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Sophie's SPN Cast Drabbles (Misha, Jensen, Jared)


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Hello, friends! (:

As you may know, lately I'm extremely into the Supernatural Cast members, especially Misha Collins, because that man is perfection. :inlove:

So I decided to start this drabble thread, because, you know, drabbles can be fun and all that. I have no idea how many I'm going to write, so let's just wait and see, alright? ;)

Also... I started my Marauder drabble thread a while ago and those drabbles all turned into one-shots... So for this one I decided to keep it real short, 100 words per drabble (exactly 100!), because - at least from my understanding - that's the original definition of a drabble and also, it's an art form. Hopefully, short drabbles also mean that I'll write more in a shorter time.

Anyway, enjoy! And please let me know what you think! :hug:

Titel: I Told You So

Sickie: Jensen

Jared knows Jensen. Better than Jensen knows himself. That's why Jared knows when Jensen is getting sick before anyone else. Jensen is still acting his usual lively self, but Jared can see the signs. Pale skin, stifled yawns. Clearing his throat and sniffling. The sweatshirt for extra warmth. And those sneezes in the morning.

“You okay, man?”, he asks carefully.

“Sure, why?“ A frown from Jensen, a shrug from Jared.

“Just making sure.”

“Alright? But I'm fine.”

“If you say so, dude.”

When Jensen calls in sick the next morning, Jared already has his 'I told you so' message ready.

And because it's so short, here's a second one for you! :*

Titel: The Vessel

Sickie: Misha<3

When Misha approaches Jensen and Jared at the set, they both look up synchronously. Then, just as synchronously, they smile when they recognize Misha and the smiles freeze on their faces as he gets closer.

“Dude”, Jensen says with a frown. “You look horrible.”

“Thanks, love you, too!”, Misha replies with a weak smile and a cough.

“Sick?”, Jared asks suspiciously.

“Nah, just my vessel wearing down”, Misha replies playfully and gets the other two to laugh.

He stops walking, turns to the side. “Huh'AShhOooO! A'shiOOoo!”

“Bless”, Jared says sympathetically.

“Gotta take better care of the vessel, Cas!”, Jensen jokes.

There's more where these two came from, so let me know if you like it, please!

Love, Sophie

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Please I love it !:)

please more


(i dont make sense)

these are lovely Sophie ! <3

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You're amazing! I love RPF and there isn't very much of it and you do such a good job with them!!! Can't wait for the next one!

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I LOVE THESE!! I'm freaking out!!! :) "My vessel's wearing down." Hahaha! And the "I told you so message"? Perfect!!

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Of course, I hurried over to this thread as soon as I saw the comment on your other story. And... It's amazing!!!!!!! I can never get enough of Misha. Please please more! Until then, I'll contine searching the forum for other stuff under your name. :)

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You guys are the best! Thanks so much! :hug:

Please I love it !smile.png

please more


(i dont make sense)

these are lovely Sophie ! <3

Aww... glad you like this thread, Deathy! Oh, you'll get more! c:

You're amazing! I love RPF and there isn't very much of it and you do such a good job with them!!! Can't wait for the next one!

Thank you! :blush: I know, there doesn't seem to be enough out there! Time for me to change that! ;) Here are two more now! Enjoy! (:

OMG RPFs.... runs around freaking out.... I love you

Yay! So happy you like this! Love you, too! xx

I LOVE THESE!! I'm freaking out!!! smile.png "My vessel's wearing down." Hahaha! And the "I told you so message"? Perfect!!


Of course, I hurried over to this thread as soon as I saw the comment on your other story. And... It's amazing!!!!!!! I can never get enough of Misha. Please please more! Until then, I'll contine searching the forum for other stuff under your name. smile.png

Aww, yes. I was hoping I would get people from my Misha story to come over here! (: And I'm really flattered that you're so interested in my stories! You'll get lots more drabbles and more sick Misha, I promise! <3

Two more drabbles for my amazing readers! Have fun!

