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~Deathy's drabbles ~


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Hello sir/miss reading this !


I have decided to write start a drabble thread.

I shall list a few fandoms I could write.




-DeathNote (duuh

tonguesmiley.gif )

-The Mortal Instruments .. The Infernal Devices. (Read all 5 tmi books and finishing the 3rd TID book)

Feel free to ask if I know a fandom

smile.png and I will try my best


I could come up with a few m/m origininals as I have in the past.


I prefer writting allergies but if a cold is requested then I will try my best. I write MALE fics ONLY. Since I am not familiar with writting female fics.

Drabble prompt list

1 - Kink, 2 - Science Fiction, 3 - Frightened, 4 - Fake, 5 – Pencil, 6 – Squint, 7 – Misplaced, 8 – Joy, 9 - Touched, 10 – Cough, 11 – Hot/Cold, 12 – Sin, 13 – Care, 14 – Frail, 15 – The End, 16 – Three, 17 – Never, 18 – Midnight, 19 – Promise, 20 – Fight, 21 – Pollen, 22 – Embarrassment, 23 – Alcohol, 24 – Mask, 25 – Mistake, 26 – Suspicion, 27 – Disagreement, 28 – Assignment, 29 – Purple, 30 – June, 31 – Calculating, 32 – Fall, 33 – Cry, 34 – Relief, 35 – Breath, 36 – Miserable, 37 – Chocolate, 38 – Violent, 39 – Muffle, 40 – Swift, 41 – Run, 42 – Poison, 43 – Contagion, 44 – Tissue, , 45 – Sore, 46 – Enraptured, 47 – Wary, 48 – Pathetic, 49 – Sweat, 50 – Gentle, 51 – Milk, 52 – Ravenous, 53 – Blanket, 54 – Needles, 55 – Sports, 55 – Ruin, 56 – Lovely, 57 – Hospital, 58 – Annoying, 59 – Mother, 60 – Bike, 61 – Idiot, 62 – Puppy, 63 – Control, 64 – Unfair, 65 – Similarities, 66 – Raincoat, 67 – Worship, 68 – Attitude, 69 – Fuck, 70 – Confession, 71 – Floor, 72 – Remedy, 73 – Don’t, 74 – Ego, 75 – Heartless, 76 – Lullaby, 77 – Secret, 78 – Shut Up,79.Music, 80 – Grudge, 81 – Solitude, 82 – Magic, 83 – Dirty, 84 – City, 85 – Teacher, 86 – Sky, 87 – Hypocrite, 88 – Tattoo, 89 – Money, 90 – Childhood, 91 – Goodbye, 92 – Victory, 93 – Weather, 94 – Photo, 95 – Rage, 96 – Internet, 97 – Fashion, 98 – Favor, 99 – Lazy, 100 – Airplane

Okay so comment requests !

smile.png Thank you everyone for reading the intruduction page to my drabble thread.

Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Im for whatever u write..hmmm maybe for deathnote a fight between l and light. Light is the sick one. It can go perfectly with heartless.

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Well, I don't think I really have to say anything. You know what I like ^_^

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oooo i am excited for this smile.png well I like any of the randoms u suggested!

Mmm Thank you ! :) I'll write three today. just to kick it off.

Im for whatever u write..hmmm maybe for deathnote a fight between l and light. Light is the sick one. It can go perfectly with heartless.

Heartless? Okay gotcha :) Thank you for the ideas. I'll write soon Arty


Well, I don't think I really have to say anything. You know what I like happy.png

I'll pm you for plot and such :) also give me a prompt and i can go from there. Im not that good at writting so i dont see why you are so excited.

I will get to writting soon.

Thank you for the replies already. :)

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Heyo guys.

List of what I am writing

-Oc Elias and Derek - prompt 22 embaressement

-Link allergy fic for Miss N_T. - 78-Shut up

-Light sick and L being a jerk for Miss Arty

hug.gif -prompt-Heartless

- Oc Ethan and Nate -prompt - Three

-The Mortal Instruments - Jalec allergicness. - Hypocrite. (stifles. mmm) for Miss LilaBerri and Melody.


So i'll start with an oc I did in november yee yee man.

History :

http://www.sneezefet...rek elias&st=0 (read for how they met and cute fluff. no need to read but do if you want to.)

