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Prince of Egypt Drabbles, M/M


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These song prompts will be based one of my favorite DreamWorks movies, The Prince of Egypt starring Rameses and Moses. Each song is based on themselves as a person or as brothers. In some scenarios(many :blush: ) they are a couple...(that's my guilty pleasure each time I watch them together) Others will be an alternate universe where Rameses isn't a pharaoh nor is Moses a slave who was spared the infanticide. All the drabbles are sickfics. I just prefer sickfics. :P Some songs are from the movie and others aren't. I hope everyone enjoys. (And I'm also working on my Hey Arnold fic for those who have read it so far as well as art stuff...hence my username ;) so please bare with me guys :sweatdrop::D

Song Prompts: 1. Brother my Brother 2. Let My People Go 3. Almost Doesn't Count 4. The Plaques 5. Deliver Us 6. Animal I Have Become 7. Applause 8. Cry 9. I'll stand by You 10. I Can't fight this Feeling Anymore 11. I Will Always Return 12. I Knew I loved You 13. Shadowland 14. The Prayer 15. When will my life begin 16. Jar of Hearts 17. Chemicals React 18. Bad Romance 19. When You believe 20. Beautiful Liar 21. Riot 22. A Thousand Years 23. Don't Wake me up 24.They Don't Know 25. I still Believe 26. Journey to the past 27. Still Dream 28. Crazy Kids 29. Headlock 30. I'm still here 31. Careful 32. I can go the distance 33. Dj got us falling in love 34. Bad 35. Jack's Lament 36. One World 37. Haunted 38. Sweet Sacrifice 39. When I grow up 40. What Makes you beautiful 41. Wrecking Ball 42. Never had a Dream Come True 43. You Raise me up 44. Who Says 45. Come and Get it 46. Human 47. Madness 48. Marriage 49. Payphone 50. Grenade

Here's the first drabble for you all...


Prompt6: "Animal I Have Become"(Three Days Grace)

Character(s): Rameses (Beginnings of a headcold)

Warning(s): Implied RamesesxMoses. Takes place after the plaque scene but before Moses walks in to talk with Rameses.

Rameses POV

Why can't things be the way they once were? I once loved you and when you came back to me I thought you were coming back for me but... You weren't, you came back for them to free them. What about me? Without you I have become this animal... An animal that I tried to suppress, a suppression that you've helpedkeep locked away when my father was still alive and now that I'm the new morning and the evening star the power, the hunger, grows and grows each day each night.each day when I watch my son play I think of us as we were once young and innocent like him and as night grows darker and I lay with my wife, I think of you beside me and not her. I think about the times you cared for me as I cared for you when you were sick and as I watch my kingdom crumble beneath my feet, the hatred I feel for you grows stronger and stronger like the caged animal who wants to get out and begins to break free. When I see your face, I feel emotional stir growing. I want the passion, your touch, your love, but then I also want to kill you I want to strangle you slit your throat anything!

Moses look! I have become the animal...I've become the animal that you tried so hard to suppress. As I look towards what was once "our"place, I begin to feel drowsy and hot. The pain creeps upon me from my head to my feet. I sadly smile as I know what this means. Funny this is the first time I've gotten ill since becoming Pharaoh and you were always there beside me tending to my every need. So now I have to demons in me. One of which may or may not go away on its own but it is amusing to see those phony healers try...why I don't get rid if them...only Ra knows. The other, is something that started off small...and now it testers within me. No magic nor medicine can heal this... And part of me doesn't want too.

As I breathe in sharply, I instantly regretted it. The congestion reached my nose and since no one was around, I sneezed freely.

"HehChoo Heh-He-Hehchoo...ugh.. HEHCHOO!"

I sniff back wetly as the sneezes are not completely finished with me..

"His-Schoo....HIS-SCHOOO... Oh Ra.. By nose..H-H-HEHSCHHOO..CHOO!"."

I shiver from both this chill and the echoing of my sneezes and the ache intensifies throughout my body and my nose feels raw and sore as I lay my head back upon the cool granite statue. I rub my throat as it hurts to swallow; its almost as dry as the desert sand. The waters are filled with blood from what you wrought upon my kingdom Moses but no matter, I have wine. I drink a little and regret doing so because now my throat feels like it's on fire. I place it doan on the arm of the statue and couch harshly into my hand. I feel so weak...so tired...I was once a free human...with expectations to be the next Pharaoh but this beast inside me lay dormant. Then father died and I became the morning and evening star and I had you in my bed. Moses, you allowed this beast inside me to grow and fester like this plague when you left me alone. I hate you...yet I still love you. I allow one stray tear to fall from my now closed eyes...I am an animal look what it has done to my Egypt.

I am an animal Moses..my love..my enemy,you made this way.

Look at the Animal I have become.

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  • 2 years later...

Holy crap! How did I miss this!?!?!

This is just..... VHSBLKSDBFDSJCXLKVBSBVJKDBVKDAHHHHHHH this is amazing!!!!!!!!!

The atmosphere, the inner monologuing, Ramses's adorable sneezes! I wish I could just hug him right now!

This drabble has to be one of the best I've ever read! Keep up the good work!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/11/2016 at 1:12 AM, Shatteredhearts51 said:

Holy crap! How did I miss this!?!?!

This is just..... VHSBLKSDBFDSJCXLKVBSBVJKDBVKDAHHHHHHH this is amazing!!!!!!!!!

The atmosphere, the inner monologuing, Ramses's adorable sneezes! I wish I could just hug him right now!

This drabble has to be one of the best I've ever read! Keep up the good work!


Someone actually read this?


T...t.thank you...


ok I had a bunch of drabbles but since no one read this, I deleted them since there was no point. Ok!!!!! *cracking knuckles * i..I'm going to work on this when I can!! Mark my words! !! I actually have one but Rameses is sick and it's modern AU but I just have to tweak it a bit.  

