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Animania's attempt at drabbles


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i'll admit, i have no idea what a drabble is...but ive read quite a few, so ill take a stab in the dark xD (ps i changed a couple of these :3)

  1. Allergic
  2. Desperation
  3. Cat
  4. Summer
  5. Itch
  6. Light
  7. Hands
  8. Fever
  9. Finally Alone
  10. Worried
  11. Broody
  12. Loud
  13. Grass
  14. Genetics
  15. Control
  16. Dinner for Three
  17. Doctor
  18. Dust
  19. Feather
  20. Anticipation
  21. Bed
  22. Drugs
  23. First Time
  24. Headache
  25. Handkerchief
  26. Wet
  27. Garden
  28. Hoarse
  29. Kink
  30. Scent
  31. Hold Back
  32. Double
  33. Harsh
  34. Smoke
  35. Making Dinner
  36. Impatience
  37. Incense
  38. Horses
  39. Pillow
  40. Suffer
  41. Nervous
  42. Stare
  43. Shower
  44. Relief
  45. Temperature
  46. Terrible
  47. Wool
  48. Tissues
  49. Tease
  50. Quarrel
  51. Lonely
  52. Snuggle
  53. Asleep
  54. Waiting
  55. Frost
  56. Rest
  57. Flu
  58. Phone Call
  59. Apologize
  60. Sore
  61. Accent
  62. Fur
  63. Haze
  64. Spices
  65. Under the Weather
  66. Stifle
  67. Frustrated
  68. Caught in the Act
  69. Attack
  70. Listless
  71. Pressure
  72. Muffled
  73. Annoy
  74. Humiliated
  75. Quiet
  76. Bath
  77. Spring
  78. Message
  79. Headcold
  80. Clinic
  81. Confess
  82. Tears
  83. Dream
  84. Gift
  85. Sniff
  86. Shower
  87. Induce
  88. Jealousy
  89. Pills
  90. Interrupt
  91. Chill
  92. Office
  93. Remedy
  94. Weird
  95. Soft
  96. Purr
  97. Honey
  98. Defeat
  99. Smother
  100. Gratitude

i decided to do this list, so i'm gonna start at the top and work my way through it, i'll probably try to do both originals and fanfics :3 balance is nice^0^please let me know as im going along if theres anything i can do to make them better, i have a horrible tendancy not to name my characters because... well i just cant think of anything, but if anyone particularly wants me to then i will do so just say, xD i'm going to start off the first one with my usual OC couple, who are not at all based on me and my 'ideal SO'

ok... i lie, i cant start with 01 and work down (im writing this an hour later than the above stuff after trying to write one xD) i'll start with an easy one and build up xD

35. Making dinner

word count 393

original characters ^9^“

Dinner will be ready in about half an hour!” he called to her absentmindedly over his shoulder before he turned back to the food, humming a happy song as he went. Despite having been living together for quite a few weeks, his job kept him busy until the late evening, so this would be the first time he had ever cooked for her. He blushed happily as he kneaded the sticky bread mixture on the side, squidging it between his fingers with an intense look of concentration on his face. He poured more flour on his hands and clapped them together, a large cloud of white powder wafted up into his face.

“Ehh…” he took a deep breath and screwed up his face as he felt a slight tickle blossom in the back of his nose, she looked over at him out of the corner of her eye.“getting itchy already, darling?”“Yehhh, yeah.” he sniffed dryly to try and clear his nose, but inhaling more of the flour only made it itch worse, “heh…ahh, I’m guhh gonna sneeze.”

She stopped pretending not to pay attention and watched him struggle openly.

“Hehhh…ahh” his ticklish nose twitched involuntarily and he tried to bring up his hands to cover, but he couldn’t get them out of the sticky bread dough fast enough. He squirmed anxiously, not wanting to sneeze on the food, and made a series of desperate sounding whimpers.

