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A Case of the Mondays - Almost Human (F, Maldonado)


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All right I have managed to catch up on all the episodes of Almost Human, in their proper production order too, and I have a new fandom! We all know what that means: more fanfic!

Seriously though I love this show and everyone in it, especially Captain Maldonado. She yells at Kennex when he needs it, gets to be a badass with a gun in the very first episode, and gets to stick it to Ethan Smugass Avery in ‘Blood Brothers’. And she likes to wear bright coloured nail polish. So naturally she gets to be the focus in this story, and also it gives me a chance to work on a female sneeze story that I don’t normally write so enjoy! Sorry the first bit is kind of short.

A Case of the Mondays

Sandra Maldonado pulled into the precinct parking garage bright and early on a Monday morning. Or at least it would have been bright if it hadn’t been raining in the city for the last three days straight. And she was running a good ten minutes late because she stopped at the corner store on her way over.

Sighing deeply she turned off the car and rested her head on the steering wheel for a moment.

It was going to be a long week.

Her nose suddenly twitched and she quickly twisted her face into the crook of her arm.

Heh’itchew! Isschew!

Twelve hours of proven symptom relief her ass.

Sniffing she got out, checking that all her pockets had tissues in them, which they did. She was as ready as she could be. Shaking her head she rushed up the stairs. It was amazing really that technology had progressed so far. They had sex-bots, any synthetic body part one could imagine, and all kinds of protection from dangerous pathogens; and yet still no cure for the common cold.

As she approached the briefing room she cleared her throat and straightened out her jacket. The men look up to you she reminded herself. She was their leader they looked to her for strength and support, and she needed to watch over them.

“I don’t care, Dorian, no more Elton John in the car!”

Especially those two.

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[internal squealing and freaking out]

I love Almost Human so much and I'm so happy to see more of it on the forum @W@

Maldonado is so badass and I love her so much~

you are officially the best. *bows*

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Sandra pulled up the large map of city outlining the different routes that would need to be travelled thanks to the rising water table from all the rain.

“All units will patrol in these designated areas to deter looting from homes and businesses that the residents have already vacated; and we will continue to monitor the situation, and coordinate a full evacuation of the areas affected by the weather if it is deemed necessary. Hh’ggntichh! Excuse me. Any questions?”

There were none.

“All right let’s get to work.”


After roll call Sandra retreated to her office and thanked any divine being that it was rather uneventful working day…until everything caved in, literally.

“Captain Maldonado, we have a situation up here.”

She ran out of her office to the top floor and found herself looking up at what had once been a perfectly functioning solar panel that was now doubling as a sky light.

“What the hell happened?!”

Officer Blake shrugged helplessly from where he was standing beside the flooded remains of his desk.

“I don’t know, Captain, the ceiling tile just buckled and the water drenched this whole section.”

“Okay, shut down and clear this floor until we know that the water hasn’t damaged any electrical panels or wiring that might pose a danger. Check that this is only an accident, get maintenance up here and-,” she stepped back as another rush of water poured in and soaked the carpet at her feet. “And someone get a shield over this!”

When the floor was cleared and cleanup had begun Sandra went up to the roof herself to check that it really was nothing more than a simple hole. After the attack by InSyndicate she wasn’t taking any chances. A sweep of the damage by Stahl and her MX confirmed that it was a structural problem of the building and not a deliberate sabotage.

“Someone somewhere just missed the work order for this part of the roof and it weakened until it caved in,” Valerie concluded, brushing a few strands of wet hair out of her eyes.

“Just routine maintenance required here then. Well I guess that counts as some kind of good news.” She curled her fingers under her nose as she felt a sneeze coming on. “Excuse me…hah-hemptchu! Hhgnttchew!

“Bless you.”

“Thank you.”

Quickly the pair made their way back inside and out of the storm.

“I’m sorry, Captain, I didn’t think we’d be out there this long.”

“It’s all right, Stahl, this suit is wash and wear.”

