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"Te Amo Miguel" M/M, Road To El-dorado Fic


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I have so many stories to finish up but I had to write this one... It just won’t leave my mind! :D What is it you guys ask? :P Well I am working on a drabble for The Prince of Egypt, A Kim Possible one-shot and the next chapter for my Hey Arnold fic, plus working on my art work! But I have a nice story for you all that deals with the DreamWorks Movie: The Road to El-dorado. This was my second favorite Dreamworks movie with The Prince of Egypt coming in at number one. I decided to make this story an alternative universe so Miguel and Tulio are not Spanish travelers...etc. Incase anyone doesn’t know this movie, I’ll leave a link so that you know what both Miguel and Tulio look like.

Miguel: http://media.tumblr.com/f43c3d9d3610377d6f1d63829f8be94e/tumblr_inline_mhzyy581uJ1qz4rgp.jpg

Tulio: http://asg.animatedheroes.com/albums/tulio/Tulio_smug.sized.jpg

Oh...and here's Chel...who is in the beginning: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120127233015/roadtoeldorado/images/1/1d/Chel.jpg

And Cortes: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120811190607/dreamworks/images/thumb/5/5a/Cortes.jpg/480px-Cortes.jpg

Ok... So since this is not canon, I’ll describe the Alternate world that these men live in:


Age: 25

Tulio works at a travel agency. He would rather vacation at the places that he helps others go. Even though Tulio doesn’t like the place he works at due to his boss being a know it all grouch, he can’t complain because it helps pays the bills and he promised himself that he would take care of his boyfriend Miguel. Plus Tulio dropped out of college after a year feeling that it wasn’t right for him so that’s why took the job. Tulio is the more realistic of the two and can sometimes act sarcastic towards others and even Miguel... But the real reason is because with Miguel, Tulio doesn’t want Miguel to dream of better things and get his heart crush when they never work out. Under all that attitude, Tulio is a very compassionate, and caring person which he shows mostly towards his boyfriend. Tulio calls Miguel: Miki, Baby or Dali. Tulio is very protective over Miguel.



Miguel is a starving Artist who loves painting surrealism. This prompted Tulio early in their relationship, to call Miguel “Dali” because Miguel said that Salvador Dali was his biggest inspiration. Miguel works with young children and interns at art gallery. He one day hopes to own his gallery and spread the joy of art around the world. Miguel is the more idealistic and calm one of he and his boyfriend Tulio. Since he wears his heart on his sleeves, Miguel can also be too trusting towards others and this led him to getting his heartbroken many times. Also Miguel feels bad that Tulio works in a place he hates so that’s why he decided to get a paid internship and work so that he could give Tulio a break. The young men live in a shabby one bedroom apartment with a bathroom, small kitchen, and livingroom. Miguel calls Tulio: Lio, Tulip, Sweetie, and Bochornoso which is Spanish for sultry. This is a joke between the two because Miguel learned that Tulio has sultry voice when singing to him or talking dirty. =P

Hope you all enjoy! :love:

Tulio to say the least was tired. He was tired because not only did he have to deal with bratty children running around the agency along with angry parents who demanded their money back for a faulty system, he had to run multiple errands for his no good lazy fat bum of a boss Cortes. He didn’t understand why the guy couldn’t just listen to his ideas to improve the travel agency..Surely it would save him and his other co workers the trouble Cortes gives them. Tulio decided to call his boyfriend Miguel to let him know that he may be an hour late. Just the thought of his blonde hair lover made Tulio sigh with content. Miguel was always the more optimistic one of the two...Days like today he needed to hear his boyfriend’s cheerful voice. Walking outside, Tulio was about to pull out his cell when he remembered that he had some files to organize on. Tulio cursed to himself as he knew Cortes wasn’t one for long breaks. He didn’t realize that his best friend Chel saw him and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey Tulio what’s up thinking about calling Miguel?”