“Babyyy, hehhlp heh me ihh…”His eyes started to flutter and tear up as he struggled to hold back, but he was quickly losing the battle. With a devious grin she walked up behind him and snaked her hands around his neck, cupping her hands gently across his nose and mouth just as he lost control.

“ihhh… Hetchuu! Hetchii!” he wiggled his nose girlishly as though it still itched him and she gently rubbed her finger under his nostrils to try and ease his torture.“Bless you, you’re nose is still as sensitive as ever I see.” He turned his back to the food and buried his nose in the crook of his elbow as one last sneeze tickled the tip of his nose.

“Heptchuu!” he sniffled wetly and rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand. A shy blush formed across her cheeks and she reached up to gently kiss his cheek.


why do i suck with words so much xD i'm gonna leave and try to write more hahaha <3

Edited by Animania
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ahhhh ok this one truly does suck, although im glad you liked the last one, i will spend my entire life doubting the things that i write xD

this is no 98, defeat

fandom: Phi brain,

characters: Kaito, Freecell, Pinochle

words 382

im having an obsession with this fandom xD

i apologise if this sucks, im kinda distracted cos we're watching olympics at home but i felt like writing so i tried anyway xD

(ps if the beginning feels rushed its cos i tried to skip past the fandom technical in case there were readers who wouldnt get it hahaha xD

“Freecell’s too powerful you now that his replica ring has become a true ring,” Pinochle told the frustrated band of puzzlers that were crowded round his hospital bed. He beckoned Kaito to come closer and then whispered in his ear, “The only way you can defeat him is…”

“Kaito, I will have my puzzle time with you,” the white haired Freecell hopped down onto the sliding puzzle board and clicked his fingers, “Let’s play up!”

The pair moved their sliding pieces in turn using the arrows on each edge, trying to get to the goal in the middle of the board. After about half an hour of play, Freecell slid his piece next to Kaito’s and stared at him with a manic grin.

“You didn’t keep your promise to me, Kaito,” he laughed, his Orpheus armband started to glow purple and his right eye turned red, “You made my mama die!”

The black haired puzzler looked tortured, but he tried not to let it bother him. Instead he dug his hand into his pocket, took out a handful of pepper and threw it into Freecell’s face.

“Don’t worry, Freecell, I’m going to save you!”

“ Wha…” he gasped, his nose starting to feel itchy, his eye turned back to its normal colour and he started to paw childishly at his face. “Hehhh…ihh,” his small nose screwed up and he rubbed it cutely with the back of his wrist, before burying a ticklish set of sneezes into his sleeve. “Hetchu, Hetchu, chmp, hetchh!” Every time he tried to open his eyes they fluttered shut again with the next explosion, his nose twitched madly and he breathed quickly in a series of desperate hitches. “heh heh heh…Hektchu, Heptchuu…ktsh ktsh, HeKtsh!” The increasingly forceful sneezes made him stumble backwards onto one of the arrows on the floor, his piece suddenly started moving and he almost fell off.

“Heh, I got you now, Freecell.” Kaito smirked and the white haired puzzler looked up through ticklish tears as he came to a stop, “My win.”

Kaito’s puzzle piece slid quickly into the goal. The floor lit up white and the huge scoreboard on the wall read ‘Kaito wins!’

Freecell fell to his knees, still scrubbing at his itchy nose with the back of his hand.

“I lost…”

*still cowering in embarrassment*

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ooooh and guys, could i ask you some really important favours, would you tell me any idea's that you'd want me to write (cos i struggle to think of ideas sometimes xD) so if you wanna give me some suggestions or reccomendations then please do :D

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You started a drabble thread!!!!!!!


These were so cute I loved them and yeah I think you know that my requests revolve around LINK from LoZ so yeah can you do that for me k thanks bai :P

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right, here's one more that i wrote last night in bed (well actually theres two but i'll type the other one up later cos im having breakfast.)

15 Control

fandom- Vocaloid

wordcount 377


“Pineapples!” Miku squealed with delight as Kaito’s presneeze face faded and he rubbed at his itchy nose with a frown. The other Vocaloids sitting near by laughed and he threw his balled up tissues at them in his anger.

