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Sneeze Fetish Forum

JQLovesSneezes Prompt Drabbles (Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Hetalia, Free!, and more!)


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Okay, guys, so this is going to be my first Fanfiction drabble on this forum! biggrinsmiley.gif I’m not actually posting the first drabble today because it’s 11pm where I am and I’m exhausted, so I thought that I would post a list of prompts and fandoms that are going to be included in this drabble topic.

Here are the first fifteen:

  • Dust

  • Pollen

  • Flowers

  • Rain

  • Cold Night

  • Getting Wet

  • Denial

  • Caring

  • Fever

  • Coughing

  • Trying to be quiet

  • Stifles

  • Wet ones

  • Build-ups

  • Photic

Fandoms (First ten, more will be added later):

  • Harvest Moon

  • Kingdom Hearts

  • Final Fantasy

  • Hetalia

  • Free! Iwatobi Swim Club

  • Grand Theft Auto

  • Special A Class

  • Kaichou wa Maid-sama

  • Alice in Zombieland

  • Call of Duty: Zombies

I’m going to be coming up with more prompts and fandoms and updating the lists once I come up with enough, I may also do some repeats or drabbles based on two prompts. Please, feel free to leave requests for other prompts or fandoms, but I apologize if you suggest a fandom that I’m not familiar with, I’ll try my best, but it may not come out very well. sad2.gif

Okay guys, I have to go to bed now, but if you have any ideas for this drabble, let me know! And if not, I’ll post the idea that I have now tomorrow! sleeping.gif

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*raises hand*

which final fantasy

bc i'm just in love with cecil and/or kain from ffiv

(so if that happened i would probably die)

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@Daisoku I am most familiar with final fantasies 7, 8, and 10, but I could definitely do that!

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Fandom: Kingdom Hearts

Prompt: 5 (Cold Night)

Setting: Traverse Town, KH1

Characters: Goofy, Donald, Sora, Leon

A/N: Okay, guys, so this isn’t my first Fanfiction, I actually write for Fanfiction.net all the time, but this is my first fetish fic. I think it came out okay, even though there wasn’t that much sneezing, but I hope that as I continue writing fetish fics they’ll just keep getting better. I think the idea was really cute, but I really need to work on my spellings of the sneezes. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the drabble!

Donald, Goofy, and Sora climbed out of the Gummi Ship with dangerously low health and no magic to speak of. After almost ten failed attempts to defeat Cerberus, they had finally succeeded, but just barely. Like every other battle, Goofy had used up all of their potions at the very beginning, after either three of them had only received a single blow. Sora loved his friends with all his heart, but sometimes they drove him crazy. Don’t they know how expensive potions are? Speaking of potions, maybe he still had one in his stock, he could really use one right now. None, figures.

A gust of cold wind blew through District 1. The sun had just begun to set over the world gate and the temperature was quickly beginning to dip.

Man, Donald drives so slow. If it were me driving, we would have been here an hour ago!

Sora folded his arms across his chest and rubbed up and down his bear arms, trying to stay warm. His attempts were proving themselves futile, because soon he began to give in the urge to sniffle. Donald turned around, not missing it.

“What’s wrong, Sora? Are you coming down with something?” He asked softly, reaching out to touch Sora’s forehead, but Sora backed away from it.

“I’b fide Dodald, really. I jusd geeeee…geeeeeeee…” Sora trailed off, putting a gloved hand to his mouth. “heeEEE’tch!! Ugh, ged sdeezy id the cold.” Sora rubbed under his ticklish nose with his index finger and sniffled, trying to subdue his still itchy nose.

Donald quickly reached out and placed the back of his hand onto Sora’s head, not believing him. All three stopped as Donald debated on whether or not his temperature was actually feverish. After a few moments, he lowered his hand.

“Well, you don’t have a fever. I’m sorry for not believing you. I just have your best interest at heart and didn’t want you overworking yourself if you were sick.”

“Id’s fiii….fide, Dodald, really. I really app…ahh…hhHI’TCH!!!” Sora gave a deep moan. “Ugh, I really abbreciade id.”

“Any time, Sora.” Donald said with a smile.

The item shop was finally in sight, and the three took off full speed for it. As they approached the door, Sora let out a sigh of relief.

“Finally we can heal and warm up!” A smile crossed his face at the thought.

Goofy grabbed the handled and yanked, but the door didn’t open.

“Uh, fellas, I think they’ve closed up the shop for the night.”

Sora frowned and shook his head.

“Don’t be silly, Goofy, it’s a push door.”

Sora practically ran into the door, but it still didn’t budge.

“Aw, man! Baybe you’re… hhhI’xm! Mmm… Baybe you’re right.” Sora frowned, wanting badly to warm up.

Donald saw the disappointment on Sora’s face and thought for a minute. Maybe we could stay with Merlin for the night? That wasn’t a half bad idea.