Charecter descriptions

Derek-Popular type, has black hair and teal eyes. Allergic to pollen and cats

tonguesmiley.gif . He is about 6ft and wears leather jackets with black skinny jeans usually. He is Elias' boyfriend. Derek is 17. https://p.gr-assets....4871/158326.jpg (not my image. *all ownership to the poster on that site*)

Elias- He's the three S's ..Shy,small and short. He's 5'3ft , blonde and has green eyes. He's more of the geek type c: but it's in a cute way. He is Derek's bf c:. Elias is 16.

http://cache.desktop...igthumbnail.jpg (not my image. *all ownership to the person on that site).

So enough dragging on.

Onto the drabble !


Prompt : Embaressement

Charecters : Originals ~ Derek and Elias.

Victim : Derek.


Derek walked to Elias' home.

The tall dark haired one knocked on the door then the blonde opened the door for him

Derek walked into the house then sat on the couch, not knowing what was going to happen.

Elias hadn't a clue of Derek's kitten allergy's but he was about to find out.

The blonde sat down beside Derek and held his hand.

The small orange ball of fur came into the room.

The kitten jumped on Derek's lap, the dark haired boy's eyes growing wide.

The teal eyed one pet the cat, trying to hide his embaressing allergies.

Elias kissed him on the cheek.

Derek blushed scarlet.

The dark haired one then sneezed uncovered "Hitchieww Hitchiewww"

The blonde kissed his nose "Bless. you feeling alright?' he put a hand up to the dark haired one's forehead.

Derek nodded then said "am'b fi'de Elias". he scrubbed at his nose.

Elias nodded.

The kitten passed it's tail under the dark haired one's nose.

Derek's red chapped nostril's twitched, he tryed not to sneeze but couldn't hold it in.. he let out an embaressing allergy attack.

"Itchiiiiewww Itchiewww Ishoo Ishhhoo Ishooo Ishooo Ishooo Ishooo" Derek sneezed towards the floor then wiped his nose on his sweater. and blushed.

Elias then understood that his cat was causing discomfort to his boyfriend.

the blonde said "Awwe you're so adorable.Bless ya babe" he handed the dark haired one a box of tissues.

Derek took them greatfully and said "d'not cude. shud up"

Elias flicked his nose playfully then kissed him softly.

Derek smiled, he was happy elias was his but not happy of his allergy's.


Notes : oops dose this count as a drabble? my bad my bad. Enjoy this first "drabble" !


Edited by DeathNoteOwner
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Derek took them greatfully and said "d'not cude. shud up"

^ Daww this was adorable~

How dare you say this is not a drabble! It is too definitely a drabble! And a real cute 'lil one at that :D :D Thanks for writing it!

Now on to my drabble! Chop chop!

Ahem...I mean...

No rush. Take your time. :)

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Derek took them greatfully and said "d'not cude. shud up"

^ Daww this was adorable~

How dare you say this is not a drabble! It is too definitely a drabble! And a real cute 'lil one at that biggrin.pngbiggrin.png Thanks for writing it!

Now on to my drabble! Chop chop!

Ahem...I mean...

No rush. Take your time. smile.png

List of what I am writing

-Oc Elias and Derek - prompt 22 embaressement

-Link allergy fic for Miss N_T. - 78-Shut up

-Light sick and L being a jerk for Miss Arty

hug.gif -prompt-Heartless

- Oc Ethan and Nate -prompt - Three

-The Mortal Instruments - Jalec allergicness. - Hypocrite. (stifles. mmm) for Miss LilaBerri and Melody

Awwe thanks N_T

:) my plesure to write ! :)

One loz fic coming right up Miss


Fandom : Loz

Charecters : Link and princess Zelda

Victim : Link

prompt : Shut up.


Link today had woken up with his allergies to their worst.

Link got out of bed, put on his green shirt and pants then put on his hat.

he just left his hair messy then went to meet princess Zelda in the daisy medow.

Link got Epona and rode her to the medow.

Link and Zelda sat down in the flower filled field and talked about the problems of hyrule at this moment.

The blonde hero rubbed his nose then sneezed "ishuu Ishuu Ishuuu" he blushed.

Zelda asked.. " Bless you, are you feeling quite alright Link?" she felt his forehead.

Link rolled his eyes and said "Yes prindcess i'b fi'de leabe be alode"

Zelda wouldn't hear none of it. She dragged him back to Link's treehouse while the hero kept insisting it was allergies.

At the treehouse , Zelda put Link under his covers on his bed.

The hero was about to protest until he inturupted himself with a sneeze "Am'b dot sicgk Ishuuu Ishuu Ishuuu jus'd allergies".