Edited by Artygirl22
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Ooh, this is interesting.

I don't think I've ever seen any sneezefics about this movie. I'm curious to see what you can do with this. I've also never heard of this song promt, this is the first time I'm seeing it haha.

But yeah, nice internal monologuing with Ramases. You have a different take on him, but it's not like it's bad per say.

I love that little detail you throw in about him never have gotten sick since he became Pharoh. I thought that was qt.

I look forward to see what else you can churn out with these prompts.

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6 hours ago, Leapingriver said:

Ooh, this is interesting.

I don't think I've ever seen any sneezefics about this movie. I'm curious to see what you can do with this. I've also never heard of this song promt, this is the first time I'm seeing it haha.

But yeah, nice internal monologuing with Ramases. You have a different take on him, but it's not like it's bad per say.

I love that little detail you throw in about him never have gotten sick since he became Pharoh. I thought that was qt.

I look forward to see what else you can churn out with these prompts.

You awesome person you!!! Thank you. Yeah the songs that you see are songs that I have on my phone. I'll add more to the list because there's so many things I can do. 

Edited by Artygirl22
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Song Prompts:

1. Brother my Brother 2. Let My People Go 3. Almost Doesn't Count 4 .The Plaques 5. Deliver Us 6. Animal I Have Become 7. Applause 8. Cry 9. I'll stand by You 10. I Can't fight this Feeling Anymore 11. I Will Always Return 12. I Knew I loved You 13. Shadowland 14. The Prayer 15. When will my life begin 16. Jar of Hearts 17. Chemicals React 18. Bad Romance 19. When You believe 20. Beautiful Liar 21. Riot 22. A Thousand Years 23. Don't Wake me up 24.They Don't Know 25. I still Believe 26. Journey to the past 27. Still Dream 28. Crazy Kids 29. Headlock 30. I'm still here 31. Careful 32. I can go the distance 33. Dj got us falling in love 34. Bad 35. Jack's Lament 36. One World 37. Haunted 38. Sweet Sacrifice 39. When I grow up 40. What Makes you beautiful 41. Wrecking Ball 42. Never had a Dream Come True 43. You Raise me up 44. Who Says 45. Come and Get it 46. Human 47. Madness 48. Marriage 49. Payphone 50. Grenade. ***Random Choice***(If there's three stars, I'll pick a song randomly that's not in my prompt)


Anyway, this is going to be a modern day Rameses and Moses story that deals with a sick partner, rain, and some hurt/comfort.  So this is more of a sickfic then anything. 


So this based off a headcannon that I had about the two in which Rameses works for his father Seti in a large construction company that he will take over some day. When not doing that, Rameses actually loves to paint which he is very good at. Moses used to work there but didn't like how Seti ran things so he left to pursue his passion which was to work with children and families in low poverty homes. Moses and his older siblings: Miriam, and Aaron are counselors there. Rameses and Moses live together in a condo and have been a couple for three years. Ok? Good! So cool. There's no spoilers at all. Now I don't own this lovely movie DreamWorks does.

Rameses: 26

Moses: 23

Prompt 4: The Plaques


As Moses sat in the living room on the couch, he looked up from his book and his warm brown eyes traveled towards the darken sky outside the window.  Moses sighed in content as he listened as the pitter patter of the rain hit the window. The young man loved days like this where he could sit on the sofa curled up in a warm blanket, large hoodie that actually belong to his partner Rameses, and with some lavender tea, read a nice book. 


The only thing that was missing was his said partner. Checking his cell, Moses sighed again but this time in annoyance but not at Rameses.... but at his father and boss, Seti. Seti was a slave driver who at times could be very nice and fatherly if only he needed something.  He own five construction companies that were actually doing very well. But, Seti was old and knew he needed to hire a new CEO. While his managers Huy and Hotep were educated, they were dirty when it came to business and kissed up to Seti only to be stealing from him at the same time. Moses supposed the old man knew but did nothing, at least to Moses.  No...Seti wanted his only son Rameses to take over. The young man knew his stuff and had fresh ideas that would make the company even better. Even though Seti never really listened and had Rameses work long hours in meetings and trips with short breaks, at least he had two weeks to himself. Moses smiled at the thought of being with his best friend and love. Seti didn't really like him and Rameses together for the fact that he thought Rameses would get distracted.  


Moses hated Seti for trying to change the older man, for imposing his ideals onto his only son. It was like a plague. Moses shook his head when he remembered the arguments they had about how Rameses tried to be like his father.


But then there was his wife Tuya. Now since his parents died, Moses always saw her as a mother figure. She, along with his older siblings always supported the relationship between the two men. Moses smiled as he thought of his siblings Miriam and Aaron.  


And of, course Tuya. 


Moses checked his cell again as it read 11:30 pm. Rameses should have been here by now and the rain was coming down hard. Moses only could hope that his love made it home ok. Suddenly Moses heard keys jingle in the door and got up quickly when the door opened. Moses sighed sadly as he ushered Rameses in the room. The older man was drenched even though he was wearing a coat and was shivering badly. Moses took off the wet coat and hugged the tired man not caring that he was getting wet. Rameses sighed tiredly as he hugged his boyfriend back. He felt tired, cold, and off. He just hope the headache and sudden fatigue wasn't him getting ill. He felt sick for a while but didn't want to disappoint his father or burden his boyfriend. He hated worrying Moses and wanted to spend time with him. Something he hadn't had a chance to do for months. He wasn't going to let a cold stop him.