“eww, Kaito that’s gross! We don’t want your germs!” Miku complained as Kaito sniffled wetly into his sleeve.

“Id’s your owd fauld, if you would jusd let be sdeeze then…hehh…” his pink nose twitched and he gently rubbed at the tip as though he was trying to coax it out, “”ahh…ihh…”

“Leeks!” Rin cried out at the last second as he was about to sneeze and again the tickle faded, Kaito groaned audibly in frustration.

“Guyssss! Stob doing thadt!” He whined and the other Vocaloids just laughed, then Miku put her hand on his shoulder and smiled.

“Ok, sorry. We won’t do it again, promise.” Kaito didn’t respond and instead blew his nose gently, the vibrations quickly made his nose start to tickle again. He wriggled his nose irritably as the itch crept right into the back of his sinuses, making his eyes water. His expression became vacant and his hands hovered impatiently in front of his face.

“Ahh…hahh…” his breathing hitched softly and his head started to tilt back, he drew in a deep breath, then-

“Icecream!” Meiko shrieked and the group flew into hysterical laughter. Kaito screamed with frustration, leapt up out of his seat and ran into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Quickly he rolled up the tissue he was holding into a point and pushed it inside his left nostril, lightly tickling the walls of his sensitive nose. It didn’t take long for him to get a reaction.

“Heh…Hekshuu! Hetchuu, HeIktchuu! Ktch Ktch, Hatcheww!” He snapped forward violently with each satisfying sneeze, the relief was so strong it made him feel lightheaded. Exhausted, he collapsed onto his bed with one last soft ‘Kshu’ and buried his nose into his scarf, a small smile played on his lips.

“That felt sooo good!”

*crazy hysterical laughs* bye bye ^0^

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  1. Allergic
  2. Desperation
  3. Cat
  4. Summer
  5. Itch
  6. Light
  7. Hands
  8. Fever
  9. Finally Alone
  10. Worried
  11. Broody
  12. Loud
  13. Grass
  14. Genetics
  15. Control
  16. Dinner for Three
  17. Doctor
  18. Dust
  19. Feather
  20. Anticipation
  21. Bed
  22. Drugs
  23. First Time
  24. Headache
  25. Handkerchief
  26. Wet
  27. Garden
  28. Hoarse
  29. Kink
  30. Scent
  31. Hold Back
  32. Double
  33. Harsh
  34. Smoke
  35. Making Dinner
  36. Impatience
  37. Incense
  38. Shiver
  39. Pillow
  40. Suffer
  41. Nervous
  42. Stare
  43. Shower
  44. Relief
  45. Temperature
  46. Terrible
  47. Wool
  48. Tissues
  49. Tease
  50. Quarrel
  51. Lonely
  52. Snuggle
  53. Asleep
  54. Waiting
  55. Frost
  56. Rest
  57. Flu
  58. Phone Call
  59. Apologize
  60. Sore
  61. Accent
  62. Fur
  63. Haze
  64. Spices
  65. Under the Weather
  66. Stifle
  67. Frustrated
  68. Caught in the Act
  69. Attack
  70. Listless
  71. Pressure
  72. Muffled
  73. Annoy
  74. Humiliated
  75. Quiet
  76. Bath
  77. Spring
  78. Message
  79. Headcold
  80. Clinic
  81. Confess
  82. Tears
  83. Dream
  84. Gift
  85. Sniff
  86. Shower
  87. Induce
  88. Jealousy
  89. Pills
  90. Interrupt
  91. Chill
  92. Laughter
  93. Remedy
  94. Weird
  95. Soft
  96. Purr
  97. Honey
  98. Defeat
  99. Smother
  100. Gratitude

ps i wrote down the list at home and revised it so this is the finished version :3

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You know what. I made a list last night of every fandom I wanted to write from, but I FORGOT LINK!!!!!


Oh, and that last drabble was so cute !!!!!