They parted ways and Sandra ducked into one of the washrooms to try and dry off as much as possible, and deal with the lingering tickle in her nose in private. She grabbed one of the small towels the bathroom was equipped with and started to dry off as best she could. As the warm air started to make her nose run and that just made the itchy feeling worse.

Hehh…heh-heh…ugh, snf!

It just figured, she could finally stop stifling her sneezes and now they were stuck.

She took out a few of the tissues that were left from one pocket and blew her nose, hoping that would coax the tickle out. She winced as the paper brushed against skin that was starting to chap from her rubbing at her nose all day. The blow did clear out a bit of the congestion, but it didn’t help the tickle that was still in there.

She scanned the tiny room trying to think of something else she could try. Eventually she looked at her reflection and spotted one of the pins that held her up do in place hanging loose. Why not? Her hair was already half down anyway.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed she took the pin out from her hair and pushed it gently against the inside of her nose, moving it around in small circles to try and find a sensitive spot.

Hahh…ehh…EHH…oh you have got to be k-heh-kidding me.”

Quickly she moved it to the other side of her nose, and it seemed that side was the one to use because the pin had barely touched the enflamed nostril when the tickle overwhelmed her.

Hehh…huhh…huh’eshiew! Atschu! Ishisschu! Ahh-ahh-AHESHieww!

Finally achieving some relief Sandra put the pin in her pocket and found an energy chew there. She had missed lunch thanks to the hole in the ceiling and eagerly took it, following it up with a lozenge to try and combat the growing ache in her throat.

She went back to cleaning herself up and had just managed to ring out most the water from her hair when her phone beeped. Not bothering to put her hair back up in its usual place she grabbed the phone and rushed back into the hallway.

“What have we got?”

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Making Dorian Rudy’s new roommate had officially been the worst idea ever John decided as he started slamming things around on his desk. They had made plans to take in a lecture series about proto-universes and the nature of matter; and since John would rather scrape out his eardrums with a rusty screw than listen to that he had declined the offer to go with them. So they had dropped him off at the precinct and taken off. Well at least it finally stopped raining he thought.

He had just sat down to work when he saw a light on in Maldonado’s office and that the door was open.

Curious he went over to her door and knocked, but got no response.

“Captain Maldonado?”

John poked his head in to see her in her chair with her head against her chest, seemingly asleep. After getting over the initial shock of seeing her with her hair down John went over and shook her shoulder gently.


She stared awake and looked up at him.


“Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said, rubbing at her temple. “It’s just been a very long day.”

“Tell me about it.”

“What are you doing here so late?” she asked.

“Dorian and Rudy ran off with the car so I thought I’d get started on some of those backlogged reports. Hey, since you’re here I could go over them with you. It would probably take less time.”

“Yes, of course.”

She stood up from her chair and hunched over her desk as John set his first report down for her to look over.

“Well you would have to track back to Livingston to get the codes for this and…h-hold on.”

She turned away from him, grabbing a tissue to cover her nose.

Heh-hgntichew! Attschu! Heh-heh’Isshu!

By the time she was finished John had his hand pressed against her forehead.

“Yeah, I can see how fine you are.”

“Kennex, don’t s-start-huhh…ATCSHhew! Hehh’ETSHUu!

The sneezes scrapped her throat raw and led to a bout of harsh coughing. As she rode out the fit she was acutely aware of the firm hand rubbing her back.

“Gesundheit by the way.”

“Thanks,” she said, getting a fresh tissue to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

When she was finished she turned back to John with a glare that matched his.

“I know that look John so whatever you’re going to say-don’t.”

John being John said it anyway.

“You aren’t in any condition to be here.”

“The work needs to be done whether I feel up to it or not.”

“And it’s only going to be sloppy if you do it when you’re like this. Let me take you home.”

She sighed and gave in. “Go get all your reports we’ll work at my place.”


“Well I’m not just going to let you drive me home and then go off and eat noodles. Be ready in ten minutes.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

They made it to her car in under eight minutes and Sandra gave John her keys and slide into the passenger’s seat. He started the car and the speakers began blasting out the lyrics of ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.’