Moses took in his lovers appearance and added to the list of reasons why he hated Seti. Rameses was tired, he had bags under his eyes, his posture was wrong, and he kept rubbing his nose and forehead. Moses took Rameses upstairs and told him to take a hot bath. Rameses smiled as he and Moses kissed. Moses went into the bedroom and took out blue warm cotton pajamas. He put the wet clothes away for later. Moses knew Rameses was getting or was already sick because when he went to check on his lover, he heard him sneeze and cough in a congested manner. 


Both sounded harsh and painful.  Moses walked in with the items and smile sadly as he watched Rameses cough. 


"You're not feeling well aren't you?" Rameses looked up from his seat in the hot water and sighed.




Normally, Rameses would deny to the high heavens that he wasn't sick. Deny it till he passed out in a feverish haze. Rameses always cared for Moses when he fell ill which was a bit often. But this time Moses would take care of Rameses. This time Moses would repay Rameses for everything.


The Elder man spoke after a few minutes but his voice was even deeper than usual. 


"I'b sorry...I'b so weak..." Rameses sneezed wetly and groaned. He never like showing weakness. It was something his father made sure of. Something Moses admired and hated. 


He coughed and went into a painful coughing fit. He felt the gentle warm hands of Moses rub his back in soothing circles as he helped to wash the sick man. 


"You're not weak Ram. You are strong, kindhearted, and passionate. Being ill isn't a weakness. It means that you need rest and I'll be the one to help you." 


Moses and Rameses smiled at each other. It was moments like this that Rameses appreciated. He could be carefree around Moses.  Only Moses got to see that side of him. His mother as well. Moses was about to kiss Rameses forehead but was pushed away as a volley of sneezes came from the older man.




“Bless you love.”


Moses chuckled a bit as Rameses rubbed his redden nose almost like a child. Hearing his breathing slacking, Moses quickly grabbed the tissue box and pulled out some tissues passing them to the sneezing man.


“heh..heh...Hehtschhhhuuu!! Tschuuu!! AHTSCHHHHU! Ah...Ahhh…..Hehtschhhhuu!”


“Oh my...bless you Ram..Come, let me help you in bed ok?”


“Bud...I deed do help fa’der with...wit..oh...ahhhschuuuu!!! heh ngxhhttt!”


“Yeah, no! you're going in our room, in bed and under the covers with soft tissues, grape flavored medicine, and no work.”



“Bud nothing.” 


Moses repreminded as he helped his sick lover dry off and put on his warm pajamas with warm slippers. The moment the two went into the bedroom and Rameses was under the covers still shivering, his cell rung. Moses having a feeling of who it was,  answered angrily before Rameses could. 


“Rameses This is Huy, your father-”


"What do you want Huy!? Rameses is sick with a possible high fever and you call this late!?" Rameses sat up almost dazed and reached for a tissue as he sneezed rapidly. 


"Sorry not my problem but his father wants him to come to a meeting tomorrow about-"


"I don't care what that slave driver wants!! His son is sick!! S.I.C.K. if Seti has a issue then let him call me! Goodnight!" 


Moses clicked the man off and rushed to Rameses and watched him painfully sneeze and wheeze as he held his chest. Moses hugged the older man kissing his cheek noting the heat. 


'I knew it. Oh Ra he has a fever...He's getting worse.' 


Moses told Rameses he would be back and the sick man could nod as he laid down shivering. Moses went to go make some peppermint tea and soup. When that was done, the young man got the thermometer and went back to the bedroom where he heard painful coughing. 


"Don't worry, I got you." Moses said as he rubbed his thumb over Rameses's hand. He placed the thermometer in Rameses mouth and waited. After a minute,  Rameses nose twitched meaning he had to sneeze. 


"Just hold on ok?" Moses said quietly.  Rameses clutched both the sheets and Moses. The tickling in his nose made his eyes water and the sinus pressure between his eyes was unbearable. The instrument finally beeped and Moses handed his sick love the box of tissues as he took the thermometer out. Rameses sneezed so much that the usually stoic man had tears running down his face as he weakly fell back on the pillows groaning in frustration.  


“heh..heh...Hehtschhhhuuu!! Tschuuu!! AHTSCHHHHU! Ah...Ahhh…..Hehtschhhhuu...snifff...sniff...Ahtsch’SSHHUU!!!”


"Bless you love. You aren't going to any meeting or work for that matter with a fever of 102.4" 


"I'll be fide in the bordin'g... I habe to." 


"Huh...because I'm sure everyone at that meeting took a lesson in congestion 101 and read “The language of Sneezing." 


Moses smirked cheekily as Rameses playfully glared at him. As Moses left to get some medicine, tea, and soup, Rameses stared at the wall in a dazed glance. He knew he felt to sick to go to work but he had to look good for his father. For the first time in his life, Rameses heard his father say he was proud of him. Never has he said that and this horrible cold ruined that. He wished that his father would just let him be his true self. That young boy who was creative, wanted to follow his own dreams...but his father had such a hold on him that he gave those things up. Well not entirely.  Moses and his mother were the ones who told him to never give up on his art. So he brought a small moleskin book with him and sketched when he could. 


He remembered when he and Moses nearly broke up when the younger man left the company to work with his siblings. Rameses didn't under why but Moses didn't want to work with someone who would treat his workers the way he did. Moses didn't want his lover to become a man like his father and Rameses being stubborn, didn't want see reason. Eventually the two worked it out even though Moses remained working with his sister and brother while Rameses remained with his father. The sick man sat up slowly and felt really dizzy. He hated getting ill as much as he hated seeing Moses sick. When Moses was sick, he was more clingy but to Rameses it was adorable. But when Rameses got sick, it hit him hard where a normal cold felt like the plaque. Sneezing, coughing,  moving hurt him, fevers were the worse, and his throat would be on fire.


Like now. 