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I went away and wrote a Link! And more Freecell cos obsessed xD

I'll try and post them both tonight okays?


Hey Animania...I have a drabble thread too...with Link...in case you maybe kinda I dunno wanted to see...

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Hey Animania...I have a drabble thread too...with Link...in case you maybe kinda I dunno wanted to see...

i wanna see!! i wanna see!!

ok here we go, two more drabbles :3 one is a Linky one for Not_Telling because she is awesome ^0^ the other one is just more obscure fandom no one knows (seriously if just one of you guys out there recongnised it i would be over the moon xD but either way it doesnt really matter hahaha <3)

here we go,

no 39 Pillow

fandom Legend of Zelda

wordcount 237

“Hexngt!” Link muffled a wet sneeze into his elbow and shivered in the cold night air. The forest had been dark for a while now, but he still couldn’t sleep, he wrapped his arms around his chest for protection from the cold wind. In truth he had started to feel sick that morning and should have gone back to the bird statue, but his eagerness to find Zelda had made him neglect his health, and now he had gotten himself lost in the woods.

“Hetchu!” He wiped his nose with the back of his hand, there was no point in stifling any longer if there was no one around to hear him. Link laid down in the grass, shivering, and closed his eyes, trying to block out the tickling sensation coming from his running nose, but it soon overwhelmed him again.

“HeKtch! Hetchii!” The exhausted sky knight rolled over onto his back and stared up at the sky, his eyes watering with feverish tears.

“Master Link,” an electronic noise came from his sword and Fi materialised in front of him, it was hard to tell with her robotic appearance, but Link liked to think that she looked concerned, “your health is quite depleted, I suggest you replenish it as soon as possible.”

“Ok ok, I’ll try to…HeEtchuu!… go to sleep,” the shivering hero sniffled miserably as Fi nodded and disappeared back into his sword, he sighed, still feeling too uncomfortable to sleep.

“Oh!” He sat up with a start, digging frantically through his overflowing pockets, then he pulled out the sail cloth Zelda had given him, rolled it up and tucked it under his head like a pillow.

“Mmm, smells like Zelda,” He pressed his ticklish nose into it and breathed deeply the sweet scent of his childhood friend, “wish you were here.”

Shivering and weak, but slightly more comfortable than before, Link snuggled up into the precious pillow and slowly he drifted off into a light sleep.

the second one

no 12, loud

fandom, Phi brain

wordcount 406

Freecell gave a soft sniffle and looked over at the bed next to his where his dorm mate Pinochle was lying, fast asleep. He snuggled under the covers and tried to fall asleep, but he felt too sick to be able to relax properly. A stubborn tickle lingered at the ack of his nose and he took a few slow breaths to try and get rid of it, but each one seemed to make it worse. He sat up, rubbing irritably at his nose with his knuckles and sniffling wetly.

Pinochle’s been looking after me all day, he must be tired. the tickle flared and made his breath hitch audibly, he screwed up his nose and tried to hold it back, but his eyes were already starting to flutter shut. Don’t sneeze or Pinochle will wake up! Unfortunately his nose had other plans and the unbearable urge continued to grow. He dissolved into a fit of hitching breaths as his face contorted into ticklish expressions.

“Hehh… ahh…” He furiously scrubbed at his nose with the back of his hand, straining to keep his eyes open as they reflexively tried to close. He gave a stuffy sounding moan as his head started to tilt back.

Don’t sneeze!

“Heh…AHH!” His small nose twitched, aching for relief, and his chest heaved, “HAKTCHUU! HEKCHEWW!” He doubled over into his knees with the force of the sneezes, then he sat up, rubbing his nose with a dazed but satisfied expression. Pinochle gave a soft groan, then sat up rubbing his eyes.

“Bless you, Freecell, are you feeling ok?” Without giving him a chance to answer Pinochle climbed out of bed and put his hand against Freecell’s forehead, “you’re burning up! Let me get you some tea and some medicine!”