Titel: Perks of Being A Father

Sickie: Misha<3

“Huh'AchooO! Het'chiOoooO Hah'IShhhaaahhh!”

Three loud, harsh sneezes. That's how Misha announces himself to Jensen and Jared before entering the trailer. He pauses and stifles two more before opening the door.

When he walks in, Jared looks startled, Jensen grins at him. “Told you you'd get sick.”

Jared smiles knowingly. “Did West give his cold to you?”

Misha sniffles. “The boy's the germ's mother ship. Our house should be a quarantined zone.”

“I feel ya”, Jensen says and laughs. “Kids. No hygiene.”

“Yeah.” Misha walks over to them, rubbing at his sore nose. “Perks of... huh'ATchiOoOO! Perks of being a father.”

Titel: Teasing

Sickie: Jared

Jared's feeling miserable. The day has been rough. His throat hurts like a bitch and his nose won't stop running.

Quickly, he pulls a crumpled-up tissue out of his pocket and holds it to his face. “Huh'Rush'ee! I'shhhieee! Hah'Itch'eeww!”

Jensen has been watching him. His mouth twitches, then his eyes go big and he cooes: “Aww... poor Jared. Are you getting sick....?”

He blinks at him with mock concern and Jared blushes. “Shudd ubb...”

“What was that? Poor baby, such a stuffy nose...”

“Dude, I swear I'b goigg to...” When Jensen only laughs, Jared throws the used tissue at him.

If y'all are still interested, there will be more soon! :)

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I'm dying of laughter!! Both of these were amazing but my favorite was definitely the last one. You write Jensen & Jared's banter perfectly!

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I'm dying of laughter!! Both of these were amazing but my favorite was definitely the last one. You write Jensen & Jared's banter perfectly!

Thanks so much, girl! :) Banter between boys, be it Sam and Dean or Jensen and Jared, is one of my favorite things. I wrote a similar one that I hope you'll enjoy!

@all: I'm having way too much fun with these. I think it's fair to say that there will be more. Soon. ;)

Titel: The Beauty of Sharing

Sickie: Jensen and Jared

Word Count: 100. Always 100 with these.

Jensen and Jared are best friends, basically brothers. They live together, so they share pretty much everything. For example colds. Especially colds.

“Huh...huh'Itshh'ooo! He'Icthhh! Dude.”


“I swear, you gave this to me!”

“What?! You gave it to me! You were sick first!”

“Na-uh, Jared. You were.”

“Liar! You pretended to be fine, but you woke up sick two days ago! I got it from you!”

“I was fine until this morning!”

“Shut up and stop spreading your germs in my house.”

“You stop spreading your germs...”

Jared sneezes harshly.

Jensen, who was indeed sick first, grins. “Misery loves company.”

A/N: There used to be a time when Jensen and Jared lived together (as friends, nothing more, duh). So I did not make up that detail! (:

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Aww, I love these so much Sophie!!! I often feel with RPFs that the characterisation isn't quite right, but I think it's really accurate in these. Also, this line:

When Jensen calls in sick the next morning, Jared already has his 'I told you so' message ready.

:lmfao: That was awesome.

Definitely up for more, these are adorable and made me giggle so much! :heart:

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Awh I love these:)

they all make me smile.

Such cute drabbles Sophie my dear c:

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So adorable! I love these drabbles. You write the conversations between Jensen/Jared so perfectly!! I'm waiting (im)patiently for more... <3

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Oh my....oh my...OH MY GOD!! These are so amazing!! Love Love Love! Just keep going and never stop!

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Aww, I love these so much Sophie!!! I often feel with RPFs that the characterisation isn't quite right, but I think it's really accurate in these.

Thank you so much, MaiMai! I feel really, really flattered! :blush::) I love J2 and M so much, I really want to get the personalities right, even though it's hard, so the fact that you think it's accurate makes me really happy!

Definitely up for more, these are adorable and made me giggle so much! :heart:

Yay! <3 There will be more, I promise. In fact, there'll be two more right now! Enjoy! ;):hug:

Awh I love these:)

they all make me smile.