Tulio jumped as he turned to face Chel. Chel was a very pretty young woman who like Tulio, didn’t favor their boss either. But it helped her pay for beauty school so she couldn’t complain too much. Tulio and Miguel met Chel at a club during a date. Miguel and Chel hit it off seeing as they wanted better things in life and both were dreamers. Tulio learned to like Chel after he offered her a job at the travel agency and she helped him with his work. Like Tulio and Miguel, Chel was also in a relationship with her high school friend named Amy who both met a few times when Chel would invite them over. The long haired woman was sassy, a bit of a flirt but had a heart of gold when it came to her friends who were her only family. Chel threw her cigarette to the ground and folded her arms smirking... One thing she loved was teasing Tulio about how he was a big softie in the end all because of Miguel’s influences.

“Hey Chel, and stop smirking you...And yes nosy, I was about to call Miguel to tell him I would be late.”

Tulio smirked as he didn’t bother to wait for Chel to answer him. Instead she pulled out her mirror to fix her makeup laughing as she did. Tulio pressed a key on his phone and waited for Miguel to pick up. He knew Miguel wouldn’t be working today since it was his day off nor did he have to intern today either. After a few rings he heard that sweet voice he was dying to hear since having to leave for work.

“Tulio...? Hey Lio what’s up shouldn’t you be working now?”

“Yeah I’m still at work, I had a little break and decided to call you. Um...are you feeling alright? You sound stuffy.”

“Lio... I’m fine just a little headache that you need not worry about now get back to work please?”

“Miguel...you over work yourself to much. You intern part-time as well as work with children, plus the little errands you do for others. You’re not doing...”

“Sweetie! I am ok...ok? It’s just...just”

Tulio bit his lip in concerned and looked to Chel who didn’t hear the conversation between her friends, but once she saw the look on Tulio’s face she knew what was wrong. Miguel was known to overwork himself to the point where his immune system took a vacation coupled with the fact that he worked with kids who get sick easier doesn’t help the poor guy either. Chel felt bad for her friends. She understood what they were going through and wished she could do something, but she knew how prideful Tulio became and how shy Miguel could be when asking for help. Chel would be there for her friends when they needed her to be, like now.

“Miguel?! Are you alright babe?”

“I’m...I’m fide...Ugh Hih-Hih-Hihtchoo! Hxxt...Hxxt! I’b sorry Lio.”

Tulio knew it...something told him to stay home with his boyfriend but Miguel insisted he go to work...Plus Miguel could work a mean kicked puppy look when he needed or wanted something..But not today Tulio could hear the congested and pained voice Miguel had and he was going home to care for his sick boyfriend. He didn’t care what Cortes had to say about it. Tulio murmured something that was only between he and Miguel and hung up his cell putting it away. Chel cleared her throat in order to get her friend’s attention. Tulio looked towards her and he saw a smirk creep on her face. He knew she had a plan and whatever that plan was she hoped it would help get him outta this dump and to his cute sick blonde love.

A few curses and some minutes later....


“Shut it lover boy, do you want to go home to your boyfriend or what Chico?”

“Of course!”

“Convincing that old fart in there that your sick will do it! Lucky for you I know make up tricks to make you like more sick then usual.”

Chel only teased but when Tulio looked at himself in her mirror, he did look like hell warmed over. He had dark bags under his eyes and he looked really pale. Chel then messed up Tulio’s long black hair and clothes a bit to complete the look. It was then that the two friends heard the door slam open to reveal their boss Cortes who was a tall yet chubby man with a brown beard and short brown hair. His face was in a constant scowl which Chel teased saying he was born angry. He looked to Tulio who started to sweat as he look legitimately sick.

“Why aren’t you both in there working?!”

“Sir, Tulio doesn’t feel well so he thought to get some air but it didn’t help. He probably cought that bug that’s been going around.”

Cortes looked closely at his employee and scowled even harder. Tulio started coughing and sneezing hoping it would be enough.

“Hetchoo...I’b sorry sir... Achoo!!! HE-HEP-HEPschoo!”

“Hmmm....fine, you have until next Monday to get better or so help me god you will be fired and I’ll make sure you don’t work again. Remember that!”

With that Cortes went back inside as did Chel and Tulio. When they were sure that Cortes wasn’t listening and was sure since he was already yelling loudly at another worker, Chel hugged Tulio and shoved his bags in his arms. She kissed him on the cheek and smirked.