“Sora, Goofy, what if we stay with…” Donald was cut off mid-sentence by a deep voice behind them.

“Hey, guys. How was the tournament?”

All three boys jumped and spun around, clearly caught off guard by the dark voice, but when they turned around, they were happy to see that it was only Leon. Leon didn’t look nearly as happy to see them as they did him, but then again, Leon never really looked “happy”. Sora was just about to greet the tall boy when the tickled started back up again.

Hhhhh id… hhhh…hHHHH… HhhhhI’CHOO!! Mmm…” Sora blushed at the whimper he released after the powerful, wet sneeze.

“That well, huh?” Leon teased. “Well come on, you guys can come over to my place, warm up, and tell me all about it.”

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It's really good, especially for your first fetish fic!

Never really got into Kingdom Hearts, but this is really cute~

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Fandom: Call of Duty: Zombies

Prompt: 14 (Build-ups)

Setting: Black Ops, Kino Der Toten (In the Theater)

Characters: Tank Dempsey

Pairing: None

What’s Happening?: Tank is trying to hide from some zombies, but has to sneeze.

WARNING: There are a few swears in here, you have been warned.

Tank hid amongst the chairs in the old, forgotten theater, not taking his eyes off of the crowd of nearly twenty zombies mindlessly running in circles, each giving an occasional scream. He gave a small groan in frustration as he waited eagerly for his three associates to return from the Pack-a-Punch room.

Why the fuck would they leave without me when I was five fucking feet away from the teleporter, especially when they knew I had no more freakin’ ammo!!!

A zombie turned to his direction, hearing the almost inaudible groan. Tank slowly went prone, and began to creep backwards, not wanting to draw the attention of the rest of the crowd. Luckily, a grenade bounced in front of its feet, quickly exploding, and killing it instantly

He let out a sigh of relief, but his relaxation was quick-lived, because now a tickle had grown in the back of his nose.

“Oh come on, not n…now…” Tank said quietly, placing a finger under his sensitive nose. “Hhh…hhhhhhh…” When his finger alone won’t kill the tickle, he stopped breathing through his nose and covered his face with his hand. The tickle faded a little for a second, but quickly came back with a vengeance.

N…no… I ca…can’t sneeze n...ha…” He knew there was no stopping it now. He heard the teleporter kick back on, and knew that his friends would be there in just a few more seconds, and when they were back, all of the zombies would head for them.


All of the zombies took off for the starting room.

…hhhh… H’CHHHA!!!” Dammit, I let it slip. I hope they didn’t hear over the other’s gunfire.

They stopped running, and the monsters turned to Tank, who was now hunched forward from the force of the sneeze. When he stood up straight, he quickly swapped his RPG for his empty Mustang and Sally for a hasty retreat, and took off full speed for the stage.

Well, good thing I bought Nog.

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I love this!

I have a request....blush.png

I adore final fantasy, I prefer female build-ups.

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@flowerpower Oooh, what did you have in mind?

I was thinking about Final Fantasy X with Yuna, Rikku and Paine.

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@flowerpower I could definitely do that! Do you have a certain prompt and/or scenario you want?

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@flowerpower I could definitely do that! Do you have a certain prompt and/or scenario you want?

No, I'm not that great at coming up with scenarios.

Feel free to be as artistic as you like ;)

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@flowerpower Okay, sweet! I'll do my best to post it in a few days, I have finals coming up in a few days, so I have been writing essay after essay over the past few days, so I'm sorry if it takes a little while, as soon as it's summer break, I will be posting to this thread a lot more :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in so long, but trust me, I haven't forgot about this! Finals really were nuts these past few week, but now it's finally summer and I will have plenty of time to write! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif I'm actually going to get my wisdom teeth removed in an hour, so I don't know if I will be able to post a new one-shot today, but since the surgery is at 8 o'clock in the morning where I am so maybe I'll be better later? I'll just have to play it by ear because I've never had surgery before. sweatdrop.gif

Thank you guys so much for being SO patient, and I'll do my best to post as soon as I feel fit to write, and when I do post, I plan on posting three or four at once to compensate for the lack of one-shots in the past few weeks.

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Good luck! You'll probably be drugged up for the rest of the day, though it might have worn off by later. Even so you'll prolly still have to take more painkillers.

Feel better, yo!

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AHHH SO CUTE~ Would it be bad if I made a request, or should I wait?

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Fandom: Harvest Moon (Tree of Tranquility)

Prompt: 3. Flowers

Setting: Hill House, by the plot of farmland

Characters: Roxanne (Your Avatar, female), Luke

Pairing: RoxannexLuke

What’s Happening?: Roxanne is tending to her garden and Luke stops by.