The green haired boy ran out of the room for a moment and then came back with a mug of hot tea and some pills that he made him take, then he sat down beside Freecell, tucked him back up under the blankets and gently stroked his hair to help him relax.

“Hey, Pinochle. I’m sorry I… Hektch! I’ve been so much trouble today.” He confessed weakly, hiding his embarrassed face under the blankets.

“Don’t worry about it, just focus on getting better,” He smiled, gently stroking Freecell’s feverish head. The white haired boy’s eyes started to drift shut and he sighed comfortably, falling asleep in the arms of a dear friend.

>7.gif why is it my italics disappear when i copy paste over from word hahaha xD oh well i'm too lazy to put them all back in so i just gets the important ones <3

hehehe w00t.gif

also, i looked at Not_telling's drabbles thread quickly for a second and i saw that she was getting lots of requests and comments and stuff, so i thought i would do what she did and post all the fandoms i'll do, so that people might want to request more <3 (or it oculd just be cos im new that no one knows me yet hehehe)

ok, id do

Legend of Zelda


Ouran HSHC

Shugo Chara

Kuroko no basuke (maybe)

Phi brain


Detective Conan

and then theres my random OC stuff, feel free to request any setting or fluffy tip ideas <3

Edited by Animania
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:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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I had that same reaction myself when I wrote it xD

Hehe I've noticed that the more I write fetish work the more I accidentally incorporate fetish things into my real novels (I'm trying not to cos then ill get too embarassed to publish them)

Also, I found a new fandom today! Noragami!

I'm gonna give it a few days to really get my head into the characters (it takes me a little while to get into full blown fangirl mode) then I might take a shot at doing yato fics :3 that guy is just made to be tortured!!! <3

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alright, one more (I made it my unwritten mission to try and write at least one of these a day xD) there havent been many comments, but i hope people are reading and enjoying these :3 i try to write them with the readers enjoyment in mind ^0^

enough waffle, let me get on with things xD

no 53 Asleep

fandom Ouran HSHC

wordcount 398


this is set after they move to america,:) so its romancey fluff XD

“Haruhiiiiiii! I’m so cold!” Tamaki whined from beneath the thick bundle of blankets he had cocooned himself up in, sniffling miserably, “cobe and…Tchuu! cuddle with be.”

“Be quiet, Tamaki, I’m trying to finish my essay.”

“But Haruhiiiii!” The boy wailed dramatically for attention, but she didn’t so much as blink, he huffed sulkily, then proceeded to rub at his nose in a teasing, ticklish way. “Hehh…ihhh…hahh…Hatchuu! Hektchii! HeEtchuu!…Ahh…Tchuu!!”

“I swear you’re doing that on purpose!” Haruhi sighed and looked up from her schoolwork, she wasn’t going to get any work done with the sickly prince moaning in her ear all night, so she put down her pen and walked over to him.

“It’s your own fault you got sick, I told you that playing around in the snow all day was bad for your health.” Tamaki poked his face out from beneath the blankets and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

“But…it was so pretty, I…Heptchuu! I wanted to make a snow Haruhi for you.” Haruhi smiled at her boyfriends idiocy and patted his head gently.

“Tamaki, you have a fever,” she said so bluntly that Tamaki had to wonder if she was at all concerned, his puppy dog eyes became tearful puppy dog eyes, “Fiiiine, open up.” Tamaki opened up his nest of blankets and Haruhi crawled in, snuggling the pathetically sick boy against her chest.

“Haruhiii, you’re so wahh…ahh…Hatchuu! So warm!” He blushed and smiled up at her with feverish eyes, as she lovingly stroked his hair, “Haruhiiiii, my nose is all tickly!”

“What do you want me to do about it?” Still as apathetic sounding as ever, Tamaki gave a dejected wail.

“Scratch it for me.” He looked up at her with desperate, pleading eyes, Haruhi sighed, plucked a tissue from the box on the table and gently wiped all around his nose, then she held it in front of his face.