John glared at Sandra. “Really?”

She shrugged “I like him too, and my car my rules.”

John rolled his eyes and pulled the car on to the street. “And you people wonder why I don’t socialize.”

By the time they arrived at her place Elton had going through six more songs and was on to ‘Candle in the Wind’; and John was on his last nerve. He slammed the car door with unnecessary force and stocked up the stairs to Sandra’s apartment. She followed behind him, the short flight of stairs seemed like an eternity thanks to the congestion. She hated to admit when John was right, but her cold was really wiping her out.

So it came as a shock when she opened her door and went inside and he was the one who suddenly doubled over.

"Ehhh-ASSHUu! ESSUHhu!"


"You have a c-cat…heh’HURShhu!"

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  • 1 month later...

Well since FOX apparently had to go and be stupid, what else is new, I'm indulging myself to cope with their decision.


"Oh, god I'm so sorry I completely forgot!"

Sandra quickly scooped up the bundle of black and white fur that had his paws up on John’s leg, and was looking at him with big expectant eyes, and got him into the bedroom.

“I’m watching him while my sister is out of town.”

“It’s all right. My a-allergy isn’t severe just heh…heh…annoying. And you know that little guy is prob-hah-probably ESShu! Huh’ERSHhu! Ugh, hungry.”

“You’re right,” she said, handing John a box of tissues and getting a can of cat food and a bowl off her kitchen counter.

As John blew his nose Sandra took the cat food into her bedroom and put it down on the floor. As Oreo, as her sister called him, ate she took the opportunity to change into a clean and dry set of clothes. She wondered for a moment if she should let one of her men see her wearing an old Police Academy sweater and oversized sweatpants. Before deciding that between her being sick and John dealing with his allergy professionalism had officially gone out the window and left the bedroom dressed as she was.

Sandra came out to find John in the kitchen with one finger pressed under his nose and his other hand working the buttons on her coffee machine.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting this machine to make better foam.”

“Should I just start looking for a new now?”

“Hey, I may not be able to cook Ramen, but I worked down at Viggo’s in high school and all through the Police Academy. I can make the best latte macchiato this side of anywhere.”

“This I have to see.”

She watched him with a keen eye. Only stopping when an itch slowly filled her nose, making her eyes flutter close and her breath hitch. She rubbed hard at her nostrils trying in vain to hold back the tickle.

Hahh…ahh…ASHiew! Ihh…huh...ITCHShuu!

The sneezes were loud and desperate since she had been holding them in all day and Sandra felt her cheeks burn red in embarrassment as she reached for a tissue.

“Gesundheit, huhh’ishu!

“You too.”

John nodded in thanks and poured his concoction out into glasses. He handed her a glass as they took seats in the living room.

Sandra took a moment to admire the drink. It certainly looked right and so she cautiously took a sip. Her eyes widened in surprise. What little she could taste was rich and smooth and it felt good on her throat.

“It’s good, John.”


“No I mean it, it’s really delicious.”

“Well thanks a bunch!”

They spread the reports out on her coffee table and began working through the paperwork in a comfortable silence that was interrupted by the occasional question or sneeze.

When they were finished John packed up the reports and the growling of his stomach alerted him to the fact that it was now well after dinner time.

“Listen, Sandra, I know you said I shouldn’t go out and eat noodles, but I’m getting hungry. I saw a small place on the corner when we drove in that probably does take out. I could go pick us up something if you wanted?”

He didn’t get an answer.


He turned around to find Sandra asleep again on the couch. John smiled and grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch. He draped it over her and then quietly left to go get supplies.

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I'm miffed by FOX, too. Except it doesn't make any sense? The official decision hasn't actually come yet and there's no official proof it's been cancelled, my friend and I did research on it last night. There was a supposed tweet by JH Wyman but the only place i've seen it is on screenshot on Tumblr, so that could easily be fake. And if FOX wanted to cancel it, why would they give it a UK run?

