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Not_Telling's Drabble Thread (LoZ, HP, Hetalia, Ouran, and more - 35/100)


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Hi guys! I started a drabble thread. So you know that 100-prompt drabble challenge? I think I'm gonna do that. Not only will I follow those prompts, but I will also take requests for my favorite fandoms (or any fandom I know in general). Yup, killing two birds with one stone!

I'm gonna post two lists: One for the fandoms and one for the prompts. Then I'll most definitely take requests and get started on this thing!

Fandom List:

- Full Metal Panic!

- Fruits Basket

- Harry Potter

- Hetalia

- Legend of Zelda

- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

- Percy Jackson and the Olympians

- Ouran High School Host Club

- Baka and Test

- Girls Bravo!

- Vocaloid

- Other: yeah, I probably forgot some

Most will probably be centered around Legend of Zelda, Hetalia, and Harry Potter, just to warn you. biggrin.png

Prompt List:

1 - Kink :: 2 - Science Fiction :: 3 - Frightened :: 4 - Fake :: 5 – Pencil :: 6 – Squint :: 7 – Misplaced :: 8 – Joy :: 9 - Touched :: 10 – Cough :: 11 - Hot/Cold :: 12 – Sin :: 13 – Care :: 14 – Frail :: 15 – The End :: 16 – Three :: 17 – Never :: 18 – Midnight :: 19 – Promise :: 20 – Fight :: 21 – Pollen :: 22 - Embarrassment :: 23 – Alcohol :: 24 – Mask :: 25 – Mistake :: 26 – Suspicion :: 27 – Disagreement :: 28 - Assignment :: 29 – Purple :: 30 – June :: 31 – Calculating :: 32 – Fall :: 33 – Cry :: 34 – Relief :: 35 – Breath :: 36 - Miserable :: 37 – Chocolate :: 38 – Violent :: 39 – Muffle :: 40 – Swift :: 41 – Run :: 42 – Poison :: 43 - Contagion :: 44 – Tissue :: 45 – Sore :: 46 – Enraptured :: 47 – Wary :: 48 – Pathetic :: 49 – Sweat :: 50 – Gentle :: 51 – Milk :: 52 – Ravenous :: 53 - Blanket :: 54 – Needles :: 55 – Sports :: 55 – Ruin :: 56 – Lovely :: 57 – Hospital :: 58 – Annoying :: 59 – Mother :: 60 – Bike :: 61 – Idiot :: 62 - Puppy :: 63 – Control :: 64 - Unfair :: 65 – Similarities :: 66 – Raincoat :: 67 – Worship :: 68 – Attitude :: 69 - Fuck :: 70 – Confession :: 71 – Floor :: 72 – Remedy :: 73 – Don't :: 74 – Ego :: 75 – Heartless :: 76 – Lullaby :: 77 – Secret :: 78 – Shut Up :: 79 – Music :: 80 – Grudge :: 81 – Solitude :: 82 – Magic :: 83 – Dirty :: 84 - City :: 85 – Teacher :: 86 – Sky :: 87 – Hypocrite :: 88 – Tattoo :: 89 – Money :: 90 – Childhood :: 91 – Goodbye :: 92 – Victory :: 93 – Weather :: 94 – Photo :: 95 – Rage :: 96 – Internet:: 97 – Fashion :: 98 – Favor :: 99 – Lazy :: 100 – Airplane

Yay! I can't wait to get started! My first drabble will be in the next post. biggrin.png

Edited by Not_Telling
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  • VividBubbles!


Heyyyyy you. ;) So, I see you're dabbling in drabbling now. And, since you've asked for requests, I feel like it's my duty to give your some. :P

HP: Draco. Or Cedric. Either of them. :drool:

Hetalia: America hiding his sickness because he thinks that heroes shouldn't get sick. Oh! Or America's stuck with one of the countries the NSA has been spying on (maybe France?) and they're pissed at him but he's sick and so they forgive him momentarily and take care of him. :wub:

PJO-HoO: I have two for this one depending on the books you've read.

1.) If you've only read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, then I request Percy getting sick. I don't really care about any of the details for that one. Just Percy sick.