Grabbing his nearby phone, Rameses squinted as the light on his cell hurt his eyes. As he began checking his emails while wiping his runny nose, Moses came in with a steaming mug of tea, soup, and medicine. He saw what Rameses was doing and rolled his chocolate eyes. He sat the tray down and sat next to Rameses taking the phone, powering it off, and putting it in the drawer.


"Whad are dou-!?"


"You're sick or did you not get that?! No work!! I need you to be ok not in the hospital because you can't say no to your father!" Rameses was stunned by the way Moses reacted but then it hit as to why.


"Boses...I...Dou don't understand-"


"Understand what!? That you want to drive yourself to an early grave just to prove something to your father? Do you not hear yourself sneezing? You have high fever, and you look like you're going to collapse!! And you think “Oh, let me go to a meeting, possibly pass my illness to others, and pass out because I'm not allowing myself to rest? What a marvelous idea!” There's the tea, meds, and soup, help yourself Rameses. I care about you but if you don't then I don't know what else to do.” 


Moses angrily got up and left the room. Rameses sighed sadly as he put his aching head in his hands. He knew exactly why Moses was like that. Ever since his parents died of disease, Moses always felt alone and scared to let people go. Even though he had his older siblings who loved him dearly, Moses didn't want to burden them. When it came down to it, Moses was always on high alert when Rameses would fall ill. One time Rameses got so ill, that a normal cold turned into the  horrible flu which became Puenomia  and Rameses had to be in the hospital for a week. Ever since they met and became fast friends as kids, Rameses never saw Moses that scared. 


Rameses sneezed as he broke out of his thoughts.  He sneezed again and again and decided to eat some soup and tea that he knew was homemade.  Though both men were excellent in the kitchen, it was Moses who really shined. Drinking the tea felt good on his throat as did the soup. He was still freezing but at least these items made him a little bit warmer. Reading the correct dosage on the NyQuil, Rameses took his medicine and couldn't help but grimace. He didn't care. 


Medicine was disgusting. 


Coughing into his elbow,  Rameses grabbed the warm duvet and wrapped it around his broad shoulders clutching it closed in one hand while holding a wad of tissues in the other. The sick man carefully as he could, got out of bed and sucked in air as his bare feet touched the floor. But with the remaining strength he had, Rameses padded himself out of the room staying near the wall for support. He stopped to cough, sneeze or a combo of the two until he made it towards the living room. Moses put down the remote and turned from the TV when he heard movement behind him. Rameses started swaying dangerously to the side and luckily Moses was quick as he helped Rameses to sit on the couch. The poor man coughed and sneezed so much, Moses forgotten that he was angry. Not angry really, but concerned.  Moses adjusted Rameses so that the man was laying down with his head in Moses's lap shivering. Moses helped to place the blanket Rameses had over him in a more comfortable position, who nuzzled his leg in thanks. Smiling sadly, Moses massaged Rameses forehead knowing the man loved it. The only sounds in the lowly lit room were some fashion show program, the rain, and sneezing from Rameses. 


"Het’ Tschuuu!”

"Bless you."


"Boses, I'b so sorry...I didn't bean to bake dou upset, I’b...I-” 


“heh..heh...Hehtschhhhuuu!! Tschuuu!! AHTSCHHHHU!”


Rameses sneezed wetly as he cut himself off. He was frustrated with himself. The son of Seti, multi millionaire future CEO stricken with a cold. Sensing the stress, Moses chuckled quietly as he rubbed  Rameses down. 


"I know love....I'm sorry for the way I yelled. I just worry so much for you. I hate seeing you so sick. I don't want something happening to you. I love you too much to let that happen."


"Well I hate bein'g sig’ck if it bakes a difference and dothing will take be away from you ok?”


Rameses by this point sat up laid his head on Moses's  shoulder. Sniffling, Rameses spoke in a more congested but bitter tone. Moses held him close kissing his cheeks and forehead. 


"By whole life, I tried to bake hib happy. And for what? I sobetimes I wonder if he cares." 


" I think deep down....deep down in the river, he is proud of you. He's just too stubborn and cocky to tell you. But I'm proud of you, your mother is very proud you."


" I dow... and thags for being here for be." 


"Of course, you'd be dead without me...plus you have a nice body."


Rameses chuckled as he smirked.  


"So it's for by gorgeous body eh? I dew you couldn't resist be."


Moses purred as Rameses hugged him and kissed behind his ear.


"Down tiger. You're not feeling too good ok? How was the tea and soup?


Rameses pouted a little but knew Moses was right. He felt so sick. Rubbing his reddened nose he spoke.


"They were delicious,  I was so stuffed up I couldn't taste it's delicious flavor. Thang you lobe."




Moses said in mock annoyance as he knew how much Rameses despised medicine. 


"Yes, I took sobe bedicine...happy?"


Moses snuggled with his lover and smiled smugly.


"Yup! Very..."






Moses smiled fondly as he heard the soft snores from his sick lover. Finally the older man was resting. Moses kissed his forehead and kept the tissues nearby.  Rameses would get the tlc he so rightfully deserved.  Moses only wished the man wasn't so ill. But it couldn't be help. The younger man will call Miriam in the morning to tell her he wasn't coming in since Rameses wasn't well. Knowing she would understand and that Rameses would get better putting Moses in better spirits. 


'Don't worry my love, I will help chase this plague from your temple and make sure it doesn't enter. Even if it enters me. Sleep well.' 


Moses thought as he gently held the older man in his arms as went back to his book listening the now calming sounds of the rain. 


Thoughts? Comments?


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Wow this was a long one!

Interesting putting this in a modern setting, I found it odd though that they still said Ra as their God as I don't think anyone in the modern times still worships Ra, but whatever, small detail.

I like the dimension you put into the story. The family owning a large building coorporation, Moses working with children in poverty. It seem like a pretty solid change from the past to present with the appropriate elements. Not sure if Moses really hated his father as much as he probably felt disgusted at his actions in the movie, but eh, creative license.

