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Hetalia Original


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Hey guys, this is moved over from my first thread http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=56020&hl= because I saw some things that needed edited. I hope I can make this one better to everyone's likeing. This thread will be on Original Characters I made for Hetalia. I have their bios pretty summed up below and am currently in the process of actually drawing them out for a better picture. biggrinsmiley.gif Hopefully the bios will help in the mean time and they will apeal to you. Four take place in the U.S as Capitols to States and Capitol to Mexico. I am actually writing a story with these characters and I feel confident to share them with you. blushsmiley.gif

Phoenix of Arizona/Sabrina May Jones: She is 5'6 with a light tan and toned body. Long blonde hair with the front tied in the back and green eyes. She wares a black strapless bra under an open orange and gold rimmed jacket with her flag's phoenix symbol on the back, maroon colored. Orange jean shorts with a golden buckle black belt, and tall brown boots. She has faded slashed scars covering her back and a Desert Iguana named Liz that is occasionally with her. Her weapon is a silver dagger with a knuckle guard that she either keeps in her pocket or in her jacket. She works as a mechanic and loves fish and strawberries. (Phoenix is my main OC so she will be used a lot)

Albany of New York/Jason Ray Jones: He is 5'7 with a light tan and toned body. Short oil black and gelled up hair, that he takes pride in, and brown eyes. He wares a black tank top under a dark gray shirt that is under an open black and yellow rimmed jacket. Black and yellow striped pocket pants with a black belt with clipped belt loops and black sneakers and black finger cut gloves. He has multiple scattered scars over his body and hides them to not be questioned and is seen having a black bird eying him from time to time on buildings. His weapon is a rusty pipe that he carries now and then and also a small pistol in his pocket. He works as an under cover police officer that finds out the juicy stuff and is the first to run in. He loves any type of food, specifically pizza, and loves soda.

Austin of Texas/William Salter Jones: He is 5'9, tan and toned body. Shoulder length dirty blonde hair, tied in the back with blue eyes. He wares a white tank top under a tan leather vest with a blue scarf that is tied around his neck. Blue jeans with a leather belt and brown boots with leather gloves and a tan cowboy hat that he always wears and keeps very good care over it. He has a few faded scars on his arms that go almost unnoticed to the human eye. He is friends with a one horned bull named Horn and he is occasionally seen with a leather whip. He works with his father Texas on their small farm like land and raise animals and sell their eggs and milk and products. His favorite food is apples and will sometimes go all day with just eating apples, even if there is a large buffet in front of him.

Tallahassee of Florida(my State)/Amber Maria Jones: She is 5'6, tan and flexible. Shoulder length wavy brown hair with green eyes. She wears a yellow summer top with Orange flowers over a yellow bikini/spaghetti bra. Blue jean shorts/skirt and yellow sandals with pink flowers and yellow bracelets, one on her left ankle and one on her right wrist. She doesn't have a weapon on hand but will use miscellaneous objects around her if needed. She works part time at a surf shop and part time teaching swimming lessons. She loves oranges and apple juice.

Mexico City of Mexico/ Carlos Fernandez: He is 5'6 and has a sturdy Hispanic look. Gelled back black hair with brown eyes. He wears a green T-shirt under a brown buttoned jacket. Tan pants with silver chains hooked at the pockets with gray tennis shoes. His weapon is a silver pocket knife that he hides in his sleeve for quick use. He works as a festival designer and fisherman. He eats a lot of tomatoes, rice, and bread and the weakly drink.

One more thing, each Capitol wares a special I.D dog tag in replacement for their I.D cards, and they each speak two or more languages. I know the bios are a bit confusing, so I will post the drawings as soon as I complete them. I will also refer to the Capitols as children to their States in some drabbles because it's cute. I hope the information helps and that my drabbles are half way decent. laughingsmiley.gif

I may also include America, Canada, and Britain with them, since they are all like family in a way.