2.) If you've read up to or past The Lost Hero, (this is the one I'd really like to read so if you don't know which one to pick, pick this one!) I'd lovelovelove to see a sick Leo not telling anyone he's sick and no one notices until someone does and then they all fawn over him and he gets all embarrassed because the last time someone took care of him it was his mom and he's all awkward about it and tries to say that he can keep going and denying everything and trying to take the attention off of himself and just is his typical Leo self. Yeah, that would be good.

Mmnngghh, Leo. :heart: I love him to my very core.

I can't wait to start reading your drabbles and I hope you're inspired by one of my requests! :D

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Yay, another Drabble thread! I love Hetalia, Harry Potter and LoZ, so I'm very excited about this! Just out of question, who would you be prepared to write about in Hetalia?

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I feel like I never see anyone writing for Fruits Basket, so I'd be super excited if you do drabble of any kind for it (especially if it's Kyo...or Yuki...)!! ^_^ I'm pretty lurker-y these days, so I don't want to make requests, but I'm just happy to see that fandom on your list. X3

Looking forward to seeing what you end up writing!! :D

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Ooh, such lovely requests!

I have already started my first drabble, based on my favorite fandom of all time Legend of Zelda. Woo!

I must definitely do something with America hiding illness, sick Draco, sick Kyo...

You guys are too much like me! :D

Kk I'll post this next drabble as soon as its finished!

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Hetalia is awesome of course, but I'm actually really excited about Full Metal Panic since I don't think I've ever seen any fetish fic for that series. I love me some Sousuke, not even picky about the cause ;w;

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@Hachimitsu Tea: Oh yes. Sneezy Sousuke will come. Yes.

86 - Sky: A Legend of Zelda fanfic

Character: Link

Game: Skyward Sword

Word count: 302 words.

“Hatchoo! Heh-sshhooo!

Link sniffled and inwardly groaned, trying not to think about the throbbing in his head as he jumped off his Loftwing and skydived onto Pumpkin Landing. He would not have made this trip under normal circumstances, but Zelda had fallen ill, and Link wanted her to get better as quickly as possible. So if pumpkin soup was what she needed, then by god he was going to get her pumpkin soup. He only wished he had enough rupees to get some for himself. Over the last few days, he hadn’t been feeling so great, either.

This is why Link entered the Lumpy Pumpkin looking like death had warmed over. After shutting the door behind him, he clumsily stumbled over to the counter. Pumm, the owner, greeted him with a smile. “Hey, Link. What can I get for you?”

“Ode…Heh-ktchoo! Snf Ode pubmkind soup please.”

“Sure thing,” Pumm replied, pouring the soup into Link’s empty bottle as he engaged in small talk. “So, how have things been going in Skyloft?”

Link leaned his elbow on the counter, resting his head on his hand. “Umb, ndot too bad. Zelda’s a little uder the weather, so I’b brigging her sobe pubmkind…Hatshshhh! Pumpkind soub.” Link succumbed to a fit of coughing. Pumm grimaced at this display.

“Good lord, seems like you could use some yourself, lad.” Pumm handed Link the bottle of soup as Link paid him, sighing. “Ndo, I dod't hab enough rupees. Besides, Zelda cobes first. Heh… Iksshhooo!”

The shopkeeper watched as the boy shivered, and gave a small smile. “That’s mighty sweet of you, lad. But you’ve got to take care of yourself, too. Here…”

Pumm took out a bowl and poured some pumpkin soup into it, then placed it on the counter in front of Link.

“It’s on the house.”

M'kay, sorry if it's not that good. Tell me what you think, and I'll get started on some other drabbles :)

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Mmmmm, Link with a cold and still being all protective :P. Lovely! Er, with your potential Hetalia drabbles, which characters would be feel most comfortable writing about?

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Mmmmm, Link with a cold and still being all protective tonguesmiley.gif. Lovely! Er, with your potential Hetalia drabbles, which characters would be feel most comfortable writing about?

Thank you! Uhm, I love America, Japan, and Germany the most when it comes to sneezes :) Some of my other favorites include Italy, England, Canada...

Oh yes. Lovely.