“Blow,” Tamaki quietly emptied his nose into the tissue in her hand, then snuggled back up against her chest and she continued to run her fingers through his hair. A few minutes passed in a comfortable silence, then Haruhi felt Tamaki’s head get heavier against her chest, she looked down and found that he had fallen asleep, soft snores were coming from his slightly open mouth. She smiled, gently kissed his cheek and whispered ‘sleep well, my prince,’ lovingly in his ear.


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My otp!!!!!! HaruhixTamaki!!! U got both characters down well. Haruhi's caring but apathetic tone...Tamaki's whiny but adorable tone..perfection.

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:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

i'm so glad you liked them! im on some sort of fetish spiral roll at the moment so i just can't stop writing them xD plus its good writing practice for me, i havent been getting into slumps as often while im writing these :3

if you want to make anymore 'tamahi' requests then i'll be glad to do some, i cant think of any other situations these guys could end up in, so if theres anything you want me to do with them let me know!

on a side note. here is yet another drabble xD how many is this in two days hahaha XD

i did say last night that i was gonna have a go at doing Noragami (another obscure fandom i assure you)

i'm quite proud of this one xD

(although the link to the prompt is a bit thin xD)

here we go

no 88 Jealousy

fandom Noragami

wordcount 475

“Hexnt!” Yato sniffled and rubbed at his nose with his index finger. The dark streets were littered with snow and the air was bitterly cold, he shivered, not caring how he looked when no one was around, “Hegxnt!”

It irritated him no end that Hiyori had offered to take Yukine in for the night but not him, after all, gods and shinki’s felt the cold in the same way.

“She’s been favouring that brat ever since I contracted with him, what does that kid have that I, the mighty Yatogami, doesn’t have! Hetchu!” He didn’t have time to stifle that one, he looked around to see if anyone was watching, then he took out a crumpled up tissue from his pocket and blew his nose, “I guess that would be a warm place to sleep tonight.” He answered his own question.

“Heeeh…HeKtshuu! Ktsh! Ugh, I hope I‘m not getting sick as well,” he said to no one in particular, wiggling his nose to try and clear the itchy tingly feeling that still lurked in the back of his sinuses. His throat was starting to become painful and his head felt warm, if he’d had some way to check he’d have been sure that he had a fever.

Somehow, while he had been walking, Yato had ended up passing by Hiyori’s house, he stood in the cold streets, looking up at it with a gleam in his eye.

“I guess she wont mind if I…” He teleported into one of the bedrooms, luckily it was empty. All he could focus on was the huge, comfy looking bed in the corner. He ran over to it and climbed under the covers, making a warm contented noise in his throat.

“Ahh, its been ages since I slept in a real bed,” He said quietly to himself, as he could faintly hear Hiyori and Yukine talking in the next room, he didn’t want them to hear him, or no doubt she’d send him packing.

“Hahh,” he squirmed irritably and scrubbed at his nose with the back of his hand as the tickle flared up again and before he could stop himself he sneezed a quiet triple, burying his face in the bed sheets to try and muffle the sound.

“Hexnt, Hetchh, Ktsh!” he sat back, blinking his watery eyes, and gave a wet sounding sniffle. The voices on the other side of the wall were as excited as ever and didn’t seem to have noticed him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

A warm hazy feeling invaded his body and he laid down onto the pillow, pulling the covers right up to his nose and snuggling up into a ball, his eyes started to drift shut.

“Tchuu!” He smiled with relief, then with a feverish blush on his cheeks, Yato the stray god drifted off into a comfortable sleep.

Yatoooooooooooooooooooo!!!! <3 *melts and dies from own imagination <3

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I never heard of this fandom but i just looked up the sickie character and my god he is cute. This kinda reminds me of mythical detective loki ragnorok.

