, before it dawned on her. "Wait, you can do that?"

"Do what?" Tate asked with a sniffle. "Sneeze?" He let out a small, eye-crinkling chuckle. Violet blushed at her apparent ignorance, but laughed along nonetheless. "Yeah. We have physical forms. We breathe, we sneeze."

"Wow." She shook her head, smirking. "Who would've thought the poster child for the apathetic grunge kid would have such a pathetically adorable sneeze?"

("those two" are Troy and Brian)

06. Je Resterai Toujours Avec Vous (I'll Always Stay with You)

Fandom: American Horror Story: Asylum

Characters/Pairings: Kit Walker/Grace Bertrand (Takes place directly after Nor'easter)

Prompt: Dirty

"Come on, we're almost there," Grace encouraged as she walked the shivering man to his room.

"Hahhgt'URGSHHhhttt!" Kit sniffled miserably. " 'm sorry, Grace," he murmured. "I'm disgusting."

"À tes souhaits*! You are of the few here who are not," she insisted. Attempting escape during a nor'easter? Not their finest moment. She waited for him to crawl into bed before sitting down.

"What are you doing?" Kit mumbled in confusion.

"I can't just leave you here, in their dirty hands." He smiled weakly at that.

"Thanks- HUH'TGXSHAHhhh!"

"Bonté, dieu te bénisse**! Get some sleep, l'amour***."

* Bless you!

** Goodness, God bless you!


~Sorry, I didn't really have anything for Kyle yet, but I'm working on it! If you want someone besides Evan's characters please feel free to request.~

Edited by Renny
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GAH, so adorable!blowup.gif

I love these down to my very core, Renny. :heart: (Especially the Tate one. I will always have a special place in my heart for him. :wub:) Wonderful job! I can't wait to read more! :)

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And THAT'S why I wanted to say sorry. guys!

I know I said I would update this very un-frequently, but THIS little is just not okay lol! AP Language is really up my butt! sadsmiley.gif But that's my fault I guess~

ANYWAY just know I have a big update planned for Rosh Hashanah, in which I will spend like half the day writing drabbles! Thank the stars I'm not Jewish! heh.gif

~love Renneh~

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