I will be reposting my drabbles after I make some adjustments and edits. laughingsmiley.gif Sorry for this being so long and boring.

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As promised, this is edited. Hope you like it. biggrinsmiley.gif

A day at the Beach-Part One

It was a beautiful summer day in Florida. The sun was shining, the ocean waves were warm to the touch, and the soft sounds of children playing. Splash!

"Austin! I said I wasn't ready!" Yelled Tallahassee from under her pink umbrella. "Come on Talli, you've put enough sun lotion on. Not like we can get really burnt or anythin'." He splashed her again and backed up to the water quickly. Yep, just an ordinary summer day at the beach for the Tio...wait, Tio? Phoenix looked up from her beach bag and counted her friends. 'where's Al?' She scanned the beach, looking at the restrooms, changing rooms, snack stands, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. "Hey guys." Tallahassee was currently splashing Austin when they both turned around. "Yeah, what's up Pheo?" ( Phoenix's nickname is Pheo, pronounced as -fee-oh- I am aware of the letter switch happysmiley.gif) Austin trotted over with care thinking she needed help. "Where's Al? He was suppose to be here." Phoenix said and looked around once more. “You actually invited that idiot? He probably stayed home to do somethin' else. Were havin' fun without him, let's go in the water.”

“He wouldn’t just ditch, Austin.” She pulled out her cellphone and checked for any missed calls or texts from him but found nothing. “You think something happened?” “He might have got a call or something.” Tallahassee trotted over with a small smile and a beach ball in her hand. “He might not be able to reach his phone.” She tapped Austin on the head with the ball and they trotted off in the sand and into the water again. Phoenix was wary of Albany's job, but he had promised to be with them today and she was slowly growing more worried as the minutes passed without him contacting her.


They were sitting next to the water eating ice cream and talking about their upcoming Meeting when Phoenix's phone beeped. “Hey Pheo,” Tallahassee brought over Phoenix's phone, since she was sitting next to her bag, and handed it to her, “it's Al.” Phoenix quickly opened her phone and read the message.

Albany: sorry i didn't make it. just woke up. feel like shit.

She stared at the text for a few seconds as her friends were playing around again. She replied with thoughtful words that she knew he wouldn’t lie to her to.

Phoenix: Are you okay.

It was more of a statement than a question. She waited for a few minutes and was anxious when she didn’t receive a reply, giving her a bad feeling. So with texting not working, she called him. The phone rang four times before someone picked up.

“Hello...?” His voice sounded scratched and strained. “Al, what's wrong?” Phoenix took a big bite from her waffle cone and waited for him to reply. Her reply wasn't words like she was hoping for, but instead harsh coughing. “Are you injured?” She asked with concern wising in her voice. “Do...” His voice cracked and she winced from the pained sound. “You're ill.” There was no reply again and she sighed and placed a hand to her hip, careful not to drop her cone. “I'll be over in three hours.” This time she was given a sudden reply. “Do, Pheo! Id's...id's nod thad bad snnff I mead...” That was all she needed to hear and slapped her phone shut and began organizing her bag. Her friends caught on and kneeled beside her. “What's wrong?” Of course Austin spoke first. “Al's sick. I’m going to his place.” Their eyes widened and began helping her. Though Austin and Albany had their' sibling rivalry' he was really concerned. Albany almost never got sick, and this surprised him more then Tallahassee or Phoenix, but hid it well enough to not be questioned, as so he thought.

When she finished packing and was heading up the sandy hill to the stairs, they called to her. “Make sure he stays in bed and gets a lot of rest!” Tallahassee shouted with a worried smile. “And keep him away from any junk food or stairs and make him drink lots of fluids and-” He cut himself off when they gave him glances and blushed furiously. “What?” He shouted and turned away, stomped back down to the water. The girls giggled and looked at each other. “Just make sure he's okay. We'll tell M.C (Mexico City) that something came up. And I’ll keep Austin under control. Keep us updated on him.” She said cheerfully and waved her hand. Phoenix nodded and brought out her phone again to make a call to the airport.

