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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hair salon sneeze - F


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On Monday morning I was sitting under the dryer at my hair salon while the color was setting in my hair. I was browsing Facebook on my phone when I heard a sneeze come from another woman under a hair dryer. "Haaaitchhh!." She was a woman who appeared to be in her 50s with an average body build and brown hair. She was sitting diagonal to me, about ten feet away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the second sneeze. "Haaaitchhh!" In these situations, my face always turns red, or at least it sure feels like it does. I was so tempted to say "bless you" but I just couldn't bring myself too. I figured it would be too awkward if she didn't hear me, therefore not thanking me and I would feel stupid. So I ignored it, and so did everyone else in the salon. Maybe next time I'll be brave!

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Be Brave, One of co-workers is in that type of category, She is just getting over a cold right now, though for me when I posted about here, I felt a little weird because she is old enough to be my mother, and mommies me a little *which I don't mind too much"

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I was so tempted to say "bless you" but I just couldn't bring myself too. I figured it would be too awkward if she didn't hear me, therefore not thanking me and I would feel stupid. So I ignored it, and so did everyone else in the salon. Maybe next time I'll be brave!

Go for it. It gets easier with "practice."

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I third the advice to go for it. I'm a generally shy person in public, but I've had some really great conversations (usually not related to sneezing) that started with an ice breaker of "Bless you!" Practice has certainly built my confidence in this area.

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