But, even so, there's a petition going round to save the show, and it's always good for any network to see the support the fans have for the show. http://www.change.org/petitions/syfy-network-save-almost-human?

Now, onto the fic. @W@

Maldonado is adorable and so in character, and John's allergies make me so happy. <3 I really love that he can make coffee much better than he can cook, that is so like him.

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I'm miffed by FOX, too. Except it doesn't make any sense? The official decision hasn't actually come yet and there's no official proof it's been cancelled, my friend and I did research on it last night. There was a supposed tweet by JH Wyman but the only place i've seen it is on screenshot on Tumblr, so that could easily be fake. And if FOX wanted to cancel it, why would they give it a UK run?

But, even so, there's a petition going round to save the show, and it's always good for any network to see the support the fans have for the show. http://www.change.or...-almost-human?

Yeah I agree it doesn't make sense since the official announcement wasn't supposed to happen until May 12th. The one article being sourced itself has no source the person just says they heard it from somebody. So how JH Wyman gets officially cancelled from that I don't know. If that even is a real tweet. But even if it is all fake its definitely a good thing to circulate the petition and drum up support, because if the show does go for a second season after all FOX might realize that there's an audience for it and that to make that audience bigger you should probably air the shows in order, not have a bunch of delays and gaps between airings, or air the show opposite the Olympics or Monday night football radical ideas I know.

Now, onto the fic. @W@

Maldonado is adorable and so in character, and John's allergies make me so happy. <3 I really love that he can make coffee much better than he can cook, that is so like him.

Yeah I figure the poor guy has to be good at least one thing besides his job and considering how much he drinks it coffee is probably it. biggrinsmiley.gif

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  • 1 month later...

Sandra opened her eyes to find a blanket tucked in around her shoulders and a fresh box of tissues on her coffee table. Before she had time to wonder much about that though her throat tickled and she was muffling a coughing fit into the blanket.

“John?” she called out when she was finished, her voice scratchy and raw.

“Right here.”

Sandra got up and went over to see him in the kitchen with take-out boxes spread out on the counter.

“How long was I asleep?”

“About an hour or so.”

“What’s all this?”

“An old Kennex family recipe, it’s called enhancing take-out,” John said as he finished cutting up vegetables he’d found in the fridge and put them on top of the noodles in the boxes.

“Thanks, you didn’t have to go to any trouble.”

“It’s nothing I need to eat too and since you have fresh food I’m eating better than I normally would anyway.”

“Well that’s true.”

They gathered up the box and took them back to the living room. They sat down together on the couch, John’s nostrils flaring as their movements sent lingering cat dander into the air.

Ehh-ESHU! Huh’ERShu!

“You okay?”

"Yeah I got some pills for myself while I was out getting all this. Huh’ESHHh! But I think that six hour relief tag is bullshit."

"Talking to the-heh-choir, John."

She scrambled for a tissue and pressed it to her nose as she built up.

Ahh…hahh-atchshu! Heh’esichew!


“Too s-soon heh’eshieww! Ittchshu! Hah…ASHUu!

“Gesundeit again then.”

Sandra managed a small smile at that.


She grabbed more tissues to blow her nose and noticed that they felt less rough on her chapped skin.

“You got the kind with lotion didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I figure if you’re gonna be sick you might as well make it as comfortable as possible. And that reminds me I brought something for us to watch.”

John reached into his bag pulled out a video chip.

“You like old Harrison Ford movies?” he asked.

“Harrison who?”

“You’ve never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark?”

She shook her head.

“Oh, you’re in for a treat it’s a classic.”

He started up the movie and they settled in.

“Thanks, John, for everything.”


When they were finished dinner Sandra shivered despite the blanket around her and John pulled her in closer to him.

Hah’Iishiew! ISSHuu!

The sneezes were partially muffled into John’s shoulder.

“Sorry,” she said, sniffling.

“Don’t be.”