“Don’t worry handsome, I’ll cover your shifts for you and no, you don’t owe me anything...well except a few drinks. Just promise me you will take care of Miguel AND yourself!”

“Thanks Chel. Don’t worry, when Miguel feels better, we’ll go drinking with you. Promise!”

Tulio smiled as he timed himself out and waved a final goodbye to Chel as he left the building. Once he got around the corner, Tulio Tulio jumped up for joy ignoring the strange looks he was getting. Tulio was free and had the entire week off to care for Miguel. His face quickly turned to one of concern when he thought of his sick boyfriend. Tulio took out his wallet and smiled. He had enough money to buy some stuff to make his boyfriend better. He walked to the nearest store and began shopping.


Miguel was sick. Plain as day. He knew once he woke up and felt a pounding throb in his head that he was going to be very sick. He was congested and achy not to mention sneezy. It was easy to convince Tulio of that this morning when he wanted to stay home. As much as Miguel loves Tulio and snuggling within his warm embrace, he also doesn’t want to live on the streets either. They don’t live in the nicest of places but Miguel didn’t care so long as he was with his Tulio he was happy. Lucky for him, he didn’t have to work nor intern today so even though he felt hot and cold at the same time. He decided to clean up the place. Miguel knew he should rest for everything felt slow and out of focus but he didn’t want Tulio to come home to a dirty place. As Miguel got up from the couch clad in pajamas and a red shirt, he put away his art supplies in the basket next to him. He straighten up the living room as much as he could. He was about to walk towards the kitchen when he felt dizzy and sat on the couch. Just that much walking around took so much out of him. Suddenly, Miguel’s nose started itching and with his sleeve, he tried rubbing it but to no avail. The tickle in his nose would not let up and grabbing tissues from the table next to him, Miguel buried his face into them in a sneezing fit. He didn’t hear the door open to reveal a concerned Tulio.

“Hih-Hih-HIhChoo!!! HIHCHHHOO!...Ugh God...Hitchew...hItchew...HITCHOOOO!... hxxxtt.”

“Miguel, don’t stifle them like that, you’ll make it worse.”

Turning his head towards that sweet voice cost Miguel another dizzy spell to occur. Concerned, Tulio quickly closed the door with bags in his hand, dropped them and quickly sat down next to his lover and rub gentle circle on his back. Once the dizzy spell passed, Miguel looked up slowly with glassy, feverish eyes towards Tulio who gently kissed his heated forehead. Tulio knew Miguel needed a hug right now and gave him just that. Stroking Miguel’s matted blonde hair made Miguel purr in content. He loved when Tulio touched him like that. But apparently his never ending cold had other plans. He weakly push Tulio away and began coughing harshly. Tulio noted that they sounded wet. Miguel was getting sicker and sicker.

‘Oh Miki...’

With a gentle touch, Tulio pulled Miguel from his seated position and the pair walked towards their bedroom. It looked cleaner then when they left just like the livingroom which meant...

‘That idiot! He was sick and still cleaned!? Oh Miki your going to kill yourself this way.’

Tulio thought as he gently placed Miguel on the bed and under the covers. He watched as Miguel’s breathing was become rapid and was shaking like a leaf. Tulio placed a gentle kiss on Miguel forehead and went back to the living room to get the bags. Taking them into the kitchen Tulio was happy he got some tea bags, orange flavored cough drops which he knew was Miguel’s favorite flavor, cold/flu medicine, three boxes of tissues with aloe in it and from the kitchen Tulio could hear’s his lover sneezing.

“Heh..heh...hehtchoo! Hetchoo!...HETCHOOO! HI-HI-HITCHOO!”