Zelda said "No you are sick Link. your fever is making you say things"

Link snapped "SHUT UP dear princess, i'm not sick. it'ds allergies. Thangk's for the concernd but I cand take care of byself"

Zelda stepped back, hurt painted across her face then said "My bad . You are a hero without manners. Snapping at a lady in reward of her help? Not what I expected from you" she marched out of the treehouse and slammed the door, running off back to her castle.

Link sniffled and sighed saying "Ah, girls can be complicated" he rolled his eyes then took a nap, his allergies exausting him.


Notes : Sorry if this offended anyone ,. the last line is ment to be playful.. not hurtful. Okay hope you enjoy N_T !


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We are complicated.....complicately...Awesome!!!! XD oh link...u doll let zelda take care of you.. Denial at its finest! Good job deathy chan!!! :hug:

Edited by Artygirl22
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:lol: :lol: :lol:



I liked it.

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We are complicated.....complicately...Awesome!!!! XD oh link...u doll let zelda take care of you.. Denial at its finest! Good job deathy chan!!! hug.gif

Awwe thanks Arty !

:hug: Now onto your drabble miss.

-Oc Elias and Derek - prompt 22 embaressement

-Link allergy fic for Miss N_T. - 78-Shut up

-Light sick and L being a jerk for Miss Arty

hug.gif -prompt-Heartless

- Oc Ethan and Nate -prompt - Three

-The Mortal Instruments - Jalec allergicness. - Hypocrite. (stifles. mmm) for Miss LilaBerri and Melody

Fandom : Deathnote

Charecters: Light and L

Victim : Light

prompt : Heartless.


Light woke up feeling like shit.

His nose running like a faucet, throat feeling as stabbed by knives and a painful headache to go along with it.

Just what Light needed.

Light sneezed twice "Ki'shu Ki'shu Ki'shu" he sniffled.

L turned around and said "Keep away from me. I havn't a need to get sick, im busy working on cases. " he chucked a box of tissues at Light's head then left the room with his laptop.

Light coughed violently then blew his nose. How could Ryu be so heartless?.

L worked on the case in another room as he was a germaphobe.

whilst Light lay in bed with a fever.

It wasn't until later that evening when Light was throwing up.. that L realized how heartless he had been.

L gave Light water and meds then cuddled him to sleep.

Ryu kissed Light's forehead then said "Im sorry sweetie, I never ment to be cold. Feel better, my shining Light".

Ryu soon fell asleep after that.


Notes : Hope you enjoy Arty !

:):hug: .

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I liked it.

Awwwe thanks. I was afraid you wouldn't like it. Ahahaha yeh I try to put as much humour into my fics as I can manage :P . I couldn't write something serious if my life depended on it .

glad you laughed ! :)

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Thank you ! . 3 down. 2 to go !


Oc Elias and Derek - prompt 22 embaressement

-Link allergy fic for Miss N_T. - 78-Shut up

-Light sick and L being a jerk for Miss Arty

hug.gif -prompt-Heartless

- Oc Ethan and Nate -prompt - Three

-The Mortal Instruments - Jalec allergicness. - Hypocrite. (stifles. mmm) for Miss LilaBerri and Melody

Ah guys 4/5 already !

:) this night is productive.

Now onto oc's with descriptions. I own the charecters not the image. !



http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=53135&st=0 (read if you want to know more about the charecter's )

Nate (Nathan) - Blonde, green eyes and tall. he has a wee bit of a sneeze fetish

:P . He's allergic to dogs. he is Ethan's bf.

Ethan- Sapphire eyes, dark hair. Short and small c: . He's an allergic boy. allergic to Cats, Pollen(Flowers,Grass). Scented things like cologne & Perfume. Also dust. & Nuts. He is Nate's boyfriend.

Okay hope that's enough info c:

Charecters : Oc Ethan+Nate

Prompt : Three

Victim : Ethan


Ethan had little quirk's about him.

How he sat, how he always bit his lip when nervous , how he twitched his nose when lying, much like a bunny.

Little quirks that Nate loved about him.

The quirk that he loved the most though was..

It made Nate feel safe..

"Hitchieww Hitchieww " The dark haired boy beside Nate sniffled.

the blonde waited anxiously.. he had counted "one.. two"

"Hitchieww" the allergic boy coaxed the third sneeze out.

"Three" Nate said with a smirk.

The blonde said "bless you" then handed the smaller boy a tissue.