As for the sneezing, it was pretty cute. I liked how not all the sneezes were spelt out, but rather were just stated to have happened. I liked how Ramases continued to try and discreetly work by going on his phone, heh heh, stubborn guy. And care taking Moses was also qt. Very nicely done, I must say.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awwww!  Amazingly written as always!

I love your spin on the modern setting, and the relationship between the two seemed genuine! Ramses and Moses were just too cute for words!

Once again, incredible work!


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On 12/4/2013 at 10:06 PM, Artygirl22 said:

I am an animal Moses..my love..my enemy,you made this way.

You truly have a gift for imagery, It inspired a doodle out of me. I am not sure if it will upload. Here is the link: I'm horrible... (flails frantically, and goes to hide.) http://flailingartist.deviantart.com/art/Nostalgia-and-illness-Ramses-II-597304747?ga_submit_new=10%3A1458278196

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18 hours ago, flailingartist said:

You truly have a gift for imagery, It inspired a doodle out of me. I am not sure if it will upload. Here is the link: I'm horrible... (flails frantically, and goes to hide.) http://flailingartist.deviantart.com/art/Nostalgia-and-illness-Ramses-II-597304747?ga_submit_new=10%3A1458278196

Aww! You lovely Person! !! I even favorite it on Deviantart. Someone took the time to draw something for me?





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Song Prompts:

1. Brother my Brother 2. Let My People Go 3. Almost Doesn't Count4 .The Plaques 5. Deliver Us 6. Animal I Have Become 7. Applause 8. Cry 9. I'll stand by You 10. I Can't fight this Feeling Anymore 11. I Will Always Return 12. I Knew I loved You 13. Shadowland 14. The Prayer 15. When will my life begin 16. Jar of Hearts 17. Chemicals React 18. Bad Romance 19. When You believe 20. Beautiful Liar 21. Riot 22. A Thousand Years 23. Don't Wake me up 24.They Don't Know 25. I still Believe 26. Journey to the past 27. Still Dream 28. Crazy Kids 29. Headlock 30. I'm still here 31. Careful 32. I can go the distance 33. Dj got us falling in love 34. Bad 35. Jack's Lament 36. One World 37. Haunted 38. Sweet Sacrifice 39. When I grow up 40. What Makes you beautiful 41. Wrecking Ball 42. Never had a Dream Come True 43. You Raise me up 44. Who Says 45. Come and Get it 46. Human 47. Madness 48. Marriage 49. Payphone 50. Grenade. ***Random Choice***(If there's three stars, I'll pick a song randomly that's not in my prompt

Ok let's get started yes? Three new drabbles whew boy!! Hopefully you guys like.

Thanks for the reviews because I never thought people would read this. Especially when I first posted this a three ago and no one read this. So thank you.

Prompt 11: I Will Always Return (From the movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron by Bryan Adams)

Sneezer: Moses (Start of a cold)

Warnings: Takes place when Moses goes back to Egypt. He and Tzipporah are not married like in the movie but have a close relationship.

(I do these introductions for now on so you know who the Sneezer and such)


He knew the moment he set foot inside the cave to retrieve the sheep that he would be forever changed. Sacred ground that left his feet bare, a deep yet kind voice from a burning bush whose fires should have burned his skin. It all lead to him having to go back, to free his people from Egypt…

From him….

Moses thought of this a few days later as he and his best friend Tzipporah rode on a camel from Midian to his home of Egypt. No matter what, the now older man had to return home. Part of it was both God and his acceptance that his people had to be free. The other was him…

Rameses, now the morning and evening star.

Did the elder miss him? Did he mourn his self exile as the last sound was his name being bellowed out into the desert sands? Moses didn't know but he had to return. He knew that day would come.

As the two bodies rode towards the land of his birth, Moses felt a burning sensation throughout his body as well as a tingling through his nostrils. He tried to make it go away but it continued its onslaught. He had no choice as he lifted his head slightly and felt as his nose quivered in anticipation of the fit he was succumbed too.

“ah...Ahhhschuuuu sniff...aahhtchhooo..ahhhh..g’TCHHU!” Moses cringed as he attempted to stifle that last sneeze but sighed as he felt his companion and friend Tzipporah place her hand on his shoulder.

“Moses...I know you need to do this, and I stand by you, but is it worth your health? It's hot and you're shivering as if night has fallen.”

Moses didn't speak for awhile both from trying to keep warm and the other from thinking about what she said. After a few minutes, Moses quietly spoke, clearing his tender throat as he did.

“I grew up free because of a sacrifice of my blood mother and even the woman I call mother. I too would face the hardships the hebrews suffered. Should any human be forced as labor? Yes...I was once their prince of egypt and turned a blind eye to their pain and cries-”

“heh..heh...heeehhh’Nghxt!! Then’d I d’need to do this. If dot for be...sniff, then’d for theb.” 


“Baybe just baybe, Ramb’ses will lis’dten...he has too.”


Moses stopped the Camel and Tzipporah jumped off so she could stretch for a bit. It was still light out but to Moses, he was getting colder pulling his robes closer to himself. He stared at his friend as he cleared his throat resulting in a coughing fit. The young woman patted his back with a gentle touch but her sharp golden eyes held so much emotion in them, Moses gasped a little. 


“It's...it's not the just the Hebrews that you're going back for is it…?


“You love him.” 

Moses looked away in shame as he knew she knew. Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw Rameses. When he broke bread with Tzipporah and her family, he saw Rameses look at him with a smile.

No matter what he did or said, Rameses was in his thoughts. 

Oh God….

Moses turned to look at Tzipporah a woman he loved but not in the way she might have wanted. How long did she know? His thoughts were interrupted by coughing and sneezing that left him nearly falling off the camel.