A/N: Okay, here it is FINALLY!!! I’m sorry that this took so much longer than expected! The surgery went well, but I’ve just had a lot of excess bleeding and soreness (TMI, sorry). I wanted to write over the past few days, but I’ve been in too much pain to do just about anything, but I woke up today with zero pain, so now I can finally get back to writing! I know I promised a bunch of stories as soon as I got back, and I’m only posting one today, but I have plans on posting about two or three tomorrow, plus I plan on getting into a rhythm of posting three or more a week, and then starting a few longer Fanfiction stories, too.

ALSO! I am still working on and accepting requests! They just take a little longer to write than ones I think of because I have to get into that mindset of the fandom. But please feel free to request away, and I promise I will get them out ASAP!

Warning!: A few swears, but nothing too bad. You have been warned!

The midafternoon sun beat down on the young farmer as she harvested a field of beautiful red flowers. Last year’s winter had been rough, bringing in just enough money to pay for the animals’ expenses, so this Spring the farmer had to spend practically every waking hour raising money for the barn upgrade she desperately needed. All Roxanne wanted was to visit her boyfriend, Luke, at the carpenter’s shop, but there was far too much work to be done. Like the beginning of every year, crops needed to be planted, animals needed to be cared for, and since it was such a slow winter, part time jobs had to be taken up.

“Remember, Roxy, career first until all of the bills are caught up.” Sadly. Roxanne reminded herself.

She stood after harvesting half of the field and wiped away the sweat that had begun to collect above her brows.

“Wow, I can’t believe I spent all day picking flowers and I only picked half of what needed to be picked.” Roxanne frowned as she dumped all of the collected flowers into the shipping bin. “Well, guess I’ll have to pick the rest tomorrow,”

“You forgot about our date already, Roxy?”

Roxanne jumped a bit, but smiled as she recognized the voice. In one swift motion, she twirled around, wrapped her arms around the teenager, and planted a kiss on his cheek.

“Luke! Man, you really have to stop scaring me like that!”

“Sorry Roxy, you know I can’t help it, I just love s…seeing *sniff that cute look on your face when you get startled.” Luke said with a huge smile across his face before returning the kiss to Roxanne’s lips.

“Hey, Luke, did your voice just hitch?” Roxanne asked with a chuckle. She always found his sneezes adorable and hoped that maybe she would get to hear some today.

N…No, I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dear, you must be hearing things.” Damn, what’s up with this sudden tickle?

“Ha ha ha, but you just did it again! Do you have to sneeze?” She asked, hope clear in her voice.

Y…yeah, actually. I don’t know where this t…tickle is c…coming…” Luke trailed off. “He…hi…hiiii…” Luke panted desperately, nose twitching like crazy. He tried to turn away from his girlfriend, but she held him tight, and he was forced to release his sneezes into her shoulder. “Ah’CHhh!! AK’choo! It’chuu!!” He gave a thick sniffle and blushed when Roxanne pushed him a few inches away and began to examine him. “O-oh! ‘B sorry ‘bout thad! You were jusd holdig be really tighd ad I did’t habe tibe to turn aroud.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it! And bless you by the way. Are you okay? You don’t ever sneeze in threes, and they aren’t ever this wet either!” She commented while placing a partially gloved hand to Luke’s forehead. “Well, you don’t have a fever, that’s a good sign…”

Luke nodded, but quickly turned to release another onslaught of sneezes into his shoulder. “Hi’choo! Ksssh! Ik’kussh!!” He let out a loud groan as allergic tears began to roll down his cheeks.

“Holy crap, bless you! I’ve never seen you sneeze this much before!” Roxanne looked around; maybe he was allergic to something around here? Her eyes scanned the surrounding area and stopped on the half-field of unpicked flowers. “Hey, do you happen to be allergic to flowers?” Roxy asked, walking over to the field and plucking a single rose.

“Whad? I’b dot allergic to adythig, Rogsy!” He said before a sniffle.

“Oh, really?” Roxy said slyly before slowly running the soft petals under his already sensitive nose.

Within seconds, a waterfall of tears ran down Luke’s face as he hitched desperately and rubbed at his now burning nose. “HAA’CHOO!! Hi’chu! Ikt’choo! Ksh! Ahh…’cHII! I’chii! I’chx!” Luke held his hand over his mouth and closed his eyes, willing the tickle away before laying his head on Roxanne’s shoulder. He blindly reached for the rose still in her hand, grabbed it, and threw it away from them.

“Ogay, Rogsy, baybe I ab allergig to flowers.”

A/N: STUPID QUESTION ALERT! So in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, if you go to the Clinic, they sell cold medicine. Does your character or another character get sick at any point in the game? It never happened throughout my game, and I couldn’t imagine them just putting the medicine into the game if you couldn’t use it, so is there any way you can make your character or any other character sick? If so, let me know please!!

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his sneezes...were yummy...

Also I kinda sorta forgot what my request was going to be :lol: but as soon as I remember I'll let you know ;)

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