Such cute drabbles Sophie my dear c:

Thanks a lot, Deathy! Love the fact that you love my drabbles! c: heart.gif

So adorable! I love these drabbles. You write the conversations between Jensen/Jared so perfectly!! I'm waiting (im)patiently for more... <3

Aww... thank you, Kali! You're great! :hug: Here are more now! Have fun!

Oh my....oh my...OH MY GOD!! These are so amazing!! Love Love Love! Just keep going and never stop!

Thank you...!! :blush: :blush: I will try to keep going for as long as possible haha...

With these two, I really wanted to depict Misha's awesome personality! <3

Titel: Stay

Sickie: Jensen

The trailer door flies open and Misha, who never bothers to knock, enters.

“Hey, Jensen!”, he yells happily, holding up an empty peanut butter jaw. “I caught this huge spider and I dare you to eat it! Jared bet me 20 bucks that you wouldn't do it!”

Then, his eyes find Jensen. On the couch, used tissues scattered around him, a sniffly, snotty mess.

“Beesh... Beesha? Huh'Yit'chiiww!”

“Um... nevermind about the spider. You... got worse. Do you need meds? Want me to go get somebody?”

Jensen looks up with bloodshot gold-green eyes.“Doh. Oddly waddt you to stay here, Beesha. Please.”

Titel: The Fans Love It

Sickie: Misha

Finally, Jensen finds Misha, slumped on a couch, with his phone.

“Dude, there you are!”

Misha sniffles wetly and only looks up for a moment. “Hi.”

Jensen sits down next to him. Misha draws in a shaky breath and covers the damp sneezes just in time. “Huh'Eshh'ooo! Heh'IshhhHhh!”

“Bless you. What are you doing here?”

Misha holds up the phone. “I'b Elopus.”

“You're... insane.”

“'s for GISHWHES”, Misha mumbles and sniffles again. “The fadds love it.”

“That's great, dude, but you need to go home now.”

“Wait, just odd bbore tweet...”

Jensen shakes his head and sighs. “Home. Rest. Now.”

A/N: GISHWHES is the international scavenger hunt Misha organizes every year. And Elopus (an octophant^^) is this year's mascot! Somebody (I strongly suspect it's Misha) tweets stuff in her name all the time! :laugh2:

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Yesss!!!! I am in love with these drabbles, but I guess there's nothing unusual about that when it comes to your writing :P. You capture their personalities so well!! Also... the timing, the spellings, everything else is SOOO cute and amazing too :)

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Yesss!!!! I am in love with these drabbles, but I guess there's nothing unusual about that when it comes to your writing tonguesmiley.gif. You capture their personalities so well!! Also... the timing, the spellings, everything else is SOOO cute and amazing too smile.png

Thanks! :):blush: Kali, you are the best! Personally, I think when it comes to RPF, it's especially important to pay attention to the personalities and write stuff "in character". I honestly just hope that I'm getting it remotely right, but I'm so happy that you and some other readers seem to think so! I hope you'll like the next drabble, too! It's a Misha one...!<3<3<3

Titel: Sacrifices

Sickie: Misha<3 (Well, and West...)

Word Count: I realized that this one couldn't be done in 100 words, so consider this a fusion of two drabbles. 200 words.

Looking after West is exhausting at the best of times. The boy is so full of energy. Of course, Misha loves him more than anything, but he would have never thought that even taking care of a sick West would be so exhausting.

West woke up with a mild fever and a bad cold and it's Misha's day off, so he offered to handle it. He figured West would just sleep it off, but it's only now, at 6pm, that Misha finally got his son to fall asleep. Before that, he spent the day getting West to blow his nose, taking his temperature, making him tea, preparing food, persuading him to take medicine, telling him jokes and reading him stories.

Now, with the sick child finally asleep, the exhausted dad let's his body drop onto the couch and stays there for a few peaceful minutes. Then, his phone announces a text and Misha gets up with a sigh. It's from Jensen. 'Why are you ignoring me, man?'