“heh..heh...heeehhh’Nghxt….Hehtschhhhuuu heh'tCHU. Ugh” Luckily for him, Tzipporah was quick to help him. She chuckled gently.

"You are so different them when we last met in the palace. Moses, I love you but I know your heart will never be mine.”

“I'b so sorry Tzibborah.”

“No need...no matter what, I still care. But we need to find shelter so you can rest...and no buts from you.”


Moses chuckled quietly as he helped the young woman back on the Camel and continued their journey. Moses knew she was right, no matter how far he was, no matter what he was bound to Rameses and would always find a way back to him. 


Prompt 48: Marriage by Marques Houston 

Sneezer: Rameses(Start of a cold)

This is a modern day no warnings this time. Enjoy!

Rameses knew since the day they met that Moses was the one. He also knew everything for the wedding had to perfect. Moses to him was perfect and so should the wedding. Everything from the food, the flowers, the music, even the color coordination of the spoons to the table cloth had to be on point. This included the dinner party set for the following week. 

Everything for his Moses.

Now while he made sure everything was going according to his wishes...his nose was not. He woke up without Moses there since the younger man taught small children and the local school, and felt off. Rameses could not feel off. Off meant illness and that was something he could not simply stand for. 

So he did what anyone not sick would do, because if you told the elder that he looked tired and that his nose looked red and chapped-

He would glare at you praying you said something else and then he would-


“Ram!! I'm home!!”


Moses cringed as he heard his fiancé. He had brought home dinner after his classes and didn't expect to see his fiancé sneezing bend over at the waist. The young man was very observant something that as a preschool teacher was a good trait. Moses sighed as he closed the door behind him and walked towards the now shivering man. 

“Are you alright?” Moses inquired

“Yes? Why would I dot be?” Rameses turned to look at his concerned fiancé. 

“Because one, you sound congested and two you sneezed.”

“........Yes I sdneezed, but so does-”

“You have have to sneeze again.”

“Wha- huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU”

Moses smirked as Rameses glared at him while blowing his nose. Moses sat down and patted the seat next to him. Rameses sat but pouted as he looked at the dinner Moses brought home.

“Babe, listen. I know you're stressed out about the party and the wedding. I know but remember at the end of the day, I don't care about those things. I'm marring you. My last name will change but not how I feel for you. I love you at your best and at your worse. You have nothing to prove to me.”

Rameses smiled as he took Moses by the hand looking at the band around his finger. He just wanted Moses to be happy. But sometimes he had to realize that Moses just wanted him. Not the money, not the fame...him. Marriage differently changed people but when you truly loved the other, that stayed constant. Rameses smiled at the thought as he felt Moses kissed his forehead. 

Moses took the food with him as he stood up watching Rameses.

"I'll go fix us some tea and food.”

"I love you Moses.”

"I love you too and Rameses?”


“You're going to sneeze again.” Moses left to go in the kitchen laughing as he did Rameses shook his head as he picked up his cell. It was a moment later he felt the familiar tickle in his already abused nose.


“Damn it Moses!”


Prompt 40: What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction (Two songs I like from them and this is one of them)

Sneezer: Moses(Cold)

Movie Verse but no Spoilers and this is more of a brotherly bond. Enjoy!

“Moses, you do not look ugly. Stop being ridiculous.”

“By does hurdts, I look like I’b cry’ing, by hair looks I just woke up-”

“You did though.”


“Sorry. Look yes your nose looks quite sore, runny, and you sound as if you ate sand from the desert-”

“Ramb’ses!! ah...Ahhhschuuuu sniff...aahhtchhooo..ahhhh..g’TCHHU!”

"Bless. You suffer from this ailment, but you still look nice to me. Ok? No one looks attractive when ill. Unless it's me”

“I swear dou are as bodest as dou are truthful.” 

Rameses smirked as he helped Moses to lie down in his bed. Moses never like sleeping alone as children and often ran into Rameses room. Something he never outgrew as a young man.

“I'm serious Moses. You have thousands of women throwing themselves at you, sick or not. Now stop this self pity party and rest please?”

“Fi...fine...ah...Ahhhschuuuu sniff...aahhtchhooo..ahhhh..g’TCHHU! Ugh! heh..heh...heeehhh’Nghxt….Hihtschhhhuuu hiiiiiih'tCHU!!!” Moses groaned as he rubbed his heated forehead. 

Rameses sighed sadly as he placed a newly wet cloth on his adopted younger brothers forehead. Rameses was worried. Moses was sick for a while now. This cold was bothering both men. One physically the other emotionally.

"You're not feeling well aren't you?”

Moses just shook his head groaning.

"I'm sorry you're not well. But hey when you're better, the ladies will come in and make sure you're truly ok” Rameses winked as Moses smiled before blowing his nose. 

“Get some rest, I have to see father alright and then I'll come back. A servant will watch over you.” Rameses stood to leave but not before Moses touched his skin with his warm hand.

“Thank you.”

“You're welcome. It's your inner appearance that flocks people in. Remember that little brother.”

The two smiled as the elder left and Moses snuggled in bed falling asleep remembering his brothers words.

Thoughts? Comments?

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Oh lordy, we get 3 drabbles for the price of one? Coolness.

I really like these, they're sweet. When I have more time I'll definitely leave a longer comment, but I really love the caring aspect in all of these. It's very fluffy ^^

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On 3/20/2016 at 5:58 PM, Artygirl22 said:

No one looks attractive when ill. Unless it's me”

“I swear dou are as bodest as dou are truthful

These were completely adorable. I loved the shock as Moses recognized his true feelings. Ramses was squee-levels of stubborn in the 2nd! (I wholeheartedly approve of stubborn ego-cripped males stricken with something beyond their control. >:D) The third drabble, by Thoth, it was brilliant and my favorite out of the batch. The Egyptian god of writing and the arts has blessed you.