I apologize for no sneezing in this part, but it's leading up to it I promise. laughingsmiley.gif

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This is Part two edited biggrinsmiley.gif

A day at the Beach-Part Two

What started out as a happy and calm day, was now mixed with concern for a now sick friend. Albany sat there, on his bed wrapped up in his fleece blanket, with his phone held out in front of him and the line dead. He deeply sighed and flopped back onto his pillow, he was tired, cold, his throat was raw and his nose was so stuffed up that he couldn’t even blow it with his empty box of tissues. And on top of it all, his stomach was doing continuous flips since this started. He truly felt miserable and blamed his Commander. Two days earlier he got a tip from a stranger that a massive drug bust was being held down an alleyway, and he went to investigate. When he found out what was going down he immediately called his Commander and gave out the information. Since there was over twenty guys or so, he wanted to wait for back up, but did his Commander care? No. Why? Because he was the Capitol of New York and could barrel through anything! “Bastard...” He whispered to himself and buried his head under his pillow.

So with direct orders, he picked places to hide to sneak closer and closer into their hideout. That is, until he was caught and tied up. Of course not without a fight, it was Albany after all. They held him up and locked him in a closet filled with unknown chemicals and god knows what else. It wasn’t until hours later that he was rescued and brought to the Hospital to get checked. He seemed fine the first day, but yesterday he was sore with a headache and vomiting. Today he was just lying in bed and keeping himself content as to not rush to the bathroom again or have coughing fits. And if his nose would stop tickling, oh he would be in heaven if it would just stop tickling.


Phoenix had arrived in Manhattan and was now taking a cab to Albany. It was a tiring flight and a boring drive. The city streets were filled with people and large incredible buildings that seemed to reach for the skies, a sight that always caught her attention whenever she visited New York. Which wasn’t often because Albany would insist on coming to Arizona to see her instead. As she rode in the back seat for the remaining two and a half hours, she was becoming more fidgety and was texting Tallahassee to ease her nerves. Upon arriving at Albany's house she paid the driver for his time and walked up the path to his two story apartment. She examined the dulling white paint as it peeled down the sides. “Yep, this is his house. Love the paint job Al.” She grinned sarcastically and continued up to the door. She fidgeted with the knob to see if it was locked and pulled out a spare key from her pocket to unlock the door. She closed the door gently and locked it back. The neighborhood wasn’t exactly a friendly place.

“Ksh! Hish! K'shu! Hik'shoo!” She dropped her bag on the couch and looked around to the strange noise. They were cute, little bursts of sounds that sounded like a kitten. “Oi, you at it again?” A male voice asked with a heavy New York accent. “I'm goin' back now. Try not to kill yourself and get well soon.” Phoenix then recognized the voice and walked over to the stairs to meet the man. “Yo, Phoenix. I didn't expect to see you here.” It was Albany's father, New York. He waved and scurried down the stairs to shake her hand. “Perfect timin' actually, Albany's caught somethin' and could use the company. I just came to check on him and bring him some things.” “Hishew! Hach! Ksh! Ksh! Hiksh!” They both looked up the stairwell to the sound. “He's been doin' that since I came over. Take care of my Capitol for me, I gotta run.” He pat her shoulder and made his way to the door. Phoenix sighed and trotted up the stairs and found his room. It was cracked open with a small light shining out.