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I'm not very familiar with Link or the games at all, but from your writing style, it feels like you know him well. I really like how he's just...so...putting Zelda's well-being above his own with this and being like "I really want soup, too, but...rupees..." And the way you write, I could see everything so clearly in my head, and get a good sense of how...poorly...Link is feeling. And I feel bad for him...kind of. ^^;;; So I was glad when Pumm gave him soup... ^_^

But anyway, most definitely good! Looking forward to seeing more~

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@VividBubbles: Sorry, I'm only familiar with the Olympians series, but all of your other requests will be fulfilled ;)

@Artygirl22: Never fear! Sick Draco is here!

@peppercat: I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that series :/ Any other requests?

@Everyone: Well, I am happy to report that every one of your requests (that I am familiar with) are going to be fulfilled! And I am still very open to more! I wrote them all down, so now I have a request list as well. ^_^

Here is sick!Draco!

48 - Pathetic: A Harry Potter fanfic

Character: Draco Malfoy

Book: Doesn't really matter

Word count: 304

Pathetic. That’s what he was, all right. Draco Malfoy felt awful: sick, tired, irritable, congested, miserable, and absolutely pathetic. As he sat in the library, studying for his potions exam, his nose gave that same dreaded tickle that it had been giving for the last few hours. If that wasn’t bad enough, he began breathing those same dreaded hitched breaths that indicated an oncoming sneeze. “Hehh……ehh.….hihh…

He knew he had to sneeze, but he couldn’t. Not with all those other people in the library. They might think that he was sick, which he was, and they would see him as vulnerable, pitiful, or even worse: pathetic.

I am a Slytherin, Draco thought. Slytherins are not pathetic. They don’t show weakne-

Draco’s thoughts were interrupted when the inevitable happened. He had no time to prepare as the dreaded sneezes escaped from him.

Hih-Pshh! Epshoo! Pshhoo! Psh! Ngxnt! P’shhn!....Heh-Pshhoo!

Well, at least he’d managed to stifle a few of them.

The irritation and embarrassment Malfoy felt with himself was nothing compared to when he looked over his shoulder to find, standing right next to him, none other than Harry Potter.

“Potter…” Malfoy scoffed, but his scowl didn’t remain as he began coughing, without warning. Harry just stood there and watched as Draco regained his composure. When he was finished, Harry held out a box of tissues.

“I thought you might need these.”

Draco gave Harry the most fatal of death glares, but his desire to blow his stuffed-up nose soon won out. He snatched the box from his rival and gave him a look that seemed to say, ‘Go away! Can’t you see I’m busy?’

Harry complied, leaving Draco alone with the tissues. He plucked one from the box and blew his nose gently, cursing that Potter with every foul word in the dictionary.

How pathetic.


Okay, it's not that good, but... it's okay? I know, it's kinda bad. But it's not horrible. :D

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D'awwww, Harry gave Draco tissues! He's so sweet. :wub:

Can't wait to read more!

BYE! :bleh:

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Just the fact that Harry's casually there with tissues... X)))

'Tis fine! I'm perfectly content with where your drabbles are at right now; which is to say, AMAZING. Keep it up!

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@Vivid_Bubbles: Thanks, VB dear! Can't wait to write more! Yes, Harry is sweet, is he not?

@peppercat: Haha, I know. The awkwardness of it all! Thank you so much, support like this totally makes my day :)

Thanks guys for all your wonderful support! I now give you Fruits Basket! Dun dun dunnnnn!!! Tell me what you think!

24 - Mask: A Fruits Basket fanfic

Character: Yuki

Word count: 391

Tohru Honda was just setting the table for breakfast, on what seemed like a totally normal Thursday morning. Needless to say, she was a bit confused when Yuki came downstairs with a surgical mask on his face.

“Good morning Yuki! Um, why are you wearing that mask?”

Yuki looked to the side, a bit embarrassed as he explained, “Well, to be hondest, Mbiss Honda, I seeb to have cobe dowd with a bit of a cold, add so I took the proper saditary precautiods to prevedt,” he paused for a moment to stifle a few coughs. “Excuse be. I took the precautiods to prevedt adyode else frob gettig sick.”