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45 minutes ago, flailingartist said:

These were completely adorable. I loved the shock as Moses recognized his true feelings. Ramses was squee-levels of stubborn in the 2nd! (I wholeheartedly approve of stubborn ego-cripped males stricken with something beyond their control. >:D) The third drabble, by Thoth, it was brilliant and my favorite out of the batch. The Egyptian god of writing and the arts has blessed you.


I love you!!!!!! And you present me praise from Thoth? 

:> if I wasn't so sick, I would jump for joy. So I will do a little wiggle instead.:blushsmiley:

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Song Prompts:

1. Brother my Brother 2. Let My People Go 3.Almost Doesn't Count 4.The Plaques 5. Deliver Us 6. Animal I Have Become 7. Applause 8. Cry 9. I'll stand by You 10. I Can't fight this Feeling Anymore 11. I Will Always Return 12. I Knew I loved You 13. Shadowland 14. The Prayer 15. When will my life begin 16. Jar of Hearts 17. Chemicals React 18. Bad Romance 19. When You believe 20. Beautiful Liar 21. Riot 22. A Thousand Years 23. Don't Wake me up 24.They Don't Know 25.I still Believe 26. Journey to the past 27. Still Dream 28. Crazy Kids 29. Headlock 30. I'm still here 31. Careful 32. I can go the distance 33. Dj got us falling in love 34. Bad 35. Jack's Lament 36. One World 37. Haunted 38. Sweet Sacrifice 39. When I grow up 40. What Makes you beautiful 41. Wrecking Ball 42. Never had a Dream Come True 43. You Raise me up 44. Who Says 45. Come and Get it 46. Human 47. Madness 48. Marriage 49. Payphone 50. Grenade. ***Random Choice***(If there's three stars, I'll pick a song randomly that's not in my prompt

Prompt 24: They Don't Know by Jon B.

Sneezer: Rameses (Flu) Moses (end of cold)

Warnings: This is an AU where Rameses knows about Moses but doesn't care and continues to love him.Moses doesn't run away. They're testing the waters in their relationship.

Thank you for those of you who have read this! If it wasn't for you all, I would have not continued. :blushsmiley:


Moses was considered many things. Charming, brash, gentle, and a trickster. But deep down, he was very insecure especially since be learned of his birth. He was Hebrew and not of noble blood. He looked in the mirror and besides the sign of his previous illness leaving him, he didn't like what he saw. It didn't help that he was looked at and treated differently even if his adopted mother told him otherwise. It also didn't help that his new lover Rameses was very ill in bed because of him but that Moses felt that the future Pharaoh deserved someone else. Someone not him. 

Moses walked near Rameses’s room and the healer speak and painful coughing and sneezing from the door.


He grimaced as he remembered he was as sick himself and that both the family healer and Rameses was by his side. Well mostly Rameses. Moses was about to knock when he felt a tickle in his own nose. He wasn't as sick but he was still getting over his own cold.


Moses sniffled as he looked up and realized that the healer looked at him in boredom and not his usual grandfatherly gaze. He cleared his throat looking at the young prince up and down.

“Young...prince...you still are ill. What business do you have with the elder?  He is sleeping.”

“I just wanted to uh...see him.”

“I advised against it. Least of all you would compromise his already weakened state.”

“I won't stay long….please?”

“……….Fine but don't get...close young prince.”

The healer looked at Moses with another bored look and nodded as he left. Moses looked down at his feet as he walked in the room and closed the door. He walked up towards the bed where Rameses slept with fever racked in his strong body. Sitting close by him Moses felt the heat and saw the shivering from his sick love. Moses looked on in sadness as he took of his sandals and wig placing them near by. Only Rameses saw Moses like this. Moses reached by and placed a cloth in a bowl of cooling water and wrung it out to lightly dab the elders feverish brow. After a few minutes of this Rameses stirred awake and blinked slowly. He felt someone beside him and looked tiredly to Moses. He smiled as he weakly touched his lover's thigh.

"Rameses!? How are you?”

“I’ve been better. Bud dou’re here-”

Moses cut him off by laying next to him and crying in his arms. Rameses weakly hugged his young consort and stroked his short brown hair. Rameses turned away to cough roughly but then his nose tickled and he went into a sneezing fit.

“huuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU!!!! Ugh”

“B..bless.” Rameses smiled weakly but gently as he blew his nose with a new cloth Moses passed him. Rameses closed his eyes and groaned softly as his body ached and wracked him with fever and chills. But he knew that Moses was upset. No sickness dulled his senses for him to not get that.

“Boses...w..whad is the batter?” 


“Boses….? It's dot dour fadlt I'b sigck ” 


“Why do you love me..? I'm nothing but a lie and everyone- Ahhhschuuuu..knows it. You...don't deserve someone like me…..a Hebrew.”

Rameses remained silent as Moses cried once more holding Rameses as if he would disappear. The young man sniffled and looked up as he felt strong arms hug him tightly. Or as best as a sick person could. 

“Bless and why...do dou lisdten? Their jealous of be and dou.” Rameses coughed again and smiled as he felt Moses sit up to rub cream on his chest to help him breathe. Once he was done, he looked away.

“Boses...I dow dou are dot born frob m’bother bud I lobe dou. And dow wom’ben, man, or anything will change that.”

Rameses sniffled wetly as he placed his feverish hand on Moses's cheek wiping the tears away. Moses took that same hand kissing it. He looked at Rameses and even though he was sweating, lips parted as they were dry and chapped, nose runny and irritated….nostrils flaring signaling he had to sneeze...