John knew Sandra and knew she never wanted to be seen as anything less than capable. Still everyone got sick now and then and he thought it was rather endearing to see her more relaxed. Or maybe it was because they were close again. It was something they had been long before the ambush and he was starting realize just how much he’d missed it.


“Yes, John?”

“I know I said before that I wanted distance, that it would be better for us, but now I…”

John trailed of as she took his hand firmly in hers.

“That door is always open, John.”



And I officially have no ideas beyond this so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to post them. Or anything else for Almost Human for that matter the show needs more love.

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You have no idea how happy I was to see this at the top of the board.

And even happier that there was a new part!

They're so adorable and I love their dynamic, it's amazing.

*melts a little bit over John whoops*

I promise you, if I get a halfway-decent idea, I am totally gonna write more AH fic.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay I said I had no more ideas for this story and then my muse drops half a dozen in my lap. So on we go.


By the time the movie was over it was late and Sandra insisted that John stay over. Since he couldn’t go into the bedroom thanks to Oreo they spent the night on the couch.

The sun was just starting to rise when John woke up to find Sandra sitting up and stifling a sneezing fit into a tissue.

Hh,gntch! Itchu! Ischu! Ashiew! Ahh-ahh’ARSHuh!

“Good morning to you too.”

“Sorry, I was trying not to wake you.”

“Yeah, well mission failed.”

“Clearly,” she said, and turned away to muffle several coughs against her sleeve.

When she was finished John wrapped his arms around her and tried to pull her back down on the couch.

“Go back to sleep it’s still early.”

“I can’t I have to get ready.”

“You shouldn’t go in today, Sandra.”

She shook her head, but didn’t move from her spot against John’s chest.

“I can’t afford to take time off just for a cold.”

John put his hand on her forehead.

“You’re still running a fever.”

Before Sandra had a chance to answer him her phone went off. Moving out of John’s arms she got up and answered it.

“Maldonado. When!?...Do they…Yes, yes I understand.”

She hung up and turned back to John.

“The decision has been made for us they’re calling in all divisions. Apparently a group decided to take advantage of the recent weather and cause a massive disruption at the wall.”

“Was it breached?”

“They don’t know most of the reports have come in yet, when they do it’s going to be our job to figure all that out.”

“Oh, joy.”


She went to get dressed and John collected his jacket from the chair he’d thrown it on last night. He pulled it on, rubbing at his nose as it started to tickle.

Huh…hah’ASShh! Hah…huh-huh’URShhh!

Darn cats, he thought and sniffled. Deliberately ignoring the fact that those sneezes were wetter than the ones from the night before; and that there was a distinct stuffy feeling lingering in his nose that meant he would probably be sneezing again later on.

Allergies he could still blame allergies.

When Sandra came out she stuffed several tissues into her pockets before grabbing her jacket, and John followed her lead and put a couple of tissues into his pocket too. Just in case.

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  • 1 month later...

For a change of pace I'm spreading the misery around to other characters. Everyone gets to suffer here.


Doctor Rudy Lom sat in his lab hard at work. The wind howled outside and he tried and failed to suppress a shiver as it rattled the beams around him. The old church had always been cool. Good for the equipment not so much for him.


Shifting his work to one hand Rudy quickly rubbed his nose against his wrist to halt the coming sneeze. He sighed as the tickle thankfully backed off. It was delicate work and he needed to concentrate, not be distracted by his bothersome nose. He stifled a yawn as turned back to the circuitry in his other hand.

He had stayed up late last night after he and Dorian got home. He hadn’t expected John to finish his reports so early, but he had so Rudy worked passed midnight to get his stuff submitted too. He had managed a few scant hours of sleep before news of the attack came in and he found himself charged with a mound of twisted and burnt metal that had once been security cameras and police drones The parts were scattered across several tables and it was his job to piece the jigsaw puzzles of each back together to try and get footage of whatever had happened.