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i know isnt he a darling! i saw a pic of him on facebook yesterday and i ended up watching all the episodes that have come out last night xD i adore him xD

(i think it does it for me because he's homeless, there's so much potential for sickness <3)

((if you by chance get into it, pm me and we'll fangirl about him :3))

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alright, one more (I made it my unwritten mission to try and write at least one of these a day xD) there havent been many comments, but i hope people are reading and enjoying these :3 i try to write them with the readers enjoyment in mind ^0^

enough waffle, let me get on with things xD

no 53 Asleep

fandom Ouran HSHC

wordcount 398


this is set after they move to america,smile.png so its romancey fluff XD

“Haruhiiiiiii! I’m so cold!” Tamaki whined from beneath the thick bundle of blankets he had cocooned himself up in, sniffling miserably, “cobe and…Tchuu! cuddle with be.”

“Be quiet, Tamaki, I’m trying to finish my essay.”

“But Haruhiiiii!” The boy wailed dramatically for attention, but she didn’t so much as blink, he huffed sulkily, then proceeded to rub at his nose in a teasing, ticklish way. “Hehh…ihhh…hahh…Hatchuu! Hektchii! HeEtchuu!…Ahh…Tchuu!!”

“I swear you’re doing that on purpose!” Haruhi sighed and looked up from her schoolwork, she wasn’t going to get any work done with the sickly prince moaning in her ear all night, so she put down her pen and walked over to him.

“It’s your own fault you got sick, I told you that playing around in the snow all day was bad for your health.” Tamaki poked his face out from beneath the blankets and looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

“But…it was so pretty, I…Heptchuu! I wanted to make a snow Haruhi for you.” Haruhi smiled at her boyfriends idiocy and patted his head gently.

“Tamaki, you have a fever,” she said so bluntly that Tamaki had to wonder if she was at all concerned, his puppy dog eyes became tearful puppy dog eyes, “Fiiiine, open up.” Tamaki opened up his nest of blankets and Haruhi crawled in, snuggling the pathetically sick boy against her chest.

“Haruhiii, you’re so wahh…ahh…Hatchuu! So warm!” He blushed and smiled up at her with feverish eyes, as she lovingly stroked his hair, “Haruhiiiii, my nose is all tickly!”

“What do you want me to do about it?” Still as apathetic sounding as ever, Tamaki gave a dejected wail.

“Scratch it for me.” He looked up at her with desperate, pleading eyes, Haruhi sighed, plucked a tissue from the box on the table and gently wiped all around his nose, then she held it in front of his face.

“Blow,” Tamaki quietly emptied his nose into the tissue in her hand, then snuggled back up against her chest and she continued to run her fingers through his hair. A few minutes passed in a comfortable silence, then Haruhi felt Tamaki’s head get heavier against her chest, she looked down and found that he had fallen asleep, soft snores were coming from his slightly open mouth. She smiled, gently kissed his cheek and whispered ‘sleep well, my prince,’ lovingly in his ear.


America?? I havent gotten there yet!! I shall avert my eyeeeeeees until I do!!

But ur other one is cute ^_^

Edited by Not_Telling
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the america thing is only in the manga, so if you're not going to read that then you're safe ^0^

glad you liked it ^0^ i'm particauly proud of the last one, i did another of Yato, and im mid way through a vocaloid one (but i dont think its very good cos im writing it half watching tv xD)

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the america thing is only in the manga, so if you're not going to read that then you're safe ^0^

glad you liked it ^0^ i'm particauly proud of the last one, i did another of Yato, and im mid way through a vocaloid one (but i dont think its very good cos im writing it half watching tv xD)

DAWWW i read it and it was SOOOO CUTEEEEE!!!

*whispers* More Link...

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the america thing is only in the manga, so if you're not going to read that then you're safe ^0^

glad you liked it ^0^ i'm particauly proud of the last one, i did another of Yato, and im mid way through a vocaloid one (but i dont think its very good cos im writing it half watching tv xD)

DAWWW i read it and it was SOOOO CUTEEEEE!!!

*whispers* More Link...

How about link from the ocarina of time after dealing with the water temple and the sheik cares for him...and plays song of healing to help link.

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