“Huh...huh….uuhh’GTSHUUUU...huuhh...huhhh...huuhh’GTSHUUUU..G’TSHUUUUU….sniff….Hehtschhhhuuu! Hehtschhhhuuu heh'tCHU!”

He still loved him. If someone so perfect but imperfect like his Rameses could love him, then Moses could love himself. No matter what people said or thought. 

“Bless you…”

“Thangs. Stay Boses?” Rameses asked sleepily. 

Moses helped Rameses to clean up and gave him some warm milk and honey to help soothe his sore throat. Kissing his lover's forehead, Moses placed a cool cloth on Rameses and watched him fall fast asleep. Moses smiled as he propped more pillows behind the sick elder to breathe better. Kissing him on the cheek, Moses once again laid beside the sleeping man. He whispered as he rubbed his thumb over Rameses's hand.

“I'll always stay. Feel better.” 

Thoughts? Comments

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I like how you address Moses insecurities about his birth and lineage. In the movie he gets over this when he runs away and lives as a farmer, but he'd have to go through something similar if he didn't run away. And I think it's great you didn't gloss over that. You showed how badly he felt, how he felt like a fraud, and how he felt he didn't deserve Ramases love. It's touching.

I like how Ramases assuaged Moses' feelings and did his best to comfort him even though he was sick and feeling pretty crummy himself. I smiled when he asked Moses to stay with him.

Another thing I liked was how you differentiated their sneeze sounds. Ramases were louder and rougher, more desperate. While Moses' were softer and just escaped. Whether due to him as a person or because they were tail end of a cold sneezes, it was a nice detail.

You always do a good job of setting the mood and creative a loving atmosphere. Tis gute.

Although one thing, it's a bit hard to understand what Ramases is saying. I know it's supposed to show they're congested and stuff, but I think usually only m's and n's  (and occasionally p's) are changed to b's and d's or omitted and replaced with a ' instead. That's just my observation though, you may have different experience on what people sound like when congested. Sorry about that ^^;

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9 hours ago, Leapingriver said:

I like how you address Moses insecurities about his birth and lineage. In the movie he gets over this when he runs away and lives as a farmer, but he'd have to go through something similar if he didn't run away. And I think it's great you didn't gloss over that. You showed how badly he felt, how he felt like a fraud, and how he felt he didn't deserve Ramases love. It's touching.

I like how Ramases assuaged Moses' feelings and did his best to comfort him even though he was sick and feeling pretty crummy himself. I smiled when he asked Moses to stay with him.

Another thing I liked was how you differentiated their sneeze sounds. Ramases were louder and rougher, more desperate. While Moses' were softer and just escaped. Whether due to him as a person or because they were tail end of a cold sneezes, it was a nice detail.

You always do a good job of setting the mood and creative a loving atmosphere. Tis gute.

Although one thing, it's a bit hard to understand what Ramases is saying. I know it's supposed to show they're congested and stuff, but I think usually only m's and n's  (and occasionally p's) are changed to b's and d's or omitted and replaced with a ' instead. That's just my observation though, you may have different experience on what people sound like when congested. Sorry about that ^^;

Everytime you comment, I get so excited for what you say. Yeah, I mean I get where Moses was coming from in terms of learning his birth was a lie. That he truly is not a prince of egypt. Only by title and not of blood. I'm glad I was able to show that here. I mean they did a bit before he ran away. Since he also killed a man too. But since Moses never ran away in my version, I just focused on his birth.  Sorry that you didn't  understand Stuffy Rameses. I literally used myself for that lol. I'm glad you could tell the difference between Moses and Rameses sneezes.

9 hours ago, pikachu78 said:

wow really enjoyable just the cuteness aww.

Awwww thanks sweetie! Don't these two make you think of cute things? Oh its just me? Lol.

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13 hours ago, Artygirl22 said:

Awwww thanks sweetie! Don't these two make you think of cute things?

Indeed not just you lol...

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@Artygirl22 Aw wow really? Heh heh, I feel important even though I'm really not heh heh ^^

Yeah, sorry, maybe I'm just dumb and can't read stuffy talk /shot. But yeah, they were pretty distinguished and personal to each character.

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I loved this. Let me count the ways.

1. "Boses..." just yum!

2. The concept that even though Ramses is even more ill than Moses, that Moses still goes to him for comfort.

3. The cuddling despite tremendous congestion and discomfort. 

4. The inferiority complex... TT.TT

5. The self-acceptance through love.

Absolutely stunning! I adore the true brotherhood between these two. The unit that they become when they are together is so delicate but still natural. 


Much Love and bribery of virtual brownies in exchange for more Ramses-torment.

*Rolls away, flailing at the cuteness.*

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17 hours ago, flailingartist said:

I loved this. Let me count the ways.

1. "Boses..." just yum!

2. The concept that even though Ramses is even more ill than Moses, that Moses still goes to him for comfort.

3. The cuddling despite tremendous congestion and discomfort. 

4. The inferiority complex... TT.TT

5. The self-acceptance through love.

Absolutely stunning! I adore the true brotherhood between these two. The unit that they become when they are together is so delicate but still natural. 


Much Love and bribery of virtual brownies in exchange for more Ramses-torment.

*Rolls away, flailing at the cuteness.*

Hehehe. Yes! Secret, Moses in that last drabble is what I sometimes....a lot of times go through, and I thought putting some of my feelings into him. Now with Rameses, Hehehehe ;) *evil laughing* to me is the type that doesn't get ill often but when he does, he's done for the count. Just his whole persons screams that in the movie and even how he's drawn....to me...now brownies, coffee flavor ice cream...and I'll shall put Rameses through some stuff...hehehehe:twisted:

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5 hours ago, Artygirl22 said:

now brownies, coffee flavor ice cream...and I'll shall put Rameses through some stuff...hehehehe:twisted:


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