She pushed the door open and found Albany in his black tank top hunched over with a hand hovering in front of his face with his eyes fluttering and mouth open. “You okay Al?” Her voice made him jump and panic. “Phiihhh Pheo! Whahhh...whad...hih...are you dooo...hih!” His head tilted back and he turned away from her at the last second. “Hik'shew! Hahh...ish! Ishu! Hach! Hich! T'chew! Ugh...snnff...” Phoenix stood at his door with a hand over her mouth and began to shake. He looked over embarrassed and jumped again when he saw tears forming in her eyes. “O-oi! Pheo, whad's wrong?” He was about to get up when Phoenix bent over laughing. He was confused at first but then turned even redder when he figured out why she was laughing. “Pfffft, what was that? Just now? Hahaha!” She wiped her tears from her eyes and slowly made her way to sit at the foot of his bed. “I've never heard you make that noise before.” He looked down to avoid her eyes and sniffled thickly, grimacing at the sound.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. You okay?” He glanced up and her smile had faded into a frown. He nodded and sat up, placing his hand on hers with a weak smile. “Yeah snf I’m fide. I jusd feel lige garbadge.” He raised his fist and coughed harshly into it and rubbed his throat. “You kdow you didn'd deed do cobe over. Hih!” She sympathetically pat his shoulder as his nose twitched cutely. He raised his hand over his mouth and sniffled again to ease the itch the best he could. “Al, don’t hold it in. I had my laugh.” His eyes were fluttering and he shook his head. “Ihhhht...hurts...hih...hahhh...hiiihhhh...hah!” She rolled her eyes and moved his hand away and gently rubbed her finger under his nose. He was squirming to get free with her hand holding him down, but stopped when the itch faded and looked at her confused. Tears were in his eyes and she wiped them away.

“Next time I wont help, but you should really just let them out.” She smiled and kissed his forehead but quickly retreated from the heat. “You're burning up...” He gave a pathetic smile and scratched his head. “Yeah...bud I dook mbedicide already. Snf snnff, bud I don'd kdow how long id will sday down. My sdomach hurds lige hell...” He wrapped an arm around his stomach when it made an eerie grumble. She grimaced at his voice and reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a soft orange handkerchief. She pinched his nose with it and his eyes widened to the action. “Blow. I can't understand you like this.” She smiled when he blushed and he hesitated before complying with a loud honk that made them both shudder. “Sorry...I'll wash it for you later Pheo.” He grinned sheepishly as she folded it into a tiny square and placed it in his hand. “Don't worry about it. Lay back down and I'll make you something for your throat and stomach.” He nodded and laid down, curling back under the blanket and tightly gripping her handkerchief in his hand. She closed the door quietly and headed down the stairs.

Albany listened for Phoenix to reach the kitchen and sat up quickly with a quick hitch of breath. “Hah! Hak'tchew! Hitch! Ishu! Hahh...Hak'chew! Tch! Tchu!” His stomach lurched with each sneeze and sent pulses through his frame. He felt a familiar taste in his mouth that made him want to gag. He unraveled himself from his fleece blanket and trudged to his bathroom to prepare for the unstoppable to come. The sound of horrid retching echoed through his apartment as if it were connected to speakers. Phoenix turned to the sound and sighed, this was going to be a long day.

This one only has two parts. Hope you enjoyed it biggrinsmiley.gif

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Sorry for the wait, I've been busy with things. Here's the next one, hope you like it. biggrinsmiley.gif

Surprise Visitor Part One

It was a nice and warm day out in Arizona. The sun was high in the sky with no trace of a single cloud for miles. We take our attention to a small town in Arizona called Phoenix, where the Capitols herself was feeling a bit off from a cold virus roaming around. She began to have a loss of apatite and was stuck with on and off fatigue and dizziness. Being her stubborn self however, she shrugged it off and prepared for the day ahead. Her boss had called her in early this morning due to many workers calling in sick and she was the best mechanic they had and proved vital to fix the cars. She obliged hands down and even offered to work overtime. So after her small talk with her boss, and a dizzy spell that pushed her back a few times, she got out of bed and searched for some clean clothes in her drawers.