Tulio flinched as he knew those sneezes sounded and probably were painful. Tulio sighed sadly as he put the strawberry ice pops in the freezer. He knew how much Miguel loved them and with all that coughing, he knew Miguel’s throat would appreciate them highly. Once Tulio put away what he didn’t need, he began fixing Miguel chicken soup. Tulio was no cook like Miguel but there was no way he was going to let Miguel get on his feet in his poor condition. No way in hell. Once the soup was in the pot, Tulio put some water in the old kettle that Miguel’s mother gave them and place the peppermint tea back in the blue mug. He stirred the soup for a few minutes before realizing he never took of the makeup Chel used. He quickly ran towards the bathroom and washed his face off. Satisfied, Tulio walked back toward the kitchen but not before checking on Miguel. Walking into their bedroom, Tulio looked on sadly as Miguel began coughing in his fevered sleep. Tulio walked over and crouched beside the bed and caressed the blonde’s hair for a few minutes. Miguel opened his eyes slowly and smiled as he noticed his lover. Tulio didn’t like how dull and lifeless Miguel’s eyes were. Usually they were bright with excitement and joy and now they’re a dull shade of green almost as if he was possessed. It was moments like this where the two wouldn’t need words to communicate. It was pure feeling.

Suddenly the tea kettle alarmed Tulio and he got up to check on the tea. He felt a clammy hand grab his and Tulio turned to see Miguel pleading with him to stay. Tulio ran his thumb on top of Miguel’s reassuring him that he would be back in a minute. Pulling the covers closer to Miguel’s chin, Tulio watched as Miguel went back to sleep and smiled as Miguel started snoring softly. Going back into the Kitchen, Tulio took the piping kettle of the stove and poured it into the cup with the peppermint. He added some lemon and honey and placed it on the wooden tray near him. Then he saw the soup bubbling signaling its completion and carefully put the soup into a blue bowl and placed it next to the hot tea.. Tulio realized that the medicine and other supplies were still in the bad so he put the bag on his wrist and with good balncing skills, took the tray towards the bedroom. As he approached he heard Miguel in a sneezing fit each sneeze becoming wettter and wetter.

“Hatchoo..H-H-Hatchooo...K-Kerchooo...o-o-oh G-God unnn, Hepchoo! H-HEP-CHOO!”

Tulio placed the tray on table near the bed and opened the tissue box from the bag that he also place on the table too careful not to knock anything over. He grabbed a few as he heard Miguel’s breathing hitched... Miguel’s eyes became even glasser then before and Tulio rushed to sit beside Miguel snaking one arm around the sick man waist the other holding the tissues towards his boyfriend’s redden nose.

“D-Doe...I-Id hurts do snd’eeze...”

“I know babe I know, but you have to let them out...I’m right here Miki.”

“B-But id r-really- HETCHOOO! H-H-Hetchoo! ACHOOO! Oh dambit..lio...”

“I know, blow your nose ok, then I need to see how high that fever of yours is. Ok?”

As he blew his nose wetly, Miguel slowly nodded after he was done, he threw it hoping it landed in the trash. Which it did. Miguel leaned into Tulio’s embrace and closed his eyes. Everything from his head to his feet was aching. He hated feeling this sick and weak. Tulio never got this sick before and he felt it wasn’t fair that Tulio always had to waste time caring for him. He felt Tulio rubbing his arms trying to warm him up. Miguel turned away to cough and then looked towards the food. He didn’t feel hungry.. He just wanted to sleep. Tulio watched the emotions on Miguel’s face and spoke up.

“I know your not hungry but I want you try and eat a few bites and then I’ll give you some medicine. But let me get the thermometer from the bathroom.”

Tulio gently moved from Miguel despite his boyfriend’s moans to come back. Before he left, Tulio helped Miguel to sit up and propped the pillows to support his back. Tulio left and came back faster then ever with said object and told Miguel to open up. Miguel complied and Tulio went back to cuddling up with Miguel who snuggled into his boyfriend’s arms. After a few minutes, Tulio took the stick out and cursed silently as Miguel sniffled and coughed. Tulio rubbed Miguel’s back gently and looked back to the thermometer.