Ethan blushed and said "Thanks"


Notes : Eh fluff here fluff there fluff everywheres. I'll write the last one tommrow perhaps.

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I LOVE U DEATHY CHAN!!!!!!!!!!! It was perfect!!!!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: thank you!!!!! thank you!!!

Edited by Artygirl22
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Hee~ fluff bunny-tail fluff cotton candy fluff marshmallow fluff fluff fluff!


Yay happytime :P

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I LOVE U DEATHY CHAN!!!!!!!!!!! It was perfect!!!!!!! hug.gifhug.gifhug.gif thank you!!!!! thank you!!!

Awwe I love you too arty !

:) So glad you liked it. No, Thank you ! :) my pleasure of writting it. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hee~ fluff bunny-tail fluff cotton candy fluff marshmallow fluff fluff fluff!


Yay happytime tonguesmiley.gif


:) happy? Thats great ! :)

Alec sneezing because of bronchitis

Coming right up


So adorable <3<3<3

Thanks !


Wow onto the 5th drabble already ?! That's rad.

Thank you for the support guys, you all rock


Oc Elias and Derek - prompt 22 embaressement

-Link allergy fic for Miss N_T. - 78-Shut up

-Light sick and L being a jerk for Miss Arty

hug.gif -prompt-Heartless

- Oc Ethan and Nate -prompt - Three

-The Mortal Instruments - Jalec allergicness. - Hypocrite. (stifles. mmm) for Miss LilaBerri and Melody

Fandom : The Mortal Instruments (Based on the BOOKS. because the movie sucked. >->)

Charecters : Alec and Jace

Victim : Alec (bronchitis. Cold. messyness.)

Prompt : Hypocrite

Other details : Okay I did a bit of reserch on bronchitis for this. Since I hadn't a clue the symptoms and stuff. I'll try to put it in the drabble but it is a drabble.. so i'll try to fit it in somehow. hope you guys enjoy



Alec had been sick for days. Laying in his bed at the institute.

Jace sat beside him.

Alexander coughed, phlem coming up when he coughed.

Jace rubbed his back and said "Oh dear parabatai, what are we going to do with you darling?" he kissed the boy's warm forehead.

Alec then sneezed "Hchxn't Hchxn't " stifling, not helping his headache at all.

The blonde said "Bless you, don't stifle. its bad for you"

Alec nodded in thanks.

The blonde passed tissues to Alec.

Jace then sneezed "Htchxn't Hchxn't Hchxn't"

Alec said "Bless you, hypocrite. you are stifling"

Jace blushed then smirked "Im d'not the one sicgk doe. but i suppose you're right"

They then tangled themselves as one, cuddling and sleeping peacefully. congested snores from Alec.


Notes: Eh tryed to put bronchitis too. Hope you enjoy, it was written quick ..;w;. Hope you still like it !

:) and reply some requests man. I'm gunna write some with my oc's but if you want to request something, go for it :)

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Awesome sauce!!! This was yet another cute one!!!! Well....for suspicion..how about one of ur oc's is sick and the other character gets suspicious about the other... oh!! Oh!! For remedy i thought of either deathnote with it being L thats sick and light makes him something nice that helps l get better( like a piece of chocolate cake or strawberry tea...idk if thay exist but that would be cool. OR remedy could be used for Rise of the guardians where jack is the remedy for Jamie's cold because he can help lower jamie's fever and because he loves jamie. Yup!

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Daww stuffytalk <3

uhhhhm something with Draco maybe please if you dont mind ;) ;) ;)

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Awesome sauce!!! This was yet another cute one!!!! Well....for suspicion..how about one of ur oc's is sick and the other character gets suspicious about the other... oh!! Oh!! For remedy i thought of either deathnote with it being L thats sick and light makes him something nice that helps l get better( like a piece of chocolate cake or strawberry tea...idk if thay exist but that would be cool. OR remedy could be used for Rise of the guardians where jack is the remedy for Jamie's cold because he can help lower jamie's fever and because he loves jamie. Yup!

Ohhhh uhm okay i dont know wich one yet. my head hurts reading all that haha. *laughs nervously* hum hum ill write something maybe saturday cuz someone's coming over to chill with me tmmrow and id rather not they find out about the forum :P best mate but secret fetish ;o shushu.
Daww stuffytalk <3 uhhhhm something with Draco maybe please if you dont mind ;) ;) ;)
Mmm sure thing. ill write stuff saturday :)
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