She was in the process of putting her jacket on when a strong tickle entered the back of her nose and she held a hand up to her mouth in preparation. “Hah...heeehhhhh...hih!” Her body was bent back and she could feel it getting stronger, but nothing coming. It was stuck. “Hehhhh...hiiiihhhhh...hah hah...hih!” She stood there for a good minute with her breath hitching until it finally released harshly. “Hetchu! Hik'shew! Hah...Hetchoo!” She groaned and fell back onto her bed with her hand over her mouth. “Ugh...well this sucks.” “Miss Jones? Are you alright?” 'Crap.' She thought. Her house keeper knocked lightly on her door and came in. “I'm alright Nancy.” “I hope you're not catching this cold going around. Would you like some medicine?” Phoenix shook her head and quickly got up to finish getting ready and headed down the stairs and out the front door in a hurry. Nancy was sweet and nice and all, but could be a real mother hen when she wanted to be, and that wasn’t an option today.

She hoped onto her Harley after placing her things in the carry case and strapping her helmet on. She arrived at the shop at exactly 6:35a.m and punched herself in and went to change into her work uniform. “Hey, it's great to have you come in so early. I really need the help with the cars we got in.” Her boss walked in with sweat and oil and grease all over his clothes and face. She nodded, feeling a sore throat making itself present. “I've been here since four with Zack and Allen, but Allen had an accident and I sent him home.” He walked up to Phoenix and sat on the changing bench next to her bag facing the other way. She was in a changing stall so he couldn’t see anything. “What happened to Allen? Did he drop an engine on his foot again?” She tried not to laugh at the idea as to not cause any coughing from her soaring throat. “No, he said he felt sick and then ran to the bathroom. When Zack found him...let's just say it wasn't healthy, that's for sure.”

They both sighed and Phoenix opened the door in her single gray pocketed 'oil suit', as she called it. She tied up her hair into a pony tail and tossed her other clothes into her bag and then the bag into her locker. “Is anyone else here?” He looked up at her blankly. “Hopefully someone that isn’t sick from this bug going around?” He looked up to think for a moment and then stood to walk with her. “Markus, Sam, and Anthony are here.” Phoenix frowned at his answer. “Any Mechanics?” He smirked nervously and she sighed again. “Zack is still here...but he's been with me to finish his training. I've called everyone I could Sabrina, everyone's out. Markus seems fine and is running the office, but the others are a little...pale?” He glanced at Phoenix to see if she made any reaction and frowned when she seemed to show no interest. He examined her for a few seconds and swiftly walked in front of her. She stopped and looked into his eyes as his finally looked into hers.

“Sabrina?” She gulped when he stepped closer. “You seem a bit off. Are you feeling alright?” She looked down with her eyes closed and scratched her head. “It's just a sore throat, nothing to worry about.” She sniffled when she went to take a breath through her nose and opened her eyes at the sound. Great, now she was getting stuffed up. “Sabrina.” She looked back to him. “If you show any serious signs of illness, I’m relieving you.” “It was only-” He was now glaring at her and she nodded. “If I hear a single cough or sneeze out of you, you're going home. I will fix the vehicles myself if need be. Do I make myself clear?” She was about to object but he was still glaring. “Crystal...sir.” Nick wasn’t one to be demanding or seem rough around the edges, but he cared for his employees and wanted to see them happy and healthy. He even went as far as to close shop when the flu roamed over and sent everyone home for a week.

Thankfully this was just a cold and nothing serious. Nick wondered off into the garage to finish up some cars and Phoenix walked the opposite way to work on the first three. They had a total of seventeen vehicles to work on and there was little time for breaks. She sniffled thickly through her stuffed up nose and coughed quietly behind her closed mouth while pulling on her gloves. Her nose was irritated with all the fumes and she was constantly sniffling and rubbing at it on her arm as to not get oil in it. The irritation was growing and she barely had time to pull out her orange handkerchief from her pocket in time. “Hetchu! Hnnch! Hnnxchu!” She quickly looked up and around her to see if anyone heard. She sighed again, thankful that she was alone. “This is going to be cutting it close snnff isn't it?” She whispered to herself and reached into her first vehicle.

Part two will be edited and up soon!

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