Oh, Jensen has been texting him all day. Oops. Misha starts explaining about the sick West, when suddenly he feels a sharp tickle in his nose. “Huh'Atch'iOooO!”

He blinks, then sniffles. “Great. Awesome.”

Oh, and I guess I'll post one more for allergy lovers and people who want more sneezy Jensen haha... Enjoy!

Titel: Jokers

Sickie: none, but Jensen has allegies (I totally just made that up for this drabble, I don't think he has any irl...)

At first, his eyes started watering. Then, the tickle in his nose grew more and more intense. Finally, his nose got runny and itchy and he started having these random sneezing fits.

Jensen isn't stupid. He was fine this morning and it all started when he entered his trailer. It's obvious who is behind this.

When Jensen steps out the trailer, he spots Jared and Misha a few feet away. They're giggling like teenage girls.

“Alright, which of you jokers hid the honeysuckle in my trailer? Huh'kggnh!”

Jared's finger points to Misha, Misha's to Jared. Both look at Jensen innocently.

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Love them... all of them

Thank you! :hug:

Here's one more now! Hope people are still interested haha...! (I'm still having lots of fun writing these, you know?)

Titel: Basically Brothers

Sickie: Jensen

Word Count: 100

Jensen hates the fuss. Even when he's well, people are always around him, fixing his hair and bringing him drinks, but now that he's sick, the fuss has reached a new level.

People have been all over him with their care until, finally, the director forced him to take antipyretics and lie down in his trailer. Frankly, it's embarrassing. Everyone on the set knows he's sick.

Jared sits right by him. He's sent everyone else away. “Here”, he says gently and holds something cold to Jensen's forehead.

“You're the only one allowed to do that”, Jensen mumbles and smiles weakly.

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!!!!!! CUUUUUUTE. I love how you write their relationships... love it so much.

THANK YOU! :blush::hug: Have fun with the next two! PS: Your comments always make me happy, Sen Beret! :)

@everyone: You thought I was going to stop posting eventually. You have been misled.

Titel: The New Guy

Word Count: 100

Jared knows not to ask. The crew knows not to ask. And Misha... well, he's new.

“Hhh'gnng! Heh'iigngg! Huh'chhhnnk!” When Jensen stifles three sneezes, Misha turns around.

“Bless you! What's wrong?”

Jensen looks away. “Nuthin'.”

Maybe by now he should know that the new guy doesn't give up that easily.

“Are you okay? I saw you take those pills in the morning. What were they?”

“Just pills.”

“Well, what were they for? And what's with the tissues in your pocket?”

“I'm fine”, Jensen mumbles and sneezes again.

Finally, Jared walks up to Misha and whispers: “Never ask about his allergies.”

A/N: Again, Jensen's allergies are made up for the sake of the drabble. I don't think he really has any...

That being said... remember "The French Mistake" and Misha walking up to Sam, who had this package next to him and Misha's like: "Ooh, priority, what's in it?" I heard the audio commentary and somebody said: "Yeah, that's totally Misha!" So there you go. This drabble was supposed to reflect that part of his personality! :laugh2:

The next drabble... might also be a more or less accurate depiction of the abnosome Misha Collins! :heart::inlove::D

Titel: Joke's On You

Sickie: Misha<3

Word Count: 100

For Jensen, having a cold at a convention is one of the most embarrassing things. Misha came in snuffling and sneezing this morning, but he doesn't seem too worried about it.

“You gonna be alright?”, Jensen asks and pats Misha on the back.

He nods and smiles. “Don't worry.”

So Misha blows his nose one more time, then they go up on stage.

After a few minutes, the dark-haired man starts sniffling and turns to the fans, grinning: “Sorry. I have this thing... somehow, whenever Jensen has dirty thoughts, I sneeze.”

Then, when Misha sneezes, Jensen is the embarrassed one.

So... I have a few more ideas. But do you guys have any requests? I'm more likely to pick up on specific scenarios than just "more sneezy Misha". ;) Oh, and I'm not gonna write slash, sorry...