No not now! He thought trying to get one hand free before he-


There was a clattering of metal as the circuits slipped from his hands. Rudy sighed and winced, pressing his fingers to his forehead to try and rub away the building headache from the congestion and the stress. He knew he really should be resting, but the department was counting on him. So he just sniffled thickly and picked up the work he would now have to start over.

Since Dorian had left early no one was going to know, or care, that he was sick anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

Small update and I have an advertisement for us Almost Human fans. Along with the petition linked earlier in this thread there is a letter writing campaign going on for Nov 17th, the show's first anniversary, becaseu it's too good not to continue. Information and potential letter topics can all be found here: http://startrekcriti...es-post   Â


Richard Paul sighed in relief as the last of the witnesses left and he made his way back to his car. He rubbed at his eyes and told himself to get together. He had a job to do the captain was counting on him and-


He caught the massive sneeze in the sleeve of his coat and slid into the passenger seat with a groan. Everything would be so much easy if he didn’t feel so terrible.

“Let’s get back and report all this.” he said, rubbing at his nose and sniffling.

There was a nod of acknowledgment from the android beside him and the car started moving.

They were barely two minutes out when Richard’s nose started tickling again. “Sorry I gotta-huh…huhh-ARSHuu! AKSCHhh!

“Excuse me,” he muttered as he fumbled around trying to find the small packet of tissues in the glove compartment. When he finally found them and blew his nose he looked back up and realized they were on the wrong street.

“This isn’t the way to the precinct.”

“It is a detour”, his MX responded as he turned the cruiser into a parking lot and parked it in front of a pharmacy store. “Detective, you are currently infected with a rhinovirus. You have exhibited several symptoms including fever, sneezing, and increased nasal discharge. This has decreased your efficiency by 33.45%. While there is no cure you may purchase several items here that will aide in your recovery and manage your symptoms.”

His MX handed over a tablet with a list that was colour coded and complete with subheadings.

“I have compiled a list of the items that are on sale and alphabetized them for you.”

Richard stared at the tablet.

“Uh…thank you.”

With no choice really left in the matter Richard got out of the car. As he walked into the store though he couldn’t help, but smile the next time someone said his partner didn’t care about him he was going to punch them in the face.

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Oh my goodness @w@ I love it when the MXs are written to care but just... just a bit. It's so cute.

I'd love to take part in this letter writing thing but I'm in the UK and especially where I'm currently living, it's not easy to post stuff abroad. It'd be easier at home but I'm currently at Uni and this town doesn't have a post office.

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Oh my goodness @w@ I love it when the MXs are written to care but just... just a bit. It's so cute.

Yep I love writing Richard's partner because he cares in his own logical blunt way. biggrinsmiley.gif

I'd love to take part in this letter writing thing but I'm in the UK and especially where I'm currently living, it's not easy to post stuff abroad. It'd be easier at home but I'm currently at Uni and this town doesn't have a post office.

No worries advertising is just as valuable. Feel free to let any fans you know of who have better access to the post office about the letter writing. There is also the electronic campaign on twitter every Monday from 8pm to 9pm Eastern Standard Time: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SaveAlmostHuman?src=hash

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  • 1 month later...

Valerie checked over the data on the screens as they rolled by her, trying to ignore the growing ached behind her eyes.

“What’s the update, Stahl?”

“According to witnesses there was a large disruption at the wall near the East term, but it is still intact. Detective Paul is on his way in to give a full report. John and Dorian are out rounding up the usual suspects.”

“Has Rudy gotten any footage yet of what exactly happened?”

“He sent a small clip from one camera that seems to show a smoke bomb going off. He said he would send more within the hour. He also said he was sorry about the delays he’s had some minor setbacks.”

“Okay.” Sandra nodded rubbing one finger under her nose. “Huh’ATCSHhew!

“Bless you, you okay?”

“Oh, I’ll live I just won’t enjoy it.”

Sandra tilted her head curiously at the way Valerie was slouched in her seat.

“What about you, you all right? You seem…off.”

“Just tired.”