Tohru took a good look at him, no doubt she was concerned. The last time Yuki had a cold, he passed out from a horrible asthma attack. “Are you going to be okay?” she asked worriedly. “Are you sure you should be going to school today?”

“I’ll be fide, Mbiss Hond….Ho…Hekshiew! Hikshiew! Snf Mbiss Honda.”

Kyo busted out laughing at Yuki’s small fit. “Whad…H’kshiew! Whad’s so fuddy?” asked the confused rat. Was Kyo amused by his discomfort?

“Your sneezes…..they’re so girly! Hahahahahahaha! Hikshiew! Hikshiew!” Kyo started mocking Yuki’s sneezes and rolled on the floor laughing as if it was the funniest thing ever. Yuki just glared at him, while Tohru attempted to get him to stop. “Kyo, don’t make fun of Yuki’s sneezes!”

Despite her attempts, Kyo continued to make fun of Yuki. “Sneeze again for me, lassie! Hikshiew! Hikshiew!” Yuki was not amused. He coughed a few more times and stared icily at the cackling kittycat.

“Stop it.”

Kyo sighed and nodded. “Okay.” Tohru breathed a sigh of relief, and Yuki, although satisfied, looked at the cat in surprise. He sat down and they began to eat their breakfast. Kyo waited a few seconds, and grinned.

“Hikshiew!” he mocked.

“You freakid’ addoyig jerk, whad the hell is wrog with you?!” Yuki lunged for Kyo and they began one of their classic Cat vs. Rat brawls. Kyo angrily retorted, “I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up over it! I’m just having a little fun! It’s not my fault you’re sneezes are so freakin’ girly!”

“Whad’s wrog with havig a girly *cough cough* sdeeze, adyway?”

Meanwhile, Tohru just stood there awkwardly, as the breakfast she had prepared started to get cold.

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These are awesome! I expecially love the Link one. Poor baby! :3

Thanks! That makes me happy :)

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Waaah~ You wrote Yuki!! I was thinking about this yesterday after I read it and was like "Dude, his sneezes fit his animal..." And thought it was just awesome that you did that. xD Also I feel so bad for him, Kyo's being mean. xD I could totally hear them speaking, too, and I love that Tohru was trying to get Yuki to stay home. X3 Thank you for writing this!!

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@Elements of Gray: Thanks! I guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I thought these were bad...

Okay, guys, to be honest, I don't know France that well, but I am going to fulfill this request anyway! I will do the best I can to keep them in character, but just to warn you in advance. Plus, I've never written anything for Hetalia before :/

70 - Confession: A Hetalia fanfic

Character: America

Series: Doesn’t matter; Just gonna say Axis Powers

Word count: 349

“Wait, so you’re telling me we’re locked in?!”

“We are snowed in, Amerique.” France looked up at America. “So now you can tell me exactly why you ‘ave been spying on me, oui?”

America shifted in his seat and discreetly sniffled. France stood up and glared at him, continuing angrily. “You think I ‘ave not noticed? What is zis about, anyway? I swear, if zis has somezhing to do with zhat war on terrorism…”

He stopped when America started abruptly coughing into his fist. This came as a surprise to the older nation. He had not known America was ill. “A-Amerique?”

America quickly got back under control, biting back a few more throat-scraping coughs before he confessed. “M’fine, m’fine. Yes, it’s true. I’ve been spying on you. I’ve been spying on everybody. I…I’m sorry. I don’t-“

His voice cracked, sending him back to that horrible coughing. France’s expression softened. “Oh, Amerique…” France walked over to the younger nation and gently placed his palm on America’s forehead. “Mon chère, you ‘ave a fever! Why didn’t you say anyzhing?!”

France eased America off the couch and guided him to his bedroom. He had to bite his lip to not blurt out any dirty jokes, although millions were working their way into his perverted little mind. By this time, America had stopped coughing, and was now sitting on the bed, looking expectantly at France, albeit shuddering from the contrast between his feverish skin and the cool air. “Hey dude, aren’t you gonna keep yelling at me or…hnn…Hxxn! Hsshn! Snf or something?”