Hope you guys are still enjoying this! I for one am still having fun! (:

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Aww! Well your POSTS always make me happy, so maybe we are even. I love how you go the extra mile in incorporating real canon stuff into your work, like finding already existing material and being able to build from that instead of making everything up (although making up Jensen's allergies is something brilliant and very adored). It makes everything seem so much more authentic! (And hotter, also.)

And god, being sick/allergic at a convention or around fans is one of my FAVORITE little tropes. Mmmm.

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Oh my goodness!! I've only been on for a few minutes the past few days so I missed like your last 4 drabbles and so now I just got to catch up on them all! They're so perfect I love them all!! :)

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Of course I'm still interested! I just checked back here and realized how much I'd missed!! This is awesome. You are awesome.

For prompts... Sorry I can't be of much help :( I can't come up with ideas at all, sadly. The only thing I would suggest is maybe some caretaking among the boys? (Cue the return of the sick sweatshirt!! :D) Anyway, I would love to see denial, maybe photic stuff, I don't even know. I'm just babbling. Ignore me and keep writing! :)

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Aww! Well your POSTS always make me happy, so maybe we are even. I love how you go the extra mile in incorporating real canon stuff into your work, like finding already existing material and being able to build from that instead of making everything up (although making up Jensen's allergies is something brilliant and very adored). It makes everything seem so much more authentic! (And hotter, also.)

And god, being sick/allergic at a convention or around fans is one of my FAVORITE little tropes. Mmmm.

Thanks so much! :) Yes, I do try to include some facts, because, you know, I feel that I owe the actors at least that... (Honestly, I feel a tiny bit guilty for writing about them in the first place... even though it's fun and I mean no harm...) Hahaha... it makes the drabbles hotter? Yay! ;)

Oh my Cas, yes!! I mean, some people film basically everything that happens at those conventions! Just imagine the footage we would get from a sick Jensen or Jared or... *gasp* Misha!! :heart:That would kill me, I think!

Have fun with the next two drabbles! They won't be the last ones, promise! ;)

Oh my goodness!! I've only been on for a few minutes the past few days so I missed like your last 4 drabbles and so now I just got to catch up on them all! They're so perfect I love them all!! smile.png

Awww... I'm so glad you're still enjoying these and sticking with me! Thank you! :) How about I keep writing these and you keep commenting? Haha... :hug:

You are awesome.

So are you! Honestly, thanks so much for your replies! :)


Sure, I'll see what I can do! ^^


Oh yes, I'm into that, too! ;)

photic stuff

Here you go. The next two will be about that! Hope you'll like 'em!

Titel: Breaking Character

Word Count: 100

They're on the set, cameras rolling. Of course, Jared and Jensen can see all the little imperfections. The knife that isn't really a knife, but is made out of foam. Some of the books on the shelves are only covers with no pages and Jared knows that, but it's all about the acting. He's Sam right now and Jensen is Dean.

They're investigating this masion that will look scary after the post production guys are done with the footage. “C'mon, Sammy”, Jensen says and points the flashlight at his face.

Jared stops, his face screws up. “Huh'ASHH'hhhah!”


Jared blushes.

A/N: Thing about the knife is true... They probably thought it was safer because of this:


Seriously, what the heck, Jared? :D

Titel: Kryptonite

Word Count: 100

The cast has a break, but Jared and Jensen have no idea what to do with their free time. Sitting around in their trailers alone would be boring, so they went to Jensen's trailer and finally decided what to do. Staring contest.

It's intense. Both men consider themselves staring masters. They're sitting opposite of each other, both desperately trying not to blink.

“Man, my eyes hurt”, Jared admits.

“Wanna give up?”


“Are you... sure?” Without breaking the eye contact, Jensen reaches for something on his left. The flashlight.

“Hey, no fair...! Heh'IShhh'hhH!”

Jensen smirks. “I finally found your kryptonite.”

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D'awww!!! I love how Jensen mentions the kryptonite because he's all about Batman, Lord of the Rings and stuff in the show :)

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