Valerie forced herself to sit up straighter and focus. She certainly didn’t feel 100%, but see could at least act like it. It was just easier that way she had come to learn.

She was a chrome and everyone knew they had perfect health, but that didn’t make her Wonder Woman, immune to everyone and everything. People sure seemed to think it should though, so when her symptoms finally became too much she hid in the break room.


She pinched her nose shut trying to be as quiet as possible.

Hh’gntch! Ittch! Heh’igntchew! Hih-hih-igntchew!

“You’re going to hurt yourself doing that.”

Valerie jumped and turned around.


“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s fine.”

“But I mean it you’re gonna bust an eardrum stifling like that.”

She shrugged. “Old habits. I’ve gotten used to doing it.”

“Why? No one you know has ever seen a pretty girl sneeze before?”

Valerie blushed. “I don’t know people act…weird when I dare to get sick like everybody else.”

“Well don’t worry about offending me I..I-huhh’ASSHUu!

Valerie raised her eyebrows. “Well that sounds healthy.”

“Yeah, seems like this bug is really going around.”

“Does that explain your shopping trip?”

She nodded her head towards the bag he held.

“My partner insisted I get stuff and it now looks like I can share. You like chai vanilla, or apple cinnamon tea? I got both, it was two for one.”

“Chai vanilla and thanks.”

She sat down as they waited for the tea to be ready. She pinched her nose again as it started to fill with a familiar itch, but then thought better of it and covered instead.

Hah’isshiew! Heh-heh’ISSchew! ISShew!

Richard offered her a tissue and she took it.

“Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome and I’m right it feels better doesn’t it?”

“Shut up.”

Richard chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

They took their mugs of tea back to their desks and got back to work, sharing a box of tissues between them.

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  • 11 months later...

I suck at prompt updates that is all.


"Synthetic calibration incomplete.”

John scowled, wishing he had been able to charge his leg fully, but between helping Sandra and dealing with the fiasco with the wall there simply hadn’t been time.

Dorian glanced down at the limb.

“I thought you were using olive oil on the joint, John?”

“We’re dealing with an emergency I had other things to worry about.”

“Well that explains why you look like you’ve been sleeping in your clothes.”

“Yeah, well dealing with personal hygiene isn’t high on my to-do list right now.”

“That would imply it was ever on your list.”

Instead of answering John jammed the cruiser in park as they arrived where Richard’s lead said the ones behind the attack on the wall would be and sniffled thickly as they got out.

“John, are you sick?”

“You’re the one with the bio-scanners you tell me.”

The familiar blue lights flashed on Dorian’s face as he scanned his partner. “Taking into account your elevated temperature, nasal drip, and sinus congestion I would conclude that yes, yes you are.”


“You asked, Man.”

“I didn’t ask! And you obviously need to be looked over by Rudy, because your scanners are faulty, I’m fine.”

Dorian just shook his head. “Whatever you say.”

They entered dilapidated building to find it empty, at least of people. There were boxes stacked everywhere and a broken table sitting pitifully in the far corner. John swiped his hand across the banister barely hanging on to the stairs that led to the second floor, his fingers coming away with a light coating of dust. The place was clearly only being used for storage. The true headquarters for the group had to be somewhere else.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps caused both of them to tense and then John found himself roughly shoved into a nearby closet.

“What the hell do you do that for?!” He hissed as Dorian closed the door.

“We don’t know if they’re armed and we can’t arrest on site since you didn’t wait for a search warrant.”

“They could be two homeless people for all we know!”

“All the more reason to wait and listen,” Dorian replied, and pressed his ear to the door.

John huffed by kept quiet so they could learn if the men that had just come in were part of the group they were looking for.

The men started moving things around in the room and talking about inventory meeting times, a clear indication that they were suspects in the case. The impromptu surveillance was going really well.

Except for the stubborn tickle in John’s nose.

He rubbed his finger under his nose trying to keep it back. If he blew their cover early it would all be for nothing.