France sighed. “Non, mon chère, now is not zhe time.” He gingerly laid America down onto the bed and covered him with the warm blanket. His ally was obviously not feeling well. For once, France was going to have to grow up and do what needed to be done. “You are going to rest. If you need anyzhing, besides my immediate forgiveness, just let me know.”

He began to exit the room, turning out the light before doing so with a wink.

“I will yell at you in the morning, oui?”

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D'awwwwwww! France, why you so smexy? And America, why you so adorable? MMM, you filled this drabble perfectly. :wub: I can't to read more of these! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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Is there any chance that Japan will make an appearance?


D'awwwwwww! France, why you so smexy? And America, why you so adorable? MMM, you filled this drabble perfectly. wub.png I can't to read more of these! smile.png

BYE! bleh.gif

Thank you so much! Mayhaps I will write one more drabble this weekend...

Thanks again so much, you guys! Without your inspiration, I probably wouldn't have the courage to continue this thread tonguesmiley.gif

And now......I give you......Seaweed Brain!

20 - Fight: A Percy Jackson fanfic

Character: Percy

Book: Doesn’t matter

Word count: 508

The clanking of the swords could be heard as Annabeth and Percy battled. They were training at Camp Halfblood, as they did every day. As she blocked another attack and started on the offensive, Annabeth noticed that Percy hadn’t been fighting with his usual vigor. He was a really good swordsman, and usually won about half of their battles, more or less. But today, he hadn’t won a single one.

Percy blocked her quick attacks, backing up as she came closer. Annabeth thrust her shield against his, and he fell to the ground. Instead of bounding back up, ready for a rematch, Percy slowly got to his feet, using a nearby tree to steady himself, breathing heavily.

Annabeth finally lost it. She threw down her sword and shield, starting towards him. “What is the matter with you today?!”

Percy swallowed, and tried to ignore the tickle in the back of his throat as he replied. “W-what do you mean?” he stuttered.

Annabeth gave him a look that clearly said ‘Are you kidding me?’

“You haven’t won a single fight today. Not one!” Percy cleared his throat, unsure of how to respond. He tried to come up with an excuse.

“Well, uh, you know…there are good days, and there are bad days…”

The daughter of Athena looked at him in disbelief. They didn’t call her mother ‘the goddess of wisdom’ for nothing. She knew something was wrong, but she didn’t know what. Annabeth examined him more closely, his expression of weariness evident on his face. “What’s wrong, Percy?”

“Nuhh…nothing…” He lied, trying not to sneeze in front of her. Percy knew that sneezing now would be a dead giveaway. His nose twitched, his nostrils flared; he summed up all of his strength to keep the sneeze at bay. This didn't go unnoticed by Annabeth, who was still watching him intently.


Finally, the sneezes escaped him. He barely had time to duck his head into the crook of his elbow before it happened. “Hehh…Hep-shuu! Heshuu! Hikshuu!.....Hesshhooo! Shuu!....ihh…Hhih…….ISHHUU!”

The force of the sneezing overtook his whole body, making him shudder with every release. Annabeth now saw the full extent of his weakness, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Percy muffled a few harsh coughs into his sleeve, and looked up at Annabeth guiltily.

“Y-You’re sick! You were out here, sword training in the cold, when you were sick!” She fumed. “Why didn’t you tell anybody, Seaweed Brain?!”

“I-I just…Hikshuu! Hep-shuu! Ungh…” Percy was too tired to argue with her. There was no point in it. Annabeth grabbed his hand and began to drag him back to the camp. “A-Annabeth…”

“What, Perc-“

She stopped talking when she turned around. Percy’s eyes were glazed over. He wobbled unsteadily on his feet.

“Percy? Are you okay? You don’t look so - Percy!”

Annabeth shouted his name as he stumbled forward, and she caught him just before he hit the ground. Her eyes widened, and she muttered to herself, more concerned than angry.

“Seaweed Brain….how could you be so stupid?”

Edited by Lynne
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Did I never comment on this?! Whoops! Well, this was amazing and wonderful and so cute. Percyyyy. :wub:

I can't wait to read more! :)

BYE! :bleh:

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