It read: 102.4


Tulio thought bitterly. He wished it was him sick and not his Miguel. Tulio reached over and grabbed the hot bowl of soup and held the spoon towards Miguel. Miguel was about to protest but seeing Tulio’s face he opened his mouth and Tulio began spoon feed him. Every so often Tulio would pause when Miguel began to cough or sneeze. It was ten minutes later when Miguel was done eating. Surprisingly he was hungrier then he thought. He didn’t eat that much when Tulio left for work. As his boyfriend carefully passed him his steaming hot tea telling him to be carful with it, Tulio got up and took all the used tissues and threw them away. He then went to change into a blue shirt and black pj bottoms. After he was done, Tulio took the nearly empty mug from Miguel and placed it on the beside table. Tulio got out the cough drops and gave one to Miguel who smiled as he realized that Tulio got him his favorite ones. Miguel suddenly looked down in his hand and felt the bed sink next to him with Tulio pulling him into a warm hug. Kissing his warm cheek, Tulio spoke up.

“Miguel, don’t feel bad for being sick and before you say anything, let me explain. We have been a couple for five years. Things weren’t easy as they never are but we got through it together yea?”

Miguel slowly nodded looking into his boyfriend soft blue eyes.

“And I know your immune system isn’t the strongest in the bunch and you tend to push yourself really hard because you feel that you have to prove something. But Miki, I love you so much and I hate seeing you like this. You give so much of yourself away and I admire your passion and drive but you need to learn to take better care of yourself. I’m your boyfriend and I love caring for you babe. Don’t ever feel guilty for telling me you don’t feel well. I’ll be there.”

Miguel was touched by the words of his other half. He never met someone like Tulio before. Miguel dated other guys before and they never cared this much for him. They cared for his art or his dreams the way Tulio did. Even when tight on money, Tulio would buy Miguel canvases to paint on or paints to use. Miguel was the lucky one. He would try to be better. He would try to better care for himself. He sniffled but it was because of his runny nose either. Tulio placed a kiss on Miguel’s head and knew that it was time to give him some medicine even though he knew how Miguel hated the stuff. He chuckled a bit as he got the spoon and medicine and heard a muffle groan in his chest.

“Come on, you know it taste like crap but it does help. And it’ll help you sleep better.”

“Unggh...I dow dat Lio. Doesn’t bean I like id.”

After gagging and some cursing later....

Tulio laid down with Miguel laying on his chest. Tulio placed the covers over the both of them making sure Miguel was warm enough. He would give Miguel a icy treat later on. He knew it would make up for the horrible medicine he had to take. Miguel snuggled further into Tulio and Tulio ran his fingers through Miguel’s hair. Miguel coughed a bit but not as harsh as before and Tulio was elated that the medicine was starting to take effect. Miguel spoke softly after a few minutes of comfortable silence...

“How did, Cord’tes led you leave work?”


“I’b assumbing...we owe her drinks?”

“Yup... But I would rather be here with you love then there. My place is here with you.”


“Yeah Miki?”

Miguel yawned before speaking softly. The medicine was doing its job by making him drowsy.

“Will you sing to be...Please?”

Tulio chuckled as he cleared his throat and began singing a song that he made up just for Miguel. Miguel smiled softly as he listened to the sound of his boyfriend’s steady heartbeat and voice. Tulio had a beautiful voice that Miguel was proud to say only he has heard. That’s why one of his nicknames is “Bochornoso.” Miguel smiled as he began to drift of to sleep...But before he did, the last he felt was a soft, gentle kiss on his forehead and before sleep truly claimed him, he smiled as heard Tulio’s voice in that Bochornoso voice say:

“Te Amo Miguel...For ever and always.”

After singing and making sure Miguel was ok, Tulio soon felt his eyes become heavy while still holding his boyfriend in his arms. In his dreams he will love Miguel and everyday..even after he dies, he will as well. But before falling into his dreams, Tulio whispered in Miguel’s ear:

“Feel better my little Dali... I will love you always.”

YAY! I’m done! After some typing on my phone then desktop it came to nine pages! Yay! Tell me what guys think. Did..Did you guys like it? Do you want me to do more? I hope everyone enjoyed. And I apologize if there wasn’t so many sneezing moments. :P:sweatdrop:

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  • 2 years later...
1 hour ago, mariaib said:

Aaaahhhhh, i am eternally screaming now!this is has good has i thoguh!good job!

The fact that you read this. ....I thought no one would.......*one lone tear tickled down my face*  thanks for reading this.

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