Despite his efforts the tickle only grew and his nostrils flared against his fingers as the sneezes worked desperately to escape their restraints.

“D-Dorian, heh! snf!

Dorian turned away from the door and immediately noticed his partner’s distress. Batting John’s hand away, replacing it with his own, and pressing harder under his nose than John had.

Huhh…huh-Hhnxxgtch! Huh’nnggxtch!

“What was that?”

“What was what? I didn’t hear nothing. Now help me get all this outside. If we miss the deadline for the next weapons drop the boss will throw us over the wall.”

“That’s our queue,” Dorian said, releasing John from his grip.

He burst through the door and John followed, the spike of adrenaline overriding his troublesome nose.


“Down on the ground now!”

The men complied and Dorian and John quickly got them up and outside.

“Still want to insist you’re fine?” Dorian asked.

“Shu-huh’ashu! Heh’urshu! Shut up! It’s just the dust,” John insisted while they got the suspects into the cruiser.

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  • 1 month later...

“Shu-huh’ashu! Heh’urshu! Shut up! It’s just the dust,” John insisted while they got the suspects into the cruiser.

Ahh i love it when people blame it on the 'dust.' YES. I miss this show dearly and your characterization is just sososo perfect. Thank you for this heavenly gift

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  • 7 months later...

Thanks you guys for all your love for this story :D


Sandra pinched the bridge of his nose and fought the urge to lean against the conference room table.  She had to remain strong for team and honestly she couldn’t believe she had actually survived until Thursday.  It was Thursday right?  Oh who cared the point was the crisis was over no there was only paperwork left to file she could handle that.




They dutifully began passing them over the tissue box Richard had brought in and left on the table, Valerie quickly grabbing one from the box as she sat back.




“Gesundheit,” John answered, his voice stuffed up and scratchy.


Sandra frowned and looked at her team properly for the first time in days.  Valerie still had her nose buried in the tissue.  Richard was rubbing absently at his that was red and chapped, and Rudy was sniffling and looked ready to fall asleep in his chair.  Dorian was shooting worried glances at him, but his hand resting on the table was also twitching indicating that even he was running on a lower charge.


“Is there anyone at this table that isn’t sick?”


John tried to raise his hand, but Dorian quickly yanked it back down.


Sandra sighed, how had she not noticed this? “Okay well great work everyone on this case in spite of that.  Take the rest of the week off and I’ll see you all back here on Monday.”


She got half-hearted nods and sniffles as her answer.


“And feel better all of you that’s an order!”


“Yes, Captain.”


As the gang dispersed John went to his desk finished his now cold coffee and got ready to head off, but as he reached for his car keys they were snatched away by Dorian.


“Dorian, what are you-”


He stopped as he saw Rudy slumped against the android.


“Rudy’s running a fever he shouldn’t drive.  I’m taking him home.”


“And just what the hell am I supposed to do!?”


“You’re the only who keeps insisting you’re fine, Man, you figure it out.”


 With that Dorian left with his arm around Rudy’s shoulders.


John would have yelled some choice words after them, but he was overwhelmed by the sudden need to sneeze.


Ehh’ashu!  Huh’Eeshhu!


He sniffled thickly, digging around in his pocket and swore as he realized he was out of tissues.


“Now who’s the one who isn’t in any condition to be here?”


John glanced at Sandra with watery eyes.


“I’b fine.”


“Uh huh,” she answered and handed him a tissue.


“Thanks,” he said and blew his nose.


“Sorry, John.”


“It’s all right it probably would have happened anyway.  Seems like half the precinct is down with this.” He muffled a short coughing fit into his shoulder.  “How are you feeling?” 


“My throat’s better.  Now it’s just all the…the heh’ashew! Ihh…ISHhh! Ugh, sneezing.”


“Tell me about it.”


“So you want a ride home?” she asked.


“Is that a serious offer?”


“Well someone has to make sure you take care of yourself.”


John was too tired at that point to even pretend to be offended by the remark.


“All right let’s go.”

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